Summary of Redes 160: Cómo se conectan las neuronas - neurociencia

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The YouTube video discusses how neurons connect and how this affects various aspects of our lives. It talks about how different parts of the brain work together and how one's psychological state can change if they shift to a new environment. The video also discusses how computers are able to store memories as patterns of connections between neurons.

  • 00:00:00 Sebastian Jung, a neuroscientist, discusses the challenges of brain regeneration and how neurons must connect with each other in order to survive and function properly. He explains the human connectoma, a pattern of connections between 100 million neurons in the human brain. Jung points out that it would be impossible to map the entire brain using only human cells, but that with the help of extremely powerful microscopes and a method called Tinctoring, he was able to reconstruct the neural connections of the lowly C. elegans worm. He then points out that, just as Santiago Ramón y Cajal was able to study the brain by cutting it into pieces and studying its individual cells, the human race still has a lot of work to do in mapping the entire brain. Jung reminds us that neuroscience is a very serious discipline with both successes and failures, and that we have our heroes and myths along the way.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the work of Ramón y Cajal, who was one of the first scientists to study how information is transmitted between neurons. Cajal was also known for his groundbreaking work on the structure and communication of neurons, which is still being studied today. Some of the challenges that neuroscience faces today include understanding how neurons connect to each other and how they work together as a network, which is a challenge that could take a million years to fully understand.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how the brain is composed of neurons and their branches, and how this structure changes over time. It talks about a second, more abstract sense of identity, which is based on consciousness. If you lost your memory, for example, you would still be conscious, but your sense of self would be different. This is the "I" of the connectome. The video also talks about how computers are able to store memories as patterns of connections between neurons. However, this is still only a partial understanding of the brain. There is much more work to be done in order to map out the connectome completely. Future advances in technology depend on the development of computers and artificial intelligence that are able to understand and interpret neural connections. At this point, it is still very difficult to understand the whole brain in detail. However, the quest to do so is a long, arduous one that will likely take many years. It is important to keep in mind that even with this level of understanding, we are still quite a way from understanding every detail of our own brain.
  • 00:15:00 The author discusses how the human brain is connected and how we know so much about how it works, but only map a small number of connections in small circuits and only do this with mouse brain and human brain samples, which will allow us to learn a lot about how the brain works. He also discusses how neuroscience has two main motivations- curiosity and practical benefits- and how people can often be disillusioned by scientists' claims that they know nothing about what neuroscience has already revealed about the brain. However, he believes that with deliberate effort, we can create new brain pathways, and that the brain is surprisingly flexible in its abilities. This is a challenge that neuroscience needs to address in order to improve treatments for mental illnesses.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how different parts of the brain work together, and how one's psychological resistance to change can impede progress. It talks about how more subtle mental changes can result in decisions that are not always correct, and how business and personal decisions can be affected by changes in one's state of unemployment, for example. It also discusses how one's psychological state can change if one shifts to a new environment, makes new friends, or changes one's occupation. This change in psychological state came about in 1999, when I was 18 and decided to come to the US and live with my mother. The decision was forc
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses how neurons connect, and how this affects the world. At the time, when I was 17, my father fell into a deep depression, which was also caused by losing his job. He then teamed up with this, and so I had to take care of myself. I couldn't let the house get wet, and I had frequent anxiety attacks, as well as pain from seeing my mother. It wasn't just that she was going through the same pain as I was, but that it was a visual representation of what I could experience in the future. A few years later, I became ill with depression in my 30s, and the sadness and fear were joined by a fear of an attack. I remember one that left me almost blind. At that moment, I decided that I couldn't continue living this way, or else I would commit suicide. I then learned to change myself, by working hard on changing my mother instead. I would spend hours with her, trying to fill the void that nothing else could. And by doing so, I made it something that was both positive and helpful to me. I remember that she would change towards me, even if I couldn't always express it in words. I had to start with changing her behavior,

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