Summary of Programmierung für alle (Java) • WS 2019/20 • Vorlesung 1: Einführung

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this lecture, the professor introduces a programming course for everyone in Java , focusing on object-oriented programming. He explains the different programs and courses being offered, and the learning formats, emphasizing the importance of regular attendance and participation. The professor discusses the amount of time and effort students should expect to dedicate to the course and provides resources to facilitate learning. He also talks about the administrative details and requirements for the course, including registering for the tutorial group and assignments, as well as the deadlines and the exam. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of how programming languages work, particularly focusing on Java, with examples of simple algorithms and programming projects. The field of computer science is briefly described, highlighting its theoretical and practical aspects, and the different types of programming languages. The lecture ends with a discussion about the importance of programming skills in the digital age and the current use of programming in various aspects of life.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the professor introduces himself and welcomes the students to the lecture on programming for everyone in Java. He explains the administrative procedures and introduces the teaching staff, including an assistant and three student assistants. He also provides information on how the lecture will be organized, including exercises, tutorials, and exams. The professor encourages students to visit the lecture's webpage for important information and announcements, and to post any questions or concerns on the forum. He mentions the use of a textbook for the lecture and suggests that students start reading it. The professor then asks students from various study programs to raise their hands, creating a sense of community in the classroom.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the different programs and courses being offered. They make it clear that this particular lecture is for those studying applied biotechnology, economics engineering, material and process engineering, and sustainable energy supply. They also mention that physics students may need to check their examination regulations to determine if they should attend this lecture or another one. The speaker then goes on to explain that those studying computer science, mathematics, software systems engineering, informatics, automation technology, or computational social systems should not be in this lecture, but in the "Programmierung" lecture instead. The different learning formats are introduced, including the lecture, question sessions, and tutorial groups. The speaker emphasizes the importance of regular attendance and participation in these formats for successful completion of the course.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the professor discusses the amount of time and effort students should expect to dedicate to the course. He suggests that for an average grade, students should plan to spend about 30 hours of work per credit, with variations depending on the individual's abilities. The professor also emphasizes the importance of self-study and provides various resources, such as recorded lectures and exercise materials, to facilitate learning. Additionally, the professor explains the purpose of tutorials, where students can receive feedback on their progress and address any difficulties they may have. The professor strongly discourages plagiarism and emphasizes the consequences it can have in an academic setting. Finally, the professor encourages students to sign up for tutorials early, as they will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses important administrative details and requirements for the course. Students need to register for the tutorial group by Wednesday or they will not have a spot. The assignments will start immediately, and students have the option to work in pairs. The deadline for submission is every Monday at 10 am, with online submission through the RWTH Online platform. To pass the course, students must submit the exercise sheets regularly and achieve a passing grade on at least 12 out of 13 exercises. They also need to register for the lecture, the tutorial, and the exam. The exam will take place on February 1st, 2020, with a possible retake on March 6th, 2020. Regular participation throughout the semester is crucial for success in the course.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the lecturer introduces the purpose of the course, which is to provide an overview of how programming languages work, particularly focusing on object-oriented programming in Java. Students will not only learn the concepts generally, but also practically through the example of Java. They will also become familiar with typical development tools and libraries used in Java programming, such as graphical interfaces and scientific calculations. The importance of programming skills in the digital age is emphasized, as it is seen as a crucial aspect of both professional and personal development. The lecturer mentions a statement by Ranga Yogeshwar, a physicist, that programming is the language of the 21st century, highlighting the increasing digitization of daily life. Understanding programming is important for comprehending the systems and algorithms that influence various aspects of life. The lecturer also mentions the prediction that in the future, most companies will essentially become software companies, further emphasizing the need to understand and work with programming. The field of computer science, or informatics, is briefly described, highlighting its theoretical and practical aspects.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different aspects of computer science and its interdisciplinary nature. They mention theoretical computer science, which is heavily influenced by mathematics, practical computer science, which focuses on applications and software systems, and technical computer science, which is more hardware-oriented. The speaker also mentions the increasing importance of computer science and the high demand for skilled professionals in the industry. They give examples of research projects in their department, such as tangible objects for learning, 3D object drawing with an iPhone, and touch interfaces on fabric. They also discuss tools for statistical analysis, touch tables, and a vest with vibration motors for navigation. Lastly, they mention a city tour app developed by their department.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses various projects and examples from their computer science department to show the practical applications of programming. They mention a gaming market developed by students, a tangible object game with laser-cut objects, and the recognition of objects on a table for a tower defense game. The speaker then introduces the concept of algorithms, describing them as step-by-step instructions or recipes. They emphasize that algorithms can vary in complexity and can involve loops and tests. Algorithms are seen as a fundamental aspect of computer science and are used to find solutions to problems. The speaker concludes by stating that there are good and bad algorithms, with the primary criterion being their ability to produce correct results.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of efficient algorithms and deterministic behavior. They mention that in certain cases, such as in games, it may not be a big deal if there is some randomness. However, in other scenarios, such as when processing financial data, it is crucial to have a fast and deterministic algorithm. The speaker also highlights the significance of data storage and memory usage in algorithms. They provide an example of a program that was created for research purposes, which required a large amount of memory but was not designed to be used on smartphones. Lastly, the speaker presents a coding exercise for the audience to solve, where they need to analyze an algorithm and determine the value of a specific variable at the end.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker announces a contest where participants can win prizes for answering questions. Three participants are selected, and they each win a bag of gummy bears. The speaker then proceeds to explain a simple algorithm in Java that adds up numbers from 1 to n, where n is initially set to 3. The algorithm uses variables to store the sum and the current number being added. The speaker also briefly explains the concept of memory and how data and programs are stored in a computer. The memory is represented by bits, with 0s and 1s indicating the presence or absence of electrical current.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the lecturer introduces the concept of the dual system, which is the binary number system that computers use to process information. The dual system only has two digits, 0 and 1, and represents numbers using combinations of these digits. The lecturer explains that with the dual system, larger numbers can be represented by using more digits, which are stored using switches that can be in an "on" or "off" state. The lecturer also discusses the concept of memory and how it is measured in terms of bits, with each bit representing one of the two possible states. Additionally, the lecturer briefly mentions the different units of measurement used in computing, such as kilobytes and megabytes, and explains that they are based on powers of 2 rather than 10. Finally, the lecturer touches on the importance of programming languages being user-friendly and readable for programmers.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the lecturer discusses the characteristics and requirements of programming languages. They mention that programming languages should provide an easy way to write code for various tasks, such as parallel computing, without the need for excessive code. They also talk about how programming languages can be tailored to specific domains, like business logic or statistical analysis. The lecturer then goes on to explain the concept of imperative programming languages, where problems are solved step by step through a series of commands. They also mention the shift towards object-oriented programming languages like Java, where objects communicate with each other through messages. Additionally, the lecturer introduces declarative programming languages, which focus on specifying the problem rather than the detailed steps to solve it.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the professor discusses different types of programming languages. He mentions declarative languages, which focus on writing what you want the computer to do rather than how to do it. He also mentions functional languages, where you define functions that call each other, and logic languages, where you define logical statements and rules for the computer to derive solutions. The professor then introduces Java as the programming language for the course, stating that it is one of the most widely used languages in practice. He also mentions that other languages like JavaScript are gaining popularity, but Java remains dominant. He engages the students in a discussion about the number of lines of code in a program, using Mac OS as an example. After some humorous guesses, the professor reveals that Mac OS has around 85 million lines of code.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In this section of the YouTube video "Programmierung für alle (Java) • WS 2019/20 • Vorlesung 1: Einführung", the speaker discusses the process of transitioning from a written program to something the computer can execute, programming concepts and what makes a programming language, the basics of Java programming, the structure of a Java program, and the code for a "monster" class. The speaker emphasizes the importance of actively programming in order to learn effectively and also mentions that programming is a crucial mindset and method in computer science. The process of writing and executing Java code involves writing the source code in a text format, compiling it with the Java c compiler, which checks for errors and generates a platform-independent Java bytecode file. This bytecode file is executed using a virtual machine that runs on the specific source code. Java code is written in source code files, which can contain one or more classes, and every Java program must have at least one class with a main method as the entry point of the program. The code for a "monster" class contains various elements such as method name, parameters, return values, and output statements. The speaker advises to always end statements with a semicolon and mentions that the code can be executed by saving it in a file and running it with the command "java monster".

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the process of transitioning from a written program to something the computer can execute. They explain that when a program is written, it is essentially just a series of letters and symbols that the computer doesn't understand. To make the program executable, it needs to be compiled into machine code, which is done using a compiler. Once compiled, the program can be run by the computer, and the user can interact with it. The speaker emphasizes that errors and bugs are common during this process, but finding and fixing them can be satisfying.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the lecturer introduces the basic concepts of programming and what makes a programming language. He explains that programming consists of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Syntax refers to the correct arrangement of commands and words in a programming language, while semantics define the meaning of these commands. Pragmatics determine the practical application and context of a programming language. The lecturer emphasizes the importance of actively programming in order to learn effectively and states that programming is more than just learning a programming language like Java. He also mentions that programming is a crucial mindset and method in computer science, as it involves writing algorithms and solving problems. Additionally, he highlights the increasing digitalization in various disciplines and how understanding programming concepts can be helpful in those fields. The lecturer recommends a book called "Java von Kopf bis Fuß" as supplementary reading material for the course. Overall, the goal of the lecture is to provide a comprehensive understanding of programming, beyond just Java, and to encourage active learning and engagement with the subject.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the narrator introduces Java as a relatively young but highly successful programming language that is highly portable and can be executed on various operating systems. Java offers a wide range of useful methods in its class libraries, making it versatile for different applications on platforms such as iOS, Android, and microcontrollers like Arduino. The process of writing and executing Java code involves writing the source code in a text format, compiling it with the Java c compiler, which checks for errors and generates a platform-independent Java bytecode file. This bytecode file is executed using a virtual machine, which acts as a simulated mini computer that understands Java code. This platform independence allows Java programs to be executed on different devices, eliminating the need to rewrite the code for each platform. The narrator also provides examples of Java statements, including variable declarations, assigning values, and using the System.out.print method to display output.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains the structure of a Java program. Java code is written in source code files, which can contain one or more classes. Classes contain methods, which are sets of instructions. These instructions can be nested within each other, and the source code file is saved with a .java extension. The compiler is responsible for executing the program, and the code is organized into classes and methods. The speaker also introduces the concept of comments in Java code, which are marked with two forward slashes and are not read by the compiler. The example given is a Monster class with a method called "erwache" that prints a message to the console. The speaker emphasizes that every Java program must have at least one class with a main method as the entry point of the program.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the code for a "monster" class and explains the various elements of the class. They mention that the class is public and the name of the class is "monster". They explain that the code does not return any value and expects a string input as a parameter. The code also contains an instruction to output something to the console using the System.out.println() statement. The speaker advises to always end statements with a semicolon and mentions that the code can be executed by saving it in a file and running it with the command "java monster". They end the section by giving instructions for students, including signing up for the course online, getting the recommended book, and attending the question session for help with running the code.

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