Summary of Controversial Questions and Official Retractions of Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (MH Podcast #4)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this YouTube video, Michael discusses how Ustad Abu Taymiyyah was not actually angry during his discussion with Muhammad Rasheed, and that he was instead trying too hard. Rasheed then appears to be wrong in his assessment, and it is up to him to provide a rebuttal on a higher level than his own.

  • 00:00:00 Abu Taymiyah discusses the importance of seeking knowledge, advises patience, and warns of the dangers of becoming too hasty in seeking knowledge.
  • 00:05:00 Ust. Abu Taymiyyah discusses the controversial video "Haddad and the Shia" and how it affected his relationship with adnan oshid. He clarifies that he was not involved in the making of the video and had no knowledge of it beforehand.
  • 00:10:00 The author recalls two incidents in which he was accused of wrongdoing by relatives. He reflects on how the internet has made these issues more visible and how serious he took them after two years of contemplation. He talks about how his relatives brought up the topic of blood money and wealth in the context of honor, and how he realized the power of YouTube in making these arguments more widely known.
  • 00:15:00 The speaker discusses some of the controversial topics Abu Taymiyyah has been known to speak on, such as the need to kill oppressive individuals, and the importance of understanding emotions and their proper use. He also takes responsibility for being hasty and cites a hadith to back up his argument. He urges listeners to consider all of the information before making a judgement, and to do so in a way that is befitting of the time and situation.
  • 00:20:00 The speaker discusses how unfair it is when people criticize others without first trying to understand their viewpoints. He asks allah azzawajal to help him deal with the issue in the best way.
  • 00:25:00 Ust. Abu Taymiyyah discusses controversial questions and official retractions of his statements. He clarifies that declaring someone an innovator does not mean they are automatically misguided, and that this is an issue for the scholars to discuss.
  • 00:30:00 The speaker explains that they are in a difficult position because they made a public apology for something that they think was not the right thing to do. They go onto say that they watched a video the night it was posted that made them feel uncomfortable, and that is when they realized that they needed to make a public apology.
  • 00:35:00 The speaker recounts a controversial discussion with an acquaintance, in which the acquaintance quoted a verse from the Quran to argue that Islam is not barbaric. The speaker says that he has only ever known the acquaintance in a respectful manner, and that he does not understand why the acquaintance is upset. The acquaintance then calls the speaker to the park, where he is angry and appears to be screwing with the speaker. The speaker asks the acquaintance what he wants, and the acquaintance says he wants to start a discussion.
  • 00:40:00 The main point of this YouTube video is that Ustad Abu Taymiyyah was not actually angry during his discussion with Muhammad Rasheed, and that he was instead trying too hard. Rasheed then appears to be wrong in his assessment, and it is up to him to provide a rebuttal on a higher level than his own.
  • 00:45:00 The speaker discusses how taking down videos of Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (a prominent Muslim scholar) or other Muslim personalities can damage their respective reputations. He also mentions that a brother he knows is involved in the Islamic State, though he does not mention the brother's name. He says that if everyone focuses on their own strengths and weaknesses, rather than trying to take down others, it will work better as a team.
  • 00:50:00 The speaker discusses some controversial topics, including speaking ill of others without knowing them, and regretting having anything to do with a video that leaked emails from a religious scholar. He says that, even if he did have something to say about the video, he is all in his twenties at the time and is on the same age as Imran. He goes on to say that if there is an issue that only young people are pushing through, then there is a deficiency in that issue.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Michael discusses how some scholars may have been consulted before a video was released which discussed the idea of doubt in relation to the preservation of the Quran. He also touches on the issue of whether or not it is justified to spread sensitive information in private if it will lead to less good being done.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses the controversy surrounding Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, a renowned Islamic scholar, in which some Muslims accuse him of compromising Islam by cooperating with non-Muslims. The video points out that some of the answers found in his books were the result of him giving answers after questions were asked, and that he does not know Arabic himself. It goes on to say that, because of this, many of his teachings are now being translated and communicated to a larger audience, which can make it difficult to understand them. The video concludes by saying that it is unjust to paint all salafis with the same brush, and that there are many different types of salafis out there.

  • 01:00:00 The speaker discusses the controversy surrounding Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, pointing out that it is important for opposing views to be stated publicly and that it is dangerous for people to challenge private views without the consent of the elders. He also discusses an incident in which Ebeneutemia defended one of his enemies, and how the speaker wishes he could treat his friends the same way ibrutimya does.
  • 01:05:00 The speaker discusses how asking a controversial questions of a religious figure can be a bad idea because the religious figure may not be able to properly articulate their thoughts. The speaker also discusses how asking a religious figure about specific theological opinions can be misconstrued by the lay audience.
  • 01:10:00 The speaker discusses the consequences of asking a controversial question of a scholar who has not yet published anything on the topic. He regrets asking the question, as it could have been avoided if he had been more aware of the scholar's reputation. The speaker also points out that a scholar's influence is based on their quality, not their quantity of work.
  • 01:15:00 This YouTube video is a podcast featuring Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Ustaymeen, discussing controversial questions and official retractions. In 2015, Shaykh Muhammad wrote an article defending the permissibility of going to the message of the people of innovation, as there was a group of people who were blasting individuals who are trying to quote the Sunnah simply because he went to a masjid. He also discusses higher doing good in places which are not especially or specifically selfie spaces, or if there is a more sophisticated approach. The question of whether or not someone can be a Muslim and go to a church for example, can be answered in two parts. The first part is that if a brother goes there, PDFs are being put together putting his picture and then someone else's picture, a previous speaker came there, and then this message what they've done or whatever have you, it was kind of becoming a bit of a pandemic. The second part is that if a brother goes through that message, he's being labeled straight away and there is an article he wrote with other scholars defending brothers who were being ripped apart even scholars were being ripped apart.
  • 01:20:00 This 1-paragraph summary highlights the controversy surrounding Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, a renowned Islamic scholar, in which some Muslims accuse him of compromising Islam by cooperating with non-Muslims.
  • 01:25:00 The author discusses a controversial situation where a muslim student claimed to be a muslim, had an appearance, and was in a mixed class of muslims and non-muslims. The author argues that it is always contextual and the brotherhood might believe in this, but when you say muhammad is not always what you call it, many of the big scholars of islam become guilty of neglecting their role in spreading misinformation. The author also mentions a progressive muslim who left the paradigm and argues that this is a space where traditionalists and progressives are in a battle for control of the religion.
  • 01:30:00 The author discusses how dawah needs to be specific in order to avoid causing confusion and division among Muslims. He specifically mentions the issue of ta'awwuf (Islamic mysticism) and how it can be harmful if left unchecked. He also mentions the example of a teacher teaching a student a book that contains statements that can be taken out of context.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, a well-known scholar of Islamic jurisprudence who has been the subject of some controversy in the recent past. The video points out that some of the answers found in his books were the result of him giving answers after questions were asked, and that he does not know Arabic himself. It goes on to say that, because of this, many of his teachings are now being translated and communicated to a larger audience, which can make it difficult to understand them. The video concludes by saying that it is unjust to paint all salafis with the same brush, and that there are many different types of salafis out there.
  • 01:40:00 The speaker discusses how some people in the UK use the field of hadith to criticize and insult each other, and warns the listeners of the dangers of innovation. He mentions a course that he took on this topic, and how it opened his eyes up to the books of Himitamia.
  • 01:45:00 Omar discusses his personal experiences with Ust. Abu Taymiyyah and how he came to the conclusion that some of the stunts he took were not productive. He also mentions how Aziz sometimes needs to put his emotions aside and think about what is best for the Muslims as a whole.
  • 01:50:00 The speaker recounts a number of occasions where a scholar they knew retracted a statement they had made. They encourage Muslims to be humble and admit mistakes when they make them.
  • 01:55:00 Ust. Abu Taymiyyah discusses a case of unintentional misquoting of an ayah in a class, and how it can be difficult for those who are not as knowledgeable as he is. He concludes by retracting some of the statements he made about the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The video discusses a case of unintentional misquoting of an ayah by Ust. Abu Taymiyyah in a class. He discusses how it can be difficult for those who are not as knowledgeable as he is, and how by retracting his statements he makes it easier for himself and others.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

The author of this YouTube video speaks about how he has seen some elders say that Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (a scholar who advocated for the wearing of hijabs) is "yeah see what i'm saying yeah," and how this attitude can lead to conflict. He goes on to say that he has always been like this with his brother, Imran Abdulrahman, and that he advises people based on his own thoughts, not those of his teacher. He also discusses the importance of having discussions with different viewpoints and how this is important in the Muslim community.

  • 02:00:00 The author of this YouTube video speaks about how he has seen some elders say that Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (a scholar who advocated for the wearing of hijabs) is "yeah see what i'm saying yeah," and how this attitude can lead to conflict. He goes on to say that he has always been like this with his brother, Imran Abdulrahman, and that he advises people based on his own thoughts, not those of his teacher. He also discusses the importance of having discussions with different viewpoints and how this is important in the Muslim community.

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