Summary of Yu-gi-oh! Team Net OTS 1st Place Sacred Beast Dogmatika Competitive Deck Profile!

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

This competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! deck uses a combination of Sacred Beast Dogmatika cards and Link monsters to perform powerful combos. The deck's main focus is to Summon a Zerozo Fiend and use its Revival ability to push through to the rest of the combo. This deck is very strong in competitive play, thanks to its engine of multiple cards that can be searched with Beckoning Beast and Opening of the Spirit Gates.

  • 00:00:00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Team Net OTS 1st Place Sacred Beast Dogmatika Competitive Deck Profile is about a player's winning deck of Sacred Beast Dogmatika. The deck is built around three copies of Sacred Beast Haman Lord of Striking Thunder, and Cerulean Skyfire. Other cards in the deck include hand traps, spell cards, and extra deck monsters.
  • 00:05:00 The deck in this video is a competitive Sacred Beast Dogmatika deck. This deck is very strong in competitive play, thanks to its engine of multiple cards that can be searched with Beckoning Beast and Opening of the Spirit Gates. This deck also has multiple ways to remove cards from the opponent's hand, such as with Skill Drain.
  • 00:10:00 This Yu-Gi-Oh! competitive deck uses a combination of Sacred Beast Dogmatika cards and Link monsters to perform powerful combos. The deck's main focus is to Summon a Zerozo Fiend and use its Revival ability to push through to the rest of the combo.
  • 00:15:00 This Yu-gi-oh! player discusses his deck and strategies for Dogmatica, a competitive format in which players use Sacred Beast monsters. The deck includes a number of cards that can stop opposing cards from resolving, as well as combos that can be difficult for opponents to deal with. The player won two rounds of the tournament using this deck, but lost one match due to poor die rolls.

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