Summary of Debating SARGON OF AKKAD and EXPOSING him as a White Nationalist

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video features a series of debates between various speakers on topics such as socialism, taxation, property rights, individualism, and immigration. The speakers hold differing views, with some advocating for worker coops, taxation, and democratization of the workplace, while others argue against these policies and prioritize property rights and individualism. The conversation frequently becomes tense, with accusations of greed, socialism, and exploitation of the working class. Despite these differences, the speakers ultimately agree that the ultimate goal is to improve the well-being of most people in the country.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the host introduces a debate between two prominent YouTube political figures and mentions upcoming debates. He reminds viewers to be respectful and directs any questions to the live chat. One of the debaters suggests starting with a discussion on socialism and capitalism, and begins by discussing his own beliefs on market socialism, which he believes can democratize the workplace. However, he experiences technical difficulties during his opening statement.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the topic of socialism is discussed, with the democratization of the workplace being proposed as a solution to the current power dynamic. However, Sargon disagrees and argues that it would not be in the best interest of the majority of people because small business owners, who make up a significant portion of the workforce, would be less inclined to hire employees if it means giving up partial ownership of their business. The discussion devolves into a debate over whether the prevalence of small businesses is relevant, with Sargon arguing that it is, and the other speaker asserting that it is not. Ultimately, the goal of improving the well-being of most people in the country is emphasized.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, Sargon of Akkad and a debater named Vash discuss the ethics of taxation and distributive ownership of businesses. Sargon argues that taxation is a form of theft, while Vash advocates for redistributing the ownership of businesses to benefit more people, citing past examples of social and political upheavals that have instituted major changes. The debate gets tense when Sargon accuses Vash of being "a grasping, greedy socialist" and Vash argues that Sargon's stance can be used to defend forms of indentured servitude. Despite attempts to calm the conversation, Sargon eventually backs out of the debate.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the debaters discuss worker coops and whether they can make life better for most Americans. The proponent of worker coops argues that this system can improve people's lives, while the opponent argues that it would involve stealing property from owners who don't want cooperative ownership. The debaters also discuss the idea of freedom and inequality, with the opponent claiming that freedom inevitably leads to inequality, and the proponent arguing that this is a disingenuous way to dismiss the suffering of those who are less well-off.
  • 00:20:00 This section of the video contains a casual conversation between Sargon of Akkad and Sean, the host of the video. They discuss their respective educational backgrounds and career aspirations, with Sean expressing admiration for Sargon's pursuit of a PhD in industrial-organizational psychology. The conversation then turns to the topic of higher education and its applicability in the modern world, with both expressing different perspectives on the issue.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speakers are discussing the morality of taking away people's private properties and the concentration of power among the wealthy and politicians in the US. One of the speakers argues that this concentration of power is responsible for the majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and being unable to afford a $400 emergency, and that taking away power and property from the oppressors is sometimes moral. The other speaker argues that property rights are essential to the individualistic perspective upon which their society is built and that ignoring them would lead to instability and becoming like continental Europe.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the transcript, the debate shifts from the American Revolution and feudalism to the concept of individualism versus collectivism. The speaker argues that the current system is fundamentally unfair as a small number of people control all the political and economic power. The other speaker argues that German collectivism is against individual property rights, and if you prioritize the property rights of a few over the many, you're no different from the tyrants of the 20th century. The first speaker advocates for the expansion of property rights, and for making society better through democracy and the implementation of market socialism.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Sargon of Akkad argues that he values the principles of liberalism and democracy, and that he advocates for a fair and democratic society that gives everyone a voice in their government and workplace. He also explains his opposition to property rights violations and his belief in individualism over collectivism. When the topic shifts to immigration, Sargon is willing to continue the discussion and takes the lead.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the conversation turns to immigration and the impact it has on society. Sargon of Akkad and the guest both agree that the left has failed in their handling of immigration, but they also acknowledge that the right has not done any better. Sargon expresses his support for a sensible approach to immigration, where people can come into the country regardless of their race or ethnicity, and they can meaningfully contribute to the economy. Sargon argues that President Trump is a response to mass immigration and people's desire to preserve their culture. However, his guest argues against this idea, stating that it's a vague and baseless argument.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the participants are discussing the idea of private property rights and the objection that violating them is necessary for everyone to have a voice in society. They mention the argument ad populum, which claims that something is correct simply because it is popular, and how that cannot be used as a valid argument. The discussion eventually shifts to whether immigration is beneficial or harmful to the economy, with one participant arguing that it benefits the economy and actually leaves people better off, while the other participant disagrees with the data presented.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speakers discuss public opinion on immigration in the UK. Sargon of Akkad references a Migration Watch link stating that 76% of people in the UK want immigration reduced or at the same level, while only 13% want it increased. However, the YouTuber he is debating, Vaush, provides a more recent 2020 poll that shows 44% of people want immigration to be reduced, but only 39% want to keep it the same. Vaush argues that this suggests more people want to reduce or change immigration rather than keep it the same. Their debate ultimately diverges, with Sargon viewing immigration as a form of class warfare, while Vaush believes in individual rights and the freedom to move across borders.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the debate, the speaker argues that the empirical fact of the matter is that countries benefit from immigration, and there is only a small reduction in the wages of the lowest-level workers. This often used argument tries to mask the fact that the lowest paid and most vulnerable people in society, native or immigrant, are being exploited by billionaires, which is deeply immoral. The speaker also disagrees with Sanders' protectionist policies, and opposes immigration based on race or ethnicity, stating that it is important to fix issues like this, but not in a way that exploits the poor. The other speaker, Carl, is accused of making arguments that have already been addressed, and failing to respond to counterarguments.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this YouTube video, Sargon of Akkad discusses his belief in an ethno-state and a decrease in immigration to keep white people in England. However, the other debater argues that immigration benefits low-paid workers and immigrants themselves, pointing out that immigrants file a significant proportion of patents in the UK. The discussion then moves to the topic of transgenderism, where they express concerns about over-prescribing hormone treatments, medical care for trans children, and the scientific credibility of studies in this field. The speakers also discuss how ideology can skew evidence and interpret data to support preconceived ideas. Finally, Sargon argues that culture is part of one's heritage that can be inherited, while the other debater asserts that culture is not inherited.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the debater argues that the benefits of immigration on the overall economy and other redistributive policies outweigh the minor decrease in wages for the lower echelon of the economy. The debater also points out the irony in Sargon's dismissal of the needs of the poor in the face of their struggles with living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to afford emergencies. The debater argues that Sargon's real argument against immigration is not based on its impact on the economy but on cultural changes that he views as a threat. The debater also accuses Sargon of being a communist for arguing in favor of the increase in billionaire wealth at the expense of the poorest people in society and violating property rights.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the debater Sargon argues that London cannot be considered English because many of its inhabitants are immigrants. However, Vosch counters by pointing out that most of London's inhabitants are English citizens, and therefore, by any metric, the city is English. Vosch argues that trying to make a ubiquitous determination of a nation's default culture and whether or not a city is part of that country is nonsense. Later on, they discuss the percentage of white British people in London and the concept of self-identification as nationality or ethnicity.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker argues against Sargon of Akkad's use of ethnicity to determine whether a person is legitimately English, stating that it is not valid to use ethnicity as the determining factor for national identity. The speaker, as a liberal and a believer in classical liberalism, does not support ethno-states and questions why Sargon is deliberately sidestepping clarifying whether he means ethnicity or nationality. The speaker further explains the difference between ethnicity and national identity and points out that many people in London view themselves as being an ethnicity that does not originate in British culture, but that does not mean they do not consider themselves English. Finally, the speaker accuses Sargon of advocating for an ethno-state by using ethnicity as the determining characteristic for national identity.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the debater and Sargon of Akkad are discussing the definition of ethnicity and how it relates to cultural identity. The debater argues that American ethnicities are often hyphenated, such as African American or Korean American, and that ethnicity is not a determining factor in cultural identity. Sargon of Akkad argues for the preservation of English identity and the exploitation of native populations, but the debater points out that this is advocating for an ethnostate, which they do not believe in. The debater uses the UK 2011 census to show that ethnicity and cultural identity are not the same thing and that people can integrate into a culture without abandoning their ethnic identity.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the debate, the conversation shifts to immigration and the idea of ethnostates. The speaker argues against the notion of ethnostates, stating that people should be able to live in the countries they choose regardless of their ethnic identity. Meanwhile, Sargon of Akkad defends the concept of homelands for ethnic groups and labels himself as a white nationalist. However, he clarifies that he does not equate ethnicity with race and believes that everyone is entitled to their own identity and homeland. The conversation gets heated as the speaker accuses Sargon of exploiting the poor and immigrants to justify his economic positions while ignoring the fact that these immigrants do not see themselves as English. Ultimately, they agree to move on to the next topic, with a snarky comment thrown at Sargon's allegedly incoherent positions on transgenderism.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the two debaters discuss Sargon's views on white nationalism and immigration. Sargon advocates for an ethno-state, which he explains as being based on ethnicity rather than race, and supports a decrease in immigration to keep white people in England. However, the other debater argues that immigration benefits low-paid workers and immigrants themselves, pointing out that immigrants file a significant proportion of patents in the UK. The discussion then moves to the topic of transgenderism, with Sargon expressing concerns about the use of puberty blockers on children, but both debaters agreeing that consenting adults should be free to modify their bodies as they choose.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the debate focuses on the use of puberty blockers and whether they amount to chemical castration. The guest argues that puberty blockers are well tested and are only used to delay puberty temporarily until a child makes the decision on whether to commit to transitioning. They argue against the use of sexual reassignment surgery for children as it is less reversible than other processes. Sargon of Akkad expresses concerns of grooming where children who are not sure about themselves are being made to identify as trans, but the guest responds that there is no evidence of a broad conspiracy by media and schools to trick children into thinking they are trans. Instead, there are some trend-oriented psychiatric or medical institutions that may have over-prescribed the diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speakers are discussing the transgender community and the use of medical treatments for gender transitioning. The debate covers concerns around over-prescribing hormone treatments, medical care for trans children, and the scientific credibility of studies claiming that medical intervention for transgender adolescents is safe and effective. The speakers also discuss how ideology can skew evidence and interpret data to support preconceived ideas.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the debaters discuss Sargon of Akkad's handling of research and his lack of belief in the concept of empiricism. The other debater accuses Sargon of seeing a study and then finding reasons to not believe it, asserting that he has done this with studies on trans issues. She also accuses him of misappropriating the term "grooming" in reference to trans children and of rejecting evidence that contradicts his beliefs. The debater concludes that it is pointless to engage with Sargon because of his lack of belief in scientific discussion and empiricism. Sargon responds by questioning the validity of a poll cited by the other debater and arguing that the science on trans issues is not settled.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the video, Sargon of Akkad discusses his concerns about the problem of misrepresenting and demonizing individuals with different beliefs, which he refers to as grooming. He argues that young people can be easily intimidated into accepting certain views, especially when it seems like everyone around them is ideological in some way. He cites an article from The Guardian that discusses academic work being shut down due to pressure from online communities. Sargon also responds to some audience questions, including one about personal ownership of nuclear weapons and another regarding worker cooperatives.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video's transcript excerpt, the two debaters are discussing the institutional barriers that prevent the formation of worker cooperatives. The first barrier is ideological, as people often misrepresent data, and there are wide-spread preconceptions that worker coops are less effective than privately owned firms. Banks are also reluctant to loan out money to worker coops, since bank owners are ideologically opposed to the idea of worker coops. Moreover, bank lenders do not have all the data needed to evaluate the worker coop model. Since banks are institutions that are opposed to such cooperatives and refuse to loan to them, this becomes an additional institutional hurdle to their establishment.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, Sargon of Akkad answers a question about what informed consent looks like for someone using Facebook. He then goes on to discuss the fact that just because something is a better model, doesn't mean that it will automatically be implemented. He gives examples of how capitalism took hundreds of years to come about, despite the material conditions being present for it. Sargon argues that fighting tirelessly for what you believe is right every day of your life is what it means to be human. The debate segues into a discussion on ethnicity and culture, with Vash arguing that culture is not inherited, while Sargon argues that culture is a part of your heritage that you can inherit.

02:00:00 - 02:55:00

This video features an extensive debate between Sargon of Akkad and another speaker, discussing topics like ethnicity, worker coops, transgender issues, immigration, and social control. The discussion touches on the issue of dismissing studies based on a city's ideology or location and the support given to people with dysphoria compared to those with anorexia. The debaters argue whether trans women are similar to cisgender women and look into the issue of different ages and the ability to identify as another age. They also touch on the topic of biases against men in the family courts system and discuss whether the system is rigged for the wealthy. The video ends with a friendly farewell as Sargon expresses his delight in being on the show and looks forward to an upcoming debate with Destiny.

  • 02:00:00 In this section of the video, the debate moves towards ethnic essentialism and the idea of culture and ethnicity being inherited. Sargon argues that ethnicity is simply a matter of biology, whereas Vash argues that it encompasses culture, beliefs, values, heritage, and history. The conversation turns towards the implementation of worker coops and Vash argues in favor of voluntary implementation, while Sargon accuses him of making up conspiracy theories. Vash argues that financial barriers need to be addressed in a top-down perspective after grassroots advocacy. Finally, a viewer asks whether dismissing the evidence on San Francisco's approach to passing should be allowed, and the question is left unanswered.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, the debaters discuss the issue of dismissing studies based on the location or ideology of the city they were conducted in. While one debater finds it irrational to dismiss studies for such reasons, the other debater expresses confusion over the issue. The conversation then moves to a question about why there is more support for transgender individuals with dysmorphia and dysphoria than for people with anorexia who have similar body image struggles. The debaters argue that the difference in support comes from the empirical consequences of supporting these conditions, as treatment for trans people has positive effects, while encouraging anorexic people that they are not skinny enough does not help them. Finally, they clarify the reason behind San Francisco's decision to make knowingly transmitting AIDS a misdemeanor instead of a felony, which was to encourage more people to get tested for STIs and ultimately reduce the spread of AIDS in the state.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, Sargon of Akkad and the other speaker discuss a controversial study on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, which Sargon claims used flawed data that was collected from biased online polls of parents rather than actual children. They also discuss the argument that trans women have a forebrain structure closer to that of cisgender women than cisgender men, with Sargon ultimately affirming the validity of the gender dysphoria argument. The speakers then debate the idea of trans women being women and whether or not there are genuine differences between them and cisgender women. Finally, they address a question about the ability to identify as a different age or receive SSI based on personal identity.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, Sargon of Akkad and the other speaker discuss the legitimacy of transgender people versus trans-aged people. Sargon argues that there is a massive body of evidence to support the legitimacy of transgender people, but not for trans-aged people. He suggests that if there was overwhelming scientific consensus that trans-aged individuals experienced high levels of suicidality, anxiety, and depression, then it would be worth looking into, but the data simply isn't there at this point. They also briefly touch on the issue of family courts and note that the assumption that women are automatically better caregivers is actually patriarchal and anti-feminist.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the issue of patriarchy and biases against men in the family court system, which they believe contribute to the male suicide rate. Although they disagree with his use of racial slurs, they express agreement with Sargon of Akkad's stance on this issue. They mention cases where men's lives have been destroyed by family courts and highlight the emotional baggage society has regarding women and against men. The economists who argue in favor of immigration do not typically talk about worker coops, which are still an understudied subject in economics. Sargon, in particular, is skeptical of studies presented by people with vested interests in the topic and believes that studies are presented to support their views.
  • 02:25:00 In this section of the video, the debate shifts to discussions of polls and data regarding immigration and transgender issues. Sargon of Akkad and Vash debate the validity of different polls and sources of data, with Vash arguing that he provided counter evidence to Sargon's sources while Sargon did not provide counter evidence to Vash's sources. The discussion also touches on the topic of objective morality and how Vash justifies his "should" statements.
  • 02:30:00 In this section, a viewer asks Sargon of Akkad about his stance on immigration, questioning why he brought up the point that a percentage of people don't identify as "white British" if his issue is purely cultural. Sargon responds that he doesn't care about the "white British" bit, and that there are other aspects of the census such as national categories and English-only identity. The Q&A session goes on for two hours and 40 minutes with questions on topics like objective morality, capitalism, and worker coops. Vash, the other participant in the discussion, argues that the efficiency of worker coops may not benefit those in power, who have more control over policies and laws.
  • 02:35:00 In this section, Sargon of Akkad and the debate moderator discuss whether the system is rigged for the wealthy. The moderator clarifies that they don't literally mean "controlled by," but the system is rigged in their favor. They then touch on how the neoliberal consensus, as represented by the likes of the Clintons and Trumps, serves the interests of the wealthy disproportionately. The conversation then moves to Joe Rogan's endorsement of Bernie Sanders, with Sargon pointing out that Joe Rogan is possibly further left than many Americans. However, they acknowledge that Rogan has conservative views on transgender women competing in sports without revealing that they've transitioned.
  • 02:40:00 In this section of the video, Sargon of Akkad and Vash discuss various topics, including the idea of conspiracy theories and social control in modern society. Vash tries to avoid making conspiratorial statements and instead prefers to engage with data and research to form his arguments. Later, when discussing the deeper philosophy of science and academia, Vash admits that he has been meaning to have a debate with King Crocodoc, but scheduling has been a challenge. Both Vash and Sargon agree that there are toxic and pernicious elements on the left, but it is still possible to disagree with them and not discount all data and academia due to these elements.
  • 02:45:00 In this section, Sargon of Akkad and his co-host discuss the effects of lack of human interaction on feral children and the importance of cultural heritage. Sargon argues that even without conscious effort, parents pass down their cultural values and behaviors to their children, and a lack of exposure to these can cause damage to the brain that is irreversible. They also touch on the topic of agendas, acknowledging that everyone has one and stating that it's better than being a neutral participant. The discussion quickly moves on to a more lighthearted topic of producing an R and Bernie Sanders fan fiction.
  • 02:50:00 In this section, the debate touches upon the breakdown of old patriarchal values and the effects it had on society. Sargon argues that the old system worked well in terms of stability and productivity, but it was not inherently just. The dissolution of the old system was a consequence of trying to organize society towards fairness and reason, which brought about various problems such as the rise of white nationalism. The discussion also touches on the issue of identity and whether a person's race and ethnicity should determine their identity as an English person. Sargon argues that what matters is a person's commitment to English values, customs, traditions, and heritage.
  • 02:55:00 In this section, the conversation comes to an end with goodbyes being exchanged. Sargon of Akkad mentions his excitement about an upcoming debate with Destiny, which is scheduled to take place in March or later. Although the participants acknowledge the delay in responding to emails, the overall end of the discussion is cordial, with Sargon expressing his pleasure at being invited on the show and thanking the hosts for having him.

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