Summary of Apoptosis | Biología del desarrollo | Biología | Khan Academy en Español

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The video discusses apoptosis, a process by which cells die to prevent them from becoming cancerous. Apoptosis is a vital part of the body's natural developmental process, and is responsible for the turnover of cells in the bloodstream. It can also help prevent cancer from developing.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, we will talk about apoptosis. I did a historical research and found that the word apoptosis comes from the Greek word appo, which means "far away" and ptosis, which means "falling." This has to do with a cell's natural death, which is called apoptosis. It's something that mammalian cells have to go through in order to accomplish a specific purpose. This is why the first people to study apoptosis named it this way because it makes sense to us in terms of cellular death. apoptosis is a normal part of development, and it's healthful for our bodies. It's also a way to prevent viral or cancer infections. In this video, we'll see two categories of cell death: disorderly and ordered. The disorderly death is more formally known as necrosis, and it's when the cell's basic components start to break down and release their contents. This is not good because it can damage nearby cells, attract immune cells, and cause inflammation. The ordered death, known as apoptosis, is more common and happens constantly from the moment a human or vertebrate embryo is conceived. For example, when our hands initially developed, their tissues were similar to a paint palette. But thanks to apoptosis,
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses apoptosis, a process by which cells die to prevent them from becoming cancerous. Apoptosis is a vital part of the body's natural developmental process, and is responsible for the turnover of cells in the bloodstream. It can also help prevent cancer from developing.
  • 00:10:00 Apoptosis is a process that can happen in similar ways but is not considered as apoptosis when it is a regulated form of cellular death. Although all cells will die in this way, apoptosis is a common way to death and replacement of cells occurs.

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