Summary of Rick And Morty Season 6 Episode 6 FULL Breakdown, Easter Eggs and Post Credit Scene Explained

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

Rick and Morty make references to classic Hollywood films and pop culture references in the latest episode. Rick makes a Zero Dark Thirty reference and Morty makes a Dr. Manhattan teleportation reference. The overall message of the episode is that the dinosaurs are just trying to be self-interested and are ultimately defeated by Rick's Portal Gun.

  • 00:00:00 In this episode, Rick and Morty parody Jurassic Park and the arrival movie. Rick proves that everybody is selfish in some way, and then the New Finally Relent kill their enemy. They also fix the rift and prove that Rick has been planning this all along.
  • 00:05:00 Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 6 includes references to several Marvel movies and TV shows, as well as some pop culture references. The episode's main plot involves the president and his team trying to find a way to stop a looming alien invasion, while also dealing with the aftermath of previous episodes.
  • 00:10:00 In this episode of "Rick and Morty", the titular characters make reference to classic Hollywood films and pop culture references. Rick makes a Zero Dark Thirty reference and Morty makes a Dr. Manhattan teleportation reference. The overall message of the episode is that the dinosaurs are just trying to be self-interested and are ultimately defeated by Rick's Portal Gun.
  • 00:15:00 In the latest episode of "Rick and Morty," the characters joke about not paying off big plot points that they had set up in earlier episodes. This latest installment of the show is set to continue with more Canada content and social commentary, but there is still some question as to how the show will pay off these references.

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