Summary of TRIKA + ABHINAVAGUPTA: Kashmir Shaivism & Tantra with Raja Choudhury

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Raja Choudhury discusses the history and philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism and Tantra. He explains that Trika is a synthesis of these two traditions that emphasizes the union of masculine and feminine energies. Choudhury describes the different stages of Trika practitioners reach toward spiritual enlightenment.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses the cult of Shiva and Shakti, the origins of which are discussed in detail. The cult of Shiva and Shakti was a powerful and ancient animism that was practiced in India throughout the 2500-BC to fourth-century AD period. In the fourth century, an unusual energy began to develop and Tantra, a type of scripture that deals with the practice of Shiva and Shakti, began to be written.
  • 00:05:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:10:00 This video discusses the history and power of tantra and shaivism in Kashmir, focusing on the practice of kaula, or "powerful form of worship." Tantra, on the other hand, is more focused on shiva and shakti, and was originally a part of shaivism. Kaula later developed into the kaula marga kaula path, or "the tamed path of kaula," which became popularized by Matsandranath and Masindernath in the 8th and 9th centuries. Meanwhile, shaktis began moving towards kula, or "the link between India and the Silk Road."
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses the Tantric philosophy of Trika, which is a synthesis of various Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Trika is said to be the highest synthesis of tantra, and it was created by Abhinav Gupta in the 10th century. Trika is a direct union of Shiva and Shakti, non-dualism, and all stages in between. It is for everybody, and women have equal place in it.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the development of Kashmir Shaivism and Tantra in the 8th to 10th centuries, focusing on the teachings of Abhinavagupta. Trika, a synthesis of the various teachings, was created by Abhinavagupta. This led to the development of Sri Media, a complex and unique form of Tantric worship not present in other parts of India.
  • 00:25:00 The video illustrates the doctrine of trika, which is the philosophical system that combines aspects of Shaivism and Tantra. Trika teachings emphasize the union of male and female in order to awaken kundalini, which is said to be a mixture of both spiritual and sexual energy. Abhinav Gupta, a renowned teacher in this tradition, discusses the various techniques and practices that are used to achieve this goal. Finally, the video describes trika as consisting of three aspects: para parapara (white goddess of knowledge), aparra (red goddess of fire), and guyana (all-comers). These three aspects are simultaneously dual and non-dual, body and source, and halfway between the body and the source.
  • 00:30:00 The video explains the different aspects of Kashmir Shaivism and Tantra, which include the theory of krama, kaula, and spanda. Trika is the synthesis of these three traditions, and it is the main tradition taken by the founder of this school, Raja Choudhury. Trika teaches the practice of krama, kaula, and spanda in an internal way, culminating in the attainment of enlightenment. This is later absorbed into other schools of yoga. The video also provides a brief description of the practice of kaula, which includes sexual acts and rituals performed in Hindu temples.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the theory and practice of Trika, a school of Kashmir Shaivism that incorporates aspects of Tantra. Trika is said to be one of the highest forms of tantric consciousness, and its teachings are easy to understand and practice for anyone. Abhinav Gupta, a contemporary teacher of Trika, discusses four ways to practice Trika: 1) through body, 2) through mind, 3) through energy, and 4) through vibration.
  • 00:40:00 The four paths of Kashmir Shaivism are annavopaya (the path of the body), shaktapaya (the path of concentration), sambhavopaya (the path of dissolution), and prativigna (the path of non-action). Trika is a philosophy and system of Tantra that emphasizes the union of masculine and feminine energies. The video discusses the importance of practice and explains the different stages of Trika practitioners reach toward spiritual enlightenment.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the various aspects of Kashmir Shaivism, including the concepts of trika (three goddesses), abhinavagupta (the founder of the school), and pancha mahabhutas (five elements). It also discusses the practice of inner meditation, which leads to the various levels of consciousness described above. The video finishes with a discussion of the ultimate goal of Kashmir Shaivism, which is to dissolve into the vast consciousness of the mind.
  • 00:50:00 The trika teaches that there are five states of turia, or "inner stillness," and that each state is in between being in the senses and dreaming. This is explained in terms of the five sounds of earth: all those are down there and you can go through all the chakras and all the petals and that will give you all the sounds of withdrawing into yourself. The trika also teaches that all mantras are dances between one of these tatwa's, or elements, with one shakti vowel and one ending of the vowel called the sarga or anuswara.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the history and practice of Kashmir Shaivism, which involves focusing on the goddess Shakti. It covers the five states of Shakti, or subtle awareness, and how they can be reached through meditation. The video then mentions the Tantra Loka, a book written by Abhinav Gupta, and Shmer Raja, one of his students. These texts were preserved by secret schools, but were eventually destroyed by Islamic invasions.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the origins of Kashmir Shaivism and Tantra, and how they share a common philosophy. Swami Lakshman Jew taught many Westerners how to practice Kashmir Shaivism, and his school, Lakshman Jew's Academy, is still in operation. The ultimate goal of Kashmir Shaivism is to reach the state of thuria, or pure consciousness.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the origins of Kashmir Shaivism, Tantra, and Swami Lakshman Jew, and how they all share a common philosophy. Swami Lakshman Jew taught many Westerners how to practice Kashmir Shaivism, and his school, Lakshman Jew's Academy, is still in operation. The ultimate goal of Kashmir Shaivism is to reach the state of thuria, or pure consciousness.

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