Summary of ¿Cómo Nació la Mecánica Cuántica? - Ley de Planck | Enigmas cuánticos #1

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

This video discusses the development of the theory of quantum mechanics by German physicist Max Planck. Planck's work on light led to the development of the theory of wave-particle duality, which is the foundation of quantum mechanics. The video also discusses the development of the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which is the foundation of modern physics.

  • 00:00:00 In 1884, German physicist Max Planck developed the theory of quantum mechanics, which explained the behavior of matter in terms of its energy states. Planck's work on light led to the development of the theory of wave-particle duality, which is the foundation of quantum mechanics. Today, we'll be discussing one of the most complex and confusing aspects of quantum mechanics: the colors of heat. Everyone knows that things that get hot, like hot coals in a fire or electric wires, turn red, orange, and yellow. Max Planck was the first to describe these changes in color as a result of energy states, unifying the physics of heat and light. This was the beginning of the birth of quantum mechanics, which is the science of the very small. In this video, we'll be talking about the most bizarre of all quantum phenomena: black body radiation. Black body radiation is the emission of radiation from a material that is in a state of thermal equilibrium, which is when the temperature of the material is equal in all directions. This led to the development of the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which is the foundation of modern physics. Max Planck was a very stubborn man, and he applied his intelligence
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses how the theory of quantum mechanics was born and how the energy units known as "quanta" were named after the Latin word for how much. In the new era of energy units, high-frequency electromagnets could not exist without a tremendous amount of system without rebelling against the energy limit. The monthly salary of 100 banknotes of different values is mostly medium values, and a few of greater or lesser value is calculated to be the most probable way to share electromagnetic energy among numerous oscillators. The model of plank assigned the majority of energy to average frequencies in 1901, matching the black body spectrum peaks in that year. Black's law established the relationship between light waves and probability, and soon it was clear that his new idea solved the UV catastrophe problem. The theory of quanta was simply a mathematical tool to calculate the operations of his law, and no one at any point imagined that the oscillators were real. However, in an era when atomic physics was developing at a dizzying speed, the novel formulation of plates as a consequence of surprising aviation had planted a seed that was going to grow to become one of the most important areas of modern music: quantum theory.

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