Summary of Estudio sobre el desempeño de la Empresa Forestal Comunitaria en México

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the performance of the Forest Community Enterprise (FCE) in Mexico. The study found that, although the financial and economic aspects of the company are present with opportunities, the social aspect is often lacking. The study also found that, although some companies are performing better than others, all Forest Community Enterprises in Mexico are, on average, slightly less efficient than average. The study recommends that companies with lower performance levels adopt strategies similar to those used by the best-performing companies, such as improving information processing and data gathering.

  • 00:00:00 The purpose of this webinar is to share the results of a study on the performance of the communal forestry company in Mexico. The presenter, engineer Edgar Arturo Sanchez Moreno, will be followed by colleague Efraín Maya Garcia, who is an expert on general production and productivity coordination at the National Forestry Commission. They will be followed by humorist Frame on today's topic, which is the study of the performance of the communal forestry company in Mexico. Today's speaker is the engineer Edgar Arturo Sanchez Moreno, who has a master's degree in forestry from the Autonomous University of Chapingo and has taught courses on forest management at the graduate school of the Polytechnic Institute. He has also participated in the execution of research and consultancy projects in forestry sector development, enhancement of forestry organizations in Mexico, and marketing of forest products and forestry indicators in the market. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Economics and Administration of the Autonomous University of Chapingo. In turn, the professor and researcher Eganar Tura Sanchez Moreno will give the talk. Sanchez Moreno is a forestry engineer with specialization in general production and productivity coordination at the National Forestry Commission. He has also taught at the graduate school of the Polytechnic Institute,
  • 00:05:00 This video is about the performance of the Comunitaria Forestry Company in Mexico. It presents an overview of the company's performance over the past year, including analysis of important indicators. In the future, it plans to present economic models based on information it has received about the company's environmental and social characteristics.
  • 00:10:00 This research studies the performance of the Community Forestry Corporation in Mexico. Financial and social indicators, as well as corporate responsibility, are taken into account. In addition, environmental integration is considered when assessing technical financial performance. Multicriteria analysis is used to compare performance among companies in four categories: high, medium, low, and failed. The study also looks at four indicators of sustainable forest management: forest cover, wood production, wood utilization efficiency, and gender equity in employment. Based on these results, amulti-criteria structure is developed that corresponds to analytical criteria of performance assessment. Finally, Community Forestry Corporation companies are compared with predefined performance standards in four areas: production, business management, sales and marketing, and resource utilization.
  • 00:15:00 The study examines the performance of the Comunitaria Forestry Company in Mexico. The problems that are being addressed include multiple criteria, what is being aimed for is maximizing those performances, for example, volume used in percentage of authorized volume in the community and that will be used in the process of timber transformation to timber roll. The specific criteria that have been identified are 8 volumes used and the coefficient of closure and use. These three within the category of efficiency technical financial AND three within the category of social dimension, which has to do with workers using by hundreds of meters cubic of wood processed in the industry. It should also be mentioned that the approach of this analysis is directed towards secondary production, that is, the transformation of wood into timber roll in secondary production companies, following with this order the social dimension encompasses also the percentage of women employed by those forestry communal companies and also of that percentage of those employed in those positions who are or were senior officials and finally, and not less important, the environmental dimension in the two concepts that were mentioned, global certification and the management of forest ecosystem, which has to do with the certification of timber management and the chain of custody and additionally sales a percentage of timber as a forestry communal company certified for good management also deserves mention that, in
  • 00:20:00 This video discusses the performance of the Community Forestry Company (CFC) in Mexico. The categories are 2, 3, and so on, and each criterion is evaluated based on profiles. It is also worth mentioning that this table shows the median behavior of the groups. That is, the volume harvested had a behavior of around 80% of the authorized volume, in all the companies, or the volume authorized of 100%. 80% of the volume was used in the average case for entering the transformation process. For each category, there are the following: -Category 1: The majority of the performances are in category 2 or 3. -Category 2: This is the largest category, and here we find the majority of the median values. However, there are a few values that are very marginal, such as a participation of women directors at around 3%. -Category 3: This category includes companies with very low performances.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, we discuss the performance of the Forest Community Company in Mexico. We will be comparing this company's earnings to those of all other companies, and we will select this company as the best compared to all others based on its negative flow. However, we will now take into account the selection of companies as a whole, instead of just choosing the company that has the largest negative flow. This difference is simply the sum of the negative flows of all the company's individual criteria. Another rule of assignment is the position of the company, based on its negative flow. However, we will also take into account its positive flow, in order to determine its position. If its flow is negative and within the limits of these limits, then the company is assigned to this predetermined category. Sometimes this does not coincide with the position of the company as determined by its individual criteria, in which case we will use the company's negative flow as the final position. This will be done by multiplying its flow by the weight of each criterion and then placing it in the appropriate category, taking into account its positive and negative flows. Six companies stand out as being of importance for this analysis: Company 1 and Company 7 have only positive criteria, while Company 10 has three negative
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses the performance of the Communitarian Forestry Company in Mexico. The company's 36, 10, and 25 rank high in terms of overall performance compared to other companies in the study. The global net flows of these three companies are ordered from highest to lowest, and these are the positions that define the standout companies. Six companies from the state of Durango stand out in terms of global net flow performance, and two companies from the state of Oaxaca do too. This suggests that the performance of one company relative to another can be different, and this gives an "early warning" for businesses' overall performance. The ranking also displays the weight each company has in terms of these three categories. For example, 36 is a company with only two positive net flows, while 10 has two negative net flows. This illustrates the importance of analyzing company performance in terms of both positive and negative net flows. Finally, the video summarizes the main points of the ranking by discussing the performance of three companies in terms of their overall performance, as well as their relative positions in terms of categories (high, medium, and low). Only three companies (36, 10, and 25) were ranked, but they all have a significant impact on business performance.
  • 00:35:00 The study evaluates the performance of the Community Forestry Corporation in Mexico. The study found that companies with better performance are those that are high in the high-performing category, with the 10 company being the highest. The 2 and 25 companies have high performance, and are also included in the medium-performing company, 36, which having high performance in the ranking now is in the middle of the short and short-term performance rankings, which is just a repositioning of the company's category when the true results are compared. The positive and negative flows and net result is compared with all previously defined profiles, and we say that when this value is obtained, for example, 66 points on the performance measurement for these profiles, then the company is located in a high-performing category and for the negative flow and the same for the LED, but there are occasions when this does not happen and how we will see this later. There are companies that do not necessarily have high performance in the high-performing category, for example, the 2 company is located in a high-performing category, but its true result, point 52, is not located in this range, but here instead, and then this is used as another decision rule in which we use the net flow truth value. So
  • 00:40:00 This study analyzed the performance of the Community Forestry Company in Mexico. The study found that the negative flow has now shifted to other profiles and these are the median performance profiles. These are the high performance profiles and there is an ambiguity that what happens is that we then use another criterion which has to do with performance, but neto. To be able to define if a company is in the category 1 or category 2, we use this method of verification that we call a way of assigning the company which is the company 2 in the category 1 if it is going to be true this assignment always and unless the final performance is between the limit of a category we have called category medium, which is between the limit r2 and the limit r2 + 1 which is the value of performance, the performance is point 19. So point 19 is greater than the category medium of point 16 but it is less than the high performance profile of the category of the category high, so if this value is between these two limits, which is between the upper limit and the lower limit of the category 1, then it is correct assigned and it is a valid conclusion that we have obtained in a similar way for the company 25 which has ambiguity because on the one hand it allows placement in the range or in the
  • 00:45:00 The study looked at the performance of the Forest Community Company in Mexico. The worst positions were given to companies 71 and 34, which is probable due to few or poor performances in those criteria. We remind you that company 7 and company 1 had only two positive groups of criteria, while the rest were negative and company 34 had a final positive performance. Similarly, although with different positions, the same companies' performance is also assessed according to investment criteria, now taking into account where there is a workforce investment. Company 34, which is in the forestry sector's ranking, has improved in the short ranking. What's the usefulness of these studies? By identifying problems and deficiencies in those companies evaluated in those criteria, and finally pointing out that these criteria allow orienting public policies in Asia in general, when evaluated in a regional comparison, it is true that all the companies under those criteria had negative performances. In other words, the focus is on companies' general performance, without obviously looking at which criteria are missing and the short team has a more local or focal focus, with environmental objectives pursued through the two evaluatable criteria or evaluated perdón, or what has to do with social objectives if companies are given the emphasis they deserve for having more employment in female or managerial
  • 00:50:00 This study looks at the performance of the Forest Community Corporation in Mexico. It summarizes the findings of the study, and then offers recommendations for improving the performance of Forest Community Corporations in Mexico. The study found that, although the financial and economic aspects of the company are present with opportunities, the social aspect is often lacking. The study also found that, although some companies are performing better than others, all Forest Community Corporations in Mexico are, on average, slightly less efficient than average. The study recommends that companies with lower performance levels adopt strategies similar to those used by the best-performing companies, such as improving information processing and data gathering.
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the performance of the Forest Community Enterprise (FCE) in Mexico. FCEs are businesses that participate in the process of transformation and sale of raw materials like timber, which is shared by others in the same sector. They are companies that have passed the certification process for forest management and are furthermore employing women and the community. They sell wood that has been certified as being in good condition. FCEs are one of the models of forest community enterprises, and there are at least two that are considered private associations, which means they are not necessarily related to the agricultural sector. They are, however, involved in a security process with a rural area. Some other questions that overlap in some areas are answered and others are addressed in this talk's time segment. The audience is also asked for their thoughts on future webinars. Any comments or suggestions for topics that would be beneficial to cover are gratefully received. The audience was given information on this talk's presentation being recorded and will be available for viewing on the website. The video will be uploaded to YouTube within the next few hours and will be found on the project's website under "Presentations." Thank you to engineer Edgar Sanchez Moreno for being with us today, and we are grateful to Elizabeth

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the results of a study on the performance of community-based forestry enterprises in Mexico. Engineer Santiago Solís presents the findings of the study and explains how genetic improvement and pine production can be improved in areas producing Durango pine.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses genetic improvement and pine production in areas producing Durango pine, with engineer Santiago Solís. The next week, we'll see them again at 11am. Thank you for being here today.

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