Summary of Curso Las 7 Fiestas Solemnes del Señor - Sesión 4

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the seventh feast of the Lord, the Feast of Tabernacles. This feast commemorates Israel's return to the land after being exiled for centuries, and it is a time to rejoice and be forgiven for past sins. In this video, Jeremy shows how this feast can be studied further to gain a better understanding of why God is returning to Israel or, alternatively, because we should love and bless Israel--two complementary presentations that can help make sense of some of the topics covered in previous teachings.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the seven sacred festivals of the Lord, and how we can learn about His Passion for Israel by looking at these celebrations. Today's lesson focuses on Cenit, one of the seven festivals. The presenter shares how to pray for the class, and then asks the pastor (Heriberto) to pray for the class. He also asks the pastor to bless his family and congregation. The presenter asks the pastor how often he has been to Israel, and what family reasons brought him there in the past. Finally, the presenter asks the pastor to remember a past conference in Israel.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the 7 Festivals of the Lord - Session 4. The Lord has been using them especially in Latin America to announce His vision of success, and He also visited many countries during this ministry's early years, starting with Mexico and expanding to South and Central America. Enrique Porras, apastor and missionary who was also involved in the early years of this ministry, is mentioned. The video mentions that, as of now, the Lord has placed His ministry in Latin America in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Guatemala. The video goes on to say that the primary goal of this ministry is to raise funds and intercede for the restoration of physical and spiritual Israel. It also mentions that, through volunteers, the ministry is able to help people in need in countries where the work is large and there is even assistance in humanitarian projects. However, many people misunderstand the financial well-being of the Jewish people because of the impression given by the media. The goal of this ministry is to raise money and intercede for the restoration of the Jewish people, with the help of influential pastors and their congregations. Financial support from individual believers is also appreciated.
  • 00:10:00 This video discusses the seven solemn Jewish holidays, and provides information about the holiday of repentance, or Yom Kippur. It also discusses the significance of these holidays in Jewish culture and religion. The video concludes with a brief overview of the holiday of John the Baptist, which is also a Jewish holiday.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses Leviticus 23:26-29, which states that on the seventh day of this month, which is the seventh month, there will be a special day of atonement. This day is also known as the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur. The video discusses how this day of atonement is important in Judaism and Christianity, and how it involves fasting and offering a special sacrifice. It also discusses how this day is related to the Day of Atonement in the Hebrew calendar. Finally, it mentions that this day, October 10th, is the day selected for this year's special purification ceremony.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, a priest and their home say how to cleanse first, who will be ministering this. We find this reference and Leviticus 16:6 here. We leave that task for later so you can visit this passage and read it later. According to the instruction, the people are randomly chosen to choose a goat and sacrifice it to purify the temple of any impurity caused by any sin of the Israelites, in general. First, the priest and their home, and then the Israelites, are mentioned in verses 7 and 8 of the same chapter 16. Well, we're going to go little by little introducing this topic of atonement. Finally, and something very interesting, was released because today, we don't see it happen. The second goat was released in the desert. Remember that fortunately, one was selected for sacrifice and the other was said to be released in the desert. Over this goat, called the luck of Azazel, fell what was called the fate of Azazel, sent to the desert described in verses 10-12 of this chapter 16. We see this figure mentioned in the New Testament too, in particular in Revelation. So, dear friends, this ceremony is interpreted by many Jewish Messianics as
  • 00:25:00 In this video, the seven Seder customs described are explained in detail. These ceremonies commemorate the Passover holiday, and reflect Jewish beliefs about the afterlife. One custom discussed is the sacrifice of a sheep or goat as an expiation for sin. This practice is continued today in Judaism by transferring sin and guilt onto a lamb or goat. Another custom discussed is the judgement of nations. Jews believe that God will judge the nations in the Messianic era, before Jesus returns as the Messiah. This is described in Matthew 25:31-46. Finally, this video discusses the meaning of the red cord that is worn during the Seder, and how it symbolizes Jesus' sacrifice.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, we learn about the 7 sacred Jewish holidays. We learn that on miraculously, we could say that Jesus as the Messiah because the color of the lamb's wool did not change, which indicated that sacrifices of animals were no longer necessary. We understand this teaching in terms of Jesus being found in the celebrations, and Jesus is seen here as the supreme priest, Jesus, the Hebrews' high priest, 3:1 not declares, also in John 20:17 Jesus said to you do not touch me because I have not yet ascended to the father. We remember these words of the Lord after his death, when he resurrects, these words will be the same as those spoken before he ascended to the altar. This is to say that Jesus took on the supreme sacerdotal role through his perfect work, instead of wearing the colorful clothing worn by the priest Aaron, beloved as a priest, he should wear special clothing made of linen, this is what we read elsewhere in Leviticus 16:4 a few minutes ago, Daniel the Prophet Daniel changed his vision and saw the Lord like this during his time of fasting and prayer, as we are told about in Daniel 10:5-6 where he says his vision of the Lord included seeing a man clothed in
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Rabbi David Rosen discusses the nine points in the Lord's Day observance that are transformed into a blessing for our lives. Each point is a source of happiness, joy, and celebration during the festival of Tabernacles. So, by understanding the words of God, we can understand and celebrate these things too. Now, beloved children of Israel and all Gentiles who know and know of Jesus can rejoice only to have been redeemed and forgiven of our sins. This is written prophetically in Isaiah 52:15: "He will astonish many nations with this same action." The kings of the earth will close their mouths in disbelief when they see what was not told them and understand what they had never heard. We are honored and glory to God today as we can see and understand the powerful work of Jesus Christ through His crucifixion and resurrection. That is what we can understand in particular. Now, in this particular passage from Isaiah, it says that He will astonish many nations. The Hebrew translation says "He will astonish many peoples," and that is what I believe this passage is referring to. He will astonish many nations with this same action—that is, the shedding of His blood on the cross.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the seventh feast of Lord's Supper, or the Feast of Tabernacles. This feast commemorates Israel's return to the land after being exiled for centuries, and it is a time to rejoice and be forgiven for past sins. In this video, Jeremy shows how this feast can be studied further to gain a better understanding of why God is returning to Israel or, alternatively, because we should love and bless Israel--two complementary presentations that can help make sense of some of the topics covered in previous teachings.
  • 00:45:00 In this fourth session of a seminar on the holiday festivities of the Lord, students are reminded to chat in the chat box and to find the resources in the links section. The presenter also presents different sermons by Pastor Heriberto and audio recordings of the seminar very well. Finally, I convert the PDF to PowerPoint to avoid having to struggle with it, and this is the opportunity to open it up best. I hope this teaching will interest you in the minutes left before the end, because I believe it to be a valuable complement to the questions students had on the day of yesterday. First, I believe the love of God for His people is eternal, and this is one of the reasons why we should love them too. Second, according to Jeremiah 31:3-4, God's love for Israel is a love that is "everlasting." Third, this love is the first reason for His power. Fourth, it is also mentioned in Psalm 122:6-7 that loving Israel brings us a blessing in return. Finally, in Isaiah 54:10-11, the prophet soothes the people of Jerusalem by saying, "All who bless you will be blessed, and all who curse you will be cursed. In you all the families of the
  • 00:50:00 In this video, we learn about some of the seven sacred festivals celebrated by Lord. These festivals remind us of God's love for us and how we should love Israel, because Jesus also asked us to do so. We also read a passage from Matthew 25 where Jesus speaks about coming to be blessed from Father's inheritance, and answering the king with "deserts" when He healed one of His disciples. We see in this passage that this woman not only helped the Jews, but recognized God as her own, and became an exemplary hero of Israel by joining the Israelites and receiving a powerful blessing beyond what she could have ever imagined. Another example is found in Luke 6, where we read about a centurion who approaches Jesus with a request for his servant to be healed. Jesus heals the servant, and the centurion is so grateful that he brings a gift to Jesus. Jesus accepts the gift, and blesses the centurion and his servant for their mercy. These examples show us that God is loving and merciful even to those who have sinned, and that He rewards His faithful with extraordinary blessings.
  • 00:55:00 The video argues that the ancient Jews used logic to persuade Jesus to enter the house of a gentile, something that was considered sinful by Jews. This is documented in the gospel of Luke, where it says, "For he [Jesus] loved our nation and built us a synagogue" (Luke 7:5). The message delivered to Jesus by the elderly Jews was this: the gentile deserves the blessing of God's Israelite people, or health desired by the elderly. Here we see another example of how the scriptures teach us to bless the people of Israel: by performing benevolence deeds. There is another example of this in the New Testament, this time in chapter 10 of the book of Acts. This event is described as follows: "Cornelio and all his family were devout and fearfully obedient to God; they performed many deeds of benevolence for the people of Israel and prayed constantly to God" (Acts 10:2). This combination of prayer and beneficence led to the salvation of the first Gentile house in Israel, Cornelius' house in Cesarea. The question "Why did God choose Cornelius' house in Cesarea to be the first house of gentiles to receive the gospel of salvation?" is answered in chapter 10

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

This video from Pastor Luis Garcia of the Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal de Los Angeles discusses how to celebrate the seven solemn festivals of the Lord. These festivals are: Passover, Easter, Pentecost, Tabernacles, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's. Each festival has its own set of rituals and prayers that followers of Christ should follow. Pastor Garcia also provides downloadable resources so followers can learn more about these festivals.

  • 01:00:00 This video takes a look at the seven festivals that are mentioned in the Bible, specifically Isaiah 11-12. It discusses how these festivals foreshadow the coming Second Coming of Jesus Christ. One of the main reasons why Christians love Israel is because they are descendants of Abraham, who was chosen by God. Thus, Israel is a key part of the Church's growth and fulfillment. The Church cannot be complete without the remnant of Israel, who have been chosen by God.Through these seven festivals, the Church is reminded of the coming of Jesus Christ and His love for Israel. These festivals also prepare the Church for His Second Coming. Israel is a key part of this, because they are the only people who can bring reconciliation between Jews and Christians. Finally, the video quotes from Isaiah 11:10-12, which states that the root of the woman who will be a "burden for the nations" (meaning that she will be a sign to all nations) will be found in Israel. Everyone who seeks God will find Him in Israel, just as He promised.
  • 01:05:00 The video demonstrates how to celebrate seven religious holidays in honor of Jesus Christ, using biblical references. The first holiday is called Shavuot, and it commemorates the day when Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. The second holiday is called Yom Kippur, and it commemorates the day when the Israelites were saved from God's wrath by Moses' death on Mount Sinai. The third holiday is called Sukkot, and it commemorates the harvest festival when the Israelites were allowed to stay in the land of Canaan for a week. The fourth holiday is called Tabernacles, and it commemorates the time when the Israelites were in the desert and lived in tents. The fifth holiday is called Hanukkah, and it commemorates the day when the Israelites were saved from a Syrian attack. The sixth holiday is called Christmas, and it commemorates the day when Jesus was born. The seventh and final holiday is called Easter, and it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of these holidays are celebrated by calling on God's help and blessing Israel. The video concludes with a talk by Pastor Jeremy about how to celebrate these holidays in a way that will be pleasing to God.
  • 01:10:00 This video discusses the seven sacred Jewish festivals, including Pentecost. The video points out that, despite some negative reactions from the people of Israel during the arrival of the Messiah, Christianity still holds strong affection for Israel, and has a specific plan for restoring the Jewish people. Because through the Jewish people, God will be glorified throughout the nations, and even today, God still loves Israel and has a plan of salvation for all of the remnant of Israel. Consequently, the events of rejection that could have occurred during the coming of the Messiah and even with the exposition of the Gospel still today are not enough to remove the Israelites from their chosen role in God's plan for glorifying Himself and writing the Bible in a prophetic manner, "Only in Israel will the Lord be glorified among the nations, and he will bring glory to Israel before them. He will also rule with them as one ruler. He gave this promise to his disciples, along with his promise to bring back all of Israel to the land and to establish his kingdom on earth. Only those who have known Jesus as Lord and Savior will share in his reign during the millennial age." In reality, by repeatedly quoting passages where there is a negative reaction to Israel's reception of the Messiah, Christians are creating
  • 01:15:00 The seventh feast of the Lord is celebrated in a similar way to the harvest festival, in which we rejoice in the fruits of the earth. I understand that those souls who have been won for Christ are already planted in the world. Then, I am not confused about where I find Christ here at this feast of petencos. The connection between Jesus and Pentecost is made clear in the experience of the saint who comes down upon those 120 people. Just as we can see the arrival of Christ at the end of the Exodus story, when he says to his disciples, "Where is my sheep who was lost?" (John 10:1), so we can see the restoration of the Lord's kingdom in the present day through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus promised his disciples that they would remain in Jerusalem until they were clothed with the Holy Spirit (John 14:23), so we can see the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers today. Having received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, this is the connection between Jesus and this festival. By reading Leviticus carefully, we can gain a more complete understanding of the process that took place before the sacrifice of the sheep and the two goat sacrifices. With this background, I will now
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses how Gentile Christians should not observe Jewish holidays, and then goes on to teach about seven annual religious festivals that are still celebrated by some Christians, despite their disapproval of Judaism. The main point of the video is that these festivals have a deep spiritual meaning that can only be accessed by following Christ instead of Judaism. This teaching is important, as it helps Christians to see the spiritual richness that is still present in the Old Testament even after the Jews ceased to observe it.
  • 01:25:00 In this fourth video in a series on the Christian celebration of Christmas, specifically, the seven sacred festivals of the Lord, it is explained that we can celebrate these festivals, but not because the word says we should, but because we should celebrate perpetually. These festivals, solemnly observed by brothers and sisters, are, in fact, celebrated but now we understand why we celebrate them this way- under the Christian perspective of understanding what they mean for our lives in the person of Jesus. As believers, we have been celebrating these festivals often, without realizing it, throughout the year, but especially during the Christmas season. As we understand this better, we can also celebrate Pentecost, which is the Christian Easter, and thus go on to celebrate each of these festivals according to the Christian perspective of understanding their meaning in the light of Jesus' life and death on earth, and His resurrection. This is indeed the way we should celebrate these festivals, under the Christian perspective of understanding Christ Himself being celebrated in each one. Finally, a question is asked and a Pastor responds.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, Pastor Heriberto talks about the seven solemn festivals of the Lord, session 4. He says that, in Judaism, these festivals are seen as a way of cleansing the people of God of their sins, but that in Christianity, they are seen as a representation of the sin that was injected into humanity through Satan. He also explains that, in this context, Satan is the embodiment of sin, and that the purpose of the sacrifices and rituals performed during these festivals was to cleanse the people of God of their sins. He finishes by saying that, on the Day of Judgment, we will all be able to see Christ Himself, and that we are all invited to join them in this celebration.
  • 01:35:00 In this video, Pastor Luis Garcia of the Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal de Los Angeles teaches how to celebrate the seven solemn festivals of the Lord. These festivals are: Passover, Easter, Pentecost, Tabernacles, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's. Each festival has its own set of rituals and prayers that followers of Christ should follow. Pastor Garcia also provides downloadable resources so followers can learn more about these festivals.

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