Summary of El Pastor Ricardo Cabezas entrevista a César Vidal - 28/12/22

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00:00:00 - 00:55:00

El Pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviews César Vidal about Christianity and its importance in the world. Vidal says that it is crucial for the church to have a message of reconciliation, and that those who are not thinking about following Jesus are going in the wrong direction. Cabezas thank Vidal for his teachings and wishes him a happy new year.

  • 00:00:00 The Pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviews Cesar Vidal about his new book on the first Christians, "Los Primeros Cristianos." Cabezas highlights the importance of the book and how it can help Christians understand their roots. The second part of the book covers the history of the first Christians, from their origins to the end of the 1st century. The third part of the book is about Christian theology and the first Christians' Jewish background.
  • 00:05:00 Ricardo Cabezas, a pastor in Chile, interviews Nobel Prize-winning author and politician, César Vidal. Vidal discusses the importance of understanding the origins of Christianity, and how important it is to have accurate sources when discussing the New Testament. He also points out that many contemporary Christian churches are trying to Judaize themselves, and that this is a cause for concern.
  • 00:10:00 El pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviews Chilean politician and former presidential candidate, César Vidal. Cabezas discusses how Vidal has been expelled from Israel and insists that now, Jesus is in hell suffering torment in the middle of boiling excrement. Someone who professes to be Christian and recovering roots of Christianity ignores this information and defends this book, indicating a lack of knowledge or a ridiculous and terrifying lack of understanding. I don't want to talk when, in addition, this group decides to disguise themselves as Jews and, of course, don't resemble in the slightest the Jews of Jesus' time. They dress up in clothing from the Middle Ages, for example, wearing a kipa, which wasn't mandatory in the 15th century but is after Christ. In the 19th century, orthodox rabbis didn't use kipas because it wasn't mandatory. This group is making the ridiculous of disguising themselves as Jews centuries subsequent to Jesus and also in a line of interpretation of the Bible totally Farisaic. This is something very lamentable, as another element of recent spiritual phenomena, someone ignorant of fundamental issues that appear in the Bible, for example, the letter to the Galatians which states that the law only lasts until the coming of the
  • 00:15:00 The first part of the book, "The First Christians," shows how, at the end of the first century, there was a series of measures designed to stop Christians from remaining in Jewish synagogues. These measures included the approval of a curse that was to be pronounced three times a day, and the implementation of a minim, or short prayer, which made reference to the destruction of the Second Temple. It is frankly embarrassing how well these early Christians knew the Old Testament. If they had entered into any contact with Israel, it would have been in transparent gloves. But, despite this knowledge, these people continued to follow the creators of the minim, or cursing prayer, three times a day, towards Christians as well as other distortions of the scriptures. It becomes clear that this is nothing less than shameful when one considers that today's Christians know far more about the theology of the first century than about the problems of the first century. For example, the early Christians knew that the rock on which the congregation of God stood was the Messiah, as is stated in Isaiah's prophecy, "He who is on the rock will be saved; he will never be thrown down." They also knew that this rock was Christ Himself, as is stated in the Psalm 118:22-
  • 00:20:00 The following is a transcript excerpt of a YouTube video titled "El Pastor Ricardo Cabezas entrevista a César Vidal - 28/12/22" followed by a 1-paragraph summary of the differences between the early Christian Christians and the Jews of the time. The early Christians believed that Isaiah 53 was a prophecy of the Messiah's coming, while the Jews of the time did not. The main difference between the two groups was that the early Christians believed that Jesus had already come, while the Jews did not.
  • 00:25:00 El Pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviews Chilean politician and philosopher, César Vidal. Vidal discusses the difference between his people and today's society, and how people who do not know about the Old Testament or about prophecies are ignorant. He also discusses how Christianity reveals the truth about itself by taking into account the fact that Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies. He states that this is impossible to explain by mere coincidence or luck. Vidal goes on to say that those Christians who claim to follow Jesus could easily point to the Old Testament to show that He is the Messiah. He also mentions that there are still Christian bookstores in Colombia, and that anyone interested in reading this book can find it at the Christian Development Center on Calle Chinchón #7-3, San Isidro, Lima, Peru, Monday-Friday 9am-6pm, and at many evangelical bookstores.
  • 00:30:00 Ricardo Cabezas interviews César Vidal about Peru's importance to the global agenda, Perú's rich mineral resources, and the obstacles the country faces in terms of development. Cabezas points out that, despite Perú's wealth, it does not benefit most of its population. Vidal discusses Peru's strong performance in terms of human capital, and how its status as a global producer of various minerals will help it continue to exert influence in the future. Cabezas also mentions Peru's acceptance of liberalized sexual mores, abortion, and abortion-related services as examples of how the global agenda is being pursued by the country's leaders. Finally, Cabezas points out that, in order for Peru to effectively serve the interests of the global elite, it must first be subjugated to their ideology of gender equality.
  • 00:35:00 El pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviews César Vidal about the current political situation in Peru. Cabezas believes that Dina Salazar, the president, is promoting the Agenda 21 globalist agenda at the expense of Peruvian sovereignty and freedom. Vidal believes that the fall of Castillo is due to his refusal to advance the globalist agenda and that Peru will soon be under the control of international agreements. Cabezas encourages Peruvians to learn more about what is happening in their country and to stand up against the globalist agenda.
  • 00:40:00 Ricardo Cabezas interviews Santiago Castillo's former pastor, César Vidal, about the recent political events in Peru. Vidal explains that while he supports Castillo, he sees the current situation as a chance for Christians to unite and work for the good of all Peruvians.
  • 00:45:00 Ricardo Cabezas interviews César Vidal about the upcoming elections, and what role Christians should play. Cabezas says that, as Christians, we have a voice but don't have a vote. He then recommends that, in the upcoming elections, we work to get the vote of the evangelical community to President Castilla. Vidal agrees and says that, during his time as president, he will appoint a chaplain to the palace to ensure that there is always a place for reflection and dialogue within the government. Cabezas says that, if Christians want to be able to have an impact on politics, they must be willing to step away from their positions in order for him to take over. Vidal responds that he is aware of this and understands it, but that he will still be forced to make decisions that will limit his ministry and the power that he can provide to his country. Cabezas says that this is unfortunate, but he understands it. He concludes by saying that, if Christians want to be involved in politics, they should start by becoming more independent and stop pandering to people who will always try to put them in their place.
  • 00:50:00 El pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviews César Vidal about the state of politics in Chile. Vidal says that, in his opinion, a candidate for president, regardless of their political affiliation, who promotes globalist agendas will not have his vote. He believes that, in order to keep people informed and to prevent them from being swayed by propaganda, it is important that they know the truth. He cites an example of this in the United States, where over 50% of the population does not believe in the media. Vidal also believes that the media is biased and that, in order to get accurate information, people must turn to alternative sources. Cabezas shares his own thoughts on the church's role, which he says is to call people to repentance and to reconcile them with one another. He says that the church is an example of how people from different backgrounds can live together peacefully. When the church loses sight of this message, it is losing its reason for being. The reason the church was created is to Fill the earth with the knowledge of God. When this happens, it is clear that the church is fulfilling its purpose.
  • 00:55:00 The video features El Pastor Ricardo Cabezas interviewing César Vidal. Cabezas asks Vidal about his views on Christianity, and Vidal responds by saying that it is important to have a message of reconciliation in the church. He also says that he believes that the world is changing, and that there is no other way to live than in accordance with the teachings of Jesus. He adds that those who are thinking about something other than following Jesus are going in the wrong direction. Cabezas thank Vidal for his teachings and wishes him a happy new year.

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