Summary of The Meaning of Dreams for Sleeping Man

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video explores the meaning of dreams from a spiritual perspective. Vivianna Green asserts that all dreams are generated by the dreamer and are delivered to the dreamer nightly. She explains that a dream which is not understood is like a letter which is not opened, and that the most important affair of a person's life is to awaken to their spiritual identity. This video is a helpful guide to the spiritual meaning of dreams.

  • 00:00:00 In this audio presentation, Vern Hansen discusses the spiritual meaning of dreams for sleeping man. He explains that all dreams are generated by the dreamer and are delivered to the dreamer nightly. A dream which is not understood is like a letter which is not opened, and that the most important affair of a person's life is to awaken to their spiritual identity. This audio presentation is a helpful guide to the spiritual meaning of dreams.
  • 00:05:00 Vivian Hishan asserts that the deepest level of dream interpretation is the spiritual level, and that the degree of conscious self-awareness possessed by one who attempts to interpret dreams determines what meanings are ascribed to them or taken from them. Our scriptures say that the dreams come from God, so if a dream to a psychotherapist shows what are called neurotic symptoms of fragmentation, it is not the fragmentation of the person it is the expression in the dreaming subject of the fragmentation that God makes to become the life of each human being. Vivian has listened to hundreds of dreams and has determined that, for some, the meaning of dreams is clearly revealed, while for others it is netted as they are in theories and conjectures borrowed from the past. She claims that her vision is clarified compared to many who swim in the murky Wells of Freudian darkness and those who seek to manipulate the dream content of others through ESP and hypnosis instead of probing for spiritual meaning in what their own dreams are trying to tell them. When asked which reality is more valid, the reality of our waking world or the reality of our dream world, William Demand, one of the most highly respected sleep researchers, responds that the reality of our dream world is as valid as that of our waking world.
  • 00:10:00 The video covers the meaning of dreams for sleeping man. First, Carl Jung said that there are two souls in every human being, and that dreams reflect aspects of the individual's history and life. Second, Bernard Phillips says that it is the intent of Zen to bring man into Union with life, and with himself. Third, dreams are not the exclusive domain of sleep researchers, but are also studied by psychologists and psychotherapists. However, following Freud, dreams are almost always usurped by medical science and the laity. In the last few decades, however, researchers have begun to study dreams from a different perspective, and are beginning to see that dreams can fulfill a unifying function in the most profound sense.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, three different dreamers discuss the meaning of their dreams. The first dreamer dreams that he is crawling out of a sleeping bag and is confronted by two men with a box containing a snake. The snake is let out and the sleeper is told that it must be exercised. The snake comes toward him and the sleeper says to the two men it must be put back in the box. The second dreamer dreams that he is holding a stocking containing a spider. The spider crawls up the inside of the stocking and toward the hand of the dreamer, and every time it does so, the dreamer shakes it down. The third dreamer dreams that she sees a large spider crawl onto her foot and sting her. The stinger breaks off and the spider drops away. The snake in the first dream represents Eternal wisdom, and the sleeper says that it has been dormant or confined in the box. When confined, it represents the instincts or sensual man. The snake takes mind and emotion symbolized by the two men working together to release its power. The first dreamer says that when it happens to him, it will be as though it had never happened before. The third dreamer dreams that she receives what the Eternal has to give her without resisting
  • 00:20:00 Vivian hasheen, a San Francisco Bay Area, California woman, is a modern dream interpreter who has an immediate intuitive understanding of the symbolism that comes to us in our dreams. Many people who have listened to her interpret their dreams agree that her gift is unique, except that I do not predict futures or find lost objects. Her story reveals that it happened one night in 1965 in a hotel room in San Francisco when she had been to a lecture by Freedom Berry. At the moment her Dream came back to her, she had the realization of what it meant.
  • 00:25:00 This YouTube video is a talk given by Vivian Green about the meaning of dreams. Green provides a definition of a dream as a "reverse parable" and goes on to list the various symbols that can appear in a dream. He shares the story of a dream that he had in which he found enlightenment. He encourages people to pay attention to their dreams and to understand the hidden meaning behind them. He suggests that there are keys to interpreting dreams, and goes on to say that those keys are within oneself.
  • 00:30:00 Dreams can provide insights into one's spiritual identity and daily life. Dreams at the highest level can reveal treasures that are hidden in the lower levels.
  • 00:35:00 This woman's dreams always come true for her, and she believes that the Lord wants her to warn her uncle in a dream about an accident he is working on. Taking dreams literally as applying to others is evidence of a faulty sense of evaluation. If we understand dreams, we can Cast Off Our Present Limited Conception of Self as One Among Billions of People in This Globe and take the Position That We Are a God Asleep. This requires a Radical Turn of Mind spoken of in the Bible as matonia.
  • 00:40:00 The author of this YouTube video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can help us to understand our destiny. He notes that some dreams, like the one described above, are evidence of when we say that dreams are living scripture. He also discusses the importance of interpreting dreams at the highest level spiritually.
  • 00:45:00 This 1-paragraph summary of the video "The Meaning of Dreams for Sleeping Man" by Vivianna G. tells the viewer that Vivianna believes that dreams come from God, and that the clergy should offer instruction on the meaning of dreams to their members, as the dreaming mind is resident in all men.
  • 00:50:00 Dr. Ann Faraday discusses the meaning of dreams in a 1972 radio broadcast. She and her husband share a dream in which they both have the same dream. Dreams are a report from the self to the self, and the different schools of dream interpretation represent different views of the dreamer. The dream for each of them showed that the accepted sense-based state of thinking is the sleep of the soul. The intent of the dream was to awaken the dreamer to their true identity as a dreamer. Dreams are a revelation of the dreamer's level of self-awareness. Anyone with a guess as to the meaning of a dream is just as good as anyone else.
  • 00:55:00 The author of this video provides an overview of dreams and their meaning. Dreams can be interpreted as God talking to oneself in the language of symbols. Dreams can also be interpreted as a representation of our own life or experiences. Dream characters often carry symbolic meaning which is revealed through the relationships and actions they take in the dream. Dream understanding is important because it can help us progress or stay stagnant in our lives.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can be used to explore one's inner self. The dreamer explains that there are two opposing states that are characterized by the numbers six and nine. These states are the quick and the den until we awaken, or Christ, the power and wisdom of God active on the earth. Dreams often communicate a memory or experience from the dreamer's life.

  • 01:00:00 Dreams can have many different interpretations depending on the context and the dreamer's own personal beliefs. Dreams can also symbolize aspects of the dreamer's life, such as their personality or relationships.
  • 01:05:00 This video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can be used to explore one's inner self. The dreamer explains that there are two opposing states that are characterized by the numbers six and nine. These states are the quick and the den until we awaken, or Christ, the power and wisdom of God active on the earth. Dreams often communicate a memory or experience from the dreamer's life. For example, one man dreams of a dead baby, and another dreams of holding and hugging a tiny baby with no face.
  • 01:10:00 In this video, Vivian discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping man, focusing on the idea that dreams can be interpreted as a way for the dreamer to explore their relationship to the Supreme. She notes that dreams often reflect our current concerns and emotions, and that by understanding and recognizing these themes, we can gain a greater understanding of our own soul.
  • 01:15:00 This video discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping man. Dreams can often be interpreted in a variety of ways, depending on the individual's individual psychology and spiritual beliefs. One example discussed is the dream of Joseph, in which his soul is represented by a female figure other than his mother. This dream reveals the protagonist's feelings of guilt and inadequacy, as well as his secret desire for spiritual union with the new man or woman.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the meaning of dreams and how different people interpret them. It also discusses the importance of dreams and how they can reflect the spiritual state of a person. The video finishes with a discussion of how the churches should approach dreaming, given the current ecumenical movement.
  • 01:25:00 The speaker discusses the spiritual meaning of dreams and how they can be used to strengthen individual movements towards spiritual awakening. He urges churches to pay more attention to dreams, but cautions that it is an individual process. The speaker also offers a few examples of dream stories that are deep and meaningful.
  • 01:30:00 The dreamer is asleep in a barren room of life and is called to the telephone. She notices that her bedroom is empty of all furnishing, and that she has charge of two small Oriental boys who follow her into the other room. There is nothing to see except sky, and the dreamer is worried about her husband who is lost in space. The dreamer's daughter calms the children and one of the boys says sadly "my father is lost in space." The dreamer replies that's all right, "don't be concerned," because her husband will never make a mistake. The dream suggests that the dreamer is asleep in the atmosphere of the soul, and that she is not connected to a higher level of being.
  • 01:35:00 This dream reflects the meaning of dreams for sleeping man. Dreams reflect the reality of the literal world. Dreams can provide insight into the subconscious mind and the spiritual realm. Dreams can also be a communication from the depth to the surface from the soul of the universe.
  • 01:40:00 The author discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can be useful for personal growth. He points out that, unlike in a "normal" waking life, in a dream, one is fully immersed in the experience, and that this intensity of focus produces a "reality" of the dream state. He discusses an experience he had where a person reported being awake in their dream and experiencing the surrounding environment as if it were real. He notes that while he cannot prove or disprove this experience, it is an interesting example of how dreams can be quite real.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping man, and notes that while dreams may be bizarre, they correlate with life and not dream figures moving in time and space. The video also discusses the idea that there is no "unreality" beyond Consciousness, and that each world within our reality is a manifestation of consciousness.
  • 01:50:00 The speaker explains that life is like a dream, with each individual experiencing different states as they awake. After discussing the analogy with death and resurrection, the speaker advises those who are conscious to be "alive to what dead to the sense of their own Divinity." He goes on to say that it is not easy to adopt this sense of self, and advises readers to "venture just by reasoning no it has to be experienced to be known." The speaker ends the video by stating that life is "pure grace, divine grace for the knowing comes to all eventually."
  • 01:55:00 Dreams are a means by which the personal self is revealed to be nothing more than an idea, and the individual is forced to confront their convictions. Dreams can be a warning of a situation that is about to arise in the individual's life, or they can be a sign of inner work that needs to be done.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This video explores the meaning of dreams, and how they can be used to interpret what is happening in a person's life. The video discusses how dreams are a way for Consciousness to communicate with itself, and how they can display the seven capacities of Consciousness in four modes: objective, subjective, intuitive, and literal.

  • 02:00:00 This video discusses the meaning of dreams, and how they can be used to understand one's personal problems. It explains that, while evil has always been a problem for humans, few are able to abide it. The writer in Habakkuk reflects on this in the 13th verse, stating that one who is lost in the world of opposites (i.e. who is conscious of the play of duality) can't understand why the Lord refuses to take the part of the good man as against the Wicked Man. The video then discusses how the devout churchgoer asks the same question, and how the answer is simple: if you don't want a world of shadows, you have to settle for one without light. Vivian expounding on the group was then silent, and she quoted scripture to explain that everything going on in the visible world is the play of Consciousness in Duality--a grand dream play like a stage play. She said that, to interpret a dream, you have to be awake and come off stage, so you can't see the dream as a dream while you are experiencing it.
  • 02:05:00 This video discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping man. The speaker points out that, as a dreaming person, one has the power to control one's response to dreams. It is important to be aware of one's own consciousness and to live accordingly, based on one's understanding of who one is. It is also important to remember that evil exists in the world and that it is often perpetuated by humans attempting to do things through force and violence instead of working through conflict and negotiation.
  • 02:10:00 The dreamer is in a banquet hall and sees a caricature of Richard Nixon and a modified version of the caricature, which he refers to as "the second caricature." He then picks up a black grease pencil and makes a line on the caricature of Nixon's jawline. Another person at the banquet sees him and becomes alarmed, so the dreamer turns away and rubs out the line. The dreamer is uncertain whether or not anyone is watching as he does this. This dream is significant because it illustrates the idea that when evil becomes unbearable, it eventually reaches a point of cure.
  • 02:15:00 In this dream, Mr. Nixon is attending a cocktail party where he is seen in different roles, including that of the president. He is then suddenly removed from the scene and falls out of someone's arms, appearing drunk and disorderly. He is sober again and walks back into the room in a different way, appearing dignified. Vivian, the narrator, reflects on the dream and its meaning. The dream suggests that Mr. Nixon is a character in a drama that we create ourselves, and that our identities are false. The dream also suggests that the president or those in power have false identities, in order to placate the masses.
  • 02:20:00 Vivian tells a dream about a person playing a game of chess with the Devil. She says that the dream is telling one story with inexhaustible variations, and that it is a monologue staged as a dramatic dialogue or dialogues depending on the number of characters drawn into the dream scene. The dream has a message of evolution through involution. The dreamer moves a lamp to see the real ugly comments of the Devil in a table surface, and realizes that if he knew and saw how he really looked, he would be even more danger. The dreamer reacts with amusement at her evaluation of the situation, and the dream ends with Checkmate. The queen is the most powerful figure on the chessboard, and she represents the ruler of all states of duality, signified by the two square moving the bishop to the spot adjoining the queen. At this culmination of the dream, the devil is seen as one of the most fearsome and ravening of animals, a wolf. The dreamer sees an ancient alchemical symbol of a wolf burning in an athenor furnace, and understands that the fire energy of the psyche is transformed and emerges as the purified soul symbolized by a beautiful man. The dream and its interpretation stirred considerable comment from those present, and Vivian
  • 02:25:00 In this dream, the subject sees a ship on fire and the turmoil of war in the sky. He realizes that the ship is symbolic of his own soul, and that he knows what to do to save himself and those aboard. He orders those around him to do what is necessary to safely move the ship to shore, and then wakes up. The dream suggests that there is no greater evil than war, as it brings destruction and horror to all who experience it. It is also a reminder that humanity needs heroes and villains, as both extremes are necessary for the world to function. When the dreamer focuses on what is being said, he sees that war (or any other evil) is not the worst thing in the world. It is only when we focus on the appearances that we create for ourselves that we see the world in its true dualistic form.
  • 02:30:00 In this video, Dr. Nicole discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping people. She explains that dreams are a way for people to explore their subconscious and that they are constantly revisiting the same themes. Dreams can be a source of inspiration or motivation, and they can also be a warning of impending danger. When people understand that they are the dreamer and not the dreamed, they can better deal with difficult emotions and negative situations in their lives.
  • 02:35:00 Dream interpretation is an ancient art, and the story of Joseph is a great example of storytelling. Joseph was elevated to the highest position in Pharaoh's government because of his skill at interpreting Pharaoh's dreams.
  • 02:40:00 This video is about a dream interpretation technique that was developed in the 1960s by a woman named Neville. She explains that she had no interest in dreams until a friend of her husband's gifted her a box of books about dreams, which sparked her interest in the subject. She reads a book about dreams that was written by an author who takes dreams on a psychological level, and she becomes emotionally impacted by the author's stories. She decides to write a letter to the author, and a few weeks later, she receives a postcard in the mail from the author's publisher. The postcard announces that the author, Neville, will be speaking in San Francisco soon. She makes the connection between the postcard and her previous inquiry, and she decides to attend the event.
  • 02:45:00 The author recalls a dream in which she goes to a book sale and buys a book by Neville called "Prayer, the Art of Believing." She tries the book out by imagining it and putting it into practice, and then three months later remembers doing the same thing and realizes she had been practicing the same dream over and over. She decides to ask the speaker about the book and gets a card back in return.
  • 02:50:00 The video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can be used to interpret what is happening in a person's life. One person tells the story of how they became a dream interpreter, and how it happened in a moment of serendipity.
  • 02:55:00 In this video, Vivian explains the meaning of dreams. Dreams are a way for Consciousness to communicate with itself. Dreams can display the seven capacities of Consciousness in four modes: objective, subjective, intuitive, and literal. Dreams are a characteristic of Consciousness, and the same characteristics are also displayed in our everyday lives. When you remember what you've seen in a movie, you'll be able to look for that in your own dreams too.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

This YouTube video provides an introduction to the meaning of dreams and how they can be used to understand oneself and one's place in the world. Dreams can also be used as a way to achieve liberation from the limitations of the physical world.

  • 03:00:00 This YouTube video discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping men. Vivian says that, when men's dreams come alive, they often do so with great force. She recalls an experience of her own where a man came to her dream class crying out "BB," which she interprets as "I am being spelled with a capital B." The video ends with a discussion of the meaning of dreams for men and how they can be used to transform meaning into being.
  • 03:05:00 A dream can be interpreted on a literal or symbolic level, and the meaning of a dream may differ depending on the individual. In this dream, a man reports a dream in which he sees a woman calling out for help, and a second dream in which he is told to choose a pair of sunglasses to release himself from a room. The man's opinion is that the meaning of the two dreams is difficult to understand.
  • 03:10:00 The dreamer's dream involved counting fireworks and discovering a mistake. The dreamer's interpretation of the dream is that it symbolizes the completion of any physical or spiritual task.
  • 03:15:00 Dreams are a way for the subconscious to communicate with the conscious. Dreams can be literal or symbolic, and can reflect events from the individual's life or be about something that is currently happening. Dreams can be helpful in understanding oneself and can provide insight into spiritual awakening.
  • 03:20:00 In this dream, a man sees several loaves of bread and all of his elder brothers' writings printed on the bread wrappers but he ignores them as food instead, he takes a National Geographic magazine and puts it in a frying pan over a fire to cook it. The magazine's yellow cover is a clue that its fifth aspect, life, is represented by its color and its materiality. The man decides to cook the magazine, which stands for everything in the literal physical sense-based factual world, without meaning any detraction to this excellent magazine. The man's focus on material things instead of spiritual nourishment indicates his spiritual neglect.
  • 03:25:00 The dream symbolizes the need for individuals to have honest reports on life's impressions so that they can remain awake and balanced. The dream also confirms that a teacher is always present, in the form of Consciousness itself.
  • 03:30:00 The video discusses the meaning of dreams, and provides advice on how to remember yourself. The main points are that every dream represents a moment in our lives, and that we need to be vigilant in order to remember ourselves. The video also discusses the importance of turning habits into a habit, and the benefits of doing this.
  • 03:35:00 The author of this YouTube video explains the meaning of dreams and how they can be used to understand oneself and one's place in the world. Dreams can also be used as a way to achieve liberation from the limitations of the physical world.
  • 03:40:00 The video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can help to reveal aspects of one's personality. It also discusses the idea that dreams are just as much a part of the day as they are the night, and that they have no lasting effects once they are over.
  • 03:45:00 This YouTube video is a lecture by the author, Vivian Maier, on the meaning of dreams. The author begins by discussing the difference between dreams and reality, noting that dreams are a "language of one's essential being." She goes on to discuss the purpose of dreams, noting that dreams are a "stage" in the process of self-discovery. She ends the lecture by discussing the increased interest in dreams today, and providing a brief overview of the different fields of study which have incorporated dreams into their work.
  • 03:50:00 This YouTube video introduces the idea that dreams are a means of accessing parts of our subconscious, and that understanding dreams can be beneficial in one's spiritual development. The speaker encourages people not to shy away from dreams, and to break the last word in the two capitalized words (S Dreams) to remember that dreams are always with us. He also reminds people that dreams are not meant to reflect our fantasies about ourselves, but to reveal the unvarnished truth.
  • 03:55:00 The author, Vivian Sheahan, discusses the meaning of dreams and how they reflect our spiritual destiny. She insists that we should attempt to interpret our daily lives as we would a dream, and that dreams are clear for her in this respect.

04:00:00 - 04:30:00

This video discusses the meaning of dreams and how they can help us communicate with God. Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, but the most important thing to remember is that they are an accompaniment to spiritual awakening. Dreams can also be a way for the dreamer to deal with daily life and its transient moments.

  • 04:00:00 Dreams are God's dreams of himself and two people in a dream represent different aspects of self. Dreams can be interpreted as a way to communicate meaning that is not always obvious.
  • 04:05:00 In the video, Vivian Gornick talks about dreams and how they can be interpreted. She says that dreams can tell us our future, and that in order to have a successful future, we must surrender our sense of self to the Divine. However, some people resist Awakening, and this can be seen in dreams where characters suddenly disappear or the dreamer ends up back in their hospital bed.
  • 04:10:00 This video discusses the meaning of dreams for sleeping people. It points out that there are different ways to wear a brown paper bag, and that some people believe that dreams are nothing more than a psychic rehash of what we've experienced in the past. It also notes that, according to religious teachings, one of the ways we experience repression is by dreaming. Those who turn to drugs and other addictive activities in order to escape from their dreams are doing themselves a great disservice.
  • 04:15:00 Dreams provide a way for humans to communicate with God. Dreams can be interpreted in many ways, but the most important thing to remember is that they are an accompaniment to spiritual awakening. Dreams can also be a way for the dreamer to deal with daily life and its transient moments.
  • 04:20:00 This video discusses the life and work of Neville Goddard, a mystic who made predictions about the future that came true. Neville's family is from Barbados and his ancestors were seers, so it is likely that he was born with a special mission. He studied with Abdullah, a black Jew, for seven years and learned a lot about Christianity. Neville later worked in the theater and met a man named Abdullah who taught him about Hebrew and the Kabbalah. Abdullah also taught Neville more about real Christianity than anyone else. Neville eventually went to America and worked for a number of different companies, meeting many people along the way. He eventually met Abdullah's critic, Abdullah Santa, who told him that he had been appointed to travel to a distant land and teach its people about real Christianity. Abdullah Santa also said that Neville would journey six months late. This prophecy came true, and Neville now travels around the world teaching people about real Christianity.
  • 04:25:00 Neville contended that the Bible is important not in its historicity but in its vision of the journey of the soul culminating in the discovery by each of us that we are the Christ. Neville was adamant in his insistence that the book is not secular history, each of us is destined to discover that he is the father God himself, and the Bible as originally written was a collection of the testimonials of those who in ancient times made this discovery. Neville related how he made a journey from New York to see his family in Barbados during the depression years without any money of his own, using his imaginal power. In San Francisco in the 50s and 60s, Neville gave his audience accounts of how others had made use of the law, discussing it on television Los Angeles, learn how to use your imaginal power lovingly. In the latter part of the 60s and early 70s, Neville emphasized the promise after he'd experienced it, the use of imaginal power can change circumstance but it is all temporary. Neville left our Earth plan on October 1st 1972.
  • 04:30:00 The author, Vern Hansen, provides a brief overview of his book, "I Do: The Meaning of Dreams for Sleeping Man." He writes that the book is designed to be an exhortive little book that continues to be cherished by many of its owners. In 1992, Hansen published a companion book, "Paskey," which expands on the meanings of dreams. He plans to write more books in the future.

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