Summary of C# Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This YouTube video provides a comprehensive introduction to the C# programming language. It covers topics such as installation, creating a new project, writing code, and executing programs. The video also discusses data types, variables, and strings.

  • 00:00:00 This 1-hour tutorial introduces C#, a powerful programming language used in millions of applications. The tutorial begins with installation of required software and explains how to create a new project in Visual Studio. The first program written in C# is a simple console application.
  • 00:05:00 This 1-hour online C# tutorial teaches beginners how to write their first C# program. The first line of code prints "console with a capital C dot right?" on the screen.
  • 00:10:00 This C# tutorial demonstrates how to write code and execute it, including how to create a triangle on the screen using a single instruction.
  • 00:15:00 In this tutorial, you will learn about variables in C#. Variables are special containers that you can use to store information for later use. You will also learn about how to modify information stored in a variable, using a search and replace function.
  • 00:20:00 This 1-paragraph summary describes how variables help to simplify programming by storing data in a manageable container. Variables are created by giving C sharp specific information about the type of data that will be stored, and then assigning a value to the variable. When needed, the value of a variable can be retrieved by referring to its name.
  • 00:25:00 This 1-paragraph summary explains the basics of variables in C#. A variable is a place where you can store information, and you can modify that information by changing the value stored in the variable. You can also use variables to store strings of text, numbers, and other types of data.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, the instructor discusses data types in C#. He covers plaintext (text stored without quotation marks), integers (whole numbers), doubles (decimal numbers with digits after the decimal point), and booleans (true or false values). He shows how to create variables for each type of data and how to use them in code.
  • 00:35:00 In this tutorial, beginner C# programmers will learn about the three core data types in C#: strings, numbers, and Booles. Strings are especially important, as they are one of the most commonly used data types in C#. They can be used to represent plain text, as well as other values such as variables and constants. Finally, the tutorial discusses some ways to use strings in your programs.
  • 00:40:00 This video tutorial teaches basic C# programming concepts for beginners. The tutorial covers topics such as printing strings, finding out information about strings, and using methods.
  • 00:45:00 This video covers various aspects of C# programming with strings, including how to print out strings, index strings, and substringing.
  • 00:50:00 In this C# tutorial, the author discusses the two main types of numbers, integers and decimal numbers, and how C# distinguishes between them. He also discusses how to work with numbers and math, and how to store numbers in variables.
  • 00:55:00 This video tutorial teaches the basics of working with numbers in C#. The video shows how to store and use numbers, how to perform math operations, and how to use methods.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video provides a full course for beginners covering basic C# programming concepts. It starts with an explanation of how to get input from a user and store it in a variable, and then goes on to cover how to create a basic calculator and convert strings into numbers. Additionally, the video explains how to create and use arrays, and how to create and call methods. Finally, the video discusses the use of if statements and how they can be used to make decisions in your program.

  • 01:00:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to get input from a user in Csharp by using console dot write and console dot read line. The author also shows how to create and use a variable to store the input the user enters.
  • 01:05:00 This tutorial explains how to create a basic calculator using C#. The user is first allowed to enter in two numbers, which the program will then add together and display the answer. Additionally, the tutorial covers how to convert strings into numbers, which is useful for working with strings that contain numbers.
  • 01:10:00 This tutorial explains how to convert a string into an integer, and how to use that integer in a calculation. It also covers how to handle cases where a user enters a decimal number.
  • 01:15:00 In this C# tutorial, the author teaches how to build a Mad Libs game in C sharp. The user is prompted for input, such as color, plural noun, and celebrity, which are stored in three variables. The user's responses are then put into the story and it is humorous based on what the user enters.
  • 01:20:00 In this C# tutorial, the author demonstrates how to create and use arrays, a data structure that can hold multiple values. Arrays are created similarly to variables, with the open and closed square bracket signifying that the array is an array and not a variable. Values are assigned to arrays using open and closed curly brackets, and the most basic way to access an individual element in an array is to make an open and closed curly bracket and then type the value that you want to access.
  • 01:25:00 In this C# tutorial, the author shows how to create and access arrays of integers and strings. Arrays are similar to variables in that they can store multiple pieces of information of the same type, but they are more powerful because they can store multiple pieces of information. Methods are blocks of code that perform a specific task.
  • 01:30:00 This C# tutorial explains how to create a method, which is a block of code that can carry out a specific task. The main method is a special method that gets executed when the program is run, and any code that is written inside of the open and closed curly brackets of the main method will be executed. The method can have as many lines of code as you want, and you can name the method based off of the task that it is designed to perform.
  • 01:35:00 This C# tutorial introduces the concept of methods and how they can be used to encapsulate code within a single, reusable unit. The video also covers how to specify parameters for a method and how to call the code multiple times using different parameters.
  • 01:40:00 This C# tutorial discusses the use of return statements in C# methods. A method is a block of code that is designed to perform a specific task, and in this tutorial, the instructor shows how to use the return keyword to return information to the caller of the method. When creating a method, the instructor mentions that static is a keyword which means the new method will have the same name as the main method, but with a "static" appended to the name. When specifying the return type, the instructor uses the void return type, which means no information will be returned. However, when returning information with the return keyword, the instructor specifies that the return value will be an integer. After creating and naming the cube method, the instructor shows how to call the method and print out the return value. Finally, the instructor demonstrates how to use the return keyword to break out of the method and print the value of a number cubed.
  • 01:45:00 An "if statement" is a special structure in a C# program that allows the program to respond to different situations. In this tutorial, you'll learn about if statements and how to create and use them. If statements are common in daily life, and you can use them in your C# programs to make decisions.
  • 01:50:00 This video introduces the if statement, which is a basic programming construct used to check the value of a variable and execute code accordingly. The video shows how to use the and operator to check if two conditions are true at the same time, and how to create a variable to store the result of a test.
  • 01:55:00 This tutorial provides a full course for beginners covering basic C# programming concepts. In this example, the video demonstrates how to use the if keyword to check two conditions. If either of the two conditions is false, the else keyword is used to specify a different action to be taken.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This tutorial explains how to use a for loop to iterate through an array of data. The first step is to create a variable and set it to an initial value. The second step is to check a condition, and if the condition is true, the code inside the for loop is executed. Finally, the variable is incremented and the condition is checked again. This process is repeated until the condition is no longer true. Once the condition is no longer true, the data that was looped through is printed out.

  • 02:00:00 This C# tutorial explains how if statements work, and how they can be used to compare two values and make decisions based off of the results. The tutorial covers comparisons such as greater than, less than, and equal to.
  • 02:05:00 This tutorial teaches how to use the max function in C# to compare two or more numbers. The max function can be used to compare two numbers, three numbers, or any number greater than one. The tutorial also shows how to use comparisons to figure out the biggest number.
  • 02:10:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to create a full-fledged calculator in C# using if statements. The user can enter two numbers and specify an operator, and the calculator will perform the appropriate operation.
  • 02:15:00 This C# tutorial covers the basics of the four basic arithmetic operations, right addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. The video goes on to explain how to use a switch statement to check a number's value against a list of conditions.
  • 02:20:00 This 1-paragraph summary explains how a switch statement in C# can be used to check different cases for a given value. The code example shows how to create cases for 0 through 6, and also how to create a default case for invalid numbers.
  • 02:25:00 In this C# tutorial, the author demonstrates how to use while loops to iterate over a block of code while a condition is met. While loops are very similar to if statements in terms of how they work, and they are extremely useful for performing repeated tasks.
  • 02:30:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to use while loops and do while loops to create a simple guessing game.
  • 02:35:00 The video demonstrates how to create a basic game in C# using a while loop and a condition to keep track of how many times the user guesses the secret word correctly.
  • 02:40:00 In this C# tutorial, the author demonstrates how to increment a variable every time a user guesses, how to create a boolean to indicate when a user is out of guesses, and how to break out of a while loop when the user runs out of guesses.
  • 02:45:00 This video tutorial demonstrates how to use a for loop in C sharp to keep track of a variable that increments every time the loop is executed. The loop is executed while the guest count is not equal to the secret word. If the guest count is equal to the secret word, the loop is executed again.
  • 02:50:00 This YouTube video introduces the for loop, which is a looping construct closely related to the while loop. The for loop is very compact and easy to understand, and it can be used to repeat a certain task multiple times.
  • 02:55:00 This tutorial explains how to use a for loop to loop through arrays of data. The first thing the author does is create a variable and set it to an initial value. The second thing the author does is check a condition, and if the condition is true, the author executes all of the code inside of the for loop. Finally, the author increments a variable and checks the condition again. This process is repeated until the condition is no longer true. Once the condition is no longer true, the author prints out the data that was looped through.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

This video tutorial introduces the concept of classes and objects in C#, and covers how to use catch blocks to handle errors in your programs. Classes are simply a specification for a new data type, and objects allow for the representation of real world entities inside of a program. The tutorial then shows how to create a book object in a C# program, and how to use a constructor to pass in title, author, and number of pages when creating a new object.

  • 03:00:00 This C# tutorial shows how to use a for loop to solve an equation involving powers of two. The for loop keeps looping as long as the integer variable "i" is less than the power number "power num". When "i" equals power num, the for loop ends and the equation is solved.
  • 03:05:00 In this tutorial, the author shows how to create and use a two-dimensional array in C#. The array is created by enclosing an open and close square bracket in an expression and giving it a name. The array can then be filled with values using an open and close curly bracket. The array can be accessed by name and each element can be printed out.
  • 03:10:00 In this tutorial, the author discusses how to use exceptions in C#. He covers the basics of how exceptions work and how to handle them in order to keep the program running despite errors.
  • 03:15:00 The video demonstrates how to handle exceptions in a C# program. When code in the program might break, the user can create a try block to contain the code, and if an exception occurs, the catch block will execute and print out information about the exception.
  • 03:20:00 This tutorial introduces the concept of classes and objects in C#, and covers how to use catch blocks to handle errors in your programs.
  • 03:25:00 In this C# tutorial, the author explains how classes and objects allow for the creation of custom data types. Classes are simply a specification for a new data type, and objects allow for the representation of real world entities inside of a program.
  • 03:30:00 This tutorial shows how to create a book object in a C# program. The author, title, and number of pages are stored in the book object.
  • 03:35:00 This video tutorial discusses how to use constructors in C# classes in order to make it easier to create objects.
  • 03:40:00 This video demonstrates how to use a constructor to pass in title, author, and number of pages when creating a new object. This way, the caller can just tell the constructor what the title, author, and number of pages will be.
  • 03:45:00 This tutorial explains the use of C#'s object constructors and methods, which are shortcuts for creating objects with predetermined attributes. The first lesson covers the basics of objects, constructors, and methods. The second lesson covers object methods.
  • 03:50:00 In this tutorial, the author explains how to create a method that will return a true or false depending on whether or not a student has honors. This method can be used with objects that have different attributes, and it is easy to modify if needed.
  • 03:55:00 In this C# tutorial, the author demonstrates how getters and setters can be used to restrict the access to attributes of a class. The getters and setters are defined in a private section of the class, which prevents other code from accessing the attribute.

04:00:00 - 04:30:00

This video covers the basics of inheritance in C#. The Italian chef successfully overrides one of the methods inherited from the superclass, demonstrating the power and flexibility of inheritance.

  • 04:00:00 The video covers the steps needed to create getters and setters for a private rating attribute in C#. These getters and setters will allow outside code to access and modify the rating attribute.
  • 04:05:00 In this C# tutorial, the author discusses how static attributes work and how they can be useful in making classes more secure. He shows how to create a static attribute and how it differs from normal attributes.
  • 04:10:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to use static attributes in C#. A static attribute is an attribute that belongs to the class, not the specific objects it refers to. Static attributes are useful for storing information about the class, such as the number of songs that have been created.
  • 04:15:00 In this tutorial, the author demonstrates how to create a static method in a class. A static method belongs to the class, and you don't have to create an instance to use it. This can be extremely useful in certain circumstances.
  • 04:20:00 This tutorial explains how inheritance works in C#, and how it can be used to create more specialized classes.
  • 04:25:00 The video demonstrates how to override a method in a subclass to change its functionality. In addition, it shows how to create a new subclass that inherits all of the functionality of another subclass, and how to call the original method from the subclass without specifying the override keyword.
  • 04:30:00 This video covers the basics of inheritance in C#. The Italian chef successfully overrides one of the methods inherited from the superclass, demonstrating the power and flexibility of inheritance.

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