Summary of How To Create A Pause Menu | New And Improved - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

This video tutorial demonstrates how to create a pause menu in Unreal Engine 4. First, a text label is created to be used as the resume button's text. Next, two buttons are created and assigned different functions. Finally, the pause menu's horizontal box is scaled to be the same size as the vertical box.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, the creator shows how to create a pause menu in Unreal Engine 4 by adding a background blur and buttons. He also shows how to resize and anchor the buttons to the middle of the screen.
  • 00:05:00 This video tutorial shows how to create a pause menu in Unreal Engine 4. First, the author creates a text label to be used as the resume button's text. Next, the author creates two buttons and assigns them different functions. Finally, the author scales the pause menu's horizontal box to be the same size as the vertical box.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, a pause menu is created in Unreal Engine 4. First, everything in the scene is renamed to make it easier to work with. Then, the resume button is renamed to "main menu." The other resume button is renamed to "my menu quit options." The game is paused, and the player controller is set to "game only." The quit button is renamed to "resume," and the open and close quick boxes are created. The quit functionality is explained. The main menu is created, and the option to quit the game is added. The options menu is created, and the input object is plugged into it. When the options button is pressed, the input object is toggled between "is valid" and "widget."
  • 00:15:00 This video demonstrates how to create a pause menu in Unreal Engine 4. The menu can be opened by pressing the escape key, and can be paused and unpaused by selecting and ticking the "execute when paused" checkbox.
  • 00:20:00 This tutorial shows how to create a pause menu in Unreal Engine 4. The main menu and options menu are both shown working.

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