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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In the YouTube video "UN DÍA CON UNA MAESTRA DE PREESCOLAR 🍎 ⭐ SANDY DELGADO," Sandy Delgado provides a glimpse into her day as a preschool teacher. She begins by preparing herself, including putting on masks and organizing her classroom. Delgado then engages in various activities with her students, such as helping with classroom tasks, identifying emotions through paintings, and focusing on motor skills. She also evaluates students daily and keeps records of their progress. Delgado emphasizes the importance of organization and neatness in the classroom, introducing a seal system for evaluating students' work. Throughout the video, she shares personal touches like her love for her fanny pack and old whistle. Delgado expresses her gratitude for the audience's attention and plans to create another video featuring more activities.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "UN DÍA CON UNA MAESTRA DE PREESCOLAR 🍎 ⭐ SANDY DELGADO," Sandy Delgado shares a routine of her day as a preschool teacher. She starts by preparing herself for the day, putting on her uniform and changing her face masks. She explains that she has different masks for home and school, and her mom made her a cute one with a chain. She also shares that her whistle, which she uses to get the children's attention, is old and requires specific combinations to work. After preparing herself, she proceeds to organize her classroom, making sure everything is in its place, and prepares her coffee with a new pumpkin spice cream. She also mentions her love for her fanny pack, where she keeps valuable items. Throughout the day, she makes lists with her students to help them learn and stay organized.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "UN DÍA CON UNA MAESTRA DE PREESCOLAR 🍎 ⭐ SANDY DELGADO," Sandy Delgado describes various activities she engages in with her preschool students. She explains how they help with classroom tasks like cleaning the chalkboard and organizing their materials. Delgado also shares an activity where students identified emotions provoked by different paintings, and another focused on motor skills, where they fished liquids with a stick and transferred them to paper. She mentions evaluating three to four students daily and keeping records of their progress. Delgado also discusses organizing their work and materials, and the importance of keeping a clean and orderly classroom. She concludes by introducing a seal system for evaluating students' work, emphasizing the importance of neatness and creativity.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "UN DÍA CON UNA MAESTRA DE PREESCOLAR 🍎 ⭐ SANDY DELGADO," the teacher, Sandy Delgado, greets her audience and expresses her gratitude for watching the video. She then shares a short clip of her desk setup and how she keeps it organized, acknowledging that there are always things to do and items around. Delgado hopes her viewers enjoyed the video and invites them to leave comments. She also mentions her intention to create another video featuring different activities. The teacher concludes by wishing her audience to take care and sends them a big kiss and a hug.

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