Summary of Transform Your Life with "Get Epic Shit Done :by Ankur Warikoo ":The Must-Listen Audiobook

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

the audiobook, Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of setting clear goals and taking action towards achieving them. He emphasizes that merely having goals is not enough, but rather taking consistent action is what leads to progress and success. Warikoo suggests breaking down big goals into smaller, actionable steps to make them more manageable and achievable. He also emphasizes the importance of perseverance and discipline in staying committed to one's goals even when faced with challenges and setbacks. By setting clear goals and taking consistent action, individuals can transform their lives and achieve epic shit.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the book "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the author discusses the concept of comparing oneself to others and how this can lead to negative emotions and thoughts. The author points out that comparisons are based on false assumptions that the world is a zero-sum game and that everyone automatically becomes similar to each other. However, the author argues that these beliefs are untrue and that individuals can create their own wins by focusing on their own opportunities. The author also emphasizes that emotions are not permanent and can be used to take action towards achieving one's goals.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the audiobook, Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of introspection in defining success and improving communication skills. He argues that comparing oneself to others is not productive, and that real conversations with oneself are more effective. He also emphasizes the importance of structured thought in communication and suggests that writing is a necessary step, but not the only one, in becoming a better communicator. Warikoo encourages his students to record a video of themselves speaking for a minute every day, play back the video, and work on improving their errors to improve their verbal communication skills.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the audiobook, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the emotions of the person you are communicating with, rather than solely focusing on speaking confidently. The speaker also provides tips on effective verbal communication, including the importance of reading and writing to improve non-verbal communication and body language. The speaker also discusses the challenges of listening and the importance of growing a growth mindset to achieve success beyond what one thinks is possible.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the importance of developing a growth mindset. The speaker explains that a growth mindset can be established by several means, including spending time with people who are different from you, understanding how risk plays a role in shaping your life, and living without a sense of entitlement. By exploring these concepts and implementing them into their daily lives, individuals can foster personal growth and development.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the audio book "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the topic of decision making. They emphasize that most decisions are reversible, which means that if the decision does not work out, we can always go back to where we started. However, most people think that their decisions are irreversible, which leads to an inordinate amount of time spent figuring out the perfect decision. The speaker suggests evaluating all the parameters that are important to us between the available options, assigning weightage to each one based on their importance, and ranking the options accordingly. They also suggest imagining the worst case scenario when making a decision and asking ourselves if we will be okay despite that scenario. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of asking difficult questions, such as if we will be okay financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before making a decision.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding one's relationship with time in order to effectively manage it. The speaker argues that time management is a personal endeavor and that it starts with understanding how time works for oneself, rather than just focusing on what one is supposed to do. He suggests measuring every single thing that one does in their day for at least 10 days, ideally 30 days, and accounting for two questions: why did one do what they did and how did it make them feel at the end of it. The answers to these questions will then tell one what changes need to be made in order to better understand their relationship with time. The speaker emphasizes that time management is not always easy, but that it is something that everyone starts with, just as they do with riding a bike or driving a car.
  • 00:30:00 This section is straight forward. The creator of the video warikoo talks about the power of habit where he states that habits can be formed by recording every hour of a person's day and later determine how the person spends it. The conversation in the video further elaborates by discussing ways to optimize time management by considering time allocation between four types of tasks that are not urgent and not important. The Taylorism based Eisenhower Matrix is introduced where time waste can be eliminated to make way for important work. The video puts forth the idea that awareness of how one's time is being spent is the key to better time management. The subject then asks how one can prevent losing focus and the creator suggests that time wastage and mind-wander should be considered as a part of the schedule.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the "Get Epic Shit Done" audiobook, Ankur Warikoo discusses the benefits of scheduling rewards instead of depriving oneself of time. He cites the Pomodoro Technique as a scientifically proven method for reducing the temptation to waste time, using a technique of working in 25-minute intervals followed by a 5-minute break. Warikoo also imparts that wasting time after earning it can make the pursuit of discipline less mundane and more fun. He emphasizes the importance of not indulging in wasting time until it has been earned through disciplined hours.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Warikoo discusses criticism and its impact on our lives, whether it is from online strangers or people close to us such as family, friends, and colleagues. He argues that we often take criticism too personally, leading to feelings of anger and fear. This behaviour hinders our growth and prevents us from improving our skills and abilities. According to Warikoo, the key to overcoming criticism is to differentiate between the person delivering the criticism and their intended message. We need to examine what is said, not who says it, and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Warikoo uses examples from his own life to illustrate these points and encourages listeners to experiment with these new ways of thinking and behaving.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses the negative criticism from parents and how it still hurts, especially when it comes to life choices that have been made after careful consideration. He explains that parents are the first people we look up to, but we make the mistake of taking their opinion as criticism. Warikoo emphasizes that it is important to educate our parents about our world and our choices, one conversation at a time, with patience and understanding. He also talks about the habit of reading and how it is important to start from scratch, with books that we are excited to read, rather than reading books just to look smart in front of others.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the audiobook, Ankur Warikoo emphasizes the importance of reading comics as a way to reignite one's love for reading and to reduce distractions from the outer world. He suggests starting with comics before moving on to fiction and non-fiction, and highlights the multiple repercussions of any habit, such as consuming too much entertainment leading to a sedentary lifestyle and a further disconnection from reality. Warikoo then discusses the benefits of reading, such as developing a greater understanding of human behavior and learning how to stick to a story, and suggests avoiding distractions while reading in order to fully engage with the material. He also emphasizes the importance of finding a stipulated time for reading every day in order to build the habit of reading.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this section of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of building meaningful relationships, being patient, and consistent in order to achieve success. He believes that by being genuinely nice to people and getting to know them on a human level, opportunities and deeper connections can be created. The speaker also highlights the need to be patient and persevere, as success may not come immediately. By building these genuine relationships and maintaining consistency, the speaker argues that one can increase their chances of success.

  • 01:00:00 In the section discussing the value of meditation, Ankur Warikoo explains that emotions such as jealousy and anger serve a purpose by making individuals aware of their own inadequacies or unfulfilled needs. When one recognizes and understands the reason behind their emotions, they disappear. Warikoo emphasizes that the right time to start meditation is when an individual realizes it will be helpful, and their own experiences support this acknowledgement. In part two of the discussion, Warikoo emphasizes the importance of trust and highlights how trust is built through error-free work and respecting the time and effort of others.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the definition of trust and the three core ingredients of building it: being there for people during difficult times, being accountable for one's actions, and staying true to one's commitments. The speech also touches on the importance of proactively sharing updates to build trust and how passion can be grown by pursuing interests. Throughout the speech, the speaker emphasizes the importance of personal accountability and building trust through one's actions.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo shares insights on the concept of ikigai, a Japanese word that doesn't have a direct English translation but loosely means "the reason for being" or "the purpose of one's life." Warikoo explains how ikigai differs from passions, which often get crushed along the way and replaced by what society tells us to do. He emphasizes the importance of asking oneself what they love doing and making a list of all possible things, not stopping to adjust the assessment of it. Warikoo shares that it is through this process that one may realize their true passion, known as their ikigai.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the talk by Ankur Warikoo, he emphasizes the importance of finding purpose in life by defining the three missing elements in your work: significance, meaning, and success. He explains that true purpose comes from aligning your passions with the needs of the world. He also discusses the importance of figuring out what makes you happy and good at, and finding ways to translate that into something the world needs. Warikoo believes that finding this intersection is the essence of figuring out your "icky guy," or your unique purpose in life, even if you haven't found it yet.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of "Get Epic Shit Done: The Must-Listen Audiobook", Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of not comparing oneself to others when pursuing one's dreams and career. He advises that one should focus on taking action and doing what they want from their life, instead of comparisons that can lead to envy and emptiness of achievement. He emphasizes that financial stability is important when switching careers and that one should prioritize their own happiness and fulfillment over external standards.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the audiobook, the speaker encourages listeners to take breaks from their current jobs to evaluate their career paths. The speaker emphasizes the importance of diligence and taking a long-term perspective when considering a career change. To become a dedicated student of their own careers, the speaker recommends exploring different areas of interest for one month at a time and then evaluating whether to continue or look for another option. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to be aware of their own career goals and aspirations and constantly seek ways to grow and advance in their careers. The speaker emphasizes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to career growth and that individuals must define the success criteria for themselves in order to achieve their goals.
  • 01:30:00 This section from Ankur Warikoo's audiobook discusses the importance of knowing what you truly want from your career rather than just striving for everything. It emphasizes that what you want from your career may change over time, but it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you need at each stage. The author suggests building self-awareness by having a conversation with yourself about your current needs and aspirations, and recommends reaching out to others to learn about how they fulfill those needs, even if it's outside of their current job. The author also mentions the power of social networks in finding mentors and guidance to help achieve these goals. Overall, the message is that true satisfaction and growth in one's career requires understanding and aligning with one's true needs and aspirations, rather than chasing everything.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses how to reach out to potential contacts in a company that pays their employees well and understand the upsides and downsides of working there. He suggests reaching out to five such contacts every day, and provides tips on how to do so effectively. Warikoo also discusses office politics and how to deal with them. He explains that there are two types of office politics - Guan, where the top leader doesn't operate according to the same principles as other employees, and the reality of corporate culture, where different teams and departments have different cultures. Warikoo suggests that if team culture thrives on office politics, it is important to voice your opinion and raise awareness about it, even if you're a new entrant or have been there for only a few months.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of Ankur Warikoo's audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done", the speaker discusses the importance of objectivity and looking at situations without personal biases. He highlights the concept that people often 'wear different lenses' which can affect their perception of the world around them. He encourages listeners to put down their own glasses and look at the world through someone else's in order to gain a new perspective and create better solutions to problems. He also emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and being indispensable at work through being valuable and delivering quality results.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the importance of going beyond the output and achieving positive unpredictability in one's work. The speaker argues that focusing solely on completing tasks is not sufficient and that true indispensability comes from going beyond the output and achieving great outcomes. To do this, one must ask fundamental questions about the reason for their work and its potential impact. The speaker also explores how the definition of success often involves going beyond the bare minimum and achieving positive unpredictability in one's work.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of Ankur Warikoo's audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done", the teacher discusses the importance of understanding the culture, actively listening, and reaching out to people in one's new job to create an impact. The speaker emphasizes that creating an impact early on may not be possible if the new hire does not understand the culture, observe how the system functions, and understand their work. The teacher also explains that creating an output that is valuable and meaningful takes time and effort, and it is important to be patient and continuously refine one's skills. Additionally, the teacher mentions that one's focus should be on the inputs they contribute to their work, which can be just as important as their output. Finally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of reaching out to people, both within and outside their department, to learn about their work and how they can do their job better. Overall, the teacher encourages the student to be patient, learn actively and continuously, and engage with their coworkers to create a positive impact.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Transform Your Life with "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo", the speaker discusses the importance of building meaningful relationships with others to achieve success. He believes that being genuinely nice to people and getting to know them at a human level will open up opportunities and create a deeper connection. When someone needs help, they are more likely to be willing to help you, as the relationship has transcended transactional interactions. The speaker also talks about the patience and consistency required to achieve success, while acknowledging that opportunities for success may not arise immediately.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In this section of "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker emphasizes the importance of building multiple income streams for financial independence and a fulfilling life. He encourages individuals to explore their interests and passions, even if they don't immediately result in substantial income. The speaker also discusses the benefits of taking a gap year for self-reflection and exploration, as well as the value of seeking help and having conversations with others. Furthermore, he addresses the challenges of saying no, setting boundaries, and seeking forgiveness in relationships. The speaker advocates for the power of journaling, self-reflection, and building strong friendships and romantic partnerships. He concludes by emphasizing the necessity of setting boundaries and honoring oneself for maintaining healthy relationships.

  • 02:00:00 In this section from the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, he highlights the idea that financial independence can often be achieved through building multiple income streams. He advises that while the job may provide a stable income, it is important to consider other interests or skills that may also contribute to a successful and fulfilling life. The author also discusses the importance of exploring and pursuing one's interests without pressure to make money immediately, which can lead to discovering passions and skills that may result in additional income streams. Additionally, he emphasizes the value of dedicating time and energy to building these income streams while taking care of one's time and balancing other important responsibilities.
  • 02:05:00 In this section of "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker highlights the benefits of taking a gap year from traditional education. A gap year allows individuals to reflect on their interests and goals, explore different subjects, and gain a deeper understanding of their passions. The speaker emphasizes that becoming a student first is a vital part of a gap year, as it allows individuals to explore their interests and gain a deeper understanding of their passions. Additionally, building a community is another important aspect of a gap year, as it allows individuals to learn from their peers and contribute to a community. The speaker encourages individuals to start by finding their peers and becoming a part of online communities.
  • 02:10:00 In this section of Ankur Warikoo's audio book "Get Epic Shit Done," he discusses the importance of reflection in achieving success and fulfillment. He encourages his listeners to ask themselves two critical questions: "Am I good at it or can I get good at it?" and "Am I happy doing it?" These questions are the building blocks of a fulfilling life, and answering them correctly is crucial for personal growth and development. Warikoo warns against taking a shorter view while answering these questions and encourages his listeners to think for five minus 1010 years, considering the fundamentals of fulfillment and contentment. He also discusses the importance of saying no and drawing boundaries in relationships, and advises his listeners to stand up for themselves and feel guilty about it.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of having conversations with others to explain one's reasoning for saying no, rather than feeling guilty or ashamed. He emphasizes that people may not perceive situations the same way as oneself and need help to understand their perspective. Ankur also stresses the need to share what one truly feels with their friends, as not having the conversation and expressing oneself can lead to feelings of embarrassment or shame. Ankur goes on to discuss the benefits of seeking help, which he sees as a fundamental way of learning. He explains that help differs from knowledge in that knowledge offers answers or instructions, whereas help requires relying on experience beyond the initial attempt. He encourages people to seek help as a means of elevating their game, rather than starting their game from scratch. Finally, Ankur emphasizes that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a necessary step towards fulfilling one's potential.
  • 02:20:00 This section of the conversation provides insights into how to effectively seek help from others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of preparation and specificity in asking for help. Prior to reaching out to someone for help, the student should try to find information on their own using resources like books, videos, and other experts. It is important to present oneself clearly as well as be clear about what one is asking for in terms of help. When approaching others for help, it should be done using empathy and being specific about one's context and requirements. In this way, it becomes easier for individuals to offer assistance and for the student to understand how to proceed.
  • 02:25:00 In this section of "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the topic of seeking help and communication is discussed. The narrator emphasizes that seeking help, especially in times of uncertainty, is a valuable and brave act, as it can open up opportunities for growth and improvement. Additionally, the importance of expressing gratitude towards those who help is noted, as it can deepen their desire to help and potentially start a cycle of mutual aid. In another part of the audiobook, communication challenges are addressed, including how to build a strong relationship with parents who may have different perspectives on life and career choices. Strategies for addressing parental concerns while emphasizing the importance of one's own aspirations and goals are discussed, with suggestions such as starting with self-reflection and engaging in meaningful conversations with parents to bridge the communication gap.
  • 02:30:00 In this section of "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the potential response of parents when their child decides not to pursue the traditional path after graduation. The speaker emphasizes that seeking permission from parents is unnecessary and recommends asking for permission to fail, as demonstrated by Farhan in the movie "Three Idiots" and Will Smith's collaboration with his mother. The speaker also addresses the topic of forgiveness and healing relationships with parents who may lack stability in their lives. They argue that parents' interest in their children may be alien and fake; however, the speaker suggests taking a step towards reconciliation.
  • 02:35:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses the concept of forgiveness and suggests seeking it as a form of closure even if an apology is not sought. He emphasizes that forgiveness allows for a safe space for the other person to also ask for forgiveness. Warikoo also touches on the importance of being authentic and interested in others, even if it seems difficult to make friends. He suggests that good relationships, whether romantic or platonic, often begin with a genuine desire to know and understand someone. Warikoo emphasizes that stepping out of one's comfort zone and interacting with others online can also lead to the formation of friendships.
  • 02:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of having friends in life. He emphasizes that the bond between friends is often stronger than most others because it does not start with any expectation. He also notes that some people may think they don't need friends and are happy in their own company, but that having friends can provide comfort and a different perspective on life. The speaker advises being honest with oneself and using shyness or social awkwardness as an opportunity to meet new people. He also discusses the idea of finding a life partner, emphasizing that partners should complement each other's values and not be forced upon oneself. The speaker suggests that finding a partner when one is not actively looking may be more fruitful than searching for one.
  • 02:45:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo talks about the importance of compatibility in relationships. He argues that liking someone and wanting to grow old together are two different things, and that it takes time to discover cracks that are acceptable or not. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own values and having a conversation about the other person's values to ensure alignment. He advises that both partners must genuinely want the best for each other, and that finding a life partner requires a upfront, intense search to meet the right person. He warns that opposed-attract may not always be successful in creating conflict, and that compatibility is more important in building a relationship. Overall, Warikoo asserts that relationships are central to human life, and that finding the right person is key to a fulfilling life.
  • 02:50:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of being self-complete and not relying on others to complete oneself. He emphasizes the need to consider new relationships when forced upon, and to acknowledge and deal with emotions generated by previous relationships. He stresses the importance of introspection and building a relationship with oneself before seeking a romantic relationship. Warikoo also emphasizes that breaking up is a natural part of life and that the day one becomes their own best friend is the day they can move on and find happiness.
  • 02:55:00 In this section of "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the importance of journaling to reflect on one's emotions and experiences, both good and bad. Additionally, the speaker addresses the difficulty of setting boundaries, particularly in relationships and friendships, and encourages understanding that setting boundaries is necessary for everyone's well-being. The conversation may be difficult, but honoring one's own space and boundaries is key to healthy relationships.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

In this section of the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding boundaries in relationships, recognizing toxicity and healing relationships through conversation and self-awareness, developing patience for greater success and contentment, having a sleep routine, maintaining good habits, eliminating negative stimuli, realizing the need for self-awareness, taking care of oneself when living alone, managing anger, embracing progress over perfection, and becoming one's own best friend through self-love and self-respect. These concepts all contribute to transforming one's life and achieving personal growth and success.

  • 03:00:00 In this section of the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding boundaries in relationships. According to the speaker, boundaries are not always clear, and communication is crucial to establish them. Non-negotiable boundaries, such as not wanting to have conversations around politics or religion or being around someone who is disrespectful to others, should not be compromised. Negotiable boundaries, such as punctuality, require self-awareness and should be communicated clearly.
  • 03:05:00 In this section of the audiobook, Ankur Warikoo discusses the toxicity felt in a relationship and how it can be an opportunity to understand one's own relationship with themselves. The toxicity of others' behavior in a relationship can reveal important information about oneself. The conversation between friends is key to understanding what it is about the other person's behavior that makes the relationship toxic. Emotions and needs unmet can lead to toxic behavior, and it is through conversation and self-awareness that relationships can be healed. It is important to understand that relationships, like any other aspect of life, are constantly evolving and may become toxic. It is essential to recognize when a relationship is toxic and act accordingly.
  • 03:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of developing patience and how it can lead to greater success and contentment in life. They acknowledge that for many people, the instant gratification provided by modern technology and lifestyle choices can be challenging to resist. However, they argue that patience is a skill that can be developed through practice and discipline, such as waiting for a desired physical object or resisting impulses to order food. The speaker also urges listeners to prioritize delayed gratification over instant rewards, and to recognize the value of hard work and perseverance in achieving success. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that patience and building self-discipline are essential keys to unlocking greater fulfillment and success in life.
  • 03:15:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of having a sleep routine in one's life. He starts by explaining that sleep is given too much importance and that it is often overlooked when young people want to live life to the fullest. He goes back to his childhood, where he had routines that he hated but ultimately appreciated for the results they brought. Warikoo compares regular sleep routines to adhering to routines in the way one might visit a park, where they let go of distractions and allow themselves to unwind. He emphasizes the importance of being mindful and avoiding stimulation before bed, such as not watching screens for at least 60 minutes. Warikoo suggests reading books or engaging in other activities that calm the body rather than stimulate it.
  • 03:20:00 In this section of the audiobook "Get Epic Shit Done," author Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance ofgood habits in achieving a successful and balanced life. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining good sleep habits, such as waking up and going to bed at the same time every day, and starting the day in a good way. Warikoo also talks about the challenges of building good habits despite the best intentions, and explaining that it is crucial to understand why habits work. Habits are formed when we repeatedly perform a task, making it easier for the brain to do the task than not to do it. He suggests that one way to build a habit easily is to make it gradual, taking small steps at a time.
  • 03:25:00 In this section, the teacher explains to the student the importance of making small changes in order to develop new habits. By gradually adjusting waking up time, the body and brain can adapt with less resistance. The teacher emphasizes that consistency matters more than intensity and that progress towards a goal is a key motivator. They argue that habits can be more effective than goals, as goals can be restrictive and lead to extreme emotions. The student agrees, sharing their own experiences of achieving more through habits without specific goals. The teacher suggests that in environments with strong temptations, the strongest motivation comes from eliminating those temptations altogether.
  • 03:30:00 In this section, Ankur Warikoo discusses the concept of eliminating negative stimuli that prevent individuals from taking action towards building positive habits. He gives examples such as not going to the gym due to fear of embarrassment or not starting an exercise program because of lack of motivation. Warikoo suggests that instead of focusing on motivation, individuals should remove the distractions and negative stimuli that stop them from taking action. He also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness to gain clarity of thought and change bad habits. He encourages individuals to sit with themselves and reflect on what they need to do in order to move forward. Warikoo believes that self-awareness requires effort and commitment, and it can be uncomfortable, but it is necessary to shift one's way of living and behavior.
  • 03:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of realizing the need for self-awareness and becoming aware of one's own belief system. They emphasize that this process cannot be forced and that it emerges by itself when someone is ready to take the journey towards it. The speaker also highlights the idea that once a person becomes self-aware, it becomes a habit and the next thing you know, facing the truth is the default mode. They explain that starting to live by oneself brings about three aspects of one's life - money, health, and relationships, and suggest creating a budget as a helpful tool in managing one's finances. They also share a guiding principle known as the "50 hours 30 minutes and 20 seconds rule" to effectively manage one's money.
  • 03:40:00 In this section, the teacher discusses the importance of taking care of oneself in various aspects when living alone. The teacher emphasizes that health is often neglected when living independently, as individuals tend to indulge in unhealthy habits without immediate consequences. However, these habits may catch up to them in their thirties and result in long-term consequences. The teacher also highlights the need for mindful relationships when living alone, as individuals may be prone to getting into relationships that only benefit their image rather than their well-being. The teacher advises using self-reflection to understand the true needs fulfilled by relationships and to avoid rebounding immediately after a failed relationship. Ultimately, the teacher suggests that living alone teaches individuals how to make choices that prioritize their own well-being and reminds the student that they will always have themselves to rely on.
  • 03:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Transform Your Life with "Get Epic Shit Done" by Ankur Warikoo", the speaker addresses the issue of anger and how to manage it. They discuss that all emotions have a reason, and anger stems from an unfulfilled need. The speaker suggests recognizing when you are about to get angry, taking deep breaths, and observing the anger as if it were a car passing by. They also suggest identifying the unfulfilled need that is causing the anger, through methods such as writing a journal or therapy. The purpose of identifying this unfulfilled need is to help the anger serve its purpose of warning you and helping you defend yourself.
  • 03:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of managing anger by reminding oneself that failing simply means progress in the journey, not an end result. The example of winning is used to illustrate this point. The speaker emphasizes that it is not necessary to win every time in order to feel good about oneself, as the journey of improvement is what truly brings progress and a sense of achievement. The speaker encourages the listeners to identify and embrace their own pace of progress in improving their various skills, whether it be passing exams, getting work done on time, or investing money.
  • 03:55:00 In this section, the speaker reflects on relying on external factors to pick them up during setbacks and emphasizes the importance of self-love and becoming one's own best friend. They suggest treating oneself the way one would treat a best friend, offering support and kindness instead of self-criticism. The speaker also encourages helping oneself and laughing at one's own flaws, as these actions can lead to personal growth and self-respect. They highlight the significance of spending time with oneself and seeking solitude to foster self-awareness and reflection. Ultimately, they argue that the world's opinion of us is a reflection of our own self-opinion, emphasizing the power of self-respect in navigating relationships and achieving personal success.

04:00:00 - 04:10:00

In this YouTube video, Ankur Warikoo discusses the key themes of spending time with oneself, taking responsibility for one's own happiness, and the importance of hard work. He emphasizes the need to become comfortable with oneself, as this leads to self-acceptance and better relationships. Warikoo shares examples of individuals who changed their careers in pursuit of more fulfillment and success. He also highlights the power of hard work and the different paths people can take to achieve their goals. The video leaves viewers with reflective questions to help them make their own choices and achieve their desired outcomes.

  • 04:00:00 In this section, the teacher emphasizes the importance of spending time with oneself and taking responsibility for one's own happiness. They suggest that becoming comfortable with oneself allows for self-acceptance and a better relationship with oneself. The student realizes that they have been blaming others for their unhappiness and understands the need to change this mindset. The teacher explains that expecting someone else to keep one happy is exhausting and that toxic relationships often stem from a lack of self-love. The student has a realization about their past struggles and decides to take control of their own happiness. In the epilogue, the narrator reflects on their relationship with Ruchi, who didn't have a clear plan in life but always prioritized her own happiness.
  • 04:05:00 In this section, the speaker tells the story of a person who worked hard to achieve success in their career, but struggled when they realized that their job was not fulfilling them. They then decided to move to something that they found more rewarding, despite the challenges and changes that followed. The speaker also mentions how they were introduced to the concept of entrepreneurship through Bali Singla, who pivoted his career to become a product manager and eventually sold his company to Amazon, despite not being an engineer beforehand.
  • 04:10:00 In this section of his audiobook, Ankur Warikoo discusses the importance of hard work and how it has helped him and others succeed in their goals. He emphasizes that there are different means to reach the same destination and that we all have the power to choose what works for us. He also shares the stories of his five closest friends, who have different paths, but share a similar definition of success that is often tied to money, status, and designation. Finally, he leaves his readers with questions to reflect on their own choices and how they can help them achieve their goals.

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