Summary of Atomic Habits AUDIOBOOK FULL by James Clear

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Habits are important for achieving success, both in terms of external measures like earning money or losing weight, and in terms of developing deep beliefs about oneself. James Clear provides four simple steps for building better habits.

  • 00:00:00 James Clear's "atomic habits" book tells the story of his high school baseball-bat injury, which caused him to lose his memory of the moment of impact. He recalls that his classmates helped him walk to the nurse's office, where he was asked a series of questions about his year, who the president was, and his mother's name. He also recalls that he stopped breathing and had multiple seizures before being flown to a larger hospital. His recovery was mercifully quick, and he regained his ability to smell within a few days. However, his left eye was permanently damaged in the process, and he had to have surgery to fix his broken bones.
  • 00:05:00 James Clear discusses the importance of habits in his personal life and how they helped him overcome obstacles such as a broken nose and injury that prevented him from playing baseball at a high level. He shares how attending Denison University helped him develop good habits that helped him succeed academically and athletically.
  • 00:10:00 James Clear discusses his book, Atomic Habits, which details his experiences and research on habits. He explains that by understanding how thoughts, feelings, and behavior are interconnected, one can create better habits over time. He also discusses his Habits Academy, which has helped thousands of people build better habits.
  • 00:15:00 The video describes how a British cycling team, which was previously mediocre, managed to achieve success in the late 2000s by making small, incremental changes to their training and cycling gear. The changes that Dave Brailsford and his team made were simple, but they resulted in big changes. This approach can be applied to any area of your life where you want to improve.
  • 00:20:00 James Clear explains that the difference between success and failure is largely determined by our habits, and that it is important to understand how habits work and how to create good ones. Small, everyday decisions can have a big impact over time, and it is important to remember this when making choices.
  • 00:25:00 James Clear discusses how habits compound and how different types of compounding can have a powerful effect. He talks about how breakthrough moments often result from a series of small actions, and how mastery requires patience.
  • 00:30:00 James Clear explains that goals are "about the results you want to achieve," while systems are about the processes that lead to those results. He goes on to say that if you're a coach, your goal might be to win a championship, while your system is the way you recruit players, manage assistant coaches, and conduct practice. If you're an entrepreneur, your goal might be to build a million dollar business, while your system is how you test product ideas, hire employees, and run marketing campaigns. Finally, he says that if you're a musician, your goal might be to play a new piece, your system is how often you practice, how you break down and tackle difficult measures, and how you receive feedback from your instructor. Clear explains that, although goals are important, systems are more important for achieving progress. He cites two problems with goals: first, winners and losers have the same goals, and second, achieving a goal is only a momentary change. He goes on to say that, if you're a basketball coach, for example, and you set a goal to win a championship, but you don't focus on your system of continuous small improvements, you will eventually fail. He cites the example of the British cyclists who won the Tour
  • 00:35:00 In "Atomic Habits", James Clear explains that habits are like the compound interest of self-improvement - getting one percent better every day counts for a lot over the long run. Habits are a double-edged sword, however, as they can work for you or against you. To achieve lasting success, Clear advises focusing on your system - not your goals - in order to maintain progress. Atomic habits are "tiny changes that are part of a larger system," and are the building blocks of remarkable results. If you want better results, forget about setting goals and focus on your system instead.
  • 00:40:00 James Clear discusses the three levels of behavior change: results, processes, and identity. He suggests that we focus on changing our results first, before changing our processes or identity. This will help us to change our habits in the right way.
  • 00:45:00 James Clear explains that our identities are formed through our habits, which can be positive or negative. Our identity can be difficult to change, but with practice, it can be improved. The two steps to changing our identity are to understand our habits and to upgrade and expand our identity.
  • 00:50:00 Habits are the key to changing your identity and achieving your goals. Each time you do something, you reinforce that behavior, and the more you do it, the more your identity becomes associated with that behavior. It's important to start with the results you want to achieve and identify the type of person who can achieve them. Once you know that, it's easier to focus on being that person.
  • 00:55:00 James Clear explains how habits form in a feedback loop, and how they're important for both achieving external measures of success, like earning more money or losing weight, and for developing deep beliefs about oneself. He provides four simple steps for building better habits.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses how our behavior is influenced by our environment and how we can change our habits by changing our relationship to our environment. It provides examples of how to do this, and explains how this can help us change our behavior.

  • 01:00:00 Habits are mental shortcuts that help you solve problems and reduce cognitive load. They're helpful, but some people worry about the negative effects of having too many habits. The argument goes that having too many habits takes away the spontaneity and vibrancy of life. In reality, habits and freedom go hand-in-hand: without good habits, you'll have less freedom to do what you want, but with good habits, you'll have more freedom to do what you need.
  • 01:05:00 James Clear discusses the four basic steps of building a habit, cue, craving, and response. The four steps are constantly running in a cycle, with each one teaching and helping to improve the next.
  • 01:10:00 The four laws of behavior change are a framework for creating good habits and breaking bad ones. These laws are linked to the four stages of cue, craving, response, and reward. The first law, "cue your phone buzzes with a new text message," is linked to the stage of cue. The second law, "cue you want to learn the contents of the message," is linked to the stage of craving. The third law, "response you grab your phone and read the text," is linked to the stage of response. The fourth law, "reward you satisfy your craving to read the message grabbing your phone becomes associated with your phone buzzing," is linked to the stage of reward. By understanding these laws, it becomes easier to create good habits and break bad ones.
  • 01:15:00 The four laws of behavior change are a simple set of rules that can be used to build better habits. The first law is "Make it obvious." This means that habits should be easy to follow and easy to remember. The second law is "Craving make it attractive." This means that we should want to do the habit, not feel forced to do it. The third law is "Response make it easy." This means that we should be able to do the habit without much effort. The fourth law is "Reward make it satisfying." This means that we should be rewarded for doing the habit. These four laws can be used to change any behavior, no matter what the challenge.
  • 01:20:00 The video, "Atomic Habits AUDIOBOOK FULL by James Clear," highlights the importance of noticing cues and cataloging that information for future use. With enough practice, you can become better at picking up on the cues that predict certain outcomes without having to consciously think about it. This is one of the foundations for every habit you have. If you don't notice cues for a habit, it will become mindless and automatic. The video also shares the story of a woman who had to relearn how to perform certain tasks (pointing and calling) after switching to a new job. These examples illustrate how habits can become so automatic that they are essentially invisible. To effectively build new habits, you need to become aware of your current habits and work on making them more conscious.
  • 01:25:00 James Clear discusses the importance of self-awareness and how it is essential to changing habits. He provides a simple exercise to help individuals become more aware of their behavior and creates a habits scorecard. He explains that good habits have positive outcomes while bad habits have negative outcomes. He also explains that it is important to practice being aware of your habits before changing them. Finally, he provides a example of how pointing and calling can help increase a person's level of awareness and help them make better decisions.
  • 01:30:00 The "Habit Scorecard" is a simple exercise that can help you become more aware of your behavior. The scorecard divides your day into time slots, and at the end of each time slot, you should reflect on what you did in that time slot and what you plan to do next time slot. The goal of the scorecard is to make the time and location of your habits so obvious that you don't have to think about them.
  • 01:35:00 Habits are a powerful force in our lives, and by stacking new habits on top of existing ones, we can create a powerful momentum to help us stick to our goals. This strategy can be used to improve any habit, and can be applied to nearly any situation in life.
  • 01:40:00 James Clear explains how to create a successful habit stack by selecting the right cue to kick off the behavior. He provides examples of how to do this, including using a time and location cue (e.g. "when I close my laptop for lunch, I will do 10 push-ups next to my desk") and a specific action cue (e.g. "armed with these two lists you can begin searching for the best place to layer your new habit into your lifestyle"). The first law of behavior change is to make it obvious, and strategies like implementation intentions and habit stacking are among the most practical ways to do this.
  • 01:45:00 The Habit Stacking Formula is after your current habit, you'll have a new habit. The Motivation is overrated, the environment often matters more. Ann Thorndike, a primary care physician, at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, had a crazy idea she believed she could improve the eating habits of thousands of hospital staff and visitors without changing their willpower or motivation in the slightest way. She changed how drinks were arranged in the cafeteria, adding water as an option to each one, and placed baskets of bottled water next to the food stations. Soda sales at the hospital dropped by 11.4 percent, while sales of bottled water increased by 25.8%. People often choose products not because of what they are but because of where they are, in this case, the environment. The cafeteria looked different after the environment design changes were made, with areas shaded in blue indicating where a bottled water was available. Behavior shifted naturally and without additional motivation, people choosing products not because of what they are but because of where they are. The human body has about 11 million sensory receptors, more than any other living being. Every living being has its own methods for sensing and understanding the world.
  • 01:50:00 In "Atomic Habits," James Clear explains how our environment can influence our behavior and create cues that are more likely to trigger our desired habits. He provides examples of how to redesign your environment in order to increase your exposure to positive cues and reduce your exposure to negative cues.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses how our behavior is not simply defined by the objects and situations around us, but by our relationships with them. It explains how different people can have different memories and habits associated with the same place, and how we can train ourselves to associate a particular habit with a particular context. The video also discusses the power of context and how it can be used to help us change our habits and behaviors.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

James Clear discusses how to change bad habits into good ones by first understanding the deeper underlying motives behind the bad habits. He then explains how to use the inversion of the second law of behavior changes to make the bad habits unattractive. Finally, he discusses how to break bad habits by using a motivation ritual to get into the right mindset.

  • 02:00:00 The author discusses how addiction is a "condition of repeatedcue exposure and behavioral activation" and how habits can be formed in the brain. He goes on to say that when a habit is encoded, the urge to act follows whenever the environmental cues reappear. If you're not careful about cues, you can cause the very behavior you want to stop.
  • 02:05:00 The video discusses how bad habits are auto-catalytic, the process of which feeds and fosters the habit itself. Bad habits numb us and make us feel bad, so we often eat junk food or watch TV because we don't have the energy to do anything else. When we worry about our health, we become anxious and smoke to ease that anxiety. This cycle of bad habits is called a "cue-induced wanting" and it can be very hard to break. One effective strategy is to remove the cues of the bad habit from the environment.
  • 02:10:00 The author, James Clear, discusses how animals, including gulls, greylag geese, and humans, exhibit "supernormal stimuli" - exaggerated cues in their environment that elicit a stronger response than normal. The author highlights how the food industry uses these cues to create products that are more attractive to consumers, and how overeating is a result of hyperpalatable foods being more attractive to the human brain.
  • 02:15:00 The video discusses how cravings occur in the brain and how dopamine is responsible for many of the motivational processes behind habits. It explains how dopamine is released when a reward is anticipated and how dopamine is responsible for the pleasure associated with many habitual behaviors. The video also notes that dopamine is released when a reward is experienced, but that this does not necessarily mean that a habit will be performed.
  • 02:20:00 The video discusses how the brain has more neural circuitry allocated for wanting rewards than liking them, and how this plays a role in habit formation. It also describes how temptation bundling can be used to make habits more attractive.
  • 02:25:00 In this video, James Clear discusses the second law of behavior change, which states that the more attractive an opportunity is, the more likely it is to become a habit. Clear explains that this law applies to both positive and negative habits, and provides examples of how this law works in practice. Clear also discusses temptation bundling, which is a technique used to create a heightened version of any habit by connecting it with something you already want. Finally, Clear discusses engineering a truly irresistible habit, which is a hard task but this simple strategy can be employed to make nearly any habit more attractive than it would be otherwise.
  • 02:30:00 The video provides information about the power of social norms and how they can influence our behavior. It cites research that shows that the closer a person is to someone, the more likely they are to copy that person's habits. It also cites research that shows that people are more likely to become obese if they have friends who become obese. Finally, the video cites research suggesting that joining a group where one's desired behavior is the normal behavior can help to motivate people to change their habits.
  • 02:35:00 In his book, Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how social conformity plays a role in the retention of habits. He conducted experiments in the 1950s where subjects were asked to provide answers to questions about cards with simple lines on them. The more actors in the room with the subject, the more likely the subject was to incorrectly answer the questions. According to Clear, this is because as the number of people around us increases, we become more likely to conform to the group's consensus opinion. This is why it is important to remain part of a group after achieving a goal, in order to reinforce and cement the personal identity that was formed along the way. Though conformity can be a useful tool in the pursuit of success, it can also have a downside. For example, one study found that when chimpanzees learn an effective way to crack nuts open, they often switch to a less effective method in order to fit in with the rest of the group. Similarly, humans are often drawn to behaviors that earn us respect, admiration, and status. This is why it is important to be mindful of what we choose to emulate and why it takes work to defy the norms of our culture.
  • 02:40:00 The author discusses how social influences can create strong desires in people to smoke, and how, by changing the deeper underlying motives, it is possible to overcome these desires.
  • 02:45:00 Cravings are an important part of human behavior, and underlying motives for cravings are often the same regardless of the specific craving. For example, one person might want to eat tacos to reduce uncertainty and alleviate anxiety, while another person might want to smoke a cigarette to reduce stress. Habit-forming products such as cigarettes, potato chips, and social media use take advantage of deep-seated human desires by predicting which actions will relieve anxiety or reduce stress.
  • 02:50:00 The "Atomic Habits" audiobook teaches how to associate habits with positive experiences in order to make them more attractive. James Clear explains that both versions of reality are true, and that by reframing our habits we can change the feelings we associate with them. For example, one can use a motivation ritual to get themselves into a mindset to perform. Athletes use similar strategies to get themselves into the mindset to perform their sport.
  • 02:55:00 In this video, James Clear explains how the inversion of the second law of behavior changes make it unattractive every behavior has a surface level craving and a deeper underlying motive. He also discusses how habits are modern day solutions to ancient desires, and how to break bad habits.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

The video discusses the importance of repetition in forming habits, and how to make good habits easier to follow by removing points of friction. It also discusses how technology can help you lock in good habits, and how to make it more satisfying to follow good habits.

  • 03:00:00 The main takeaway from "Atomic Habits" is that it takes repetition to form a habit, and that habits follow a similar trajectory from effortful practice to automatic behavior. The video also describes how musicians, mathematicians, and taxi drivers have different levels of automaticity in their behavior, and how walking for 10 minutes each day results in a learning curve that slopes upward.
  • 03:05:00 The third law of behavior change says that people will naturally gravitate towards the option that requires the least amount of work for example, expanding your farm to the east where you can grow the same crops rather than heading north where the climate is different. This leads to slower and more limited growth in areas where agriculture hasn't spread yet, such as Europe and Asia.
  • 03:10:00 The "Atomic Habits" audio book is about how to make good habits easier to follow by removing points of friction. For example, if you want to start exercising, try to do it near your work or home, or when you have fewer distractions.
  • 03:15:00 James Clear explains how various friction-reducing strategies can be used to help build better habits. He notes that priming the environment for future use is one of the most effective ways to achieve this.
  • 03:20:00 James Clear discusses how to stop procrastinating by using the "2-minute rule." He also discusses how to create an environment that makes good habits easier to do.
  • 03:25:00 The author discusses how habits are the entry point for change, and how the two-minute rule can help simplify and make easier the process of creating new habits. He also discusses how different goals may require different levels of effort to achieve, and how by mastering the basics of showing up, it becomes easier to improve upon the finer details of those goals.
  • 03:30:00 Victor Hugo faced an impossible deadline to write his new book, but instead spent the year pursuing other projects. Frustrated, his publisher responded by setting a new, shorter deadline. Hugo came up with a plan to beat his procrastination: he would dress in outlandish clothing and go out into the streets of Paris, writing while he was out. The book was published two weeks early, thanks to his strategy.
  • 03:35:00 The video discusses the idea of "commitment devices," or choices that control future behavior. One example is Victor Hugo's method of shutting his clothes away to focus on writing. Another example is John Henry Patterson's invention of the cash register, which automated ethical behavior by making stealing practically impossible. Various one-time actions that increase the odds of good behavior are shared, including nutrition, buying a water filter, and using smaller plates.
  • 03:40:00 James Clear explains how technology can help you lock in good habits, making it harder to revert to bad ones. He outlines a commitment device - using a friend or family member to reset your social media passwords each week - and provides examples of how technology can help you become more productive, happy, and healthy.
  • 03:45:00 In 1998, public health worker Steven Luby moved to Karachi, Pakistan to work on the city's sanitation crisis. He found that simple habits like washing hands could make a big difference in the health of the residents, but many people were not washing their hands regularly. Luby and his team partnered with Proctor and Gamble to provide the city with a premium hand-washing soap called safeguard. The soap proved to be a more enjoyable experience, and the residents commonly mentioned how much they liked it.
  • 03:50:00 In this video, James Clear explains the fourth and final law of behavior change: make it satisfying. This increases the odds that a behavior will be repeated next time. According to Clear, pleasure teaches the brain that a behavior is worth remembering and repeating. For example, when Wrigley added flavors like spearmint and juicy fruit to its chewing gum, consumption skyrocketed. Similarly, sensodyne toothpaste was discontinued because its aftertaste was too strong for some people's taste. People who live in a delayed return environment, where the benefits of an action don't immediately materialize, are at a disadvantage.
  • 03:55:00 The video discusses how humans are wired to prefer quick payoffs over long-term ones, and how this tendency can often lead to problems. It goes on to say that it is possible to train yourself to delay gratification, but that it requires a lot of effort.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

In "Atomic Habits," James Clear discusses how to build good habits and stick to them. He explains that it is important to make the behavior easy, attractive, and satisfying, and to increase the odds that the behavior will be performed. He also discusses the importance of habit tracking and how it can help you stay on track with your goals.

  • 04:00:00 The four laws of behavior change are: making it easy, making it attractive, increasing the odds that the behavior will be performed, and making it satisfying. Immediate reinforcement is essential for maintaining motivation in the short term while you are waiting for the long-term rewards to arrive. This can be done by turning the situation on its head, making avoidance visible, creating a loyalty program for yourself, or using free time as a reward.
  • 04:05:00 The "Atomic Habits" book and video by James Clear describe how to stick with good habits by using a paper clip strategy. The book was published in 1993 and has been popular ever since. The paper clip strategy is simple: make a habit of moving one paper clip from the full jar to the empty jar each morning. This process begins the moment you settle in for the day. If you successfully stick to your habit, the calendar becomes a record of your streak. Jerry Seinfeld and other successful people use habit trackers to maintain their habits.
  • 04:10:00 Habit tracking can be motivating and satisfying, and it can help you stay on track with your goals. It can be automated or done manually, and it's better to track one habit consistently than to sporadically track 10. The key to success is to never miss twice, and to rebound quickly after breaking a habit.
  • 04:15:00 In the video, James Clear discusses the importance of habit tracking and how it can help you achieve your goals. He points out that, although it can be satisfying to track progress, the measurement is not the only thing that matters. Furthermore, he points out that there are many ways to measure progress, and that it can be helpful to shift focus to something else when motivation starts to wane. He recommends using a habit tracker to help you stay on track, and reminds viewers that breaking the chain can be counterproductive.
  • 04:20:00 Roger Fisher, a WWII veteran and Harvard-educated lawyer, developed the idea of an "implantable nuclear code" in 1981 in an effort to prevent nuclear war. His proposal, which would invert the fourth law of behavior change, is to make it immediately unsatisfying for someone to fail to adhere to a habit. This technique, called "the habit contract," has been successful in changing millions of people's habits. Laws and regulations are another example of how government can change our habits.
  • 04:25:00 In "Atomic Habits," James Clear explains how to create good habits by using a strategy called "habit contracts." To make bad habits unsatisfying, Clear recommends assigning a consequence to breaking a habit contract. For example, if you fail to exercise regularly, your accountability partner may force you to dress inappropriately for work or church. This method of accountability can work well for those who want to change habits for the better, but it can also be effective for those who simply want to avoid punishments.
  • 04:30:00 In this video, James Clear explains how different people have different talents and how this can affect their ability to succeed in a particular activity. He also discusses how Michael Phelps and He Said El Garaouge are great athletes despite their different heights, and how even the average height of Olympic gold medalists in different sports varies.
  • 04:35:00 The video discusses how people are born with different abilities and that some people are more likely to be successful than others due to their genes and personality. It also discusses how genes do not determine a person's destiny, but rather the areas of opportunity where habits are more likely to be satisfying. The video goes on to say that it is important to direct one's effort toward areas that match one's natural skills and ambition, in order to achieve success.
  • 04:40:00 James Clear discusses the concept of " Atomic Habits ," which are habits that work well for certain people based on their personalities. He goes on to say that you should build habits that work for your personality, and that you should use environment design to help you stick to good habits. The fourth law of success states that you should tailor your habits to your personality and your skills, and that you should experiment with different strategies to find the one that works best for you.
  • 04:45:00 The video discusses how to achieve flow states, which are a type of intense focus that leads to peak performance. The video talks about how to achieve flow states by blending happiness and peak performance, and how this is more likely to happen when the comparison is in one's favor. The video also discusses how to maximize one's chances of success by focusing on what they are good at and avoiding things that are difficult.
  • 04:50:00 Comedian Steve Martin's story demonstrates the importance of maintaining motivation and achieving peak levels of desire by working on tasks of just manageable difficulty. The "goldilocks rule" states that humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are right on the edge of their current abilities, which is typically found in tasks that are just a little bit too hard or a little bit too easy.
  • 04:55:00 James Clear discusses how it is important to keep the behavior of your new habit as easy as possible in order to stick with it, even when conditions aren't perfect. He goes on to discuss the third law of behavior change, which states that once a habit has been established, it is important to continue to advance in small ways. These small improvements and new challenges keep you engaged, and if you hit the "goldilocks zone" just right, you can achieve a "flow state." Mastery requires practice, but the more you practice something, the more routine it becomes. Once the beginner gains have been made, interest in the habit begins to fade. Occasionally, even just one day of doing something routinely can lead to losing focus and motivation. To combat this, Clear recommends following the "goldilocks rule"--that is, working on challenges of just manageable difficulty. This way, you will stay interested in your habit and progress will continue smoothly.

05:00:00 - 05:35:00

In Atomic Habits, James Clear discusses how small changes in our habits can lead to big changes in our lives. He talks about how our emotions drive our behavior, and how self-control is difficult because it is not always satisfying to resist temptation. He also talks about how our expectations determine our satisfaction after taking action. Finally, he provides some tips on how to apply these principles to business and parenting.

  • 05:00:00 In "Atomic Habits AUDIOBOOK FULL by James Clear," Clear discusses how to create good habits, which are essential for success, but can also be boring and easy to lose focus on. To become exceptional, skilled and efficient, a combination of automatic and deliberate practice is needed.
  • 05:05:00 The "Atomic Habits AUDIOBOOK FULL by James Clear" discusses how mastering one habit requires progressively improving upon that mastery, as well as how establishing a system for reflection and review helps maintain peak performance. James Clear discusses how a player's Career Best Effort number (also called their cbe) is calculated, and how it is used to help players stay on top of their game.
  • 05:10:00 The "Atomic Habits" audiobook by James Clear explains the power of reflection and review in order to improve long-term habits. The cbe program, which is a prime example of how reflection and review can help talented athletes become even better, is used to demonstrate the concept. Chris Rock, an accomplished comedian, uses reflection and review to improve his material before performing in smaller venues to test jokes. Other successful individuals, such as Olympic gold medalist Eliud Kipchoge, Kenyan runner Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge, and swimmer Katie Ledecky, also employ reflection and review to improve their performance. The benefits of reflection and review, such as improved performance and greater understanding of oneself, are explained.
  • 05:15:00 In "Atomic Habits," James Clear talks about the importance of habits and how they can help us achieve success. He discusses the downside of habits, which is that they can lock us into our previous patterns of thinking and acting even when the world is shifting around us. He talks about the importance of reflection and review, which is the process that allows us to remain conscious of our performance over time. He also discusses how gradual progress toward goals is more likely to be successful than trying to make a single, dramatic change.
  • 05:20:00 In this book, James Clear presents the four laws of behavior change, which are Awareness, Desire, Happiness, and Suffering. These laws help us understand how to create new habits, and they also show us how human behavior works. Clear provides examples of these laws in order to make them more clear. Happiness is the absence of desire, and it arrives when you are content with the present situation. Suffering is the space between craving and getting what you want. Desire is pursued, and pleasure follows action. Finally, peace occurs when you don't become attached to your observations. These four laws are essential for achieving any goal.
  • 05:25:00 The author, James Clear, discusses how our emotions drive our behavior, and how self-control is difficult because it is not always satisfying to resist temptation. He also talks about how our expectations determine our satisfaction after taking action.
  • 05:30:00 James Clear's book Atomic Habits discusses how to achieve success by applying the principles of small habits. The book is divided into two parts, the first of which discusses how to achieve success through feelings of satisfaction and pleasure, while the second part discusses how to apply these principles to business and parenting. Finally, the book acknowledges the help of many people, including his wife Christy, his parents, and his assistant Lindsay.
  • 05:35:00 James Clear provides a summary of his book, Atomic Habits. He credits Leo Babouta, Charles Duhigg, and BJ Fogg for their influence on his thinking on habits. Clear discusses the help he received from his editors, as well as friends and family members who offered encouragement while he wrote the book. Clear also thanks his publisher, Megan Newman, and Nina for their help in making the book a reality.

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