Summary of Macros Excel, Cap. 5 ActiveCell, Copiando Información, Variables @ADNDC @adanjp

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00:00:00 - 00:35:00

In this video, the author demonstrates how to use macros to copy information from one cell to another. He also explains how to use variables to store information so that it can be used in other cells. The video finishes with a demonstration of how to create a macro and how to execute it.

  • 00:00:00 This video tutorial covers the fifth macro in Excel 2013, Copying Values Between Cells. The tutorial starts by showing how to open the Visual Basic for Excel panel and then how to insert a new macro. The tutorial then covers some new properties that are pre-configured in the macro, such as the Active Self property. The tutorial then demonstrates how to copy a value from one cell to another, and how to copy a value to a specific cell. The tutorial finishes the macro by adding a command to execute it.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, the author demonstrates how to use macros to copy information from one cell to another. The macros are named after the cells they are copying from and from which they are copying information. The summary states that in this video, the author will show how to use variables to copy information from one cell to another. The author also explains how to use the properties of a cell to copy its value to another cell.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Macros Excel, Cap. 5, we show how to create a macro to copy information from one cell to another. We use the active cell as the source cell and the ADNDC function to identify the row and column within that cell where the information will be copied. Excel then uses the @ADNDC@adanjp variable to identify the cell within the active cell where the information will be copied. Finally, we use the select command to select the cell with the information and copy it to the destination cell.
  • 00:15:00 This video tutorial explains how to use macros to copy information from one cell to another. ActiveCell refers to the property of a cell that makes it active, which is what makes it copy information. After selecting the cell to copy information to, Excel then creates and assigns a new variable, Valor, with the value of the information copied. The variable is then set to the active cell, which makes it visible and accessible in other cells.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Macros Excel, Cap. 5, ActiveCell, Copying Information, Variables @ADNDC @adanjp, the presenter explains how to say Excel knows that in your memory you should write down that this value is equal to what he wants to retain this information. He then says nothing more and the video cuts to a later part where he is asked to either this is equal to east or west more 1 because originally we wanted it in cell 11, which is this cell and west are the rows and west realize that it equates to 10 + 1 which is 11, but now we have decided to change it to 15 and so what do we do if we know that this equals 10 and we want it positioned in the selected cells here of 15, we count 12 as 3 4 and 5 and east is more 5 so perfect so east is more 1 and then we say okay what follows next and he shows you what follows. He then says that macros know how to copy information by taking your input and pasting it directly into the macro. Next, he shows you how to execute the macro by clicking on Play. He then shows you how to create a task, but for now, he leaves it as it is and shows you how to
  • 00:25:00 In this video, Norte demonstrates how to create macros that copy information and don't move. He then shows how to create a new macro to do this, and provides an example. Finally, he shows how to create an access direct macro.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, we are going to look at how to use macros in Excel. We will establish new properties for the variables, and then we will name the new variable using a cell. This is basically the same as what we did in the previous video, where we selected a cell and then changed the value of the variable within that cell. In this video, we are going to avoid using pre-defined commands, and instead we will use Control + Shift + Enter to enter a new value into a variable. You will then be able to repeat this process multiple times to create a macro. Finally, we will press Control + Enter to finish the macro.
  • 00:35:00 This video discusses how to use macros in Excel to copy information from one cell to another. It also mentions a new Google 2 social network where users can find tutorials. Finally, it provides tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle.

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