Summary of Selling a MacBook For $3

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In the "Selling a MacBook For $3" YouTube video, a person from Nigeria discusses how they sell MacBooks for $3 and have been doing so for two months. They explain that they study business and that laptop video is their way of taking a break. The person says that they will come back with original content soon.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, a person is selling a MacBook for $3. The person says that they are from Nigeria and that it is normal to sell MacBooks for $3. The person also says that they have been selling MacBooks for two months. The person says that they study business, and that the laptop video is their way of taking a break. The person says that they will come back with original content soon.
  • 00:05:00 In this humorous YouTube video, two people discuss how laptops are a "suck" for school, and one person offers to give a laptop to another person in exchange for their friendship. The video ends with the two people receiving free laptops as a result.
  • 00:10:00 In this YouTube video, a person shows off a laptop they bought for three dollars at a public library. They explain that they upload videos about giving away laptops to students who don't have their own. After the person shows the laptop to the camera, they ask if they can keep it, to which the person says "yes" and they start filming. After the person finishes filming, they say "bye" and the person gives them the laptop back.

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