Summary of Benjamin H. Freedman's Speech At The Willard Hotel In Washington, D.C. (1961)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Benjamin H. Freedman warns of the plans being made to start a third world war that will involve the United States, with American troops being sent to Palestine to support the Zionists, leading to World War III that America cannot win. Zionists and their co-religionists have control over the US government, meaning no one will support the US in the war, and a worldwide boycott may occur against America. Freedman discusses how the non-Christian and non-white nations of the world may be at war with the US, tracing the manipulation of the US into World War I to allow the Zionists to obtain Palestine. He argues that Eastern European Jews descended from Khazar, not from the Holy Land, and the idea of Jews returning to their land is a lie that has caused unnecessary wars and suffering. Finally, Freedman calls on American citizens to write to President Kennedy to express their concerns about sending American soldiers to fight in foreign wars instead of relying on disloyal Jewish leaders.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the speech by Benjamin H. Freedman, he warns the audience of the plans being made to start a third world war that will involve the United States. He claims that American troops will be sent to Palestine to support the zionists who have occupied the area, which will result in Christian soldiers fighting against the Christian and Muslim Arabs who only want to go back to their homes. Freedman believes that this action will lead to World War III, which America cannot win, as no nation will support them in the war.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Benjamin Freedman discusses the likelihood of the US going to war in Palestine and the lack of allies they will have in the fight. He argues that due to the control of Zionists and their co-religionists over the US government, the non-Christian and non-white nations of the world, which make up 80% of the world's population, will be at war with the US. He demonstrates this by going back in history to show how Germany could have won World War I, but the Zionists intervened to bring the US into the war on the side of Great Britain, leading to the defeat of Germany.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the speech, the speaker claims that the Zionists in Germany represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe and made a deal with the British war cabinet to guarantee bringing the United States into the war as their ally to fight with them on their side, in exchange for Palestine. The speaker argues that it is absurd that Great Britain promised Palestine to the Zionists, as they had no connection or interest in what is known as Palestine. The speaker goes on to state that this promise changed the perception of newspapers in the United States, which were previously pro-German and controlled by Jews, as the Jews wanted to see Germany defeat the Tsar. The Zionists then went to work on President Wilson to get the United States into the war, which eventually happened.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Freedman discusses the role of the United States in World War I and how the real motive behind it was to allow the Zionists to obtain Palestine. He explains that the United States was manipulated into joining the war, and after the war ended, the Germans realized that they were defeated because the Zionists wanted Palestine and were willing to get it at any cost. Additionally, Freedman highlights the significant presence of Jews in Germany and their prosperity before the war, which was why the Germans were shocked when they found out about the sellout.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the speech, Benjamin H. Freedman compares the treatment of Jews in Germany to what would happen to Chinese citizens in the United States in the event of a similar scenario. He argues that the Germans did not hate the Jews because of their religion, but because they felt the Jews were responsible for their crushing defeat in World War I, which they felt was unjustified. Freedman states that the Jews themselves admitted to this in their writings at the time. However, he emphasizes that not a single hair on the head of any Jew was harmed in Germany as a result of this resentment.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Benjamin Freedman discusses the Jews' involvement in bringing about Germany's defeat in World War II. He mentions that the Jews, who made up 98% of the Communists in Europe at that time, did not want the world to know that they had sold out Germany. As a result, the Germans discriminated against them, similar to how the US might shun those who sell them out to an enemy. In 1933, Jews from all over the world met in Amsterdam to demand that Germany put every Jew, whether Communist or not, back into their former position, but Germany refused. This led to a declaration of a holy war by the Jews of the world against Germany.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the video discusses how during World War II, a worldwide boycott was used against Germany in an attempt to starve them into surrender. The Jews of the world declared this boycott against Germany and it was so effective that one could not find one thing in any store with the words "made in Germany" on it. However, up until that point, not one hair of any Jew had been hurt in Germany, and there was no suffering, starvation, or murder. The only reason there was any feeling in Germany against Jews was that they were responsible for World War I, the worldwide boycott, and later on for World War II, leading to war between Germany and the Jews.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the speech, Benjamin H. Freedman discusses the historical context of World War II and how Germany began to see the Soviet Union as a threat after the US recognized them in 1933. He claims that the Jews of the world, Zionists, and their co-religionists are determined to use the United States to help them permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for their world government. Freedman warns that if a third world war is triggered that could develop into a nuclear war, humanity will be finished, and the United States cannot possibly win a war against 80 to 90 percent of the world on their home ground.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of Benjamin H. Freedman's speech, he claims that Eastern European Jews are not actually from the Holy Land, but are in fact "so-called Jews" who descended from Khazar, a warmongering Asian tribe. He goes on to say that the Khazar King, disgusted with the degeneracy of his people, adopted a monotheistic faith, and after choosing between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, he picked the latter and sent thousands of rabbis to open up schools and synagogues in his kingdom. Freedman argues that the Eastern European Jews have no ancestral ties to the Holy Land, and that it is ridiculous to support their armed insurrection in Palestine under the mistaken belief that they are repatriating God's chosen people to their promised land.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker expresses that the belief that only Jews can live in Israel is unjustifiable, and compares it to the idea that only Arabs can live in Mecca. He argues that people should be able to adopt religious beliefs without facing discrimination or exclusion from their homeland, and that the idea of Jews returning to their ancestral homeland is a lie that has caused unnecessary wars and suffering. The speaker also accuses the zionists of controlling the media, politics, and electoral votes, and using their influence to promote their interests.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the speech, the speaker calls on American citizens to write to President Kennedy and express their concerns about sending American soldiers to fight in foreign wars. He emphasizes the importance of communicating with the President rather than with Congress or Senators. The speaker then goes on to explain how he, as a Jew, became aware of the disloyalty of Jewish leaders who make oaths and pledges but are exempt from fulfilling them. He warns about the insecurity of relying on the loyalty of such leaders and compares it to the Germans' dependence on Jews in 1916, leading to a similar fate. The speaker also shares his own experience of being rejected by many newspapers when he tried to share this information with the American people.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Benjamin Freedman talks about his association with Mr. Conde McGinley of Common Sense, who has been sending out anti-communist newsletters for 15 years, with a circulation of nearly 2 million copies. Freedman praises McGinley's work and states that many people learned about the fight against communism for the first time through Common Sense. He requests people to help McGinley by sending him a dollar, buying Common Sense, or spreading the word. Freedman also addresses rumors about him being the wealthy factor of Common Sense and explains that he helps financially but hasn't been able to in the last year due to family sickness. He urges people to invest in the fight against communism rather than spending money on frivolous things.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this video, Benjamin H. Freedman delivers a speech covering a variety of topics, including his personal sacrifices for his cause, the history of the word "Jew," the financial contributions made by Jewish Americans to Israel, and the worldwide boycott of German goods declared by Jews. Freedman argues that Judaism was a name given in recent years to a religion that did not exist in Biblical history, and that Eastern European Jews brainwashed the public into thinking they were the Jewish race or nation. He also warns about the potential consequences of triggering a third world war, which he claims is being planned by the Jews of the world. Additionally, he discusses the Khazar Kingdom, which he argues was in fact a pagan kingdom that converted to Judaism, and therefore has no legitimate claim to the Holy Land.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker urges the audience to support Mr. McGinley's cause and to keep Common Sense afloat by making sacrifices such as buying one less pack of cigarettes a week or one less lipstick a month. He points out that the Common Sense campaign is in financial trouble and is indebted to its creditors. The speaker talks about his personal sacrifices for the cause, having spent over two million dollars of his lifetime's hard work savings since 1933. He reveals that people have accused him of being a "bastard" and an "untrustworthy Jew," but he is determined to press on with the fight for as long as he can. Additionally, he explains the origins of the word "Jew."
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the transcript, the speaker explains the evolution of the word "Jew" in the Bible and how it was originally not present. When the Bible was translated into English by Wycliffe in 1345, there was no English word to describe the people of Judea, and so Jesus was referred to as "gyu". Over time, the word passed through many changes, eventually becoming the contracted and shortened form of "judeos". The speaker argues that there was no such thing as Jews and that Jesus was referred to only as a Judean. Furthermore, the speaker questions where in the Scriptures it states that Jews cannot be harmed, claiming that this belief is unfounded.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains that Judaism was a name given in recent years to a religion that did not exist in Biblical history, and that Eastern European Jews, who had converted to Talmudism, brainwashed the public into thinking they were the Jewish race or nation. He also clarifies that there isn't one Jew who's a Semite, and that the only Semites in the world are the Jews and the Arabs. The speaker also disproves the idea that all Jews are loyal to each other, explaining that the Eastern Europeans were against abolishing a religious ceremony and that there was disunity among the Jewish people. He concludes by stating that Jews pressure others to donate to Israel through campaigns and sneer tactics.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the financial contributions made by Jewish Americans to Israel under the guise of "humanitarian purposes" which are actually tax exempt and deductible, resulting in a $7 billion deficit for the US Treasury that taxpayers have to make up for. He also argues that Jews have never been persecuted for their religion, citing the example of the Jews being driven out of England in 1285 due to their monopoly on charging high interest rates. The king of England eventually declared himself a 50% partner of money lending by Jews, and when trouble ensued, he declared himself the sole heir of the Jews' money, leading to their expulsion from England. The speaker contends that Jews have been expelled historically due to their impact on the political, social, or economic customs and traditions of the community where they are settled, rather than their religion.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker criticizes the customs, habits, and instincts of Jews that, according to him, are inherent to their beliefs in Talmudic faith. He argues that when Jews have money, they become tyrants, and when they are defeated, they become ruthless barbarians. The speaker claims that the Jews took over Russia and established the Soviet Union without any need for it, and this is well-documented in the Encyclopedia Britannica. He suggests that there is a connection between the Jews and communism, which was created, cultivated, and spearheaded by the Jews. The speaker quotes a statement from President Kennedy's office, in which he supports Israel and guarantees prompt and decisive action against any nation in the Middle East that attacks its neighbor without considering the consequences of misplaced loyalty.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, Benjamin H. Freedman provides an analogy to the situation in Palestine by asking how the United States would react if the roles were reversed, and Mexicans or African Americans became the aggressors against white Americans and declared themselves sovereign states. He argues that the United Nations has already called for the return of Palestinians to their former homes and farms, and therefore, it should not be considered aggression when they seek to return. Freedman asserts that the reason why the United States got involved in World War I was to help the Zionists obtain Palestine, something that the general public was never told. He explains that after the war, the Zionists began working towards receiving Palestine in writing, and this led to the creation of the Balfour Declaration.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Freedman talks about how the United States' involvement in World War I was basically a hoax—and only happened because Great Britain promised to pay the Zionists what they'd agreed on as payment for getting the US into the battle. At the Paris peace conference, Jews represented themselves by demanding Palestine from Germany-- a manipulation that the Germans fell for, leading to their crushing defeat and large reparations. The Jews had previously been doing very well in Germany, but the Germans felt betrayed upon discovering the truth.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the reasons behind Germany's resentment towards Jews after World War I. The speaker claims that Jews themselves admitted that the Germans did not have any religious or sentimental feelings against them, and that the resentment was due to the fact that the Germans held Jews responsible for their crushing defeat in the war. However, despite this resentment, not a single hair on the head of any Jew was harmed. The Jews of the world were aware of this resentment and held a meeting in Amsterdam to deal with it.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the speech, Freedman is discussing the World Conference of Jews that took place in Amsterdam in 1933. At the conference, the Jewish leaders demanded that Germany put all Jews back in their former positions and stop treating them as they were. When Germany refused, the leaders declared a holy war against them and initiated a worldwide boycott that effectively deprived Germany of their export business and two-thirds of their food supply since they had to import so much. This led to widespread starvation for two-thirds of the population. They used similar tactics in the United States, imposing a boycott against anyone who did not follow the rules laid down by President Roosevelt's New Deal policies.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, Benjamin Freedman talks about the boycott of German goods that was declared by Jews around the world. He describes how stores owned by Jewish people were boycotted in America and how Germans retaliated by painting swastikas on Jewish-owned stores. He argues that the only reason there was any feeling against the Jews in Germany was that they were responsible for World War I, the worldwide boycott, and for World War II. Freedman goes on to discuss Germany's fears of the Soviet Union becoming too powerful and their belief that Europe should remain Christian or communist. Finally, he expresses his shock at the idea of a third world war, especially one that could involve nuclear bombs.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the video, Benjamin H. Freedman talks about the potential consequences of triggering a third world war, which he claims is being planned by the Jews of the world who want to use the United States to permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for their world government. Freedman asserts that humanity would be finished if a nuclear war takes place, and questions how the United States, representing only five percent of the world, could fight 80 to 90 percent of the world on their home ground. He also asserts that many Jews, who he refers to as so-called Jews, are originally from the Khazar tribe, and not from the area known as Palestine, as they claim.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the video, Benjamin H. Freedman explains that the Khazar Kingdom was the biggest country in Europe, spanning 800,000 square miles and with a population of 10 to 20 million people. The king of the Khazars became disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom and decided to adopt a monotheistic faith, which led him to select Judaism, or "talmudism," as the state religion. However, Freedman argues that the Khazars were in fact pagans who decided to convert to Judaism, and therefore have no legitimate claim to the Holy Land. He also encourages the audience to support those involved in a certain operation, which appears to be facing financial struggles.

02:00:00 - 02:40:00

Benjamin H. Freedman's speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. is focused on his belief that Zionists and Jewish people are controlling the world. He explains how the word "Jew" originated as a contracted form of Judean and argues against the idea that all Jews are loyal to each other. Freedman warns against Senator Kennedy's pledge to preserve the Zionist regime and the potential for this to trigger World War III. He also discusses the vast number of potential enemies of the United States in a global conflict, with Zionists holding complete control over the government. Freedman urges people to support Common Sense by buying and distributing copies of the publication as their last chance for survival.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, Benjamin H. Freedman discusses the money he has spent on the fight he is engaged in, which according to him is the fight against the Zionist and Jewish people controlling the world. He urges people to support his fight and keep common sense afloat, stating that if it sinks, Christianity will sink with it. He then goes on to discuss the origins of the word "Jew," explaining that the word did not exist during the time of the Bible and that Jesus was referred to only as a Judean.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, Benjamin H. Freedman explains how the word "Jew" went through different changes and contracted forms before it finally became an English word to describe people from Judea. He points out that there was no such word as "Jew" in the Bible and that Jesus was a "Judean." He also explains that the term "Judaism" did not exist in Bible history and was a recent name given to the religion. Freedman argues against the idea that all Jews are loyal to each other and explains that the term "anti-Semitic" is commonly misused, as the only Semitic people in the world are the Jews and the Arabs.
  • 02:10:00 only you but your children and the survival of our country as we know it. In this section, Mr. Benjamin Friedman highlights the disunity among Jews despite their mistaken impression of being a unified Jewish race. According to him, the Eastern European Jews are the majority, but they had no more in common with other Jews than Christians have in common with one another. He explains that in 1844, German rabbis convened to abolish the cognitra from the religious ceremony of atonement, which almost caused a civil war because Eastern European Jews rely on it to control their people. Mr. Friedman also presents an official document showing that all Jews in England, except those with Portuguese, Spanish, or Dutch ancestry, were against Zionism.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, Benjamin Freedman warns of the potential consequences of Senator Kennedy's pledge to use the US Armed Forces to preserve the Zionist regime in Palestine. Freedman argues that this will lead to Christian boys being sent to fight against innocent Muslim and Christian Arabs who only want to return to their homes, triggering World War III. Freedman believes that no nation will support this cause, and that the Arab world will reactivate the government of Palestine and create a Palestine Army to lead these people back home. He warns that the US will not have any allies in this war and that we will not emerge victors.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the vast number of people who are potentially enemies of the United States in a global conflict. According to him, the Soviet Union, its satellites, and red China, along with non-white nations across Asia and Africa, make up 80% of the world's population, and these nations would be at war with the United States. He explains that the reason for this is that the Zionists and their co-religionists hold complete control over the government of the United States, but he does not have time to go into detail. He provides a historical example of how the Zionists had convinced the British war cabinet in 1916 that they could win World War I if the United States came in as their ally.
  • 02:25:00 In this section, Freedman discusses how England promised Palestine to the Zionists in exchange for the US's involvement in World War I. He argues that England had no right to promise Palestine to anyone, just as the US had no right to promise Japan to Ireland. Freedman also goes on to explain how the Zionist movement in London urged the US to enter the war by sending cables to Justice Brandeis, who then worked on President Wilson. Finally, Freedman compares the adoption of Islam by Chinese people to the adoption of Christianity by the Irish, arguing that these groups of people remained the same despite their religious affiliations.
  • 02:30:00 In this section of the speech, Benjamin Freedman argues that the idea of helping God's chosen people, the Jews, to repatriate to their ancestral homeland, the Promised Land, is the foundation of all the misery that has befallen the world. He suggests that the media, book publishing business, politicians, and ministers all controlled by Zionists have brainwashed the people into believing this lie. He questions why there had to be two wars fought in Europe, World War I and II, if it wasn't possible for the Jews to live in peace and harmony with the people in Europe. Freedman believes that everyone should communicate with President Kennedy not to send their boys to fight and die for crooks holding on to what they stole from innocent people who have been in peaceful possession of that land for hundreds and thousands of years.
  • 02:35:00 In this section, Benjamin Freedman speaks about a prayer recited by Jews on the Day of Atonement that exempts them from fulfilling any oath, vow or pledge made in the next 12 months, which shows their lack of loyalty and insecurity. Freedman also shares how he got involved in speaking out against Jewish influence in America and thanks his friend, Mr. Conde McGinley, for his work with Common Sense in preventing America from becoming a communist country. He also mentions his past financial contributions to the cause and explains his inability to continue doing so.
  • 02:40:00 ball on a green for God's sake, and use that money to support Common Sense. In this section, the speaker talks about his efforts in supporting Common Sense by printing and distributing copies of the newspaper. He also acknowledges the anti-Semitic rumors being circulated to discourage people from sending money to the publication. Despite his own financial difficulties, he encourages others to support Common Sense and sees it as the last chance for the Christian community to survive. The speaker urges people to sow the seeds by buying and distributing copies of the publication, while also calling for the continued support of Comley McGinley, who has been working tirelessly in this fight.

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