Summary of El increible viaje de la vida

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

El increible viaje de la vida is a YouTube video that discusses the process of human life, from conception to old age. It uses cutting-edge animation and 3D technology to show how the body works and how different organs function. The video also discusses the importance of maternal care and breastfeeding in infancy, and how injuries in childhood can lead to permanent damage to the brain.

  • 00:00:00 This video tells the story of a human life, from the moment of conception to old age. It uses cutting-edge animation and 3D technology to show how the body works. The video also discusses the importance of breathing, and the risks of dying during childbirth.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the importance of the early stages of life for the development of the body and the heart. The first few months of life are a very important time for the development of the heart and the complications that can arise. There are two openings in the heart - one on the left and one on the right. These openings are not abnormalities, but are a remnant from our pre-birth existence when blood flowed through two systems of blood vessels to the placenta. The purpose of these openings was to divert blood from inactive lungs, but now that the lungs are fully active they remain sealed. The heart now functions with normality as it bombards blood through thousands of blood vessels. Other organs enter the scene as well. The liver performs 500 different functions, from generating heat to processing toxins. The function of the kidneys is to keep the level of water in the body. The digestive system has to clean its channels preparing itself to eat its first food. Our intestines are filled with digestive fluid and dead cells called mucous. Meconium is a thick, black substance that is corrosive and can enter the lungs of newborns and damage their delicate pleura. However, inside the intestines, meconium is harmless and is quickly eliminated.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the process of life, starting with the moment of conception and extending throughout a person's lifespan. It explains that while our life is shaped by what surrounds us, our maternal environment is especially important in determining our development and growth. If our mothers cannot keep us warm, we run the risk of experiencing a hypothermia. This occurs when our body's own heat-generating mechanisms fail. Fortunately, we are born with a natural heat-protection layer, which is made up of adipose tissue. This layer gradually disappears as our body matures and the control of temperature is transferred to our hipotálamo. As our immune system still lacks structure, we are at risk of getting sick and even death. In breastfeeding, the mother's immune system is activated and transfers the baby's antibodies to the milk. This way, the baby is protected from infections until their immune system matures. Life begins with a delicate balance between what we are and what we are not. We are born with a predisposition to develop certain characteristics, but this is largely determined by our environment. Our maternal environment plays a significant role in our development, providing us with essential nutrients and protecting us from certain dangers. The close contact between the mother and infant results in the transfer
  • 00:15:00 In this video, the importance of a healthy sense of smell is highlighted, as it is one of the first senses to develop in infants. This sense is very sensitive and soon we learn to recognize smells and identify our mother by her smell. However, this strange new world we live in is also very noisy, bombarding us with dozens of unknown sounds. Sound waves vibrate the eardrum in the opposite direction of the eardrum, and these tiny bones called crunches move together in unison. These are the three smallest bones in our body and they stay the same size throughout our life. However, without them, we wouldn't be able to move at all. The hammer, the anvil, and the rope act as amplifiers and increase the volume 22 times more the vibrations reaching the internaural hearing receptor, the cochlea. It's covered with delicate filaments when the waves pass through it, and the cilios move in the upper part of the ciliates in response to the sound frequencies. These tiny hairs are the three smallest bones in our body and they move together in unison. They are the 200 times thinner than a hair on our head and they stay that way for the rest of our life. However
  • 00:20:00 At birth, babies' eyes are blue, but over time, cells in the iris start to produce different colors, pupil turns into a unique palette of colors, and development in other senses begins to accelerate during the first three months. We also grow at a rate of 1/4 of our original weight per month during the first year of life. If growth rates were not slowed, we would reach a horrifying 134-ton weight at our fourth birthday. However, growth rates eventually slow down and by the age of 8 months, our senses are fully functional. We start to explore our surroundings and the sense most used is touch. When we touch something, electrical impulses are sent through our skin's nerve endings and travel up the spine to the brain. The muscular contractions that propel food through our digestive system generate such powerful vibrations that they can even be felt through the skin. At this point, a new camera system offers high resolution images of the food's journey through the stomach and intestines.
  • 00:25:00 The video explains how the digestive system works. First, the stomach muscles grind and chop up food until it becomes a liquid. At the same time, the acid stomach works to decompose the food. The stomach's mucous membrane protects it by constantly cleaning and coating its walls with mucus. Without an epithelium, ulcers would develop. 1 hour and 50 minutes after eating, the stomach sends food through a small intestine called the pylorus. In the small intestine, the food is mixed with digestive juices. The pylorus separates food into water and waste. The intestine's interior walls are made up of tiny, microscopic villi. These increase the surface area of the intestine so food can be absorbed more easily. After 1 hour and 30 minutes, the small intestine has metabolized most of the food. The intestine in the middle, the large intestine, takes care of the rest. The large intestine is a three-meter long tube with a serpentine shape. It's where the majority of the nutrients are metabolized. First, the pancreas separates pancreatic juice which neutralizes the stomach's acid. Then the bile from the liver dissolves fats into tiny droplets. The smaller the droplets, the easier they are to absorb
  • 00:30:00 During childhood, the human brain is constantly growing and developing. One of the most important milestones in this process is learning to walk. There is a key to walking that doesn't rely on strength, but on balance and the ability to stay upright. This is hidden in our inner ear and is responsible for our orientation and movement in space. Inside of the three semicircular canals located in the inner ear, there are tiny filament-like structures that send information to the brain indicating our position and movement. This helps us to stay balanced and walk. Once we master the sense of balance, we are on the path to learning to walk.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the human brain and how it works. It explains that the brain is composed of 100 billion cells called neurons, and that each neuron can generate enough electricity to keep a light bulb on for a day. The video also discusses how the brain learns by establishing connections between neurons. When we hear a new word, our ears convert the sound into electrical impulses and these impulses travel through the brain. The brain is able to learn because these connections are permanent. The video concludes by discussing how injuries in childhood can lead to permanent damage to the brain.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Dr. Michael Oster explains how the body's immune system fights infection. He discusses how the virus multiplies and how the body responds with inflammation and fever. The video also discusses how the mouth is particularly vulnerable to infection and how the body produces antibodies to fight off the virus.
  • 00:45:00 The brain's production of hormones during puberty causes physical changes, including the development of breasts in girls and acne in boys. This video shows a detailed view of an ovarian clinic in Australia, which reveals something incredible- an ovule inside a protective ampolla during ovulation. The ampolla explodes and the ovocyte (immature egg) descends through the fallopian tubes to be fertilized or rejected with menstruation. Puberty for girls begins around the month when the hypothalamus releases the hormone kisspeptina throughout the brain, which stimulates production of other hormones throughout the body. This leads to the development of female reproductive organs, including the onset of menstruation. Boys also experience changes during puberty, including an increase in testosterone and the start of a growth spurt.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how during early adulthood, our bodies undergo a series of dramatic changes, including an increase in muscle mass and testosterone production. These changes can be seen and heard, but also take place inside our brains - in the cells that make up our nerves. This massive connection between cells creates a transformation in our state of mind and character, both for men and women. During adolescence, another important moment in our lives is our first kiss. This stage in our development is marked by a dramatic increase in height and width of our vocal cords, which produces a lower frequency voice. Testosterone also stimulates the growth of hair on our bodies and raises our blood pressure. Our lips and cheeks become red from the blood flow. These are all signs that we desire someone, and sometimes this desire is mutual. In the early years of life, another significant transformation happens: our body's growth slows down. Nevertheless, our body will never stop changing. We triple our original height, eat about 9 times the amount of food our ancestors did, and breathe about 200 times more air. Our heart beats 10 times per minute and our blood pressure doubles. Our muscles and bones grow faster than ever before. The late teens and early adulthood are a time of culmination for our body - both physically and
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the effects of exercise on our health, starting with the heart. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle, which works harder and pumps blood more effectively. This leads to a slower heartbeat, which allows the heart to work more slowly. similarly, exercise stimulates the production of extra blood vessels, which means we absorb more oxygen in each breath. In addition, exercise increases the amount of air we breathe in, which fills our lungs with more oxygen. This improves our overall health and can even save our lives. The video also discusses the effects of exercise on our ears. Our ears are constantly deteriorating as a result of the noise we encounter daily. The problem starts with the inner ear, located just below the skull, where tiny, fragile sound waves are converted into nerve impulses. These impulses are then sent to the auditory nerve, which carries them to the brain. However, the noise-damaging vibrations destroy these delicate cells, and the damage is progressive. By the time the damage reaches the earlobe, it's too late to do anything about it. The video finishes by discussing the effects of exercise on our muscles. Our muscles are composed of tiny strands of fibers. When we make a physical activity, these fibers are broken. The cells that repair

01:00:00 - 01:40:00

The video discusses how the human body changes with age, how this affects our ability to function, and what we can do to manage these changes. It also highlights the importance of managing stress, as it can cause irreparable damage to our bodies.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the effects of alcohol on the body, specifically its effects on the brain and on the body's ability to hydrate. It goes on to discuss how to avoid getting drunk and recovering from a night out, including drinking water.
  • 01:05:00 This video explains the process of love, from the chemical perspective. When we see our partner, our adrenaline levels rise in our blood, our heart races, and we are alert. And then, when we are closer and more committed to our loved one, another hormone enters the picture: our brain releases dopamine, which leads to euphoria and addiction. We eventually become addicted to love, and our feelings for our partner become stronger over time. After a period of time together, we begin to think about the phases of love as they come to a close: first love, dating, courtship, and eventually marriage and parenthood. Love, both emotionally and chemically, always triumphs. This long-term commitment is also chemical. Sex is not just for pleasure or procreation--it also strengthens the bonds between couples. During orgasm, the pituitary gland releases oxytocin, the hormone of emotional attachment. This is the same hormone that binds mothers and their babies when they are new born. As we have more sex, more oxytocin is produced, and the bond between partners becomes closer. Some anthropologists believe that oxytocin may be a vestige of our evolutionary past, whose purpose is to strengthen the bonds between both
  • 01:10:00 This video tells the story of a woman's pregnancy and childbirth, and the challenges she faces. It discusses the possible causes of nausea during pregnancy, including exposure to toxins in food, and the importance of a healthy diet for the development of the baby. It also explains the unusual position the baby's head may take during delivery, and the muscles and tendons in the mother's pelvis that must stretch to allow the baby to be born. Finally, the video highlights the use of a Cesarean section as the only way to achieve a safe childbirth.
  • 01:15:00 As we get older, our body starts to change in various ways. One of the first signs of aging is the appearance of wrinkles on our skin. These wrinkles are caused by the sun's radiation, which breaks down our skin's collagen. Over time, our skin becomes thinner and less elastic, and wrinkles form. Our vision also starts to decline as our eyes' cells wear out. The main problem is that the lenses of our eyes are made of the same material as our brain and heart, and they slowly wear out as we age. As a result, we start to have trouble reading and see less clearly. Our muscles also start to lose strength and mass as we age, which affects our metabolism. In addition, our body shape changes as we get older. Our muscles become less elastic and less firm, which can make us look overweight. Exercise won't be as effective in keeping us thin as it was when we were younger, and our metabolism may start to change as well. Our blood vessels also start to become less elastic, which can lead to hypertension. Our body also starts to produce less estrogen, testosterone, and growth hormone as we age. This can lead to a decrease in muscle mass, a decrease in the speed of our metabolism, and a decrease in
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses how when we get older, our body needs a smaller amount of energy to function. If we continue eating like we used to, the excess food turns into fat. Women tend to accumulate fat in their hips, while men accumulate fat in a different area - the belly. This is an evolutionary leftover from when people needed to store energy during long trips to find food. Too many calories and a slow metabolism can be deadly. Muscles in the heart suffer from oxygen and nutrient deprivation, leading to muscle spasms. It's an attack on the heart. The main cause of death in Western countries is due to heart attacks. When we get older, our body's metabolism may have slowed down. However, our lifestyle doesn't reflect this. Our families have grown, and our professional demands have increased - this can lead to another cause of death, stress. All of us recognize the symptoms of stress - sweaty palms, short breaths, a feeling of dizziness - but the real damage is done inside our bodies. When we're stressed, our body instinctively goes into the fight or flight response. Hormones like adrenaline and cortisol flood the blood from the adrenal gland and other glands. This makes muscles tense, the arteries narrow, and the
  • 01:25:00 As we get older, our body's ability to fight off predators decreases, which can lead to long-term health problems like hypertension. In addition, stress can cause irreparable damage to our cardiovascular system. However, by learning to manage stress, our bodies can still stay healthy. As we age, our body's ability to produce estrogen and progesterone decreases, which can lead to changes in our brain's state of mind and body temperature control. Our body's ability to regulate its temperature becomes increasingly difficult as we reach our 70s and 80s. This is the final chapter of our life journey - when we retire. Our body's rate of aging begins to slow down as we reach this stage in our life. We also start to lose muscle and bone mass.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses how the human body changes with age, with the main points being that our bones, skin, and eyes become harder and more wrinkled. Our brain does its best to compensate for these changes, but they're still a part of aging. One cause of aging is the air we breathe, as our lungs slowly lose their ability to function. Another cause is our genes, which slowly accumulate errors over the years. Our faces tend to change drastically by the time we reach our 70s, as our bones slowly replace those from our baby years. Finally, our genes are not always perfect, so we may have noticeable physical differences even at middle age.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses how our bodies slowly deplete oxygen over our lifetime, and how this can lead to damage and eventual death. It explains that throughout our lives, our cells constantly divide, and as each cell loses its ability to divide, it begins to die. The video also points out that even after death, some cells may continue to live for up to 24 hours, and that after 37 hours, the last neuron in our brain will fire its electric impulses.
  • 01:40:00 This video tells the story of an incredible journey, one that always comes to an end. But what journey is this? It is the journey of life, and it is full of surprises.

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