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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Dr. Miguel Carbonell, an accomplished researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM, gave a practical conference titled "Cómo ser un buen estudiante de derecho: consejos prácticos" aimed at law students. He emphasizes the importance of striving for excellence in legal education, offers tips on how to be a good law student, and stresses the need to specialize early in a specific area of law. Other practical advice includes learning a second language and seeking mentorship from experienced lawyers. Carbonell also stresses the importance of acquiring skills and developing competencies to be ahead of peers when seeking employment in a highly competitive legal field.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the director of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón welcomes attendees to a conference titled "Cómo ser un buen estudiante de derecho: consejos prácticos" given by Dr. Miguel Carbonell, an accomplished researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM. The director acknowledges Carbonell's extensive contributions to the legal field, including authorship of 60 books and coordinator of another 52 works, as well as over 530 articles published in various languages. The conference is aimed at law students and will offer practical advice for their professional development.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker introduces Dr. Miguel Carbonell and highlights the importance of teachers in shaping the minds of students. He emphasizes the need to encourage students to aspire to be excellent, care for their professional careers, and cultivate the habits of effort and study. The speaker also praises Dr. Carbonell's love for Mexico and his extraordinary work as a student, teacher, researcher, editor, and writer. He encourages students to follow Dr. Carbonell's example and use the resources available to them to improve their legal knowledge, perfect their litigation skills, and develop their own style as ideal lawyers. Finally, the speaker believes that it is possible to end corruption and impunity in Mexico by working together and embracing the values of public universities like UNAM.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell addresses a group of first-year law students and starts by congratulating them on beginning their lifelong journey of studying law. While emphasizing the importance of recognizing that there is always room for improvement, he encourages the students to aim high and strive for excellence. He states that studying law is a lifelong commitment and one must be prepared to face the challenges of professional life where exams are much tougher than those in the classroom. Dr. Carbonell reminds the students that they have just embarked on a journey that has no definite end but holds great potential for success and excellence in the legal profession.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell gives 10 recommendations on how to be a good law student. He prefaces by saying that while some may seem like common sense, they are things he believes no one teaches in legal education. His first tip is to learn to make to-do lists to keep track of the many assignments, readings, and projects law students will face. He cites studies that show that a great deal of mental energy is lost trying to remember everything that needs to be accomplished if we don't write it down. The other tips he offers include ways to study more efficiently, how to read, the advantages of breaking down cases into parts, how to improve writing skills, and developing good habits of punctuality and organization.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell gives two practical tips on how to be a good law student. Firstly, he suggests creating daily, weekly, and long-term lists of tasks to help conserve mental energy and focus on learning. Secondly, he recommends learning an uncommon language, as Mexico is one of the world's most open economies, and opportunities abound in well-paid jobs such as legal advisors or general counsels for foreign companies. Still, language skills may be a determining factor to secure these jobs.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell offers practical advice on how to be a successful law student. He emphasizes that pursuing a law degree should not just be about making money or finding a job, but about opening doors and opportunities in the legal profession. Carbonell recommends that students specialize in a specific area of law to become experts, instead of trying to be a general practitioner. He stresses the importance of learning a second language, particularly a less common one, to stand out and compete with other lawyers. Carbonell also points out that being a good lawyer involves more than just legal knowledge, but also requires social skills and ethical values.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell advises students to specialize early in their legal studies, as it is necessary for success in the professional world. He explains that being a generalist and taking on any case that comes your way is not a viable option. Additionally, he suggests that students should learn to charge for their work and not take on cases for free, as it can lead to a lack of time for actual clients. Carbonell emphasizes the importance of acquiring skills and developing competencies in each field of study as soon as possible to be ahead of their peers.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of learning how to charge professional fees and how it is not taught in law school. He mentions various methods of charging clients, including a fixed monthly fee, hourly billing, or a contingency fee. He warns against lawyers who exploit desperate clients in criminal cases by charging fees upfront and then abandoning them, and suggests the use of contingency fees to show the client that you are invested in their success.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell advises law students to consider the financial aspects of practicing law and how it can impact their lives. He highlights the rising competition in the field due to the high number of law school students each year and how this can impact the students' ability to make a living. He urges them to think outside the box about how to generate revenue, which may include learning how to collect payment from clients for their services. He concludes by emphasizing that law students need to consider their professional image and how their appearance and behavior can impact their professional careers in the future.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Miguel Carbonell gives practical advice on how to be a good law student. He stresses the importance of dressing professionally to show respect to the profession, as well as learning negotiation skills which he believes are often ignored in the curriculum. Carbonell also dispels the myth that a good lawyer is one who litigates everything and encourages students to seek alternative solutions, especially in criminal cases where most cases do not even reach trial. He emphasizes the importance of repairing damage and learning to negotiate with clients for an efficient and effective practice.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell advises law students that not all cases should be taken to court, and that it is best to negotiate within the law. He explains that the best lawyers are those that can resolve cases rather than create more problems, and suggests that it is important to seek mentorship from experienced lawyers who can provide guidance and counsel. In particular, he recommends finding mentors who can offer insights into navigating complex situations such as charging fees for legal services.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the lecturer emphasizes the importance of seeking a mentor, particularly someone with decades of experience, who can provide practical guidance when faced with important decisions. He also stresses the importance of learning how to argue effectively and how to construct persuasive and well-supported arguments that are backed up with relevant evidence. He suggests that students should consider expanding their knowledge beyond the law to include scientific fields that are relevant to the legal profession, such as DNA and genetics analysis, chemistry, and handwriting analysis, among others. The lecturer argues that winning cases often requires more than just knowledge of legal concepts and principles; it also requires the ability to present a convincing and well-supported argument that can stand up in court.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

Dr. Miguel Carbonell emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude in the legal profession in his lecture on how to be a good law student. He stresses that effective communication and establishing trust with clients are critical elements to success as a lawyer, and advises students to sit in front and participate actively in class as a display of a good attitude towards learning. Carbonell reminds students to be mindful of their actions on social media, which can affect their professional standings. In the end, having a good attitude is one of the most important factors in opening doors for future success in law.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell gives his tenth and final suggestion to law students: have a good attitude. Possessing a positive attitude in the practice of law can make the difference between a mediocre lawyer and an excellent one. Carbonell emphasizes the importance of establishing trust with clients by looking them in the eye, having a confident posture, and being well-spoken in public. He believes that students who sit in the front of the class and participate actively display a good attitude towards learning. Ultimately, having a good attitude is one of the most critical elements to open doors for future success in the legal profession.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude in the field of law. He advises that if you feel uncomfortable communicating with people or speaking in public, perhaps you should reconsider if law is the right career choice for you. He stresses that lawyers work with people, and communication is key. A lawyer who cannot communicate effectively, either in writing or orally, cannot be a good lawyer. Additionally, he warns students to be mindful of their actions on social media, as it can affect their professional standings in the future. Overall, Carbonell stresses that a good attitude is essential to success in the field of law.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Dr. Miguel Carbonell is recognized for his lecture on how to be a good law student and is awarded by the Autonomous University of Mexico. The audience expresses their gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Carbonell for his lecture.

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