Summary of Macros Excel, Cap. 12 Relación de facturas. Práctica final 2/3 @ADNDC @adanjp

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

This section of the video addresses the process of transferring and validating data in Excel macros, using functions like "ActiveCell.Row" and "Cells" to select specific ranges and cells based on their coordinates. The instructor also demonstrates how to input and store data using the "InputBox" function. In this section, the instructor also explains how to use macros to automate the process of entering invoice information, including calculations for VAT and IRPF (Income Tax). They also demonstrate how to use "for" and "next" loops to streamline the process. Additionally, the tutorial provides a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use comments and cell naming for easier tracking. Finally, the video tutorial demonstrates how to use buttons and "If" statements to verify the accuracy of the data entered and clear incorrect data.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, Adam JP discusses how to empty the information captured in the previous section and verify if the data entered by the user is correct. He demonstrates how to select the worksheet and range where the information is stored and generates dialogue boxes to prompt the user to enter the relevant data. Once the information is captured, he demonstrates how to transfer it to the designated cells in the worksheet. He also explains the need to position the program at the correct location in order to detect the last written line. Overall, this section focuses on the process of transferring and validating data in Excel macros.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the instructor explains the use of the "ActiveCell" and "Cells" functions in Excel macros. The "ActiveCell.Row" function is used to select the last used row in the worksheet, and the "Cells" function is used to specify a specific cell based on its coordinates. The instructor demonstrates how to activate and select the next row using these functions. The tutorial also covers how to store and retrieve values using the "InputBox" function. Overall, this section provides a step-by-step walkthrough of using macros to navigate and input data in Excel.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to use macros in Excel to automate the process of entering invoice information. The example given involves entering the base amount, tax percentages, and invoice number. The speaker demonstrates how to select the active row, enter the invoice number, and move on to the next cell for entering the date. The process is repeated for entering the supplier and base amount. The speaker emphasizes that this method may be longer than using more advanced techniques, such as "for" and "next" loops, but it serves as a good review of the basics covered in the first season.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video tutorial demonstrates how to use macros in Excel to fill in invoice information automatically. The transcript excerpt explains the use of apostrophes as comments and the process of naming cells for easier reference. The tutorial also shows how to input the base amount, VAT, and IRPF (Income Tax) values in the invoice. Additionally, it demonstrates how to correct formatting errors and divide percentages by 100. By following the steps outlined in the video, users can successfully populate an invoice with accurate calculations.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the user explains that they want to use buttons to verify if the information is correct. They create a message box with a question asking if the data is correct and buttons for yes and no. They then generate an input box to display the user's response. They want to add a condition that if the user selects "no" to indicate incorrect data, the information should be cleared and reentered. They use the 'If' statement to check if the response is "No" and then proceed to clear the content in the active row.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to select a range and close the instruction using '&'. They demonstrate how to input invoice data and ask if the data is correct before continuing. If the data is incorrect, they show how to delete everything and start over. The process is repeated with a different set of values, and it is explained that if you select 'no' when asked if the data is correct, the row will be cleared. The speaker invites viewers to subscribe to their channel for notifications on new courses, and mentions that there will be two more tutorials in this series.

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