Summary of SHS MIL Q1 Ep 7 Media Codes and Conventions

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The video explores the codes and conventions of media and information in the context of a tour of the Katabata Province. Media codes are systems of signs that create meaning, and the video explains the three types of codes (symbolic, technical, and written) and how understanding them can help audiences interpret media messages. The video delves into the use of color, camera work, lighting, editing, and sound in conveying meaning and creating emotional impacts on the audience. The instructor encourages students to create their own media product using these codes and conventions and stresses the importance of practice, patience, and perseverance in becoming an excellent media and information creator.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we follow Sir Brex as he takes us on a tour of the beautiful Katabata Province, where we explore the different codes and conventions of media. Being media and information literate not only involves knowing sources of information but also being knowledgeable about how to effectively present this information to an intended audience. To do this, it is essential to understand the language of media and information and the codes and conventions used to convey meaning to the audience. Media codes are systems of signs that create meaning, with symbolic, technical, and written codes being the three types. Understanding these codes and conventions helps the audience interpret media messages and determine the genre, emotion, and meaning behind it.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses media codes and conventions, specifically the use of color and camera work in media. Color has strong emotional connotations, and creators should be strategic in their color choices depending on the desired emotional response. The technical code, on the other hand, encompasses the use of equipment to tell a story or advance the narrative. The video dives into different camera shots, angles, and movements, explaining the effect each can have on the viewer's perception and experience of the scene. The proper use of these technical codes can give the audience a more immersive and emotional experience.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, various camera movements and angles are discussed along with their potential effects on the audience. Camera movements such as the static shot, camera pan, tilt, push-in, pull-out, tracking shot, and arc shot are explained along with how they can be used to create psychological and emotional impacts in the audience. The importance of proper camera work in storytelling is emphasized, as the way a camera works can convey embedded information and give a hint about the message of the video. The role of sound and music in conveying meaning and working on the emotional impact of a scene is also discussed.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the technical and written codes, conventions, and how they are used to convey the message of the media product. Lighting and editing are codes that can greatly affect the atmosphere and message of a media product, while the written code must be appropriate for the message and genre of the product. Conventions, on the other hand, are the accepted ways of conveying media through various forms, stories, and genres. Though media producers often attempt to break conventions and explore new styles, it's still important to have a working knowledge of both codes and conventions and how they work together to communicate with your audience.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the instructor recaps the three types of media codes (symbolic, technical, and written) and three types of media conventions (form, story, and genre) and encourages students to create their own media product using these codes and conventions. The instructor then gives a short quiz to test the students' knowledge on topics such as font style in health infographics, camera shots for different emotions, and dominant colors in infographics. The instructor reminds students that becoming an excellent media and information creator requires practice, patience, and perseverance.
  • 00:25:00 I'm sorry, but the given transcript excerpt appears to be incomplete and does not provide enough context for me to generate a meaningful summary. Could you please provide me with a longer excerpt or more details about the video's content?

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