Summary of How Toy Story 4 Destroyed Everything - Part 1 | Prologue, Jessie Assassination & Kindergarten Scene

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video argues that Toy Story 4 destroyed everything by making a number of changes that did not make sense, such as updating the character model of Andy and having Jessie suffer from claustrophobia. The video contends that these changes were made for the sake of a new, younger audience, and that the plan was fundamentally flawed.

  • 00:00:00 Toy Story 4 destroyed everything by being a bad film; the opening music is the same from Toy Story 3, which suggests that the movie takes place after Toy Story 3, but the actual in-universe time gap between the movies is 9 years. The director and producer of the movie will occasionally pop up to talk about the film.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses how Toy Story 4 destroyed everything, including Jessie's assassination and the kindergarten scene. The main point is that the ending of the film is harder to swallow when considering the information revealed.
  • 00:10:00 In "Toy Story 4", the toys need to save rc from being executed. Beau (voiced by Christina Hendricks) orders sheep Billy Goat and gruff to raise the blinds so they can save rc without the humans seeing them. However, the plan is pointless, and they could have just used a toy ladder to open the window. The scene is a joke, and the point of it is not clear.
  • 00:15:00 In "Toy Story 4", the toys in Andy's room forget about Molly and focus on rescuing RC. This scene falls apart when Buzz and Jessie are added, as they were not in the original Toy Story films. Additionally, the chain of monkeys needed to save RC is not possible to put together in three seconds.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how Toy Story 4 destroyed everything, most notably the plane that was meant to take Andy to Florida. The toys were not able to assemble a chain in three seconds to save RC, and the movie is full of baloney.
  • 00:25:00 In "Toy Story 4," the toys try to retrieve RC from Andy's house, but they are met by a surprise arrival and a series of problems with the window. Andy's mom walks in, and the toys are not able to hear her footsteps due to the rain. The toys are able to retrieve RC but are met by another surprise when Woody's string is cut and he falls, revealing his rear end. The toys are then able to return home.
  • 00:30:00 Toy Story 4 destroyed everything by introducing a box scene in which Jessie says "It's time for the next kid." This scene is only possible because Woody lost his keys and the keyless wonder comes back to take her away.
  • 00:35:00 The video argues that Toy Story 4 destroyed everything, beginning with the Jessie assassination and kindergarten scene. The video argues that this was all done for the sake of a new, younger audience, and that the plan was fundamentally flawed.
  • 00:40:00 In "Toy Story 4", the character model of Andy has been updated to look more realistic, but this change is not well-received by fans. The video goes on to discuss how various characters from the previous films have been updated to look more realistic, but Andy's model is not among them. Bonnie, who was introduced in "Toy Story 3", has written her name on Woody's boot in a recent holiday special. This detail was not included in the movie, which leads the viewer to believe that Pixar intentionally changed Andy's design to make him look less similar to his previous incarnations.
  • 00:45:00 In "Toy Story 4," toys in Bonnie's closet become anxious. Jesse, who is claustrophobic, panics and hyperventilates. Woody, Buzz, and Jessie all end up getting hurt or killed.
  • 00:50:00 In "Toy Story 4," Jessie, a cowgirl doll, is abandoned by her owner, Andy, and suffers from claustrophobia. The trauma from this leads to her fear of enclosed spaces. When the toys in Andy's room are threatened, Jessie goes into action to save them. However, her character arc is undone by the film's final scene, in which Andy sells Woody to a toy collector.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, the creator argues that Toy Story 4 destroyed everything because the toys had not been played with for three days, and because Woody had accumulated a dust bunny.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

Toy Story 4 introduces a new character, Fork Face, who is a spork that Bonnie has turned into a toy. Fork Face is clever and Steve is dead, but Bonnie is happy to have finished kindergarten. However, her parents tell her that she has to go to school for the next 12 years, crushing her dreams.

  • 01:00:00 In "Toy Story 4," Bonnie's toys that she outgrew from when she was a toddler are discovered in her closet. She tries to convinces her dad to bring one with her to kindergarten, but he refuses. Dolly orders everyone to freeze, but Bonnie's dad ignores her. Woody tries to talk to her, but she's rude to him.
  • 01:05:00 Toy Story 4 introduces a new character, Dolly, who is kind to Bonnie, but is not aware of how Bonnie is feeling. Bonnie's parents come to get her and leave her with Dolly, who abandons her soon after. This creates a tension between Bonnie and Toy Story 4's other characters.
  • 01:10:00 The teacher in Toy Story 4 completely abandons the only kid in the class, Jessie, who is apparently sad and scared. Jessie is left to fend for herself, and the teacher does nothing to help her. Jessie's only friend is Bonnie, and Bonnie is killed by a bully. Woody, a toy who is hiding out in a cubby, uses Bonnie's lunchbox to sneak up on the bully and steal supplies from him. The teacher, who is nowhere to be found, does not see anything. The plot device of Toy Story 4 revolves around Jessie's possession of a spork.
  • 01:15:00 Toy Story 4 introduced a new character, Fork Face, who Bonnie used to convert her spork into a new character. Fork Face's name is actually Forky, but I will not be referring to him by that name. Fork Face is clever, and Steve ignores dead. Bonnie is reunited with her parents, and is happy to have finished kindergarten. However, her parents crush her hopes and dreams, revealing that she is doomed to be sucked into the never-ending horrific spiral of the education system for the next 12 years.

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