The YouTube video titled "Sesión de la Cámara de Senadores | 22/11/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay" features a session of the Uruguayan Senate. The session begins with the attendance count for previous sessions, with some senators absent with notice and others declining the convocation of the body. The session continues with discussions on various topics, including the appointment of an ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the approval of an agreement between Uruguay and the United Nations Environment Program , and the extension of benefits and presentation of a new law project. During the session, a senator raises concerns about high prices in the country and urges for policies that promote legal and productive economic activities in the border region.
00:15:00 In this section, the Senate session begins with the count of attendance for previous sessions. It is noted that some senators were absent with notice. Two senators, Oscar Andrade and Graciela Bianchi, have submitted requests for leave due to personal reasons. The requests are approved unanimously, and the senators Juan Castillo and Sandra Lazo are called to take their place during their absence.
00:20:00 In this section, it is announced that several senators have submitted requests for personal leave, while others have declined the convocation of the body. The requests for leave range from one to several days, and the reasons for the leave are not specified. Additionally, there is a report from the International Affairs Committee regarding the appointment of an ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The report highlights the professional experience of the proposed ambassador.
00:25:00 In this section, a member of the Senate presents the background and qualifications of the ambassador nominee, highlighting his extensive experience in diplomatic roles, including his recent position as an ambassador in Poland and previous roles in Chicago and China. The nominee is praised for his language skills and legal education, which make him well-suited for the mission. The discussion also focuses on the importance of improving the export of national products, particularly rice, and prioritizing national interests in diplomatic relations. The committee unanimously recommends approval of the nominee based on his proposed plan and career achievements. Before the vote, a senator acknowledges the presence of students from a local school and thanks them for witnessing the work of their representatives. Another senator expresses his pleasant surprise at having this topic on the agenda and praises the nominee's extensive diplomatic experience and effectiveness in his previous roles.
00:30:00 In this section, members of the Uruguayan Senate discuss the appointment of Beraldo Roque Nicola as the country's ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran. They highlight Nicola's experience and dedication to the country, emphasizing his ability to fulfill the objectives of the position. They also mention the positive state of bilateral relations between Uruguay and Iran, noting that both countries have strengthened their diplomatic representation. The senators discuss the potential for increased commercial cooperation, particularly in sectors such as agriculture and trade. Overall, the senators express their satisfaction with Nicola's appointment and vote in favor of his designation as ambassador.
00:35:00 In this section, a senator invites everyone to support the nomination of Gerardo Nicolás as the country's ambassador to the Republic of Iran, highlighting his extensive experience and people skills. The senator expresses confidence in his ability to represent Uruguay well. After the nomination is approved unanimously, another senator requests a minute of silence to honor the recent passing of a former colleague, a respected teacher, poet, and politician. The request is approved, and everyone in the chamber, including visiting students, stands in tribute. The section concludes with a welcome to a group of students from a local school who are present to observe the session.
00:40:00 In this section, the senators discuss the approval of an agreement between the Republic of Uruguay and the United Nations Environment Program regarding the creation of a subregional office for South America. The agreement aims to strengthen Uruguay's commitment to environmental protection and establish the country as a leader in the region. The senators highlight the benefits that this office will bring, such as granting privileges, immunities, and tax exemptions to its officials. They see this as a positive step in reaffirming Uruguay's environmental leadership and working towards regional cooperation. The agreement is unanimously approved by the senators present.
00:45:00 In this section, a representative informs the Senate about a project of law sent by the Executive Power. The law aims to extend and expand measures to provide fiscal relief to micro and small businesses located in border areas. The law seeks to address the specific challenges faced by these regions, such as currency fluctuations, price differences, and high levels of informality. The existing law, which was unanimously approved by the Senate, provides various benefits including exemptions from contributions, taxes, and minimum monthly payments. The proposed new law extends these benefits to include retail trade and increases the threshold for gross income. Overall, the objective is to support and alleviate the economic challenges faced by businesses in border areas.
00:50:00 In this section of the Senate session, the extension of benefits and the presentation of a new law project are being discussed. The senator Botana criticizes the lack of action to address the essential problem of high prices in the country. He suggests implementing concrete measures such as tax cuts and simplified imports to tackle the core issue. Botana expresses his dissatisfaction with the current proposal, stating that it only prolongs uncertainty and does not provide real solutions. He emphasizes the importance of taking actions that truly benefit the people and investing in the future, rather than just applying temporary fixes. Despite party loyalty, he believes it is his duty as a senator to speak up for what needs to be done.
00:55:00 In this section, senators discuss the issue of informality in the border region and the economic impact it has. They argue that the high price difference between Uruguay and neighboring countries incentivizes individuals to engage in cross-border trade, which often involves illegal activities due to the lack of competitiveness and high costs within the country. They emphasize the need for the state to take responsibility for its own shortcomings instead of blaming border residents, and urge for policies that promote legal and productive economic activities in the region. The senators also express their support for a tax reduction but express concerns about its effectiveness in boosting the economy if other measures to enhance competitiveness and protect local industries are not implemented. They highlight the paradoxical situation of protecting importers at the expense of local industries, which hampers Uruguay's ability to compete internationally. Overall, they stress the urgency of addressing these issues and implementing effective policies for the border region.
In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the proposed modifications to the governance model of the Technological University (UTEC) in Uruguay. They criticize the lack of consultation and dialogue with the opposition and other stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of maintaining inter-party agreements. The speaker expresses disappointment with the government's lack of outreach and highlights concerns about the intentions behind the proposed changes. They also question the legitimacy of the project and its potential impact on future changes and the right to protest. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more inclusive and transparent decision-making process for UTEC's governance.
01:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the concept of reality and how it relates to government policies. They argue that reality is independent of individual will and that truth requires aligning one's thoughts with an external reality. The speaker criticizes both the current government and previous opposition governments for their naive approach to dealing with the economic situation in relation to Argentina and Brazil. They believe that the proposed project falls short and suggests the need for a monitoring system to constantly assess prices in neighboring countries and give the executive branch the power to make necessary tax reductions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the true reality to avoid negative consequences for those living on the border. Another senator takes the floor and discusses the National Border Plan, highlighting the historical lack of understanding and legislation related to the border regions. They stress the need for a more comprehensive and informed approach to addressing the inequalities in these areas.
01:05:00 In this section, a senator criticizes the lack of participation and knowledge from the society in the development of a strategic plan for the border region. They emphasize that important actors such as mayors and municipalities are not properly involved. The senator claims that the decision being discussed does not address the significant problems at the border and that it is merely a superficial solution. They argue that a national strategic plan should not just be a theoretical document, but should actively involve the mayors and municipalities in the border region. The senator concludes that beyond discussing the law being considered, it is crucial to take concrete actions to address the pressing issues at the border.
01:10:00 In this section, the speaker expresses support for a bill that will benefit around 9,000 companies in Uruguay. They also highlight the importance of not disregarding initiatives and achievements, as well as the need to address underlying issues. The speaker mentions the existence of three pending bills in the Senate and urges for their consideration, emphasizing the need to prioritize legislation that has been left untouched. Furthermore, they discuss the challenging situation at the border with Argentina, where many families are struggling due to job losses and increasing migration. The speaker emphasizes the need for different measures to address the significant currency difference and the unique challenges faced by those living near the border.
01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the economic hardships faced by the people in Uruguay's border regions, particularly in Salto and Paysandú. They highlight the impact of the currency exchange rate and the lack of job opportunities. The speaker suggests implementing measures such as a 40% discount on fuel prices and exploring differential pricing through the use of different cards. They emphasize the need for collaboration between the national government and local governments in order to address the situation and propose extending benefits to more sectors, particularly in the hotel and tourism industry. Additionally, they mention the significant exchange rate difference between Uruguay and Argentina and suggest the possibility of a new law to address this issue.
01:20:00 In this section, Senator Da Silva discusses the issue of smuggling and its impact on the economy. He argues that the government should take more significant measures to address this problem, as it is causing a loss of revenue to the country, estimated to be around one billion pesos. He also highlights the importance of supporting local businesses, particularly in the border regions, and mentions the success of small and medium-sized enterprises led by women. The senator emphasizes the need for long-term solutions and calls for cooperation among senators to tackle these challenges effectively. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues as vital and not as mere afterthoughts, in order to create a better country and improve the lives of its citizens.
01:25:00 In this section, the speaker addresses the issue of the exchange rate difference with Argentina, emphasizing that it is not just a border issue. They express support for a proposed law and criticize the double standards of Uruguayans who speak about defending jobs but go to Buenos Aires to shop. The speaker argues that the government's measures have led to a devaluation of the peso and calls for a competitive exchange rate to benefit farmers and create jobs. They also discuss Uruguay's economy as a service and product exporter, expressing concern about the Central Bank's increase in interest rates during uncertain global times. Overall, the speaker urges for a better understanding of the country's economic foundation and the need for policies that support job creation and economic competitiveness.
01:30:00 In this section, a senator expresses concern over the additional cost that will be incurred due to a proposed law. They argue that this cost is often overlooked and that those making decisions lack a true understanding of the real world and the generation and distribution of wealth. They highlight the potential negative impact on businesses and people's purchasing power. The senator also criticizes those who sing the national anthem patriotically but then cross the border to Argentina to make purchases, causing harm to the local economy. The proposed law is unanimously approved and the session moves on to discuss other legislative matters.
01:35:00 In this section, a senator presents a bill that proposes modifications to the government organs of the Technological University (UTEC) in Uruguay. The senator highlights the success and growth of UTEC since its creation in 2012 and emphasizes its territorial, technological, and governance models. The original law that established UTEC included a transitional period for the government, which has been extended multiple times. The senator emphasizes the need to establish a definitive governance model for UTEC after years of discussions. The proposed bill aims to address this matter and seek approval from the Senate.
01:40:00 In this section of the Senate Chamber session, the discussion revolves around the governance model proposed in Law 19043 for the Universidad Tecnológica (UTEC) in Uruguay. While the exponential growth of enrollment and regional coverage in the interior of the country has been lauded, the focus of the debate is on the need for regulations and the efficacy of the current model. The proposed modifications to the law aim to fine-tune the regulatory framework, provide guarantees and certainties, and ensure a smooth continuation of the successful current model. It is argued that there is no one-size-fits-all governance model for public universities, and the efficiency of the current model is evidenced by the tangible results achieved. The proposed amendments selectively modify various articles of Law 19043, primarily addressing organizational aspects and the addition of an Academic General Council to the governing bodies. Importantly, the proposed changes do not alter the foundational objectives, commitments, integration, student rights, mobility and internships, capacity for knowledge validation, management structure, requirements for rector and central governing council, or the university's assets.
01:45:00 In this section, the transcript excerpt discusses the integration and objectives of the General Academic Council within the UTEC, the Technological University of Uruguay. The council is composed of various representatives, including the UTEC rector, the national director of education, elected representatives from the teaching and student orders, as well as representatives from other institutions. The excerpt also mentions the role of the Electoral Court in organizing elections for these representatives. Additionally, the excerpt highlights the modifications proposed for the composition of the Central Board of Directors and the responsibilities of the regional advisory councils. It concludes by mentioning the regulation of internships and the care of UTEC's assets, which now falls under the responsibility of the regional directors.
01:50:00 In this section, a senator expresses their disagreement with the proposed modifications to Article 31, which pertain to the designation and form of the General Education Law. They argue that it is not appropriate for Uruguay to have a continuously interim and provisional public university, citing the negative consequences experienced by the UTEC since its creation. The senator emphasizes the need for clarity and stability in the functioning of the institution to avoid uncertainty and undesired outcomes. They also mention that the current authorities of UTEC support the proposed project. Another senator shares their disappointment in discussing this project, as they were part of the creation of UTEC and believed in the vision of providing equal opportunities for education in the interior regions of the country. They express concern over the budget allocation to UTEC and the expectation for good results due to the substantial resources received. The senator concludes by stating their disappointment with the opposition's lack of support in past interparty agreements for education.
01:55:00 In this section of the Senate session, the speaker discusses the creation of UTEC (Technological University of Uruguay) and criticizes the lack of consultation and dialogue with the opposition and other stakeholders in the decision-making process. They emphasize the importance of maintaining inter-party agreements and gestures of cooperation, expressing disappointment that the government did not reach out to discuss the proposed changes to UTEC's governance. The speaker also points out the quick approval of the project, which raises concerns about the intentions behind it. Additionally, they highlight the lack of consultation with students and teachers, as well as the absence of a public debate on the matter. The speaker questions the legitimacy of a project that lacks an identified author and argues that it undermines the possibility of future changes without any right to protest.
The Senate session in Uruguay discussed the proposed creation of the Uruguay Technological University (UTEC) and the concerns surrounding it. The government's plan aims to increase value-added production in the country by linking education to productive activities. However, critics argue that the project lacks support beyond the government and that the exclusion of workers and employers in decision-making is problematic. Senators raised concerns about the potential loss of autonomy, the negative impact on education quality, and the lack of consultation with students and teachers. The senator also highlighted successful autonomous university models in other countries and questioned the need for changes to the current governance structure. The session also saw discussions on ideological prejudices, the importance of preserving autonomy, and the potential consequences of implementing the proposed changes. Supporters of the project highlighted the need for the university and its role in providing tertiary education opportunities to rural areas. Overall, the session highlighted the varying perspectives and concerns regarding the proposed creation of UTEC.
02:00:00 Uruguay's Minister of Education presented plans for a new university, stating that the approved project would be implemented soon. The project has no support beyond the government, which has received criticism for not responding adequately to the needs of the country during the pandemic. The Uruguay Technological University (UTEC) is currently not introducing anything new, as other universities in the region are doing the same. The government's objective for the UTEC is to increase the value-added production in the country by providing education that is linked to the productive activities that take place in the territory, regardless of the product or service produced. The UTEC is seen as a key driver of this development. However, the exclusion of workers and employers in the decision-making process has been criticized.
02:05:00 In this section of the Senate session, a senator expresses concern about the idea that faster decision-making equates to better decisions, pointing out that a university is not a business and that autonomy is key for academic and economic success. They give examples of universities in Denmark, Finland, the UK, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland that have high degrees of autonomy and are highly ranked internationally. The senator also highlights the discrepancy between the expectations placed on universities and the limited budgets they receive, comparing it to expecting a Ferrari's performance with a Volkswagen Golf's budget. They argue that the criticisms against the government of the University of the Republic are unjust and driven by an agenda to undermine it. The senator then mentions a movement of students and teachers who disagree with the proposed project and have sent a note to the president of the Senate expressing their opposition. They emphasize the importance of the Senate being aware of this movement and reading some excerpts from the note, which highlights the concern that the elimination of autonomy in UTEC (Technological University) would contribute to the weakening of democratic society.
02:10:00 In this section, the speaker expresses their opposition to the modification proposed for the university system in Uruguay. They argue that the current universities, such as UTEC, have demonstrated their capacity for governance and decision-making and that denying students from the interior the right to govern would be unfair. They also express concerns that the proposed changes may lead to the loss of autonomy for UTEC and potentially result in political favoritism. The speaker believes that approving this project would create more problems than solutions and calls for a reconsideration of the proposal. They highlight the need for a critical self-assessment within the Frente Amplio party and express their belief that the implementation of a new university system should have occurred earlier. They also acknowledge UTEC's ability to collaborate with other institutions but emphasize that the current project, as envisioned, has not been implemented before and therefore should have been given a chance. The speaker concludes by asserting that attacking the University of the Republic is not an appropriate solution to address grievances with the government.
02:15:00 In this section, a senator criticizes a proposed university model and expresses concern about the potential political interference it may face. The senator argues that the independence of universities is crucial for an effective education system. They highlight the need for long-term planning and stability in educational institutions, rather than being subject to the political whims of different governments. The senator believes that the project undermines the opportunity to establish broad agreements and consensus in education, which they believe is necessary for long-term success. They conclude by stating their intention to vote against the project and express disappointment in the missed opportunity for national agreements in education.
02:20:00 In this section, a senator raises a question regarding the origin of the signatures gathered in support of a petition. The president clarifies that the signatures were collected by student and worker associations affiliated with the university, not personally by the senator. The senator emphasizes the importance of verifying the accuracy of the transcript and questions the inclusion of signatures that do not appear to be from students or professors. The president explains that the petition was sent by two unions associated with the university and assumes that there are signatures from students and professors among them. Another senator then expresses agreement with the previous speaker and criticizes the decision to change the governance of the university, attributing it to ideological prejudice rather than valid reasons. The senator questions why there is a need to change a successful governance model that had been praised in the past.
02:25:00 In this section, Mujica discusses the process of creating the UTEC (Technological University of Uruguay) and how it was a result of a unique composition and political agreement. He recalls the moment when it was first voted on in the Chamber of Deputies, with opposition from some members. Mujica emphasizes that the UTEC was a creative initiative that involved the participation of workers, entrepreneurs, students, and teachers. However, he criticizes the current decision by the Senate to change the rules and create friction where there was none before. Mujica argues that these changes will directly affect the quality of education at UTEC, particularly for students and teachers in rural areas. He believes that this decision is solely motivated by ideological prejudices and lacks any justification in terms of efficiency or past achievements.
02:30:00 In this section, the speaker reflects on their personal journey through education and their admiration for a former president. They express their disappointment at the decision to change the education system, stating that it was functioning well and did not have any complaints from students or graduates. They question the rationale behind this decision, suggesting that it may be driven more by ideology than actual justification. The speaker concludes by lamenting the potential consequences of such a change and expressing hope that it does not happen.
02:35:00 In this section, a senator expresses her concern about a proposed law that would change the governance structure of the Technical University of Uruguay (UTEC). She acknowledges the importance of UTEC in providing tertiary education opportunities to young people in rural areas and praises its success in establishing multiple campuses and offering a variety of programs. However, she believes that the current proposal to continue with a provisional governance structure instead of implementing a permanent one is a step backward and urges for a more inclusive decision-making process. She highlights the need to address the past lack of consultation and voices her support for a more transparent and collaborative approach to the university's governance.
02:40:00 In this section, a senator expresses their concerns and doubts about the government's proposed model for the Utec university. They question whether this model is the best for achieving the university's objectives and ensuring autonomy. The senator emphasizes the importance of including different perspectives and considering the interests of various stakeholders in decision-making processes. They also raise concerns about the potential loss of autonomy when representatives of political interests are involved in the management of the university. The senator urges careful consideration of the potential risks and consequences of implementing this model, especially regarding the use of public funds and the possibility of political or local influences in decision-making. They highlight the previous unanimous approval of the creation of Utec by the government and question why there has been a change in their stance. The senator expresses their desire for more information and implies that this could be a case of improvisation or forgotten proposals.
02:45:00 In this section, a senator expresses concern over the governance of the public university, UTEC, stating that it lacks diversity and inclusivity in decision-making. They argue that the approval of the project would result in lower levels of participation and consultation. They question why there is a distinction between UTEC and other educational institutions and criticize the lack of consultation with teachers, students, and staff. The senator highlights the success of UTEC and believes that their input should have been considered. They express disappointment in the project and will vote against it. Another senator, however, supports the project, stating that it will benefit UTEC and fulfill its important role. They criticize the tendency to question the legitimacy of majority decisions and deem it destructive and irresponsible.
02:50:00 In this section, a senator is speaking and expressing their support for the creation of the UTEC (Technological University of Uruguay) as a tribute to former president José Mujica. They highlight Mujica's courage in criticizing the centralism of the University of the Republic and questioning certain dogmas. The senator also mentions that the UTEC was initially intended to be a university, but opposition from government parties and unions prevented this. They acknowledge that the creation of the UTEC was part of an educational agreement promoted by Senator Jorge Larrañaga, despite other aspects of the agreement not being fulfilled. The senator concludes by urging their fellow senator to listen respectfully to their perspective, as they have listened to theirs.
02:55:00 In this section, a senator remarks on the creation of the UTEC (Technological University of Uruguay) and the importance of decentralization of education in the country. They highlight the commitment of the National Party to create the university, in line with the concerns of President Mujica's government. The senator also pays tribute to the councilors who played a crucial role in the project, emphasizing their bipartisan contribution. Additionally, they acknowledge the resistance faced by the University of the Republic in decentralizing its processes but commend the progress made. The senator criticizes the notion that the UTEC project is partisan and asserts that it represents the will of the majority. They also note the lack of initiatives from previous governments to change the governance of the university and attribute it to a lack of agreement on equal governing conditions. The senator concludes by expressing a self-critique and recognizing the need for reflection on this issue.
In this section of the YouTube video recording from the Uruguayan Senate, various senators expressed their opinions on a range of topics. Some senators discussed the re-establishment of a provisional government at the University of the Republic, with differing views on its effectiveness and potential harms. There were also discussions about the creation of a new technological university and its governance model, with some senators supporting the decision while others disagreed, citing concerns about politicization and the limited time for discussion. Education, training for teachers, and expansion of educational opportunities were also topics of discussion, along with the government's role in education and the importance of participation in decision-making. Furthermore, the removal of the Lotek government lottery and its implications were debated, as were the historical developments in tertiary education in Uruguay and the impact of universities on social and technological development. Overall, there were diverse perspectives on these issues, showcasing the complexity and multifaceted nature of the discussions in the Senate session.
03:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video recording from the Uruguayan Senate, Senator Rodriguez is addressing the adjournment of a debate on the re-establishment of the provisional government at the University of the Republic. He argues that the provisional government was conducted successfully in the past and that it should be re-established to allow for more effective communication between stakeholders. However, by labeling the group that voted for the provisional government as divisive and obstructionist, Rodriguez is rejecting this reorganization outright. Rodriguez believes that this action is unwarranted and ultimately harms the university and its students.
03:05:00 In this section of the Senate session, a member of the National Party expresses their discontent with the accusations and disrespect being thrown at their party. They state that they are willing to discuss the politicization of labor unions, but they will not accept any further personal attacks or attributions of intentions towards their party. They apologize to their coalition partners and affirm their support for the creation of a modern and participatory technological university, while also emphasizing their respect for the University of the Republic. Another senator clarifies some points, mentioning the missed opportunity for opposition representation in the past and refuting claims about the origins of the proposed university model.
03:10:00 In this section, a senator expresses their concern about the risks of the project and sees it as an affront, stating that the political parties will be the ones deciding the authorities. They clarify that they are not using subjective language but stating an objective reality. They also point out that the University of the Republic started working on decentralization before 2012, despite claims to the contrary. Another senator speaks about the development of the university and the UTEC, noting that the University of the Republic's growth was not due to the UTEC but rather its own decisions. The session becomes contentious as senators argue about the politicization of the appointment process for the authorities of the UTEC. Some senators argue that it is a legitimate political mechanism, while others express concern about the departure from the original bipartisan agreement. Overall, no substantial arguments supporting the change in governance are presented.
03:15:00 In this section of the video, the senator discusses the formation of an agreement between the Uruguayan government and the departments on patents. The senator explains how the agreement was reached through negotiations and the lack of a majority or minority government, instead relying on unanimities. The senator highlights the role of the president and the intendent in reaching the agreement and generating a sustainable process. The conversation then shifts to the importance of respecting the regulatory framework and avoiding judging intentions. The senator recommends adhering to the rules and requires all parties to remember the regulations when making judgments. The conversation moves to a discussion on the clarification of concepts such as those related to the Middle Ages.
03:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the history of higher education, specifically focusing on the medieval period. They highlight the establishment of hospitals, asylums, orphanages, and universities within the Catholic Church, and emphasize the importance of recognizing the antiquity and origin of this institution. The speaker notes that universities today offer various titles and degrees, but not all of them are governed, and they question the value of these titles. The speaker recalls the history of movimientos sociales that promoted the establishment of the University of Salto in the 1960s and 70s, and they acknowledge the advantages and faults of the current university government. Finally, the speaker discusses the current politicalization of the university and the importance of recognizing its politicized nature.
03:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the creation of a new technological university and the decision to depart from the governance model of the University of the Republic. They acknowledge that the previous government, now in opposition, understood that the previous model was not suitable for expanding higher education in the country, particularly in technological fields. They praise the current government for its courage in establishing this new university and express support for the current candidates chosen to lead it. They also reject the notion that decisions should be made outside of the parliamentary process and emphasize the importance of democratic participation. The speaker concludes by stating that this issue was debated in committee and that they will support the proposed statute and governance of the new university.
03:30:00 In this section, senators express their disagreement with the government's decision to create a second university that operates under a different governance model. They argue that this goes against the original conception of the National Parliament regarding the creation of a university. They express their disappointment in not being able to achieve the same level of academic development and integration in the education university. They believe that a single governance model for universities would have been more beneficial for the country. However, they acknowledge that the new technological university has been successful in changing the educational landscape in the country's interior. Despite their differences, they emphasize the importance of reaching agreements that transcend government and opposition, and moving towards a common direction. They conclude by stating that history will judge which governance model is best for Uruguay and express their support for the proposed governance structure suggested by the executive. Other senators raise concerns about the politicization of education and the limited time for discussion and agreement within the commission. They argue that decisions made by the government coalition after two months may not necessarily represent the best interests of all parties involved.
03:35:00 In this section, the speaker reflects on previous workshops that aimed to provide tools to newcomers and repeat attendees. They express gratitude towards a specific deputy for acknowledging the Front's allowance of opposition debate. The speaker argues that the current imposition of a different modality is consistent with previous decisions, suggesting a lack of interest in participation. They criticize the decision to exclude teachers, students, entrepreneurs, and workers from the institution's governance, emphasizing the importance of participation. The speaker suggests that it would have been better to test the established modality and consider changes later if necessary. They mention that other Latin American countries have positive examples of co-governance in universities. The speaker also shares their disagreement with former President Mujica's statements against government autonomy, asserting that no one has all the answers. They acknowledge that there have been criticisms of the UTEC, including student demands for transportation resources, and emphasize the importance of documenting all perspectives in the transcript.
03:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the conditions for teachers in the education system in Uruguay. They criticize the lack of ongoing training for teachers, the reported cases of harassment, and the discrimination faced by those who reported it. They also mention the importance of expanding education opportunities to rural areas and how it has positively impacted the country's education system. The speaker concludes by expressing disappointment in the government's view of education as seen in the proposed modification to Article 31, which removes references to the public education system. The speaker then requests a leave of absence from the Senate for a workshop in Argentina. Afterward, another senator expresses mixed feelings about the proposed project, acknowledging the need for a solution to the ongoing extension of the education system but also highlighting the failure to comply with existing laws.
03:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the role of the government in education and highlights that it is not the only tool for governance. They emphasize that the current government has left its mark on all areas of formal education, but questions whether there has been true co-governance or simply government control. The speaker suggests that there should have been more discussion and participation in decision-making, particularly in regards to the appointment of authorities in the university. They acknowledge the concerns raised by teachers and students regarding the lack of achievement in certain areas and the need for clearer responses from the current authorities. The speaker also suggests that while this new law proposes a consultative academic council, there should be more emphasis on participation and potentially granting voting rights to ensure a more effective and inclusive decision-making process. They clarify that this project is not solely the work of the executive branch or the Ministry of Education and Culture, but has been in the making since 2015-2016.
03:50:00 In this section, a senator expresses their discontent with the government's decision to eliminate the Lotek government lottery, stating that there were already intentions to do so in 2006. They believe that the Ministry of Culture was aware of these intentions and that there was no consensus at that time. The senator suggests that the current Ministry of Education and Culture is pushing for this change, but they believe that the authorities of the Utec should take responsibility for the situation. They also mention the importance of discussing and analyzing how they reached this point. Another senator clarifies that a letter in support of the Utec was signed by students, teachers, and family members connected to the institution. The senator then praises the Utec and its strategic vision for higher education in the country. They highlight the resources allocated for decentralization and argue in favor of the Utec's establishment.
03:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the significant change that occurred in the relationship between tertiary education and society in Uruguay, specifically within the country. They note that this change was made possible by the doubling of the university budget, which allowed for the payment of teachers' salaries and the possibility of studying and teaching. This intervention was the first step towards a new form of government that prioritized participation and emphasized the participation of doctors, students, and other organizations. Although there were different forms of government that could have been implemented, the speaker argues that the most important thing was the involvement of external actors in political decision-making. The speaker likens the intervention in the university to a "puntapié" that leads to greater efficiency in the allocation of resources. They also discuss the importance of participation in decision-making and the impact that participation has on the eficiency of the university. Finally, they argue that the university in Uruguay has a significant impact on the social and technological development of the country and that it plays a crucial role in advancing technological knowledge.
In this section of the Senate session, the speaker raises concerns about the sale of hand-reared animals in Uruguay. They discuss how the current legislation limits the ability of producers to sell these animals and highlight the negative consequences this has on the agricultural industry, public health, and the environment. The speaker calls for new laws and regulations to address these issues and ensure the well-being of both producers and consumers. They emphasize the need to find a balanced approach that takes into account the concerns of all stakeholders involved.
04:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of efficient and democratic decision-making in universities. They argue that although university decisions may take longer due to the involvement of various governing bodies and assemblies, this is necessary to ensure democratic and effective outcomes. The speaker also criticizes the idea of advisory councils, stating that they are mere façades without real decision-making power. They further emphasize the need for student and faculty participation in the decision-making process and express concern over the potential lack of public and social involvement in a university that lacks participation. Additionally, the speaker highlights the transformation of advisory councils into decision-making bodies in various sectors, which they believe has changed both democracy and efficiency. They conclude by asserting that democracy and efficiency are at stake in the current discussion on university governance. Another speaker clarifies that they have been actively involved in university governance and stresses the importance of true participation from students, faculty, and society. They assert that the true democratization of education lies in the Universidad de la República, as it provides a wide range of options for students in the interior. They also mention the efforts made to decentralize the university and increase opportunities for education in the interior regions.
04:05:00 In this section of the Senate session, a senator highlights the importance of decentralization in education, particularly in the context of the University of the Republic and the Technological University of Uruguay (UTEC). They emphasize the need for both quantitative and qualitative representation in education, with UTEC serving as a true decentralization of education in the interior regions of Uruguay. The senator also mentions the importance of staying focused on the agenda and time constraints of the session. Additionally, a senator requests a leave of absence for official business related to the Permanent Forum of Afrodescendants, which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. The request is approved, and the body proceeds with other matters on the agenda. There is a discussion about extending the session, but it is later clarified that it is not possible. Another senator expresses the significance of political agreements and the need to address various dimensions of decision-making, including the value of political agreements, the current state of security and issues affecting children and international relations. They assert the importance of separating these matters from partisan politics and focusing on finding solutions through collaboration.
04:10:00 In this section, the opposition criticizes the government for breaking a political agreement on education. They argue that such agreements should transcend administrations and focus on addressing long-term issues, such as structural poverty in childhood. The opposition believes that breaking the agreement undermines trust and the ability to build powerful agreements in the future. They also express their dissatisfaction with the government's decision, stating that it goes against their principles and calls it an insult to their social activism. The opposition acknowledges that there have been disagreements on education in the past, but breaking this agreement is of a different magnitude. They highlight the importance of defending the interests of all stakeholders, regardless of political affiliation, and express concern about the prejudice surrounding increased participation in education being solely attributed to the Frente Amplio party. The opposition urges a careful consideration of immediate needs and long-term goals when making decisions. They argue that while immediate results may be necessary for electoral reasons, it is essential to prioritize what is truly necessary for the benefit of the people.
04:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of integrating the knowledge and perspectives of different societal groups, including academics, workers, and entrepreneurs. They emphasize the need for collaboration and knowledge-sharing in a rapidly changing world. The speaker also criticizes a government approach that seems to disregard the value of education and academic institutions, particularly highlighting the role of the University of the Republic in responding to the pandemic and generating scientific knowledge. They argue that instead of breaking from tradition, educational initiatives should enrich existing practices and strive for consensus-building. The speaker concludes by acknowledging that there are differing opinions within their political party, but it is important to take responsibility and recognize the significance of certain legislative projects.
04:20:00 In this section, the senators discuss the issue of public tertiary education in Uruguay and how different political parties stand in respecting the agreements that are broader than just one sector. They acknowledge the importance of consistency in respecting the entire country and express their disappointment with the current state of affairs. One senator expresses astonishment at the way the University of the Republic is treated as if it were a commercial or industrial entity, questioning the autonomy of the institution. They note that the majority political party is the one that appoints the authorities, undermining the notion of autonomy. Furthermore, they argue that comparing the university to institutions with a long history and institutional density is not valid, as it is still vulnerable and relies on the participation of various actors. The senator sees the current state of affairs as a political error and expresses surprise that the Intendant Congress did not take note of this matter. They also highlight the initial idea of having an institution linked to the interior and production, emphasizing the importance of technological profiles in research and innovation.
04:25:00 In this section of the Senate session, the speaker discusses the importance of a pluralistic approach in education and extension services. They argue that the model of involving multiple actors is widely accepted and necessary for long-term policies in the knowledge economy. However, they caution against excluding sectors directly linked to these endeavors and emphasize the need to prioritize the interior of the country and agro-industrial chains. The speaker expresses concern about the possibility of a political direct appointment system, stating that it would be a risky move and could lead to social and political conflicts. They also question the difference between the proposed system and existing autonomous bodies, highlighting potential negative impacts on society and various stakeholders. Ultimately, they express their opposition to the project. Another senator briefly interrupts to argue that the proposed system is a step backward compared to the existing legislative framework.
04:30:00 In this section, the senator expresses his support for Jorge Larrañaga, who was unable to defend himself against the accusations made during the session. He highlights Larrañaga's consistent efforts to align his words with his actions throughout his political career. The senator mentions that in 2012, Larrañaga denounced the government for not fulfilling the multi-party agreement on education and traveled to Finland in 2013 to learn from their successful education system. He also presented a project in 2017 with various proposals to revolutionize education, emphasizing the responsibility of the government and public institutions in shaping educational policies. The senator applauds Larrañaga's commitment to participation and cites the successful implementation of the Pro Mejora program during the previous government as an example. Overall, the senator defends Larrañaga's contributions to education in Uruguay.
04:35:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the proposed bill 19.043 and their thoughts on its implementation. They argue that despite its positive definition, the bill has not been executed effectively in practice, and they attribute it to the government. They believe that there is a need for separation between the spheres of liberation and execution of the death penalty, as the world has a fast-paced rhythm that demands it. The speakers also point out that despite the efforts to consult, analyze, and explore other models, the focus has been on what works in Uruguay. Finally, the bill is put to a vote, which passes in general and particular in favor of its implementation. The senator Pablo Lancz has the last word to thank the president.
04:40:00 In this section, the senators discuss a project that aims to regulate the slaughtering of farm animals in Uruguay. They mention that this project addresses a longstanding cultural and historical issue in the country and is an important step towards improving the situation. They highlight the need for a registry to track the origin of animals for transportation and mention the positive impact it would have on combating illegal activities in the sector, such as theft. The senators are in favor of the project and believe that it is a good starting point, although they acknowledge that there is still room for further improvement. Overall, they applaud the government's efforts in addressing this complex issue.
04:45:00 In this section, a senator discusses the importance of a social project aimed at expanding support for small producers. They highlight the need to define the concept of a "family producer" more broadly and also consider the situation of rural salaried workers. The senator emphasizes that although this project is a step forward, it is not the final solution to the complex issue, but rather an initial push to address a long-standing cultural problem in Uruguay. They urge the Senate to give final approval to the project, which has already received partial approval and been regulated by the executive branch. They argue that supporting small producers is crucial, and there is consensus among political actors to promote their welfare and livelihoods.
04:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of sheep farming alongside cattle farming as a means of additional income during the Christmas season. They highlight the cultural significance of rural work and the impact it has on both producers and rural workers. The speaker emphasizes the development of small-scale sheep farming in the southern region and the consolidation of markets for meat production. They argue that supporting this project is crucial in maintaining traditional practices and cultural events related to farming and slaughtering animals. The speaker warns of the potential consequences of passing a law that restricts these activities, such as limiting the sale of traditional meat and processed alternatives. They conclude by stating that such a law would hinder the longstanding tradition of winter slaughtering, impacting both producers and consumers.
04:55:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the issue of hand-reared animals being allowed for sale in Uruguay. The President of the Senate, Lisaândrea Zabala, speaks about how the legislation sets limits on these animals and how this poses a problem for producers. According to Zabala, there is currently a problem with some producers being unable to sell their hand-reared animals due to lack of decrees to modify the law. Zabala also talks about how the government's actions have complicated everyday life for people outside of the agricultural industry, creating new problems that were not present before. She specifically mentions the police trying to control earth theft in rural areas, which leads to issues like the sale of live pigs and sheep on the road, and the lack of new laws to address these problems. Zabala also notes how the sale of hand-reared animals has caused a problem for the environment and public health, as it can lead to the sale of diseased animals to the public. Overall, Zabala argues that the issue of hand-reared animals being allowed for sale needs to be solved through new legislation and regulations that address the concerns of producers and public health.
The YouTube video titled "Sésión de la Cámara de Senadores | 22/11/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay" focuses on the debate surrounding proposed legislation to legalize goat slaughter and fattening for consumption in Uruguay. The video highlights the perspectives of various individuals who believe that the law will increase animal deaths and harm animal welfare standards. There is also a discussion on the importance of finding a proactive approach to solutions rather than taking a reactive approach. Additionally, the video highlights the challenges faced by Uruguay's agricultural sector, particularly small-scale producers, and the need for legislation that supports these producers. There are calls to create a legal framework that recognizes the unique challenges faced by small-scale producers in the current economic situation. The video also discusses the proposed law regarding small-scale producers and their ability to sell their products, as well as criticism of the proposed law that aims to provide rural workers with meat. Finally, there is a discussion on the proposed law that aims to regulate livestock production in Uruguay and the need for laws to be grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the reality on the ground to avoid becoming obsolete.
05:00:00 In this section, a transcript excerpt from a video titled "Sesión de la Cámara de Senadores | 22/11/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay" is discussed. The video covers the debate surrounding a proposed law that aims to legalize goat slaughter and fattening for consumption in Uruguay. The video highlights the perspectives of various individuals who believe the law violates animal welfare standards and that allowing such activities will increase the number of animal deaths in the country.
05:05:00 In this section, the YouTube video titled "Sésión de la Cámara de Senadores | 22/11/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay" discusses the importance of finding a logical solution to a problem involving pre Sacha Pinheiro is deslasing in a tamboreo plantation with over 700 hectares in Uruguay. The speakers argue that the government is legislating poorly, which is harming the workers and producers of the country. They highlight Ramón Siri, Juan Carlos Gómez, Juan Carlos Riera, Luis Alberto Cabrera, and Rosa as examples of how the legislation is affecting them daily. The speakers emphasize the need for a proactive approach to solve the problem, rather than a reactive one that violates the law. They also urge the president to reconsider the current legislation that only aims to benefit a select group of people, and to take steps to ensure that the new law is fair and just.
05:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speakers discuss the agricultural sector of Uruguay and its importance to the economy. They specifically focus on microproduction and the challenges faced by small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs who work in rural areas. The speakers highlight the need for a legal framework that supports these producers, recognizing the unique challenges they face in the current economic situation. They also acknowledge the role played by interc happenen during the discussion, with leaders from the Ministry of Interior engaging in conversations with local authorities such as the former senator Larrañaga.
05:15:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of protecting the health and well-being of the Uruguayan population. The speaker highlights the challenges faced by small farmers and producers, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and emphasizes the need for concrete solutions to address these challenges. The speaker also discusses the role of the government in finding solutions to these challenges, including the possibility of generating an "anteproyecto" that takes into account the concerns of farmers and producers.
05:20:00 In this section, the senators discuss a proposed law regarding small-scale producers and their ability to sell their products. While some senators express concerns about the specific wording and limitations of the law, they agree that it is important to legitimize the informal commerce that is already happening in the country. They argue that this law will protect the interests of both the producers and the consumers, while still upholding the necessary sanitary standards. Overall, despite acknowledging the flaws of the law, they believe that it is a step in the right direction to support small-scale producers and the informal markets they operate in.
05:25:00 In this section, a senator criticizes a proposed law that aims to provide rural workers with meat. The senator argues that the law fails to consider the costs involved and instead focuses on giving a small portion of meat to rural workers, without addressing the larger issue of poverty and access to food. The senator also criticizes the law for creating legal loopholes and causing a shortage of meat in rural areas. Additionally, the senator questions the requirements and regulations outlined in the law, stating that it is poorly constructed and does not address important aspects such as animal welfare and the origin of the animals. The senator emphasizes the need for better legislation and suggests that not every issue requires a new law.
05:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker criticizes the high costs and bureaucracy associated with animal registration and vehicle regulations. They argue that it would be simpler to leave things as they are instead of creating more regulations. The speaker compares this situation to regulating a traditional game called "taba," highlighting the complexity and impracticality of excessive regulations. They emphasize that society should focus on sanctioning those who abuse animal treatment and commercialization instead of creating unnecessary bureaucracy. The speaker calls for a balance between following the law and allowing people to live without excessive restrictions. They suggest considering alternative texts for laws that are less burdensome and more inclusive of different types of producers. Ultimately, their goal is to ensure that everyone has access to food and that laborers are not unfairly targeted.
05:35:00 In this section, Senator Carmen acknowledges the concerns raised by legislators, particularly those from rural areas, about the proposed law that aims to regulate aspects related to livestock in Uruguay. She emphasizes the need for laws to be grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the reality on the ground in order to avoid becoming obsolete. The senator highlights the involvement of various authorities and organizations in the discussion of the law, including the National Rural Security Commission, highlighting the broad representation of stakeholders in the agricultural sector. She raises the issue of imprecision in the law, as noted in the minutes of the discussion, particularly emphasizing the concerns expressed by the General Prosecutor of the Nation regarding the potential impact on the fight against clandestine slaughter and the preservation of meat traceability. Senator Carmen urges the Senate to take these concerns into consideration during the consideration of the proposed law.
05:40:00 In this section, the transcript excerpt highlights a recent discovery involving the rural sector in Uruguay. The speaker mentions that there is a resolution from 1987 that regulates the slaughtering of bovine animals with their skin in the country. These special types of slaughters, such as those used for social events or fundraisers, have been exempt from any changes or regulations. However, a recent decree from November 9th is more precise in its definitions and regulations compared to a proposed law. The speaker warns that if the law is approved, certain aspects that are currently regulated by the November decree will be left unaddressed, potentially leading to unlawful slaughtering for commercial purposes. They also raise concerns about the definition of "family producers" and suggest looking at the existing legal definition to avoid problems. The speaker notes that the only comparable law in the region is from the province of Misiones in Argentina, which regulates small-scale slaughtering for local sale and consumption. Overall, there are uncertainties and lack of legal precision that could pose challenges if the proposed law is enacted.
05:45:00 In this section, the speaker highlights the importance of preserving the cultural essence in different regions of Uruguay, particularly in the production of artisanal cheese. They argue that while it is necessary to regulate and formalize the industry, there is a risk of creating problems if the regulations are not precise. The speaker gives the example of San José and Colonia, which produce 80% of Uruguay's artisanal cheese, and how the industry has been shaped by the efforts of multiple political parties. They express concern that a new proposed project could go against the intention of preserving and allowing the sale of locally produced food, and may need further evaluation to avoid potential legal conflicts. The speaker presents their own project, which focuses on regulating and enabling the sale of locally produced meat products, while also emphasizing the need for clarity in the law and regulations to avoid misunderstandings.
05:50:00 In this section of the Senate session, there is a discussion about the commercialization of agricultural products. Some senators express their concerns about the current legislation and the lack of clarity in certain aspects of the law. They argue that small-scale producers should be given the opportunity to sell their products without any restrictions. They also highlight the need for further discussions and amendments to ensure that the law protects the rights of all farmers and addresses potential loopholes. However, there are concerns about the urgency to pass the law without sufficient deliberation and the potential legal implications of leaving certain aspects open-ended. Some senators emphasize the importance of clear and well-defined legislation to avoid any misinterpretation or misuse of the law. They express their reservations about voting for the current proposal due to its legal implications. Overall, they advocate for a more comprehensive and inclusive discussion on the matter before finalizing the legislation.
05:55:00 In this section, the senator Randolf Pereyra on behalf of the Frente Amplio (FA) party, presented a proposal for a new anti-abortion law to be en line with the country's constitution. The senator emphasized the importance of protecting the family rights of women and the protection of the fetus, stating that the existing laws do not clearly define the boundaries of punishments and should be revised. The proposal received support from some parties as it aims to legalize abortion in some cases, including cases of sexual assault and health crises, while keeping women's autonomy in the matter. The senator also pointed out that the proposal aligns with the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendations and emphasized the need for comprehensive sex education in schools to prevent pregnancies.
In this section of the YouTube video, the Senators discuss and approve Bill 24, which focuses on regulating the commercialization of dairy products from family farms. The bill aims to establish a legal framework to promote fair trade practices and protect the interests of dairy farmers. Senators Andrade and Domech express their support for the bill, highlighting the urgency of the situation and the need for swift implementation. The bill ultimately receives 17 votes in favor and 4 against, with Senators D'Elia and da Silva providing their justifications for their vote.
06:00:00 In this section, the speaker highlights the importance of establishing clearly the Rural Development Council in the Senate. The council was created by law during President Tabaré Vázquez's first term as a way to address the demands of rural producers and residents for a voice and participation in decisions that affect their lives. The speaker emphasizes that the council not only discusses production-related issues but also matters like education, infrastructure, and electrification. They argue that the council needs to be strengthened institutionally as its effectiveness varies across different departments. Another concern raised is the lack of implementation of the public procurement law that would benefit small-scale producers. The speaker suggests passing a bill to address this issue and acknowledges that it won't solve all problems but believes it is a step in the right direction. Another senator raises concerns about limitations and restrictions on commercialization in the proposed law and questions its impact on farmers and workers' ability to sell their products.
06:05:00 In this section of a YouTube video, Senator Pereira discusses the problem of illegal activity in rural areas of Uruguay, specifically related to livestock farming. The speaker notes that security measures for the rural areas were poor, and this problem only became apparent after increased situations of hog theft. The problem of livestock theft did not exist in the past due to the lack of police presence in rural areas. Senator Pereira argues that the new law in question does not include any penalties or criminal obligations, but that it is necessary for the regulations to be interpreted logically and systematically. The speaker argues that it is not logical to punish innocent producers for the problem caused by a few bad actors. Additionally, the small producer may require resources to survive, and there are many sellers who have never produced in bad clean conditions. The speaker suggests that the government should first enable artisanal farming before taking any action against it.
06:10:00 In this section, the Senators are discussing the need to regulate the commercialization of certain products, particularly those related to the animal welfare industry. The Senate President and other Senators, including Senators Pereira, Domenech, Andrade, and Bianchi, are contributing to the discussion, raising concerns about the laws and procedures governing the regulation of such products, and seeking guidance from a legal expert on the matter. Additionally, there is a discussion on the possibility of amending the 124 of the relevant Regulation to better control these products and prevent any violations of the regulations.
06:15:00 In this section of a YouTube video titled "Sesión de la Cámara de Senadores | 22/11/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay", a debate is taking place in the Uruguayan Senate about a proposed law related to rural security. Senators are discussing the current state of rural security and the effectiveness of the measures currently in place, as well as discussing proposed changes to the law. The speaker in this section is Senadora Pereira, who is addressing the Senate after his use of the word 'contra-indicador' was interrupted. He mentions the need for the Senate to focus on the true issues rather than engage in idle debates and to avoid making unnecessary statements that disregard the truth. He also notes that there has been a recent increase in rural crime in some areas, and that while some improvements have been made, the problem is far from resolved. Senador Bianchi then takes his turn to speak, noting the need for the Senate to exercise caution when making decisions that will affect public health and safety.
06:20:00 In this section of the legislative session of the Republican Oriental Chamber in Uruguay, Senator José Mora raises concerns about the pending law on artisanal butcheries, which has already been partially approved by the House of Deputies and is currently in the Senate's Committee on Ganadería. Mora notes that the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock has been actively participating in debates in the chamber and other legislative bodies regarding the regulation and control of the meat industry. The directive from the Fiscalía was also highlighted, which outlines the need for transparency and clarity in the text of the proposed law. The directive aims to prevent any problems with interpretation or application when the law is enacted, which will determine the sentencing of individuals who are punished for violating it. Mora highlights the importance of addressing the issue of clandestine butcheries and the tensions between different sectors in the meat industry. The proposed law is intended to provide a framework for the regulation of the meat industry, but its effectiveness depends on the clarity and transparency of the text.
06:25:00 In this section, Senator Asesori addresses the traditional political situations that have endangered people without the necessary information, citing the education levels of people in many parts of the country. He argues that legislation is necessary, but stresses the importance of balancing it with respect to the perspectives of all parties. After referencing an auto accident caused by reckless driving while under the influence of drugs, Senator Asesori discusses the importance of justice and the role of judges. He mentions the impartiality of the judiciary and the importance of taking into account the intentions of those involved. Finally, he discusses the role of fiscalía and how it has impacted the government he is representing, citing the need for transparency and the importance of educating the public on political issues.
06:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a proposed law that aims to regulate the sale of commercial products and its impact on rural workers. The speaker, representing the second president, is in favor of the project but believes that some modifications need to be made to take into account the concerns of rural workers. The speaker proposes a fourth intermediate step to discuss and consider these modifications, which is accepted by some members of the commission. After the fourth intermediate step, the proposed law is approved, with some members reconsidering their vote.
06:40:00 in this section of the video, senators are seen standing up and raising their hands as they begin to discuss and vote on a proposed project. The project relates to the chamber of representatives and involves making modifications to some articles. The senators discuss the importance of the document and how it may be read and modified, with some suggesting breaking down the reading and discussions of the article by article. The senators also discuss how to reconcile the different opinions and considerations brought up during the discussion. Ultimately, they agree to vote on the project and make the necessary modifications, raising their hands in agreement.
06:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a proposal to eliminate a requirement for registered predials, which are delimited areas used for raising cattle, in the Uruguayan Senate. The proposal argues that maintaining this registration requirement may cause difficulties in interpreting fiscal regulations. The speaker suggests that the Senate vote on the proposal in its current form, reducing the requirement to register and enabling ranchers to operate without this burden. This change would have little effect on the lived experience of small-scale farmers who may not have the resources to register this area, but for large-scale producers, it represents a significant advantage.
06:50:00 In this section, the Senate of Uruguay debates and approves Bill 24, which aims to regulate the commercialization of dairy products from family farms. The bill seeks to establish a clear legal framework to ensure fair trade practices and protect the interests of dairy farmers. Senators Andrade and Domech spoke in favor of the bill, acknowledging the urgency of the situation and the need for rapid implementation. The bill was passed with 17 votes in favor and 4 against, and Senators D'Elia and da Silva provided justification for their vote.