Summary of La ética del lucro | Dr. Armando de la Torre

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the video, Dr. Armando de la Torre discusses the ethics of profit. He argues that the free market is not responsible for the current crisis, and that it is people's moral responsibility to take care of their own finances. He also argues that the government is responsible for its role in creating this crisis by providing easy access to credit to people who couldn't afford it, and by failing to regulate the banking industry.

  • 00:00:00 The speaker shares his thoughts on the ethics of profit, and how he differs from many of the other speakers in the seminar by believing that young people have a brighter future than older generations do. He goes on to say that America has a future because of the influx of immigrants from around the world, and that without young people, there would be no future. He emphasizes the importance of youth in the economy and the world, and ends the talk by saying that he is proud of his young audience.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Dr. Armando de la Torre discusses the philosophy of profit and how it differs from other ideologies. He argues that, in order to be successful, young people need to get involved in politics and follow their convictions, rather than relying on words to guide them. He also argues that, historically, liberalism has been successful, while other ideologies (such as socialism and conservatism) have had mixed results.
  • 00:10:00 The video, La ética del lucro by Dr. Armando de la Torre, discusses the idea that the free market is in a crisis and that the directed market, which is government-controlled, is to blame. The majority of people believe that the free market is in crisis, but Dr. de la Torre argues that this is because the directed market is actually failing. He argues that the free market is actually more sustainable and that the directed market is actually responsible for the current global crisis. However, his opinion is minority and not everyone who attends economic conferences agrees with him.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the ethics of profit, starting with the United States. Jimmy Carter's government was responsible for the start of the crisis, and I was in the United States during that time. When I got into power, he said, "Another good one." Well, I'm going to apply. I said in a democratic society, and there I would start by discussing the states. The United States is a democracy or a republic, and they are two different things, but he said a democratic society to every citizen should have private property. What more sensible person wouldn't believe that? Then, like every citizen, every individual has the right to own a home, but not every citizen has the funds to buy a home or build one. So the state should help. As long as the state is helping, how can the state help? Well, we're going to create two state-owned banks, called Mickey Mouse banks, like someone wanted recently in Freddy Max. The state-owned banks are going to loan money to what we call "sub-prime" or high-risk mortgages. Those are mortgages that don't have any security of repayment from the borrower. So those are risky loans and then, as a result of a decision by the government of
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Dr. Armando de la Torre discusses the ethics of profit and how it relates to the current financial crisis. He argues that the free market is not responsible for the current crisis, and that it is people's moral responsibility to take care of their own finances. He also argues that the government is responsible for its role in creating this crisis by providing easy access to credit to people who couldn't afford it, and by failing to regulate the banking industry.
  • 00:25:00 Dr. Armando de la Torre discusses the ethical implications of capitalism and the welfare state. He argues that while both systems have their benefits and drawbacks, ultimately people prefer more freedom over security. He points to examples such as Ancient Greece and Rome, where slaves were common but people were still able to lead relatively free lives. He argues that while capitalism may have started out as a way to help people escape poverty, it has since become a system that enslaves people, as it removes responsibilities from individuals and forces them to rely on the state.
  • 00:30:00 In this essay, Dr. Armando de la Torre discusses the ethics of profit, emphasizing the importance of individual freedom. He points out that, in order to achieve this freedom, society must provide its members with a variety of services, including housing, food, education, and health care. However, he warns that, if society relies too much on the state to provide these services, it will eventually lose its freedoms and become an oppressive regime. He recommends that citizens engage in political activity in order to promote these ideals.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Dr. Armando de la Torre discusses the ethics of profit. He points out that there have not arisen through the design of any great architect who knew everything, and that we are going to organize society this way. He proudly states that the Catholic Church, to which he belongs, is an organic product of the evangelical message. The proofs that he is lowered by and you do not find even in St. Paul details of the organization of the church some diacons, priests, bishops, sacraments, the organization of the Catholic Church in the second century is very different from the organization of the Catholic Church in the 14th and 20th centuries, because it is an spontaneous product. If you leave faithful free to organize, they will not be able to do and with more efficiency than anyone who directs it is not talking about the father who directs any organization of the church that the world at large. I am not talking about anyone who directs the organization of the church who anyone. Who says the church says the family. The most important institution for human life and can be shown in many ways is the family. Look at when I was in Europe I became interested in Hungarian emigrants who fled Hungary in 1956 when the revolution occurred
  • 00:40:00 Dr. Armando de la Torre argues that there is no such thing as a "greedy" person, as such people have never had their hands in their pockets. He is responsible and will be corrupted if he is not careful. Others will waste money on projects that have no real purpose. etc. He always says that good government usually means honest politicians who can handle the funds they are given. In Finland, where he lives, the state is very active in the economy, yet they are one of the most transparent countries in the world and their economy is much more free and more efficient than other developed countries. Even in Finland, with government controlled economy, there are errors and mistakes. In order to be free from the excessive state power, citizens must have a sense of responsibility and know when to rebel against the government. Those who do not can never be truly free. If everyone were as good as the mothers he talks about, the world would be a much better place.
  • 00:45:00 The speaker discusses the importance of ethics in business, citing the example of a boy who threw a girl in his class down a flight of stairs, breaking her tooth. He says that, as a father, he would not have allowed such a punishment to be inflicted on his own son, and that it is destructive to the character to allow such things to happen. He argues that, in order to develop strong and responsible adults, we need to instill a vision of long-term goals in children from an early age. He says that, in many countries, the state controls the currency, which eliminates freedom. He also says that, in order to obtain a visa or passport, you need to have a permit from the government, which further restricts freedom.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses the ethical implications of profit-oriented business. Dr. Armando de la Torre argues that because of aduanas, the progress of a country is hindered and the government imposes tariffs against products from other countries supposedly to protect those who were enslaved or for slaves in a state of welfare. Unfortunately, these same individuals cannot compete with others because they are not taxed at the same rate as national currency, legal visas, or social welfare programs. This is unfair and parents of you and I are also paying taxes indirectly, even though they are direct taxes. These indirect taxes help to sustain public schools and private schools, but the father is forced to pay for private school tuition in order to have his children educated the way he wants them to be. This is unjust. The progressive income tax should be called the "tax to impoverish the people." It is a system of unfair rules that benefit the undeserving at the expense of the efficient and those who are honorable. This system begins with our constitutions, which were written by a few ignorant union leaders. When I told them I was going to Sevilla, they said, "Mártir, you have read the Constitution? No, it does not serve." I said, "Then you are worse
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Dr. Armando de la Torre talks about ethics and the role of profit in business. He says that, while Brazil may be a bit of an aventurism to make this statement, he believes that risk is something that is appealing to him, and as a result, he is still younger than many people. Brazil has less young people or clear ideas, he says, and our countries in any of them have more young people like you with ideas. He clarifies that our country's corporatist system has helped make him who he is, because it has allowed for many young people to inherit an understanding of the importance of ethics. However, when ideas are wrong, they can be disastrous. He talks about a time when he was invited to speak at a conference of young politicians, and he said the following: "People who suffer don't have a problem. People who suffer, solve the problem." This caused a stir, and he continues by saying that, while he agrees with this, it is not the only thing that he has to say. He also said that, while men and women have the same responsibility to be ethical, the man of conscience is the one who knows how to say "No" and the woman is

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

This video discusses the ethical implications of profit-making. Dr. Armando de la Torre argues that, in a free society, people would be more likely to send their children to school if they had to work instead of being forced to work at home. He gives the example of Hong Kong, which was a British colony and was able to preserve its freedom despite being under British rule. In Hong Kong, an estimated 62% of the population was illiterate in 1946, but by 1996 the rate had dropped to 0.5%. The reason for this success is that Hong Kong had free markets and a free judiciary, both of which were absent in many other countries during the same time period. Dr. de la Torre concludes by arguing that, if we are to achieve a truly free society, we need to start with education.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses the ethical implications of profit-making. Dr. Armando de la Torre argues that, in a free society, people would be more likely to send their children to school if they had to work instead of being forced to work at home. He gives the example of Hong Kong, which was a British colony and was able to preserve its freedom despite being under British rule. In Hong Kong, an estimated 62% of the population was illiterate in 1946, but by 1996 the rate had dropped to 0.5%. The reason for this success is that Hong Kong had free markets and a free judiciary, both of which were absent in many other countries during the same time period. Dr. de la Torre concludes by arguing that, if we are to achieve a truly free society, we need to start with education.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, Dr. Armando de la Torre speaks about the ethics of profit. He says that through water infested with sharks, he fled Mao's China and arrived in Hong Kong, where he married and had children. He then said that if he had had a system like our own, which forced students to go to school, his children would not have gone to school. However, he does not think that the current school system is good enough, and thus he sends his children to public school. He says that at short-term, it is more beneficial for him to pay for their education now and have them work for him later, but at long-term, he would rather have them receive a good education and be able to have a better life. He then makes a comparison between the way English is taught in schools in America and in Italy, where students are often taught things that are not true. He also makes a comparison between the average weight of a Dominican student and a student from a wealthy country like Marroquín. He concludes the video by saying that, at short-term, it is more beneficial for him to have his children go to a free public school so that they do not have to work for him, but at long
  • 01:10:00 The speaker discusses how promises made to students about earning more in the future after completing university have not materialized, with some graduates finding themselves working less or not having jobs at all. The speaker then turns to the counter-movement of 'red socialist' rebels who have killed and kidnapped those who disagree with them.

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