Summary of Mapa Histórico de la Península Ibérica para estudiar la Historia de España

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

This video provides a historical map of Spain to study the history of Spain. Starting from 3000 BC, the video covers the major events in Spanish history up to the present day.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, we explore the historical evolution of the Iberian Peninsula in order to study the history of Spain. We start with 3000 BC, with the culture of the Vaso Campaniforme, which is associated with the Calcolítico and the early Bronze Age in Europe. Its name is derived from the special archaeological characteristics of these vases, which are known as Vasos de Campana Inverted and are commonly found in funerary contexts throughout much of Europe. The Bronze Age final Atlantic period is a temporal or cultural phase characterized by deposits of metals found in different places. Iberia was known to the ancient Greeks as Hiberia, a name derived from the Greek word Híbria, meaning "land up high." During this time, Iberians were trading with the Phoenicians, a seafaring people who founded their first colony on Gadir, near modern-day Cádiz, in the first century BC. By the first century AD, Rome had become the dominant power in the Mediterranean Sea, and Iberia became a Roman province. The province of Hispania was divided into five provinces: Citerior Hispania, which included the entire Iberian Peninsula; Ul
  • 00:05:00 This video provides a historical map of Spain to study the history of Spain. The breakup of the Muslim caliphate would lead to a series of kingdoms called taifas. In the mid-1500s, the Christian kingdoms began to advance southward with the marriage alliance of the Catholic monarchs. Two important events took place in 1640 and 1801, which effectively delimited Spain's borders with France. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a civil war fought between factions of the Republican side, and the Nationalist side, supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, respectively. The Nationalists won, and the final outcome was the abdication of the last Spanish monarch, Francisco Franco, on 20 April 1975.

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