Summary of Jocko Podcast 332: Andrew Huberman. Influence/ Ownership Over Your Physiological Psychological Being

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Jocko Podcast 332 features Andrew Huberman discussing how he became a firefighter, how his college admission process worked, and how he ended up getting thrown out of his dorms. Huberman also shares his memories of the day he drove his car into a group of surfers, and the resulting injury.

  • 00:00:00 In this episode of the Jocko Podcast, Jocko Willink discusses how he became aware of the importance of leadership and how to achieve it. He shares how Jordan Peterson's academic study helped him develop better tactics for leading a team.
  • 00:05:00 Jocko Podcast 332: Andrew Huberman discusses how focusing on a specific thing or situation can increase adrenaline and make it harder to think clearly. He also discusses how panoramic vision can help you perceive motion more quickly and react more effectively.
  • 00:10:00 Young Andrew Huberman talks about his childhood and how he became interested in skateboarding. His parents' divorce when he was 13 was a difficult time for him, and he credits skateboarding with helping him cope. He eventually stopped playing soccer, stopped going to school, and focused completely on skateboarding.
  • 00:15:00 In the early 1990s, Jocko went to San Francisco to hang out with his friends, many of whom would later go on to found successful businesses. Jocko talks about his early days skateboarding and how it led to him becoming friends with many of the people he would later know well. Jocko talks about how skateboarding was a way for him to escape the loneliness of his teenage years and how he eventually dropped out of high school. Jocko tells the story of how he met and became friends with a girl, which led him to enroll in college. Jocko eventually landed a job at a truck company, where he was given free trucks to use. Jocko talks about the negative effects of skateboarding becoming mainstream and the importance of staying true to your creative passions.
  • 00:20:00 Jocko Podcast 332 is a discussion about skateboarding and Fausto Vitello, who started Thrasher magazine and Independent Trucks. Jocko talks about how Fausto's brilliant idea was to create a company where all the brands are the same, which is Thunder. Jocko also talks about his time spent hanging out at the factory in Hunter's Point during high school, getting into fights, and how alcohol and drugs led him to falling in love with the adrenaline rush. He eventually left to San Francisco, ran away, and stayed with Ray Meyer. One of the counselors at the troubled kids place told Jocko that he was normal, just with a lot of problems. Jocko eventually went back to his parents and was put on a 72-hour hold.
  • 00:25:00 Jocko Podcast 332 features Andrew Huberman discussing his experience as a client of a therapist. He says that the therapist "strongly discouraged" him from using drugs and that they developed a relationship based on mutual interests. Huberman eventually became a successful young adult, thanks in part to the therapist's guidance.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the influence of one particular person on Jocko's life--a marine corps drill instructor named Gary Hall. Gary encouraged Jocko to focus on his education and career, and to avoid making poor decisions that would lead to disaster.
  • 00:35:00 Jocko discusses his experience skateboarding in the early 1990s and how it led to him discovering Operation Ivy and the bands that influenced them. Jocko talks about his love of music and how it has evolved over the years. He talks about his relationship with his football coach and how the fitness culture developed as a result.
  • 00:40:00 Jocko Peters tells the story of how he became a successful bodybuilder and martial artist, and how his rebellious attitude has always served him well. He discusses his time in the Navy, where he got into big-time trouble for wearing baggy pants. He eventually got out and started a muay thai gym, where he met and fought with a different group of people. One altercation ended in him taking a hit to the head that left him with a concussion.
  • 00:45:00 Jocko Podcast 332 features Andrew Huberman discussing how he became a firefighter, how his college admission process worked, and how he ended up getting thrown out of his dorms. Huberman also shares his memories of the day he drove his car into a group of surfers, and the resulting injury.
  • 00:50:00 Jocko Podcast 332 features Andrew Huberman, a 19-year-old who was recently thrown out of college and is now trying to rebuild his life by studying and working hard. Huberman talks about his experiences with partying and fighting, and how he eventually realized that he didn't enjoy being a part of that lifestyle and decided to change his ways. He also discusses his experiences with thermal regulation and how it can be used to improve one's training.
  • 00:55:00 Jocko discusses his experiences with drugs and addiction, how his experiences may have led to his current path in neuroscience, and how his experiences at the lab influenced his current career. Jocko also discusses the importance of remaining focused and productive during long hours of work, and his experiences seeing Roger Murray live.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, Jocko talks about how to optimize your physiological and psychological being. He discusses the importance of light exposure, both through the eyes and skin, and how it can impact the body's circadian rhythm. He also talks about how walking or running can help to calm the nervous system, and how yoga nidra and meditation can help people who have trouble falling asleep. Finally, he discusses the effects of caffeine on the body and how it can impact the brainstem cranial nuclei.

  • 01:00:00 The author discusses his experiences with music, writing, and photography in the early stages of his career. He eventually got a tenure-track position at a university in California, but found the commute from his home in Normal Heights to UC San Diego to be too far. He decided to put a couch in his office and take his dog for walks outside. This arrangement worked well for a few years, but eventually he got promoted and bought a house. His career took off after that, and he is now a neuroscientist with multiple publications and grants.
  • 01:05:00 Jocko discusses his experiences with skateboarding and punk rock music, and how they have influenced his work as a scientist. He talks about how skateboarding and punk rock have helped him to develop a strong sense of community and to connect with people from all ages.
  • 01:10:00 The author discusses how sleep and deep rest are essential for optimal performance. He also discusses how modulators and mediators can help improve performance. He recommends getting natural light in the eyes within an hour of waking up and exposing oneself to sunlight once the sun comes out.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses the effects of light on the body, specifically the effects of light on cortisol levels. It explains that, in general, exposure to light at certain times of the day will keep the body's circadian rhythm in line, while exposure to bright light in the morning will trigger the body's natural cortisol release. The video concludes by recommending that people wake up at the same time every day, and that bright light in the morning (rather than at night) is the best way to keep the body's cortisol levels in check.
  • 01:20:00 The author of this video discusses how getting light exposure, both through the eyes and skin, has positive effects on mental and physical health. They also mention a study from China which found that increased exposure to sunlight can prevent the development of myopia in children and adults.
  • 01:25:00 According to the author, walking or running can help to calm the nervous system and suppress the activity of the amygdala, which is commonly associated with fear.
  • 01:30:00 The author discusses the benefits of getting sunlight in the morning, including increasing body temperature and decreasing body temperature. He also talks about how to increase body temperature during exercise and how to deal with delayed gratification.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the importance of sunlight for various biological processes, including the release of dopamine and epinephrine. It also discusses the importance of getting some sunlight in the afternoon, as the cells in the eye that trigger all this the so-called melanops and ganglion cells respond best when there is a low solar angle.
  • 01:40:00 This video discusses how to optimize your physiological and psychological being by wearing blue blockers and reducing light exposure in the evening. It also discusses the importance of evening heat, and the impact of light on the body's ability to fall asleep.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the "non-sleep deep resting" practices of yoga nidra and meditation, which are designed to lower the level of activation of the nervous system. These practices are found to be helpful for people who have trouble falling asleep, and can be found for free on the internet.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses how caffeine suppresses the action of adenosine, which can have negative consequences such as an afternoon crash. It recommends delaying caffeine intake by 60-90 minutes after waking to allow the adenosine to be cleared out. It also discusses how dopamine is not the molecule of pleasure and that it is the molecule of motivation, desire, and pursuit.
  • 01:55:00 In this video, Jocko talks about caffeine and its effects on the body. He mentions that caffeine is a non-infinite, yet renewable resource, and that too much dopamine release can be painful. Jocko recommends that people be careful about stacking stimulants, as this can lead to addiction. He also discusses how stimulants can activate the brainstem cranial nuclei, which can cause eye movement and eyelid opening.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This video discusses how different neurochemicals can influence our physiology and psychology, and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage. It also covers topics like the limbic system, reward prediction error, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

  • 02:00:00 <could not summarize>
  • 02:05:00 Testosterone and DHT have positive effects on effort and motivation, leading to increased production of dopamine. When levels of dopamine drop, individuals may experience a "crash" in motivation, which may necessitate time to recover in order to be able to work hard again.
  • 02:10:00 The video discusses how stress and fatigue can compromise the immune system, and how using techniques like cyclic hyperventilation and deep breathing can help to restore balance. It also mentions how testosterone, adrenaline, and dopamine can all help to motivate and energize someone. Finally, the video explains how the neurochemicals dopamine, adrenaline, and testosterone can help to create a "readiness" and "motivation" state.
  • 02:15:00 The video discusses the importance of serotonin and oxytocin, which are molecules that make us feel good and relaxed. It discusses how these molecules need to oscillate in early relationships in order to be beneficial. The video also discusses how dopamine and adrenaline, which are typically associated with pursuit and pleasure, are also released in early relationships. If dopamine and serotonin are not released in an appropriate manner, addiction can develop.
  • 02:20:00 The video discusses how dopamine and serotonin affect our perception of time, and how understanding this can help us control our stress. It goes on to talk about how different states of dopamine and serotonin are associated with different perceptions of time. The best way to understand this is to think of dopamine and serotonin as "molecules that evolved to either put us into states of readiness and pursuit or relaxation." Understanding this can help us control our stress.
  • 02:25:00 The "limbic system" is a part of the brain that controls basic states of being, such as being alert, stressed, or calm. The forebrain, which is located behind the forehead, controls top-down modulation, which is the act of looking at a watch or something else and deciding whether or not to act on the information. Breathing exercises that are done regularly can help to calm down and restore equilibrium in the limbic system.
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses how dopamine levels can be manipulated without any effort, and how dopamine levels can be high without any activity. It also cites examples of how dopamine levels can be manipulated, such as watching television or playing video games. The video warns that if dopamine levels are not controlled, they can lead to addiction and other negative consequences.
  • 02:35:00 The key to controlling the trajectory of one's life is focusing effort before pleasure, and using intermittent reinforcement to keep motivation up. Rewards that are randomly given, rather than regularly, are more powerful in motivating people.
  • 02:40:00 The video discusses the idea of reward prediction error, which is the phenomenon of neurons in the brain firing before you actually receive a reward, leading to a subsequent drop in dopamine levels. This explains why people become motivated to pursue rewards in the future, and also applies to human relationships. The speaker also discusses hunting, which is a more extreme form of combat, and how it differs from using a computer. Finally, the speaker discusses how to build motivation and achieve limbic friction, or the resistance to boredom and distraction.
  • 02:45:00 The limbic system is responsible for controlling basic physiological and psychological responses, such as rage, aggression, and fear. It can also screw you by driving you to do things you don't want to do, such as sleep longer or eat unhealthy foods. cognitive behavioral therapy, a type of treatment for phobias and anxiety disorders, is based on the idea that patients should gradually accustom themselves to the feared object or situation.
  • 02:50:00 In this podcast, Jocko talks about how to approach difficult situations, such as exercise or stress, in a way that benefits your body and mind. He references a colleague at Stanford, Ali Chrome, who has researched how the mindset of athletes can improve their physiology. In a study, participants who watched a movie about stress experienced benefits such as increased focus and sharp memory. Jocko advises listeners that, to create positive physiological consequences from their actions, they need to believe in themselves and create a system for themselves.
  • 02:55:00 Jocko discusses the idea that there are different physiological and psychological "ranges" that we can experience, and how this impacts leadership. He also speaks on the impact of war on the individual, and how the attitude of the leader can greatly influence the attitude of the troops.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

Jocko Podcast 332 is about Andrew Huberman and how he uses influence and ownership over one's physiological and psychological state to achieve success. He discusses how social contagion can be a powerful force, and how empathy can be used in positive ways if used correctly. He also provides tips on how to effectively manage multiple tasks and how to overcome limbic friction.

  • 03:00:00 This veteran talks about the importance of being able to leave your own emotional state in order to be effective as a leader. He talks about how social contagion can be a powerful force, and how being able to understand another person's perspective is a valuable skill. He also discusses the importance of empathy, and how it can be used in positive ways if used correctly.
  • 03:05:00 The author discusses the dopamine system and how it affects our emotions. He discusses how one of the ways to get dopamine is by feeling anger and frustration. The chair of the psychiatry department at Columbia University was fired for a tweet that was insensitive.
  • 03:10:00 In this podcast, Jocko speaks about how people use anger and dopamine to motivate themselves. He discusses how people can use anger and dopamine to their advantage, but warns that these states can also lead to harmful behaviors. He provides an example of a record-breaking weightlifter who used anger and dopamine to achieve his goals.
  • 03:15:00 The author discusses the idea that there are multiple brain circuits that contribute to our ability to control our behavior, and how one can improve control by engaging these circuits 20 times a day.
  • 03:20:00 The video discusses how to overcome limbic friction, or the resistance to taking action due to fear and anxiety. One way to overcome this friction is to force yourself to do things that you don't want to do, and also to force yourself to not do things that you want to do. Building up these little circuitries in the basal ganglia allows for more dopamine production, which in turn restores your ability to make decisions without getting caught up in fear and anxiety.
  • 03:25:00 The author of the video discusses how to effectively manage multiple tasks by focusing on writing in complete sentences. He warns that it is a difficult task, but one that is essential for excelling in any field.
  • 03:30:00 Jocko discusses how detachment from problems and emotions can help in solving them. He also talks about how writing can be a powerful tool for achieving this.
  • 03:35:00 Jocko discusses how he has come to understand the self as being influenced by one's environment and experiences. He also speaks about the importance of taking others perspectives into account in order to better understand and interact with them.
  • 03:40:00 The author, Jocko, discusses how he views success and stress, and how they relate to one another. He also discusses how his approach to food and exercise differs from the average person.
  • 03:45:00 The Basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is the amount of energy expended by the body at rest. Jocko believes that by training regularly, one can offset age-related cognitive decline. He eats a balanced diet of protein and carbs at night, and avoids eating in the afternoon to avoid distractions.
  • 03:50:00 The author recommends consuming five grams of creatine monohydrate per day, consuming low sugar fermented foods, and eating oats or other clean sources of carbohydrates before and after training.
  • 03:55:00 Jocko discusses how different types of exercise impact the body's neurological and physiological states, suggesting that habits should be put in place during specific phases of the day.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

In this episode of the Jocko Podcast, Andrew Huberman discusses the importance of understanding and taking ownership of one's physiological psychology. He also talks about the "friend zone" and how to use the variable reward system to have more influence over others.

  • 04:00:00 The correct pronunciation of "Jocko" is "jock-o." She describes the fear response as being more powerful than the motivation response. She discusses the dopamine reward system, how it works, and why it is important to occasionally reward oneself for achieving goals.
  • 04:05:00 This YouTube video discusses how reward schedules work and how they can help improve learning and motivation. It also discusses the 8515 rule, which is a guideline for how difficult a task should be for optimal learning.
  • 04:10:00 The author discusses how he learned to focus and how it feels good, noting that it reminds him of his bulldog chewing on something. He then reveals that he named his bulldog "Costello" but there was a debate about whether to keep the name, and Costello won out. He goes on to say that there are a few dogs out there with the same name and some people have gotten good tattoos.
  • 04:15:00 The video discusses a study published in Scientific Reports which found that bright light from screens isn't as disruptive to your melatonin levels as previously thought. It also discusses how to adjust your retinal sensitivity so you can get more artificial light at night without disrupting your circadian rhythm.
  • 04:20:00 The video discusses the effects of sleep on the body and the importance of respecting the natural sleep cycle. It also warns against working in bright light before bedtime, as this will suppress melatonin and make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • 04:25:00 Jocko Podcast 332 discusses the importance of sleep, and how different people may require different amounts of sleep. One way to get better sleep is to use an app called "Reverie," which helps you fall asleep by teaching you to relax. If you wake up in the middle of the night, do not turn on lights or engage in any other stimulating activities. Instead, listen to the "Non-Sleep Deep Breath" script to help you relax and fall back asleep. Finally, magnesium supplements may help speed the transition into sleep and are interchangeable with each other.
  • 04:30:00 In this podcast, Jocko talks about various ways to improve sleep, including magnesium, inositol, and theanine. He also mentions that US suicide rates are high and that there is no one to blame but ourselves.
  • 04:35:00 The speaker discusses the challenges of being a high school student, and how it can be difficult to balance academics with other activities. He points to the example of Andrew Huberman, a tenured professor at Stanford, as an inspiration for young people. Huberman, who barely passed high school, took a little time to figure out what he wanted to do with his life, and succeeded. The speaker advises young people to attend school, do well in their classes, and avoid doing drugs, alcohol, and engaging in risky behaviors.
  • 04:40:00 Andrew Huberman discusses how dopamine systems cycle and how imposing oneself to get there is necessary for successful outcomes.
  • 04:45:00 Jocko discusses the psychology of addiction and how people can manipulate others using various systems. He also discusses how to maintain healthy relationships.
  • 04:50:00 Jocko Podcast 332 features Andrew Huberman discussing the concept of the friend zone. Huberman says that he has never been in the friend zone, and that it is a foreign concept to him. He says that if a girl wants to be friends with a guy, he advises behaving as if they are just friends and not assuming that the guy is going to want anything more from the relationship. Huberman also discusses the concept of influence and ownership over one's physiological and psychological being.
  • 04:55:00 The Jocko Podcast features Andrew Huberman, who discusses the importance of understanding one's own physiological psychology, and how taking ownership of one's life can lead to better outcomes. Huberman also discusses the phenomenon of the "friend zone," and how understanding the variable reward system can help one have more influence over others.

05:00:00 - 05:10:00

In this episode of the Jocko Podcast, Andrew Huberman discusses the benefits of Alpha GPC, an energy supplement. He also talks about how to increase dopamine levels and the importance of taking action and living life fully.

  • 05:00:00 Jocko Podcast 332 features Andrew Huberman discussing the benefits of Alpha GPC, an energy supplement. Huberman says that Alpha GPC is better than taking it as a supplement, as it has additional benefits when consumed with goat's milk. He also notes that the expression "wicked good" is from the northeast US and is used to describe something that is excellent or great. Huberman recommends purchasing supplements from, Vitamin Shop, and Wawa, and states that DIY can be a fun way to improve quality and wear clothes that are fashionable and durable.
  • 05:05:00 The author of the video, Jocko Podcast creator Andrew Huberman, talks about a shirt he wore in the 1990s that says "I'm sponsored by Thunder Trucks." He recalls how he remembers the shirt and how it represented his journey. He also discusses how subscription-based shirts can be exclusive, and how this can create a sense of hype. Finally, he provides details on his leadership consultancy, Echelonfront, and its training academy, Extreme Ownership.
  • 05:10:00 Today's episode of the Jocko Podcast features guest Andrew Huberman, who discusses the role dopamine plays in human behavior and how to increase one's dopamine levels. Huberman also discusses the importance of taking action and living life fully.

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