Summary of Features of a Modern Terminal Emulator

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

In this video, the features of a modern terminal emulator are discussed. Among the features mentioned are font capabilities, mouse support, and bracketed paste mode. The video also explains that terminals didn't support any colors at all, later additions gave users nine colors, and modern terminals can support 24-bit color. However, there are still some problems with graphic support in terminals.

  • 00:00:00 This talk looks at modern terminal emulator features, including how they handle fonts and private use areas. Fonts can be stored in a single file, and terminal emulators can use fallback fonts to ensure proper display even when the primary font is not available.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, the features of a modern terminal emulator are discussed. Among the features mentioned are font capabilities, mouse support, and bracketed paste mode.
  • 00:10:00 This video covers the features of a modern terminal emulator. It explains that terminals didn't support any colors at all, later additions gave users nine colors, and modern terminals can support 24-bit color. However, there are still some problems with graphic support in terminals.
  • 00:15:00 Terminal emulators can be inefficient and break down when displaying large images. Modern terminal emulators use a custom osc-1337 system which is said to be more efficient than the item 2 system. Terminology also has its own format. Some terminal multiplexers don't support any of these formats, making them limited in usefulness.

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