Summary of TAM Webinar 18: Coordinating Across Plans

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses how the Transportation Asset Management (TAM) program coordinates across plans to improve decision-making and asset management. It also discusses the benefits of asset management, including the improved understanding of roadside infrastructure and the communication of life cycle cost considerations to decision makers.

  • 00:00:00 Today's webinar focuses on coordinating across plans, with four speakers discussing how federal highways and the ASTRO subcommittee on asset management are working together to improve asset management decision-making.
  • 00:05:00 Today's webinar focuses on the benefits of coordinating transportation plans across agencies. Four speakers will discuss their experiences in this area, and the main objectives of the webinar are to help attendees build workplace knowledge of key concepts and definitions related to improving coordination, to understand specific applications to agency TAM programs, and to share lessons learned. Finally, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters.
  • 00:10:00 The ETG provides a comprehensive overview of asset management planning processes and plans. The 30,000 foot level plans cover metropolitan areas and statewide plans have similar scope, but lack a fiscally constrained document. The statewide plans may be policy-based or identify specific projects. The ETG also provides a list of planning resources.
  • 00:15:00 The presenter discusses studies that have looked at coordinating transportation planning efforts between state DOTs and local governments. One challenge is that these studies are not always financially constrained, and decision-makers in different areas may have different priorities. The presenter suggests asset management as a way to help inform decision-making and help prioritize transportation infrastructure.
  • 00:20:00 In this webinar, Mark Nelson from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will discuss the statewide asset management plan and how it relates to transportation planning. He will also discuss the policy plan, multimodal transportation plan, and system plans. Finally, he will discuss how these plans are developed with input and feedback from the public and stakeholders.
  • 00:25:00 The TAM Webinar discussed the statewide highway investment plan and its various impacts, including the breadth of the plan, the depth of analysis, and the link between capital investments and operational budget needs. The TAM Webinar also discussed how the asset management plan affects the other areas of the highway investment plan.
  • 00:30:00 The TAM Webinar discussed ways to coordinate across plans for roadside infrastructure, including assessments of risks and setting measures and targets. The Folio of Roadside Infrastructure Condition showed the condition of different roadside infrastructure types across the state. The objective of asset management is to improve efficiency and reduce costs over the life of an asset's life cycle.
  • 00:35:00 The presenter, Mark, is going to talk about the outcomes of different funding levels for the asset management plan - one of which is the impact on operational budget. He also talks about the changes that have been seen as a result of the asset management plan, including improved understanding of roadside infrastructure, inventory and establishment condition and measures, and communication of life cycle cost considerations to decision makers. He also talks about research Professor Michael Salvato's accomplishments, which include writing the new ISO 55000 standard for asset management and its associated documents and applying research on information and communication technologies for intelligent infrastructure, smart cities and urban innovation.
  • 00:40:00 The MTA has a strategic asset management improvement strategy in place to improve its capabilities for managing public assets. The strategy is driven from the operations perspective and is more about improving capabilities than it is the actual asset management itself. The MTA is also pursuing world-class asset management practices.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the increasing complexity of managing systems, and how this is being driven by the introduction of information technology. The presenter discusses the objectives and goals of the asset management program, and how they are managing the program as a change program. They also discuss the implementation of best practices and standards to help the agencies move up the maturity curve.
  • 00:50:00 This video provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities that transit asset management poses for a transit organization, as well as the steps that must be taken in order to achieve a successful asset management system. The video also discusses the Institute of Asset Management's (IAM) asset management anatomy document, which provides a framework for transit organizations to manage their assets in a risk-effective and value-creating manner.
  • 00:55:00 The presenter explains how TAM (Transportation Asset Management) coordinates across plans to create a line of sight between corporate direction and actual activities. TAM also uses a planning framework to align different levels of the company from headquarters down to the maintainers themselves. The presenter discusses how asset management is enabled by information technologies, and how asset management is taking a systems thinking approach to information. TAM has adopted ISO 14224 as its standard for asset hierarchy, and has shared its asset management information strategy with a peer review group. The presenter believes that organizational change is the heart of TAM's program, and that asset management is the backbone of this change.

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

This webinar discusses the importance of coordinating across plans, and provides various tips and tricks on how to do so.

  • 01:00:00 The TAM Webinar discusses the benefits of organizational structure changes, including process driven, integrative approaches with great information technologies. Leaders at all levels must be involved in order to achieve successful results.
  • 01:05:00 The speaker discusses how TAM uses the "10 approach" to manage transportation assets and determines when it's necessary to invest in them. Additionally, they talk about the importance of coordinating across plans, and how deteriorating conditions for local streets and roads could have a negative impact on other modes of transportation.
  • 01:10:00 The presenter discusses the various performance measures used to score local agencies' performance in coordinating across plans. The presenter also introduces the payment presentation index, which measures how much work local agencies have done in the past three years towards preventive magnets and sustainability.
  • 01:15:00 This webinar discusses how the regional transportation plan (RTP) coordinates across plans, identifies where fixes need to be made, and determines how much money needs to be spent annually to maintain at a good repair. The RTP also includes performance-based planning to ensure that the necessary money is available to make these fixes.
  • 01:20:00 The presenter discusses how highway-oriented asset management can be challenging, as different asset groups must work together to ensure reliable service. They introduce a decision criteria system to help make investment decisions, and show how pairwise decision making can be used to make better choices.
  • 01:25:00 The presenter discusses coordinating across plans, which includes integrating data across agencies. The biggest barriers and challenges are identified, including the difficulty in making decisions due to the many variables involved. The presenter also mentions the composition of the Tamak advisory committee, which does not include the presenter.
  • 01:30:00 The presenter of this webinar discusses the importance of coordinating across plans within agencies, estimating the cost of implementing asset management, and the various benefits that can be achieved from doing so.
  • 01:35:00 The presenter discussed the importance of data collection and coordination across plans, and explained that it is a difficult task to accomplish. They also explained that there is a statewide needs assessment for local streets and roads available on

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