Summary of Sesión 4: Ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The fourth session of the Cátedra Colombiana de Ciudadanía, Integridad y Lucha Contra la Corrupción presented by Juan Pablo Duque discusses the topic of ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley in a context of citizenship, democratic institutions, and social regulation. The panelists include Anna Rocío Bernal and Diego Fernando Maldonado, who explore the impact of laws and regulations on the rights of vulnerable populations and the need to ensure access to necessary resources and services. The discussion also revolves around the relationship between ethics , law, and citizen participation, emphasizing the importance of transparency, collaboration, and citizen engagement in shaping law and norms. The speaker appeals to the audience to promote open and transparent governance to create a better society, with mechanisms of obedience, social protest, participation, and civic engagement to create a harmonious relationship between the three different worlds of regulatory, social, and individual value systems.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the moderator of the session, Juan Pablo Duque, welcomes everyone to the fourth session of the cátedra Colombiana de ciudadanía, integridad y lucha contra la corrupción. He acknowledges the participation of students from different countries and entities, including academic institutions and organizations from Latin America. Today's discussion will focus on the topic of ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley, which is central to ethical citizenship. The panelists for the session include Anna Rocío Bernal, a lawyer and bioethicist from the Universidad del Rosario in Argentina, and Diego Fernando Maldonado, a political scientist specializing in regional development and governance from the Universidad de los Andes.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the concept of ethics city, deliberation, and law. The speaker is currently the director national of the red de ciudades cómo, where they have worked in various public and private entities such as the Secretaria General de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá and the Instituto Distrital de Participación y Acción Comunal de Bogotá. Additionally, the speaker has experience as an expert in institutional integrity and probity, working on projects for entities such as the Procuraduría General de la Nación. The video also features an experienced abogada and professor of law, Magdalena Barrera, and philosopher Miguel Ángel Polo, who specialize in topics such as ethics and the application of such concepts to real-life situations. The speaker touches on the current issues of corruption and mistrust in public systems in Colombia, where the integrity of public and judicial institutions is necessary in light of ongoing debates around the relationship between law and ethics.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the conversation centers around analyzing ethical conflicts arising from a norm in Colombia that aimed to provide housing of a certain quality and security to vulnerable communities with Article 12 outlining the eligibility criteria. LGBT individuals and those who have committed crimes against minors were not considered eligible for the subsidy. The second case involves a gynaecologist working in two institutions, where voluntary termination of a pregnancy is performed. The distinction between working in a public establishment versus a private one was discussed, as well as the right of women to make their own decisions about their healthcare. The third case involved a person with a disability seeking assistance through the healthcare system and being required to report to a family member's home due to a lack of housing. The ethical question discussed was whether the advice given by a lawyer was fair and appropriate, given that the individual lacked resources. Overall, the conversation examined the impact of laws and regulations on the rights of vulnerable populations and the importance of ensuring access to necessary resources and services for individuals in depleted situations.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of making ethical decisions, particularly in situations where those decisions can impact others. According to the speaker, justifying ethical decisions is necessary, particularly when those decisions may affect a third party. The speaker then goes on to discuss the relationship between ethics and law, noting that the principles of ethics often inform our opinions and perceptions of right and wrong, and that much of the debate surrounding the application of laws involves seeking consensus and avoiding injustice.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the discussion revolves around the first norm, a law that specifies that individuals who have committed crimes against minors cannot access benefits, and questions arise about whether there should be a specific rule for people who have committed such crimes. The discussion then turns to the law's ambiguity, with examples of cases where offenders can be treated unfairly. The speaker mentions the cases of sexual abuse of minors, stating that it is injustice to leave other minors without access to aid because of the actions of the offenders. The speaker then moves on to discuss the reform of the law, wondering what is necessary to change the system, and the role of civil disobedience and conscientious objection in changing the norms. The speaker contrasts the collective nature of a group protesting against an imposition of a tax with the individual nature of the conscientious objector's decision to reject a law, and how in our case, the division of 11 is one such example of a case where the motivation comes from the desire to change the norm. The speaker states that the clinic number one will not seek a change in the law, but instead will work towards providing assistance to members of the group, and that the vocation of the civil disobedience is related to this, with a final goal of accepting the penalties while asserting one's rights as a justice defender.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of ethical citizenship, deliberation, and law. They note that while freedom of conscience and the right to practice one's beliefs are key aspects of ethical citizenship, there are common elements in both cases. The speaker mentions the phenomenon of breaking laws as a way to oppose them, emphasizing that in both cases, individuals are voluntarily pursuing a plan to oppose something they disagree with. The speaker also mentions a "gray area" when it comes to enforcing so-called difficult situations, suggesting that some individuals may act without fully understanding the legal system, the societal structure, and the ethical implications of their actions. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of the role of the justice system in making tough calls, particularly in cases where there is ambiguity. The ultimate goal of this conversation is to discuss the different ways in which individuals can navigate the legal system to defend their beliefs and practices while upholding democratic and ethical principles.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the presenters from the foundation Corona discuss their initiative of directing the network of cities with the goal of improving the quality of life and sustainability in various cities of Colombia. The initiative currently covers nearly 45 municipalities, representing about 45% of the urban population and 30% of the national GDP. The presenters then delve into the topic of public ethics, drawing attention to the three main systems of regulation that govern our interactions and decisions. First is the legal system, which is regulated by formal laws, decrees, and constitutions. Second is the social system, which involves the recognition of others through social functions. Finally, there is the system of self-regulation, which is associated with moral and ethical principles. The presenters also touch on the importance of considering the relationship between these systems and how they interact to shape our behavior and decision-making.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Sesión 4: Ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley", the speaker discusses the common belief that after a certain hour, it is possible to pass through a red light. According to the speaker, this belief is a myth, and when one reaches a decision point, they must consider the legality of their actions based on the legal code that governs traffic. The speaker also discusses the tension between cultural norms, personal beliefs, and the law, which can lead to individuals disregarding the law in favor of their personal beliefs. The speaker suggests that this conflict can lead to an erosion of trust in institutions and must be addressed to build a more just and equitable society.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the themes of transparency, participation, and law enforcement from the perspective of the service public from the administration public. The speaker highlights the importance of transparency and democracy in ensuring the functionality and efficiency of the administration public. The public's trust in the government is crucial in fulfilling its responsibilities to citizens, which include providing goods, services, and regulatory frameworks. In particular, the speaker emphasizes the significance of the rule of law and the need for the administration public to act in the best interest of the people. The speaker argues
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of ethics, morality, culture, and law in combating corruption, especially in Colombia where the confidence of citizens in institutions is low and the response to petitions can be complicated. The speaker also highlights the challenges of dealing with bureaucracy and the need for citizens to use other mechanisms such as talking to a friend or an acquaintance to resolve their problems. The speaker notes that the interaction of governments with citizens can have a significant impact on the harmonization of the三系统三зиh sistemas de regulación3 de morals, culture, and law in combating corruption.
  • 00:50:00 The fourth session of a conversation centers on topics such as citizenship participating in democratic institutions and society's role in regulating and protecting individual, cultural, and moral values. The section emphasizes the importance of armonizing these three different worlds of regulatory, social, and individual value systems, with interplay between society, citizenship, and democratic institutions. The speaker highlights the role of public administration in achieving this, and of the value of transparency and collaboration as well as citizen participation, as key to building integrity, avoiding corruption, and addressing social challenges. The session ends with an appeal for the audience to engage in promoting open and transparent governance.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the relationship between ethics, law, and citizen participation. The speaker notes that the concept of citizenship encompasses the normative behavior of shared social conscience and the determination of the future of society. The speaker argues that by improving how we manage resources and actions in public institutions and increasing the level of trust among citizens and institutions, we can create a better society. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the constant need for armonization, through mechanisms of obedience civil disobedience, social protest, participation, and civic engagement in shaping law and norms. The speaker believes that the principles, beliefs, and values can change over time, which requires a continuous effort to adapt laws to reflect social evolution. The speaker highlights the importance of transparency and open government in creating a better society.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this section of the YouTube video titled "Sesión 4: Ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley", the speaker explores the relationship between ethics and law, emphasizing the power of ethics as a broader and more encompassing concept. While laws are regulations established by governments that individuals must follow, ethics encompasses behaviors considered good or bad and is often connected to moral values. The video highlights how ethical considerations can outweigh legal regulations and discusses examples like the abolition of slavery in Colombia, which was achieved through protest and popular support. Moreover, the video delves into topics such as conscientious objection, civil disobedience, and the importance of deliberation in decision-making processes. Overall, it emphasizes the significance of considering the interplay between ethics and law in shaping a just and inclusive society.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the video discusses the relationship between ethics and law, and how these two concepts are interrelated but not entirely equal. The aspect of ethics refers to the behavior of people that is considered good or bad, and is often related to moral values. In contrast, the aspect of law refers to the regulations established by a government that individuals are required to follow. Ethics is more powerful and wide-ranging than the law, as there are often behaviors that are not regulated by laws but are still considered ethical. For example, the abolition of slavery in Colombia was decree by political parties and was a result of popular support. The process was long and forced, but those who had suffered slavery were able to form free societies through their protests and protests. Thus, the video highlights the importance of considering the relationship between ethics and law, and how ethical considerations can often trump legal regulations.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the role of ethics and judicial decisions in the application of laws. The speaker notes that there are some cases where individuals may be cleared of wrongdoing through the analysis of ethical and legal considerations, such as the case of a doctor accused of performing illegal surgeries on young girls. The speaker also points out that there may be cultural differences in how these issues are perceived, and that some cultures may not consider them to be a violation of the law. The speaker then discusses the concept of deliberation and how it can be used to make more informed decisions by taking into account various sources of information and perspectives. The speaker emphasizes that deliberation is a skill that individuals can develop and practice, regardless of their area of expertise.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the problem at hand and its capacity for change take center stage. Decision-making is seen as increased and more rational under uncertain circumstances. The use of consent-based dialogue and discussion is also emphasized to allow people to give better and improve their actions in the long run, change it from a personal or group decision to a more popular consensus. This process generally improves in the course of time. Ultimately, the goal is to find the best solution possible for everyone present.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of individual opinion and personal morality in situations where legal mandates conflict with one's beliefs. The concept of "objection of conscience" is defined, where an individual refuses to abide by a direct or administrative order that they believe is in conflict with their moral or religious principles. This concept is distinguished from "desobedience civil," which involves a more collective form of action and protest, and where the actions of one individual may not be considered desobedient. The speaker also mentions that there are individuals who may be seen as objectors of conscience regardless of whether their actions are individual or collective, such as those who refuse to salute a flag or protest against deforestation.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the concept of civil disobedience and its relationship with ethical considerations and political motivations. The speaker suggests that while both forms of opposition may have different motivations, they both require a collective effort and a shared sense of morality. They argue that the affirmation of conscience is motivated by moral and ethical aspects, while civil disobedience is fundamental in political causes. However, the speaker acknowledges that this is a contingent and not generalized characteristic, as there are many examples of civil disobedience with media coverage in scientific and cultural contexts, such as anti-racism campaigns and opposition to carrying arms.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Sesión 4: Ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley", the speaker discusses the relationship between ethics and law, specifically regarding deliberation and its implications on the concept of conscientious objection and civil disobedience. According to the speaker, conscientious objection can become a legal right if it institutionalizes, resulting in a shift from an act of disobedience to an act of respect for the law; however, civil disobedience does not have this possibility and remains a case of disobedience to the law regardless of its eventual institutionalization. The speaker then moves on to discuss the differences between conscientious objection and civil disobedience in terms of their politicized context and the social and political commitment required for the implementation of ethical values in society.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of ethical behavior within a democratic society. The speaker contrasts the view of CS Lewis, who argues that laws cannot make people good, with the idea of Aristotle that a person's morality requires a social order. The speaker also notes that the law in modern society aims to regulate everything within the realm of private life, including religion, economy, and politics. The speaker discusses the historical examples of Hammurabi's code and the Hindu legal principles that aimed to regulate various aspects of life, including religious and social norms. The speaker concludes by discussing the conflict between different types of laws, such as religious law and positive law, and the role of the government and politics in upholding them.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker highlights the different approaches to the concept of laws and the struggle between them. The two types of laws discussed are the written laws and the unwritten laws, where the written laws are those created by a legal authority and the unwritten laws are traditions and customs. The speaker argues that the concepts of individualism and collectivism, which have influenced many thinkers, have contributed to the development of this struggle. The utilitarian idea, which prioritizes the needs of society over the individual, also plays a significant role in this conflict. The speaker critiques this modern paradigm and argues that it has failed to provide an answer to the needs of individuals and society as a whole. It is due to this failure that many have started to reconsider the idea of individualism and seek ways to balance it with the needs of collective action and solidarity.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of a YouTube video titled "Sesión 4: Ética ciudadana, deliberación y ley", the speaker discusses the importance of ethics in various dimensions of modern life, including the private and public spheres, as well as the social and environmental aspects of human existence. The speaker notes that ethical considerations cannot be limited to just the personal or the political spheres, but must also take into account the social and environmental dimensions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of normative values in shaping our ethical understanding and argues that a reduction of ethics to mere rules or norms is too limited and reductionistic. The speaker concludes by suggesting that ethical considerations must be inseparable from the social, public, and environmental dimensions of life, and that these dimensions must be in dialogue with one another.
  • 01:45:00 This section of the YouTube video discusses the relationship between colonial processes and the distance between citizens' behavior and the law in contemporary Peru. The interpreter offers three brief observations on this topic. The first is that the expression does not exclusively refer to the cultural identity of Peruvian citizens, but rather to the lack of solid institutions and a functioning legal system. This issue affects all citizens, including those in power. The second interpretation cautions that the absence of understanding of legal circumstances is also a problem in the formulation and application of laws, as legal processes are often made without proper analysis and consultation with professionals and citizens alike. Similarly, thirdly, the idea that the law is only passed for the benefit of certain individuals, despite its supposed importance to the wider public interest, is a prevalent issue. The speaker mentions political party leaders who manipulate the law to gain personal advancement, contributing to a sense of distrust in the legal system.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of critical thinking in relation to the law. They argue that the law is not always an expression of what is correct, and that it is important to have a critical attitude towards it. The speaker also touches on the idea of civil disobedience, arguing that it is not an illegal or violent act of protest, but rather a means of seeking to correct injustices in the law. They also discuss the importance of respecting the law, while acknowledging that there may be situations where this is not possible or desirable.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the role of practical wisdom in moral decision-making. According to Aristotle, practical wisdom is the application of existing legal laws and norms to specific situations, and specifically to the actions of ordinary citizens. The speaker also mentions the concept of equity as a corrective of the law, and the different interpretations of this concept. The speaker invokes the book "Community without Bomb" and emphasizes the idea of renouncing individual freedom for communal rights in the context of illegal institutions. The speaker thanks the four expert guests for their contributions to the discussion, and then calls on Professor Eduardo Rueda to continue the conversation.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

The host of the YouTube video expresses gratitude towards the participants for their ongoing interest in the topic of citizen ethical deliberation and law. The video focuses on the problem of lack of trust in institutions and legality in situations that require transparency. To aid participants in their reflections, analytical and argumentative elements are presented. The session aims to facilitate deep individual and collective reflection, and the host hopes the elements presented are useful. The participants and invited guests are thanked for their involvement, and the host looks forward to meeting again for the next decision of the line in eight days.

  • 02:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the host expresses gratitude towards the participants for the ongoing relevance of the topic. The topic at hand is related to the lack of trust in institutions and legality, which are particularly problematic issues in situations that require transparency, such as those discussed by Rocío. In order to aid participants in their reflections, the hosts present several analytical and argumentative elements. The session aims to facilitate deep reflection both individually and collectively and the host hopes that attendees find them useful. The host thanks the participants and the invited guests for their involvement, looking forward to meeting again in eight days for the next decision of the line.

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