Summary of Attempting Deep Work, Surviving Long Projects Jonathan Blow

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this talk, Jonathan Blow discusses the benefits of deep work, how it changes a game developer's outlook and skills, and how it can be used to generate new ideas. He also offers strategies for avoiding distractions and preventing burnout.

  • 00:00:00 In this talk, Jonathan Blow discusses the benefits of deep work and how it can change a game developer's outlook and skills. He provides an example of how deep work changed his own design approach for the upcoming game, The Witness.
  • 00:05:00 Jonathan Blow discusses his experience attempting deep work, how it changes you, and how few people are aware of it. He also provides a quote from a painter that correlates to his experience.
  • 00:10:00 Jonathan Blow describes his experiences with deep work, which can be done from first principles. He explains that while some deep work projects may take longer than others, there is a balance to be struck between length and depth of work. He also mentions that it is important to determine how long of a project you want to do and then to work hard to achieve that goal.
  • 00:15:00 In order to be able to produce deep work, you need good ideas, and the best way to get good ideas is by taking a shower or waking up and having a new idea.Creativity is also real and happens "everyday" as though ideas are out there waiting to be received.
  • 00:20:00 Jonathan Blow suggests that in order to get creative, you should do things that put your mind into a relaxed mode. He also recommends doing something physical that you enjoy, such as dancing, to help you get ideas. Finally, he mentions an experiment he did in which he deliberately generated ideas while out dancing.
  • 00:25:00 Jonathan Blow discusses the idea of "deep work," or a prolonged period of concentrated effort, and how it can be helpful in generating new ideas. He also warns against scheduling projects, stating that it can kill creativity.
  • 00:30:00 Jonathan Blow discusses the ways in which distractions can negatively impact deep work, and offers strategies for avoiding them. He also discusses the dangers of chasing success and worrying about money, and how team politics can similarly sabotage creativity.
  • 00:35:00 Jonathan Blow discusses how his open plan office is problematic because it allows for constant communication and interruption, which can be harmful to productivity. He recommends either working in a separate room or going to a cafe to avoid burnout.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the idea of "deep work," or working on a complex project that requires concentration and focus. According to the presenter, deep work can be very rewarding, but it's also difficult and can lead to burnout if not managed properly. Meditation can help individuals reduce the noise of their human animal problems and get a fresh perspective on their projects.
  • 00:45:00 Jonathan Blow recommends using vacation breaks or working brakes to escape from a difficult development project. If you don't take a break, you may end up feeling miserable and not accomplished.
  • 00:50:00 Jonathan Blow discusses the challenges of working on a long project and how a short break can help to revitalize creativity. He also encourages working on small projects to establish momentum and increase productivity.
  • 00:55:00 Jonathan Blow describes the difficulties of being world class in game development, and how to achieve it. The average person is not good enough to be world class, and it is not hard to be better than average. To be better than better than average, each step is only incremental. If you are interested and working hard, you can be very good at game development. Questions and Answers: Q: What is the most difficult part of game development? A: The most difficult part of game development is predicting how difficult a project will be and deciding when to stop.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

Jonathan Blow discusses the difficulties of developing long-term projects, and how it can be psychologically tiring. He discusses his experiences with Braid, and how it aimed to be an emotional expression with complex gameplay. However, some people did not understand it well, and he felt lonely after the game's release.

  • 01:00:00 Jonathan Blow addresses the difficulty of developing long-term projects, and how it can be psychologically tiring. He discusses his experiences with Braid, and how it aimed to be an emotional expression with complex gameplay. However, some people did not understand it well, and he felt lonely after the game's release.
  • 01:05:00 Jonathan Blow discusses the psychology of deep work, and how he doesn't typically approach games in a way that explores that psychology. He mentions the game "The Marriage," which is about a couple in a marriage. He says that while he likes the idea of exploring a game's symbolism and interactions, he finds it more compelling to work on games that are "interesting and and deep in some way."

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