Summary of NOR 4 - Cómo la Geología apoya a la Cronología Bíblica

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology. The presenter shows several examples of how geology can help to explain events such as a flood or a cataclysm, which would otherwise be difficult to explain. They also discuss a study they conducted in Peru, where they found that a layer of sediment, including ash and bones, accumulated over time. This sediment was deposited before the whale died, and so its proteins and DNA are still intact.

  • 00:00:00 Doctor Monty Fleming discusses his work as a geologist and musician, focusing on how his skills have helped him study the formation of the earth and our planet's place in the universe. He also discusses some questions about our own existence that transcend time, and how believing in God can help us face these uncertainties. Finally, he introduces John Shirley, a geologist and guest speaker, who will share some of his work.
  • 00:05:00 Doctor Fleming will be speaking about how geology supports biblical chronology. He will be discussing some of the evidence that points to a younger earth, and how this impacts our understanding of biblical events. He asks the audience to take notes, and to ask questions after the lecture.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the Biblical creation story and what is said about the Flood in Genesis. There is a very interesting chronology of the earth found in Genesis, which is repeated in the first book of Chronicles and includes names of various children. This is interesting because the names of the children help us to understand where they came from and what their role was in the story. Moreover, the writers of all of the Biblical books until the New Testament took it as history, not mythology. The goal of the writers was to build a new scientific model based on the Bible, rather than just deriving secondary information from it. One topic discussed in the video is erosion. You can check out the rate of erosion at Google Earth by typing in "rate of erosion of California coast." The average rate was calculated to be 21 cm/year, but it has recently been increasing at 1.2 m/year. You can also ask Google which is the direction of the coast of Europe that was last measured as being 1.2 m/year ago. However, before that, it was measuring 80 cm/year. You can also ask Google about the erosion rate in your own country. For example, if you live in the United States, it is 4.2
  • 00:15:00 This YouTube video illustrates how geology supports biblical chronology by showing how ahuracan destroyed Florida's land, including all the land below a nearby house. This same hurricane destroyed a lighthouse in North Massachusetts in the east, and the ocean has been advancing by 61 cm annually for the last 100 to 200 years. These lights were built between 100 and 200 years ago and when they were built, say 100 or 200 meters from the cliff, the ocean could consume that cliff in 100 or 200 years. In California, most buildings aren't as old, and therefore one can ask, "What happened to the continent long ago?" The answer is that it has been gradually shrinking for 4.500 million years, and what we have left is the result of erosion. However, that's not true. On the internet, you can find a map that shows the elevation of the continents as blue, with the ocean being the most clear and closest to the continent. That's all the continent. The tectonic plates of the continents are very different from the plates of the ocean. The continent has never been much bigger than it is now, and with the cataclysm of the flood and with a few more million years, that's how it should be. That's what we see
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how the geological makeup of a place can impact the chronological accuracy of biblical history. For example, modern water reservoirs become filled with sediment over time, which causes them to lose a percentage of their volume each year. This erosion leads to lost productivity and costs the United States around $37.6 billion each year in lost productivity and damage to vegetation. If these organisms continue to excavate the sediment, eventually it will all merge and there will be no trace of the original segmented formations. In California, for example, there is a beautiful gallery of sedimentary layers created by an organism that lived in the ocean. If the organisms continue to dig, eventually the sediment will all be mixed and there will be no trace of the original unaltered layers. Additionally, in the video, the effects of bioturbation are discussed. Bioturbation is the movement of soil and plant life by animals. In California, it costs the nation around $37.6 billion each year due to the loss of productivity and aesthetic value caused by the movement of soil and plant life.
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology. The presenter shows several examples of how geology can help to explain events such as a flood or a cataclysm, which would otherwise be difficult to explain. They also discuss a study they conducted in Peru, where they found that a layer of sediment, including ash and bones, accumulated over time. This sediment was deposited before the whale died, and so its proteins and DNA are still intact.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology. It shows how sediment deposition happens quickly, there are few observed interactions between layers, and mountain ranges grow over time. The video also discusses how Everest has grown over the last 40 million years, and how the first time someone measured it was at 39 feet, 228 inches.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology, with particular focus on the rate of geological growth over the past 2.4 billion years. By adding up all the data available, it is found that there is a much stronger pattern of geological growth than can be explained by mere coincidence, dating back 4.5 billion years. This is significant because it shows that all of the water brought by the biblical flood was moving in the same direction at the same time. For the first layer of sedimentary rocks deposited after the flood, we can see that it is coherent and moving in a particular direction- towards the south. Over the course of the past million years, this current of water has been moving faster and faster towards the east, reaching its current peak in the east now. Other water currents have also been moving around, but in more diverse directions. It is very strange that earth has a fossil record by general rule, but when you look at the data in context of the flood, it makes a lot more sense. These findings are published in academic journals and are considered to be scientific evidence of the flood. It is strange that these concepts would be found in a creationist journal, but it shows how well the evidence supports the biblical account of the flood.
  • 00:40:00 The modern world does not fossilize organisms, dead and I want something that you understand very well and those that there is a remarkable division in the fossil record and the division is this in Pleistocene The Pleistocene is like the air of ice The Era of Ice until that point was that period of ice until today the fossils are preserved Ok before that time in which we live now from the era of ice to now all fossils are preserved s sediment transported by water and I will show several photos of that from all of their fossils are preserved in transported sediment from the Rd from the era of ice fossils are preserved in natural traps that would be ice caves generally there is that is the supposed chronological schedule of the Earth and it goes until 4.600 million years in all of that the fossils are entombed Ok before that time in which we lived now from the era of ice to now all fossils are preserved s sediment transported by water and I will show several photos of that from all of their fossils are preserved in transported sediment from the Rd from the
  • 00:45:00 The video explains how geology supports biblical chronology, discussing examples of fossils that are preserved in water. It also discusses how radioactive elements damage DNA, and how bacteria can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. The video concludes by discussing how, even though these findings suggest that the Biblical flood may not have happened as described in the Bible, it is still important to study these issues in order to better understand how our biology has evolved over time.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology. The ADN in every cell of our body is damaged billions of times each day and our body's little protein machines repair it every second. However, if we die quickly, bacteria have to do the same, and they need to keep at least some of their DNA repair active in order to be latent (or "completed") - otherwise they can't be completely latent and we wouldn't be able to see them. 34,000 years is only 1.3% of 250 million years, so it's not a huge problem for evolution, but it is a big problem for geologists trying to find ancient bacteria. The true problem is that the orange circle on the graph is much larger than 34,000 years and 1.3% of 1% is actually a lot bigger. All of these problems and more are becoming more recent as scientists have found bacteria that are supposedly from 1.3 billion years ago.
  • 00:55:00 The video discussed how geology supports biblical chronology. Some interesting facts were revealed, such as that continents move, the Everest growth, and erosion are not related to erosion of continents. Some questions arose, such as doubts about the movement of continents and the level of the sea, which led to discussion of neuroscience. Pastors Tyson Shealy and Monty Sewell discussed the importance of bringing science to the general public, and invited all interested individuals to join them in future talks. Various Christian scientists from all over North, Central and South America are welcome.

01:00:00 - 01:50:00

This video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology. The presenter explains that there are two lines of evidence supporting older Earth: radiometric dating and mathematical instructions found in the rocks. They discuss how these lines of evidence can be used to communicate with other scientists, and how Oscar Piña Juárez from La Paz, Bolivia, has a question about life's age. The presenter answers that life on Earth has lasted for 6 million years, continuing the question from earlier in the talk.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, Rafael Orta, a Brazilian native, speaks about how the geology of his country supports biblical chronology. He also mentions that Brasil is a revolutionary language in terms of Spanish, and that there are many people from Brazil in California. Danny Cortés and Alan Andrómeda also join the discussion. Fred Córdoba briefly shares his thoughts, and Hellney Padilla shares her thoughts on Saturday. Dina asks doctor Fleming about how water can wash away soil, but how an earthquake can cause a landslide. Monty tries to explain the answer to her, and he says that the soil rises and falls depending on how much compression is applied to the tectonic plates. This discussion is interesting and informative.
  • 01:05:00 This video is about how geology supports Biblical chronology. It is very interesting, and many thanks go to Campeche for speaking so sweetly. There is a question in Portuguese, so doctor Fleming, could you please translate it for us? How would the geologic eras be relative to the levels of territory during the flood? I believe they would be at the levels of the flood, but periods of time would be shorter due to the erosion process. I think this is a good question to ask as it is an important theological issue as well. Nelly, thank you for your question. Another friend of ours, Evelio Díaz, has a question about erosion rates that are very slow that can be observed with radiological studies, such as 10Be. His question is, how can we understand how long life has existed on Earth, given that the rock of the Earth may have existed prior to its creation? That is an interesting question too. Doctor Fleming has answered it well. We've drawn another question from Nelly's friends. Hello brothers, how can we understand the slow erosion rates that are observed with studies such as 10Be? For example, by Dr. Monte using that metal to observe on the ground. There is the
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology, and how radiocarbon dating has a problem. Antonio asks Luciano about the DNA in cells, and Luciano says that it can be difficult to extract original DNA because it has broken down over time, three thousand years being a long time in terms of cellular life. He also says that over time, the number of chromosomes in a cell will decrease, and the cell will become aneuploid. He goes on to say that after 250 years, half of the chromosomes will break down, and the other half will still be there after another 250 years. The life span of a human cell is usually about 250 years, but can last for up to 10,000 years. The discussion then turns to the time of the Tower of Babel, and Antonio asks if all the continents were united at that time. Luciano believes that this is true, and that it may have happened through participation in some sort of real event. He goes on to say that the theory of evolution does not contradict the biblical account of creation, but that it may be difficult to find DNA from ancient organisms because it has broken down over time. Finally, Antonio asks Luciano about the time it takes for cells to die, and Luciano
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology, and how scientists have used DNA analysis to study ancient remains. Elvira Velásquez asks Doctor Fleming how scientists determine the ADN of a cell survives for 521 years, to which Fleming replies that they used carbon dating to determine the cells' old age. Néstor Martin Martinez, a father of a biochemistry student, says that if his son has already graduated from college, he would encourage him to study biology from a Christian perspective.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, three Mexican scientists discuss how geology supports biblical chronology. Teddy Alducín from Panama talks about how the programs can be helpful in strengthening faith in churches across the world. Álvaro Ramírez from Querétaro discusses how scientific evidence supports the idea that lunar cycles have an impact on the Earth's erosion. Finally, Martínez from México City discusses how mountain growth is influenced by both tides and the seasons, and Esther Alvarado from Monterrey discusses how adventist scientists are researching mountain growth. This talk provides a fascinating look at how geological phenomena can support biblical chronology.
  • 01:25:00 This video discusses how the geology supports biblical chronology. Carlos Zambra and Pedro Urrutia share their surnames and discuss how they are working together in Chile to watch the show "Mira la pregunta que hace." Carlos talks about his hunger and how his friends explain slow prayer rates. Rocío Macías asks why there are different colors in different layers of the earth, and how to determine an object's age. Carlos shares that if a layer of volcanic ash is found, an lab can determine its age with a test. He explains that this information can be used to create a geological map. Rocío asks about how to determine the age of a layer, and Carlos shares that this can be done by analyzing the minerals present. He concludes by sharing that this knowledge can be used to create a geologic map of a area.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses how geology supports biblical chronology, with particular emphasis on radiometric dating. The presenter notes that there are two lines of evidence supporting older Earth: radiometric dating and mathematical instructions found in the rocks. They discuss how these lines of evidence can be used to communicate with other scientists, and how Oscar Piña Juárez from La Paz, Bolivia, has a question about life's age. The presenter answers that life on Earth has lasted for 6 million years, continuing the question from earlier in the talk.
  • 01:35:00 In this video, Dr. Fleming discusses how geology supports biblical chronology. He explains that there are large volumes of magma beneath the Earth's surface, which necessitates more time than 6,000 years to be cold. This is evidenced by two lines of evidence - erosion rates and the presence of living bacteria and DNA. He also mentions that water sources are finite and will eventually run out, leading to the extinction of water-dependent animal populations. Dr. Fleming also discusses the study of biogeography, which can help us understand how animals arrived in specific places and how they evolved over time.
  • 01:40:00 In this video, Dr. Luciano Fleming discusses how the geology of Mexico supports biblical chronology. He explains that there are different types of rocks and that some mountains may be shrinking due to the activity of plates. He also mentions the earthquake in Mexico that happened on the same day three times in a row. He invites people to watch his upcoming religious-scientific program on October 8th at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México where he will talk about seismic activity in Mexico. Álvaro Ramírez shares his opinion that the Mexican earthquakes may be signs from God.
  • 01:45:00 In this video, the speaker discusses how the geological sciences support biblical chronology. They point to the fact that almost all marsupial animals are found in Australia, and that North America is the only place on Earth where there is one remaining. They believe that when there are mammalian placental species in the same territory, they vote together not to bear offspring. This is why marsupial animals are less common in North America than in Australia. The speaker then thanks the audience and the team of engineers working on the program, and reminds the public that the next lecture, on neuroscience, is on October 8th.
  • 01:50:00 The presenter starts by saying that the Bible is based on scientific evidence and that the geological timeline supports its accuracy. He asks everyone to have a happy week and to look forward to next Saturday's broadcast.

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