Summary of Riff Lords: Scotti Hill of Skid Row

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row discusses their song "Riff Lords" and demonstrates how to play the main riff. He talks about the band's history and their latest album, Slave to the Grind, and plays a few solos.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row covers some of the riffs from his first album, "Big Guns." The riff in the intro is in the key of G, and the riff in the verse is in the key of C. The riff in the middle of the song is in the key of D.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row discusses his approach to playing guitar, which includes starting slowly and gradually building up speed. He also discusses their first video, their first single, and the different versions of the verse before the final version was cut.
  • 00:10:00 The video features Scotti Hill of Skid Row discussing the song "Riff Lords." He explains that the song was originally written with some lyric changes and then fine-tuned. The song is the definitive version of Skid Row's song and features a B flat chord that was created in the studio. The main riff is played in open fifth, third, and open positions with a slide up to the fifth fret of the third fret. The second part of the figure is played on the D string at first fret, the third fret of the G string, and the third fret of the D string. The final part of the riff is played on the G string at the first fret, the third fret of the D string, and the first fret of the G string.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row demonstrates how to play the main acoustic part of his hit song "Slave to the Grind." The chords are G, D, and C, and the song is played in regular speed. Hill also demonstrates a few licks, including a hammer-on and pull-off on the B string to the 3rd fret, and a little lick in between the G and D chords.
  • 00:20:00 Scotti Hill of Skid Row discusses the song "Riff Lords," which is a hit for the band and always in the set. He talks about the guitar parts and how to play them. He also discusses the song's lyrics and how they came to be.
  • 00:25:00 The guitarist for the heavy metal band Skid Row, Scotti Hill, discusses the band's history and their latest album, Slave to the Grind. He explains that the album was written and recorded quickly, and that the band members have changed a lot since the first album was released.
  • 00:30:00 Scotti Hill of Skid Row plays a solo on a guitar in the style of power chords. He demonstrates techniques such as muting, hammering on, and pulling off to create a clean, bluesy tone.
  • 00:35:00 Scotti Hill of Skid Row discusses his riffing style, which relies on a pocket man and a groove. He also discusses how to play the chorus of his hit song "Skid Row."
  • 00:40:00 Scotti Hill of Skid Row discusses the title track off of the Slave to the Grind record, which is a powerful and fast song. The song can be played in drop D, which means the E string is played on D instead of the higher E string. The song has a interesting story behind it, as the band realized after recording it that it needed to be tighter and more organized to sound good.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row demonstrates how to play the riff from their song "Beavers." Hill says that the riff can be played "just like you don't have to play like super tight, super perfect all the times," and that it's a matter of "feeling it." The demo version of the song is played, and it is clear that the band was more relaxed in the studio and allowed themselves to play more freely. Hill plays different chords in the chorus, which gives the riff a more powerful sound.
  • 00:50:00 Scotti Hill of Skid Row plays a heavy, slow riff on a guitar that has a steamroller vibe. The song has a different groove than Slave to the Grind, which is a straight-ahead gallop. The riff is important to play correctly and has palm muting throughout.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row performs a variety of rock and blues guitar solos. He discusses how he constructs his solos, and provides tips for aspiring guitarists.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Scotti Hill of Skid Row provides tips for playing guitar in different keys. The song "Riff Lords" is played in different keys, and the tips are relevant for all levels of guitar players.

  • 01:00:00 This video provides tips for playing guitar in different keys, including C, D, E, and F. The song "Riff Lords" by Skid Row is played in different keys, and the tips are relevant for all levels of guitar players.

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