Summary of 🔴 NETFLIX REACT.JS Challenge | Day 1 (Your Ultimate Roadmap & FREE Resume)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video introduces the Netflix React.js Challenge, which takes five days and covers new features such as Firebase and Stripe, with a substantial prize pool of £7,000. The video also offers a free resume, and participants will focus on building a Netflix clone with authentication and payment plans. There is an emphasis on developing technical and soft skills, with the speaker sharing success stories and offering guidance on finding job opportunities through freelancing or teaching. The video encourages participants to join the community and prioritize happiness, passion, and purpose over money. Day 1 focuses on the roadmap and free resume provided by the Papa Fam, while day 2 involves building the front end portion of the app, adding authentication and the checkout page using Redux.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the host introduces the five-day Netflix React.js challenge and shows the Netflix build that participants will be working on. The build includes a sign-in screen, a responsive app, and a full Netflix app. The host also demonstrates a Stripe payment processing feature that uses the latest Firebase extension. The host expresses gratitude to the viewers and the Papa Fam community and encourages participation in the challenge. Viewers from all over the world tune in, and the host is energized by their enthusiasm.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video introduces day one of the Netflix React JS Challenge, which includes a roadmap to becoming a successful React JS developer in 2021. The challenge covers new features such as Firebase and Stripe, and includes a substantial prize pool of £7,000. The video will also offer a free resume, and day two will focus on building the front-end of Netflix, connecting to a TMDB movie database through an API. Day three will involve authentication and Redux. The video includes lively interaction with over 600 people watching on different social platforms.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the instructor goes through the remaining days of the Netflix React.js challenge, including day three, which focuses on Firebase authentication and storing users in Redux. Day four involves using the Stripe and Firebase extension for payment processing. Day five is when the winners of the £7,000 prize pool will be revealed, along with the instructor's tips and tricks for making £100,000 a year as a React.js developer. The instructor emphasizes that participants need to follow all the rules to win the prize, and they need to be fully focused and invested in the challenge for the five days. The instructor also emphasizes the importance of being a React.js developer and promises to reveal the opportunities available in this field.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the speaker talks about the homework and the amazing portfolio that participants will receive for free. The portfolio includes a neat animation, responsive design, and a contact form. The participants can download a digital resume and add their education, work, skills, and proof. There are also social icons and a section for testimonials. The speaker encourages the participants to sign up for the challenge and join the Facebook group to be eligible for the prizes. The first prize is a diamond membership, worth 1600 pounds. The speaker mentions a member who landed a job with the diamond membership, and encourages the participants to take advantage of the challenge to kick-start their career.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the point system and schedule for the Netflix React.js Challenge. Contestants must send messages on various social media platforms, which will earn them one point each, and they will earn two points for sharing the challenge link. Additionally, helping someone with their homework is worth three points, and referrals are worth four points. Finally, submitting homework will earn five points. The challenge will last for five days, and there is a big surprise in store for everyone on the last day. Contestants must be registered to the event to earn points, and the event will be held daily at 6:00 PM GMT on Facebook.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of registering for the day five event in order to see the winner reveal and to redeem any prizes. The speaker emphasizes the need to follow the five steps and register for the event to compete in the challenge. Additionally, the speaker shares success stories of two students who landed web development jobs after following the program and putting in the work. The section also touches upon the seven most important habits for success, including hard work and perseverance.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not only possessing technical coding skills but also having soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and learning initiative, that are vital for landing a job as a developer. He introduces himself as a React developer who wants to help streamline the careers of aspiring developers with his guidance and resources. He also mentions several ways to make money as a developer, including coaching and teaching. The speaker stresses that hard work and dedication will determine the success of anyone who wants to become a developer.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to make money by teaching students or freelancing through platforms like Upwork,, and Fiverr. He emphasizes the importance of reaching out to potential clients without spamming and recommends using Facebook groups, Instagram, Take Lessons, People Per Hour, and LinkedIn to find students to teach. He also explains that building a reputation on Upwork can lead to a profitable freelancing career.
  • 00:40:00 stay up all night coding to be successful. But in reality, there are things that are more important than money such as time, health, happiness, family, sleep, and peace. These things are crucial to our well-being and should not be sacrificed for the sake of money or success. It's important to find our why and prioritize these things in our lives while also working hard to achieve our goals in the tech industry.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker highlights the importance of three things that are more important than money - happiness, passion, and purpose. The speaker emphasizes that money is a lagging indicator of success, and it shouldn't be the focus of one's career goals. The speaker urges the viewers to invest in themselves and their time, be present, and find their passion and purpose to stay motivated even during tough times. The speaker also mentions the benefits of freelancing and full-time jobs, emphasizing that each has its different challenges and rewards that need to be weighed while deciding which path to choose.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the trade-offs between freelancing and full-time jobs, highlighting the flexibility and potential income of freelancing, while underscoring the importance of continually developing skills for both paths. The speaker then explains why ReactJS should be a core skill to obtain for web developers, as it is used by many reputable tech companies and can be utilized for web, mobile, and server-side applications. The section concludes by emphasizing the job opportunities available for those with ReactJS skills, including the potential for high salaries and a large number of job openings.
  • 00:55:00 definitely join the community because at the end of the day, it's better to work together than alone. The average developer can start with a salary of 68K, but can go up to 120K with experience and knowledge in DevOps. React is a highly valued language, with many applications such as Gmail, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Tinder, and many more. In this challenge, participants will be building a Netflix clone with authentication and payment plan section. Day 1 focuses on the roadmap and free resume provided by the Papa Fam, while day 2 involves building the front end portion of the app, adding authentication and the checkout page using Redux.

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

In this YouTube video, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding both class-based and functional components in React, as well as React hooks for managing state and lifecycle methods. The fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript should be understood before learning React, and the drawbacks of prop drilling should be avoided with a global data layer like Redux. The video also covers the benefits of Firebase, and participants are urged to submit their completed homework for the challenge by following the provided guide and utilizing the available resources for support. Lastly, the submission process and importance of following the rules are emphasized, and viewers are encouraged to attend day five and share their thoughts on the challenge.

  • 01:00:00 that if you need to manage state or need to use lifecycle methods, use class-based components. However, functional components are much simpler and have become the new norm because they are easier to read, write, and test. In functional components, we simply write a function that returns some JSX, which is just HTML-like syntax within JavaScript. We can also use hooks to manage state and lifecycle methods. Overall, understanding these components is essential when building with React, and this challenge will provide the perfect opportunity to practice using both types of components.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding both class-based and functional components in React. Although functional components are becoming increasingly popular, many companies still use class-based code. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing both types in order to improve your chances of success as a React developer. Additionally, the speaker covers React hooks, which were introduced in React 16.8 to allow state inside functional components. Hooks are easy to implement, lightweight, and can be beneficial for building custom functions.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker covers two fundamental concepts in React: state and props. State is essentially how you write a variable inside a React component and is managed within the component, allowing your components to create and manage their own data. Props, on the other hand, stand for properties and allow you to pass data to each component and customize the way it looks and feels. The speaker also mentions that if you want to learn React, state is the number one thing you have to learn, and encourages viewers to check out the React Basics module in Zero to Full Stack Hero to get a head start. The section ends with the speaker discussing where Redux fits into this.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the video tutorial, the instructor talks about the importance of knowing the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before starting to learn React. He also discusses the drawbacks of prop drilling, which can result in tangled up code and the need for a global data layer, like Redux. With Redux, apps become highly powerful and can be found in major companies like Airbnb and Amazon. The instructor also delves into the benefits of Firebase, a suite of tools that allows for easy hosting, real-time data synchronization, and authentication. He briefly explains how Firebase's cloud functions power payment processing and will be used in the Netflix clone project. Lastly, viewers are given a peek of what's to come in day two and three, with the remainder of the app, including the login screen and checkout process, being built.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker urges the viewers to submit their completed homework by tomorrow in order to increase their chances of winning the competition and showcasing their best work. The homework involves downloading a portfolio and customizing it to add personal touches and unique functionalities. To do so, the viewers need to follow the instructions mentioned in the provided link and clone the repository. The speaker shows how to access and use the portfolio and guides them on accessing the "resume data.json" file to make changes to the portfolio. The viewers are also advised to join the Facebook community and Discord for support if they encounter any difficulties.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker explains the process of submitting a personalized portfolio for the challenge. They emphasize that participants should create and customize their own portfolio using the provided guide and submit a link to the deployed version along with a screenshot of the app. The speaker also highlights the importance of following the steps outlined in the challenge and joining the Facebook community for support if needed. The submission process involves filling out a form on Airtable and clicking the "done" button once finished. Lastly, the speaker encourages participants to share their portfolio on social media to earn more points for the challenge.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker provides information on how to submit the homework for the challenge and what to do if you encounter errors. He also reminds participants to utilize the resources available, such as the VS code extension and Facebook chat. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of following the rules to have the best chance of winning the challenge and encourages participants to ask for help if they get stuck. Finally, he concludes by reminding viewers to attend day five and asking for their thoughts on the challenge in the comments.
  • 01:35:00 I'm sorry, but the transcript excerpt provided seems to be the outro of the video and does not contain any relevant information that can be summarized.

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