Summary of Steam and Conversation | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 9

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, the cast of Critical Role discusses the latest D&D Beyond app, their upcoming projects, and the success of the Wyrmwood's Adventurer's Arsenal Kickstarter. They also play a game of poker and discuss the differences between upper-end public school, charter schools, and magnet programs. Finally, they gather around a central podium to discuss methods of changing the political discontent in Zadash.

  • 00:00:00 Tonight's episode of Critical Role begins with announcements, including that returning sponsor D&D Beyond is still around. Travis and the other voice actors discuss their thoughts on the latest D&D Beyond app. Laura expresses her disappointment in the group. Matt reminds the audience that Amazon Prime members can now watch Talks Machina, a weekly show about the latest episode of Critical Role, for free. Next, the group discusses when issue six of Vox Machina: Origins, the end of the current arc, will be available for purchase. Finally, the group discusses the success of Wyrmwood's Adventurer's Arsenal Kickstarter.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Laura Bailey announces that the tarot cards are back in stock and that new T-shirts are available. Travis gives a comic book to Matt, and Marisha reveals that she created a new show called Alpha. Matt Key discusses Alpha with Marisha and reports that the full schedule for C2E2 will be announced early next week.
  • 00:10:00 The party decides to go back to The Leaky Tap to see Enchanter Pumat Sol again. They make a Perception check and Travis successfully detects a suspicious person.
  • 00:15:00 The party enters a bar, where they see a game of cards being played. The two people in charge are an elven woman and a dragonborn. The dragonborn is busy and the elven woman takes over, telling the party that they can rent rooms. The party decides to rent one room.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Sam and Taliesin discuss the game of poker with two gentlemen who are playing. The younger one is impressed by the older man's card skills and offers to buy in, which the older man accepts. They play a card game called the Crick-Queen's Call, which the younger man knows well. After they finish their game, the older man slaps the younger one on the shoulder and they go their separate ways.
  • 00:25:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:30:00 The party follows Taliesin up to an office, where they find the elven woman, Claudia Sheed, who tells them that she has taken some time off. They try to ask her about this, but she is very abrupt and unhelpful. Wessek, the owner of the tavern, tells them that Sheed is up in her office. The party decides to go up and investigate. They find the office to be empty, but they hear a noise from a locked room down the hall. They enter the room and find a group of goblins.
  • 00:35:00 The group of friends visiting from out of town asks the elven woman sitting at an office desk if she can help them find work. She says she has plenty of dishwashing work but won't take on anyone who is trouble, preferring to keep to herself. Matt tells her they're looking for work with the right person and she seems to be interested in the group. Matt asks what kind of person she doesn't want to work with, and she says "shitty people."
  • 00:40:00 Matt explains that the empire has religious shrines scattered throughout the city, and that the Heralds who run them give council to anyone who requires it. There are no identifying memorabilia or clothing that would indicate unsavory business, but Matt warns the heroes about the dangers of living in the eastern areas of the city, near the garrisons.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, Matt discusses the differences between upper-end public school, charter schools, and magnet programs, and mentions that the Soltryce Academy oversees sanctioned and unsanctioned shrines. He also mentions that there are six approved gods in the Empire, and that those who worship them can find underbellies with hearts of gold. Finally, he mentions that there is a man named The Gentleman who Matt warns is dangerous.
  • 00:50:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:55:00 The group of twenty people gathered around a central podium or box are discussing methods of changing the political discontent in Zadash. Marisha and Travis share their skepticism of the Empire, and Travis convinces Marisha to help him make a persuasion check with advantage. Matt helps Marisha make the check, and she succeeds. The group then proceeds to listen to Travis and Marisha's story of seeking out support from the Empire. Most of the people in the room look like average citizens with jobs and families, and none of them seem to know who the Knights of Requital are.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, the Mighty Nein discuss their plans for the day and decide to go to the blacksmith first and then look for job postings. They all agree that baths are great, and it is ultimately up to the player how much they are willing to pay for them.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the frustrations of the city's residents, and discusses how they are working to find a way to change things.
  • 01:05:00 The Mighty Nein discuss the political landscape of their home city of Whitestone and how it mirrors their own experiences since they arrived. They discuss the importance of keeping discussions personal and discuss a potential meeting location.
  • 01:10:00 The Mighty Nein investigate the location of a secretive bathhouse, but find it closed for the night. They decide to retire for the night.
  • 01:15:00 The group discusses how to make the most of their resources and discusses the various ways to obtain money. They also decide to go to the blacksmith and the pillow place.
  • 01:20:00 The group discusses their plans for the day, and decide to go to the blacksmith first and then look for job postings. They all agree that baths are great, and it is ultimately up to the player how much they are willing to pay for them.
  • 01:25:00 In this video, the heroes of Critical Role discuss the importance of getting news correctly. The town crier seems to get his news from a boss located in the King's Hall, which turns out to be wrong. Fjord urges the heroes to leave before Jester gets too injured, and Laura follows suit.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, the Mighty Nein discuss their opinions on whether or not accents are a strong suit for Liam. They also discuss how Caleb has been distracting them from their mission, and the group decides to have a discussion about their goals and objectives in the nude.
  • 01:35:00 A halfling man is forging a long metal blade on an outside anvil, while another person is inside the smithy working on armor and weapons. Laura and Matt come to buy items, and the halfling man finds the manacles used to restrain the manticore that they killed. He tells them the chain and manacles are made of good metal and are magic.
  • 01:40:00 The party heads to the Archive to look for a retraction from the King's Hall, but also swings by the King's Hall to check the board for new jobs.
  • 01:45:00 The party finds their way to the Archive, a library that is guarded by members in deep grey robes with blue sashes. They learn that the Harvest Close Festival is in two weeks and that the Victory Pit in the Pentamarket is where the festival's entry starts.
  • 01:50:00 The party follows a woman who, after exiting an expensive-looking building, is accosted by a man who takes her purse. The woman, who is apparently an adult goblin woman, ignores the man and continues walking. The party follows her at a brisker pace, but is unable to keep up.
  • 01:55:00 The party, comprised of the wizard Taliesin, the fighter Travis, and the rogue Liam, travels to a city in search of a temple to the deity Nott. While there, they are attacked by an evil woman who smacks an apple off the man's face before taking off with her satchel. After retrieving the buttons from the woman, the group makes their way to a nearby bathhouse. Upon arriving, they are quickly interrupted by the group's leader, Matt, who informs them that it is time for a break.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

The Mighty Nine discuss the job of finding and killing a creature that has been causing problems in a sewer nexus. They agree to split the money reward equally between the seven of them, and Matt notes that there is no clearance of sewage and that participants are just there to take care of whatever is causing the problems. Ashley and Travis volunteer to go and take on the job, and Matt warns them that it is dangerous.

  • 02:10:00 The party heads to the bath house to take a look at the memory board, which one person is currently reading. When the person leaves, the party discovers that no one is currently looking at the board.
  • 02:15:00 The party investigates a board with various jobs listed, all of which are for the Herald of the Hall Voloshin. They decide to turn in the schemers and get all the gold they can.
  • 02:20:00 The characters enter the Steam's Respite, a bathhouse run by Miss Rima. Miss Rima informs them that the Common Room is less expensive, but less private, and that it will cost six silver each to bathe. The characters take turns bathing and discuss the current state of the campaign. Rima provides laundry service for an additional fee.
  • 02:25:00 The group of adventurers - including Yasha, a pale, muscular woman with dark hair, and Ashley, a tattooed woman - enter the steam bathhouse to relax after slaying a group of bandits in Alfield. Ashley tells the adventurers she has been tracking them for some time and is curious about why they are in Zadash. The group explains that they are looking for a magical item called the Eye of Abadar. Yasha and Ashley chat briefly before the older couple in the bathhouse start to get annoyed and move away. As the group emerges from the bathhouse, they see Jester, a half-orc bard, and Leandra, a human rogue, kissing in the hot tub. The group cheers and Ashley blushes.
  • 02:30:00 The adventurers discuss their job offers and decide to keep things quiet. Two side doors open and small troops of women and men dump pots of heated water into the bath to refresh the heat and then exit. Taliesin's father threw him in and he learned how to swim this way.
  • 02:35:00 The group discusses their recent adventures and makes plans to return to Pillow Trove to make more money. They also discuss the Crownsguard, who seem to be very wealthy.
  • 02:40:00 Travis and Marisha sing while Laura suds up Travis' hair and Nott dives into the bathtub. Sam is still scared, but Ashley tells the group that she follows the Stormlord. Liam and Matt talk about religion, and Taliesin vouches for Ashley. Travis asks Molly about her life, and she reveals that she's not from the Menagerie Coast. Laura and Fjord share a joke.
  • 02:45:00 In "Steam and Conversation | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 9," Marisha talks to Ashley about the cold day she asked for his cloak to be removed. Ashley recalls the day and shares that he was cold. Marisha offers to help Ashley with towel access and then asks Ashley if he needs a towel or if she should get to the hard-to-reach places in his back. Ashley says he's got it and they head out to meet the others. They discuss their plans for the mission to kill the big beast and Marisha and Laura agree to take it. Matt shares that he's ready for Monster Hunter and the group decides who will give up first. Ashley emerges from the hot tub and walks out using the large greatsword as a walking stick.
  • 02:50:00 The Mighty Nein inquire about a job listing, and the Herald goes to get the group's leader, the Lawbearer. The Lawbearer reviews the group's qualifications and decides that they are the best fit for the job.
  • 02:55:00 In this video, the Mighty Nine discuss the job of finding and killing a creature that has been causing problems in a sewer nexus. They agree to split the money reward equally between the seven of them, and Matt notes that there is no clearance of sewage and that participants are just there to take care of whatever is causing the problems. Ashley and Travis volunteer to go and take on the job, and Matt warns them that it is dangerous.

03:00:00 - 03:30:00

In this video, the characters are exploring the Tri-Spires, a district that is normally off-limits to the common person. They discover that a family has been using magic to maintain their appearance for hundreds of years. The spell eventually fails and the patriarch is forced to reveal himself to be a very old, powerful magic user. The characters are able to kill him and prevent him from doing any further harm.

  • 03:00:00 The party enters the Tri-Spires, which are a beautiful, elite part of the city. They're stopped by two crownguard and are then escorted to the Pillow Trove by one of them. Inside, they find a carriage with two people inside, one of which is Laura, a friend of Caleb. Matt, the guard escorting her, is impressed by her eloquence.
  • 03:05:00 In this episode of Critical Role, the characters investigate a mysterious family that's been sitting in a courtyard for hours and are acting strange. They eventually discover that the family is from the Tri-Spires, a district that is normally off-limits to the common person. The characters are able to talk to the family's patriarch and discover that he's been using magic to maintain his appearance for hundreds of years. The spell eventually fails and the patriarch is forced to reveal himself to be a very old, powerful magic user. The characters are able to kill him and prevent him from doing any further harm.
  • 03:10:00 The video follows a character as they explore an area of the Empire that is strikingly different from the other parts of the city. The character notices many different details, including the Triumph Chime, which is a large, glittery building that contains a casino, bars, and other amenities. The character also encounters a human woman who is working at the desk. The woman informs the character that their package has been delivered to the inn.
  • 03:15:00 Laura visits her old friend Matt at the Tri-Spire, but is frustrated that he can't help her find her old friend Tracey. Laura is also perplexed that Tracey hasn't contacted her and is worried about where she might be. Matt tells her that Tracey is with friends and that he has been helping her a lot already. Laura finally realizes that she can contact Tracey through Matt, and thanks him.
  • 03:20:00 In this video, Jester tells the group about how she met the Traveler and how everything is okay now. She then asks for money, but Liam tells her that he has some, and they go to a clothing store to buy clothes for Jester.
  • 03:25:00 <could not summarize>
  • 03:30:00 In this video, Matt discusses a missed opportunity to talk about something important, and then Liam reminds Matt that it is still Thursday.

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