Summary of 1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from being an LDS apologist to a non-believer. He talks about how he became interested in apologetics and how his mission helped him develop that interest. He talks about how he never achieved gospel scholar status, but was very interested in apologetics. He discusses how, over the course of a decade, he gradually came to the conclusion that Mormonism was insufficient for him, and that he eventually transitioned from an LDS apologist to a non-believer.

  • 00:00:00 Radio Free Mormon, a long-time defender of the LDS church, discusses his transition from apologist to non-believer. Although he still appreciates the work Radio Free Mormon puts out, he feels that the interviews they do are "better and more interesting" than anything he's done himself.
  • 00:05:00 John shares his story of how he transitioned from being a Latter-day Saint apologist to becoming an atheist. He says that Mormonism is like a school system where you only get to go through sixth grade. He talks about how this is what Mormonism was like for him in his experience, and he encourages listeners to ask questions during the live stream.
  • 00:10:00 This YouTube video discusses the author's transition from being an LDS apologist to becoming a non-believer. The author says that, for him, losing faith in the church was a gradual process that began with learning about different subjects that he was not being taught in sixth grade. He says that, after graduate school, he realized that the church was not telling him about important topics in his junior high and high school years. He compares mormonism to Jehova's Witnesses, saying that Jehova's Witnesses have a little bit of mormonism in that they are always repeating some of the same stuff but they also get new stuff that excited them. The author says that he has no idea why the Mormon Church decided to go this way, but he likes the framing of rfm's analogy of going to Sunday school every week and learning the same curriculum that you learned four years ago.
  • 00:15:00 A Mormon discusses how he lost his testimony after doing apologetics for 10 years, and how he eventually graduated from Mormonism by going through a self-analysis.
  • 00:20:00 This video discusses 1463, a book by John Dehlin which discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. Dehlin discusses the book's importance in his journey from Mormon to non-believer, and how it helped him establish credibility of Mormonism as a world religion.
  • 00:25:00 This YouTube video is a transcript of a former Mormon apologist's transition from believer to non-believer. He discusses how he became interested in apologetics and how his mission helped him develop that interest. He talks about how he never achieved gospel scholar status, but was very interested in apologetics.
  • 00:30:00 Jerusalem discusses how, over the course of a decade, he gradually came to the conclusion that Mormonism was insufficient for him, and that he eventually transitioned from an LDS apologist to a non-believer. He discusses how, although he still loves Mormonism and respects it, it no longer holds the same appeal for him as it did when he was younger. Jerusalem shares a quote from a recent article that resonated with him, emphasizing the importance of growing and learning from our mistakes.
  • 00:35:00 This YouTube video features a Mormon, who has recently transitioned from being an apologist to a non-believer, discussing his experiences with Mormon Sunday School and how it can be seen as a way to indoctrinate and reaffirm correlated beliefs. Rich FM recalls an experience he had where a Sunday School teacher told him the reason for keeping the word of wisdom was because it was a way to receive blessings.
  • 00:40:00 This YouTube video is about a former Mormon apologist who eventually transitioned to non-belief. He discusses how he grew bored with apologetics, how Mormonism is inadequate from an intellectual perspective, and how he eventually grew to dislike the church.
  • 00:45:00 This YouTube video profiles a Mormon who has transitioned from apologist to non-believer. He discusses his 10-year journey from reading apologetics books to no longer believing in Mormonism. He cites research and examples from the Bible to support his argument.
  • 00:50:00 The author discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He states that the more he learns, the less certain he is of the strength of his arguments. He talks about how, during his undergraduate and law school years, he would read Church-related material during lunch, which helped him develop a greater understanding of the scriptures.
  • 00:55:00 Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, sharing that he learned that when speaking in church, all he should do is quote what has been said before.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the YouTube video "1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer," Radio Free Mormon discusses his journey from being a Mormon apologist to becoming a non-believer. He talks about how he became bored with the Church and started to question its teachings. He also discusses how his realization that other people can see truths in scriptures that he had never noticed before led him to fracture from the LDS Church and become a non-believer.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He describes how his understanding of the finite and discrete number of things that we can learn about the gospel led him to realize that we cannot go beyond the boundaries of what is taught in church.
  • 01:05:00 The author discusses his transition from an LDS apologist to a non-believer, pointing out that he was able to see apologists doing the same thing more clearly with the anti-Mormon community. He then discusses the idea that the endowment as we have it today probably was not had anciently, based on the similarities between it and the story of the children of Israel from Abraham to Joseph. After submitting the paper to different venues, he received a rejection letter from the enzyme magazine.
  • 01:10:00 This YouTube video features Radio Free Mormon discussing his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He discusses how he became disillusioned with the church after researching more and writing papers on the topic. He shares how he was rejected by various Mormon organizations, including Farms, the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, and Joseph Fielding McConkey's books. The video finishes with Radio Free Mormon giving a 1-paragraph summary of his experience.
  • 01:15:00 This YouTube video discusses the author's transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, and how certain elements of the Book of Mormon led him to that conclusion. The video also includes a brief discussion of the reviewer's comments, which recommended against publication of the paper in its present form. The author writes a letter to the editor of "Journal of Book of Mormon Studies," which is accepted and subsequently published.
  • 01:20:00 In 1993, Radio Free Mormon published a paper arguing that grace is accessed through crying unto the Lord. In 1994, he published a paper expanding on this idea, which was rejected by the journal. In 2003, he published a sequel to the first paper, which was also rejected. All of this intellectual work has led Radio Free Mormon to conclude that the Church is false.
  • 01:25:00 In the 1990s, Gerardo Martinez lived in a situation where he could walk to work, and his thoughts always turned to his research on the Adam God theory, which LDS apologists taught at the time. After his manuscript on the theory got rejected by multiple publishers, an apostle's hearing revelator, Bruce R. McConkie, wrote a letter to Martinez admitting that Brigham Young had taught the theory and was wrong. McConkie ordered Martinez not to disseminate the letter, and it ended up getting disseminated. This led to Martinez being called to the woodshed by Bruce R. McConkie.
  • 01:30:00 Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, emphasizing the importance of understanding the relationships between gods and humans. He notes that it took many years to arrive at this understanding, and at times doubted his own sanity. However, in the end, he was able to arrive at a genuine understanding of god's relationship to humans, which he believes represents reality in the cosmos.
  • 01:35:00 This YouTube video discusses the transition of Radio Free Mormon from LDS apologist to non-believer. After receiving a defining revelation about the nature of divinity, Radio Free Mormon began to question why the revelations weren't coming to those who are supposed to be sustaining prophets and revelators. He then speculated that either the revelations were coming to him because he was on the right track or that prophets and revelators already believed in the Adam God Theory. He concludes the video by discussing the importance of mental stability and how these two thoughts come together to create an apprehension of self-doubt.
  • 01:40:00 The YouTube video "1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer" discusses Radio Free Mormon's transition from believing Mormon to non-believer. Radio Free Mormon discusses the various factors that led to his change of faith, including his boredom with church and his growing suspicion of religious doctrine. He also discusses the tension he feels between his faith and his skepticism, and notes that Mormons have an "almost infinite" capacity for boredom.
  • 01:45:00 1463: From TBM to RFM discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He discusses how boredom and boredom-based techniques are used to hide religious concepts from those who do not want to accept them, and how philosophical thought is discouraged in Mormonism, leading to a lack of original thought.
  • 01:50:00 Gerardo describes his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, highlighting his disdain for philosophy and his belief that revelation is always more reliable than reason.
  • 01:55:00 The YouTube video "1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer" is about a Mormon man who has transitioned from believing in the LDS Church to being a non-believer. He discusses how his experience watching a Jim Henson movie led him to realize that other people can see truths in scriptures that he had never noticed before. This realization caused him to fracture from the LDS Church, and he now considers himself a non-believer.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In the video, Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, and how he eventually became "done with the scriptures." He discusses how he began to learn about other religious texts and how they often contradicted what he had been taught in the LDS Church. He reflects on how his journey has led him to a better understanding of himself and the world around him.

  • 02:00:00 In the video, Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He describes the drastic change in his view of music after he discovered the Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack. He says that mormonism's approach to music is incredibly boring and that it has eliminated all interest in music for him. He goes on to say that the gospel is full of interesting and passionate material, and that he credits the musical with changing his life for the better.
  • 02:05:00 The speaker discusses his transition from being an LDS apologist to a non-believer. He recalls an experience in college when he watched a touring company of dancers perform above his level and showed him that there is a higher level of ability beyond what he thought existed. The same thing can be said of the church, where members believe they are at the pinnacle of their ability, only to find out there is more to life than they knew.
  • 02:10:00 In the early 1990s, the author realized that the church's teachings about "living profits trump dead profits" were not based on scripture. This led to him questioning his faith.
  • 02:15:00 Louis Mitchell wrote a book review in 1989 that was hugely important to the development of the idea that when people write about scriptures for a Mormon audience, they are not actually trying to learn anything from the scriptures but are instead using them as a pretext to confirm Mormon doctrine.
  • 02:20:00 The author discusses how he transitioned from being an LDS apologist to non-believer, and how he appreciated Professor Joseph Fielding Smith and Louis Midgley's criticism of Mormon scholarship. He notes that secondary materials often rely on authoritative statements from church leaders which can be flawed because of the neglect of the "elusive and yet fruitful particulars" found in the book of Mormon.
  • 02:25:00 The author discusses how he began to realize that the scriptures used to teach that we need to take care of ourselves in this world and resist temptations may not actually be what they're saying. He references Louis Midgley and Robert Millett, two other non-believers who have recognized this idea.
  • 02:30:00 The speaker describes how he gradually came to realize that the Book of Mormon does not teach the traditional Mormon doctrine that spirit and body are the same, but rather that the spirit is separate from the body. He relates how he was embarrassed when he realized that he had been jealous of John Twetness' ideas, and how he has since grown up and realized that sharing ideas is more important than hoarding them.
  • 02:35:00 The speaker describes their intellectual awakening and realization that they had been studying the scriptures incorrectly. He then talks about how they started to learn more about other books of the Bible and how Professor Bart Ehrman was an instrumental teacher in their journey to non-belief.
  • 02:40:00 In the video, "1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer," Radio Free Mormon describes his journey from being a Mormon apologist to a non-believer. He begins by studying various other courses, including Bart Ehrman's "Lost Scriptures." Around this time, he reads the gospel of Judas and is fascinated by its contents. He starts to learn about Gnosticism, early forms of Christianity, and other Biblical problems. He also reads "Lost Christianities" by Bart Ehrman, which helps him understand the Biblical contradictions. He continues to read various ancient manuscripts in modern form, in an attempt to prove Mormonism true. However, he eventually realizes that his goal is to prove Mormonism true in order to become a true believer himself.
  • 02:45:00 The speaker discusses how he transitioned from being an LDS apologist to becoming a non-believer, and how he came to realize that it doesn't really matter what position one is trying to prove true, as long as they are using evidence that supports their beliefs. He also reflects on how he has begun to notice his confirmation bias and how it is scary to realize how easily one can fall into motivated reasoning.
  • 02:50:00 This YouTube video by Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, and the challenges and rewards of teaching Sunday school. The speaker notes that, while scriptures can be used to justify any behavior, they are ambiguous and contradictory, which allows for two different interpretations. One person who attended the speaker's class loved it, while another disliked it because he wasn't teaching from the official church manual.
  • 02:55:00 RFM discusses how he transitioned from being an LDS apologist to a non-believer, noting that it was a gradual process that included learning about biblical studies and other religious texts outside of the LDS Church. He discusses how he eventually became "done with the scriptures" and decided to read other religious texts instead.

03:00:00 - 03:45:00

In the YouTube video "1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer," the radio-free Mormon discusses his transition from being an LDS apologist to a non-believer. He talks about how his experience as a Mormon apologist didn't provide him with a sufficient spiritual experience, and how he eventually came to understand that the Mormon culture and religion is an artificial bubble. He credits message boards and John Larson for helping him to make this transition, and promises to return for part two of his "1463" series, which will focus on his excommunication from the church.

  • 03:00:00 This YouTube video discusses the author's transition from being an LDS apologist to a non-believer. The author discusses his reasons for transitioning and how he used a number of guides and resources to better understand Shakespeare's works. He also shares a few quotes from Hugh Niblee, a prominent Latter-day Saint leader and Shakespeare scholar.
  • 03:05:00 This YouTube video is about a Mormon apologist who has transitioned to being an atheist. He discusses how it took him two years to work through all of Shakespeare's plays, and how his experience as a Mormon apologist didn't provide him with a sufficient spiritual experience. He then transitions to reading classic world literature, including quotes from Stoics like Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, and Plato. He finds that while Mormonism is insufficient on multiple fronts, it is still a viable spiritual replacement for expired Mormon theology.
  • 03:10:00 In this video, Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He highlights the impact of Stoicism on his thinking, and shares a few quotes from his book in which he expresses his growing discontent with Mormonism.
  • 03:15:00 This YouTube video is about 14-year-old Radio Free Mormon's transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He talks about how he used to read 15-20 books a year, and how during those 20 years he became a "monastic" and had plenty of time to read. He talks about his favorite books, which include Faust, Paradise Lost, and Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. He discusses how Charles Dickens was his favorite author and how, when he read Travels with Charlie, he got teary-eyed because he realized he had lived his entire life without ever reading Dickens. He says that, as Mormons, we have a natural aversion to reading anything that is not "true knowledge," and that this is why we often ignore great works of literature.
  • 03:20:00 This YouTube video discusses how radio free mormon transitioned from being a Latter Day Saint apologist to being a non-believer. He talks about how he became influenced by great literature, music, and cinema, and how Latter Day Saint beliefs no longer held the same appeal to him. He credits his love of these things to his Mormon upbringing, which allowed him to expand his mind and view the Book of Mormon and other LDS teachings in a different light.
  • 03:25:00 In this video, "1463: From TBM to RFM: Radio Free Mormon Discusses his Transition from LDS Apologist to Non-Believer," RFM discusses his transition from being an LDS apologist to a non-believer. RFM stresses the importance of reading great works of literature, music, and art outside of the LDS context, and the difficulties he had in doing so while living a full-time Mormon life.
  • 03:30:00 In this video, Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He discusses how he came to understand that the Mormon culture and religion is an artificial bubble, and how he was eventually able to break free from it. He credits message boards and John Larson for helping him to make this transition.
  • 03:35:00 RFM discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer, explaining that his experience questioning and eventually leaving the church was pivotal in his growth as a person. He promises to return for part two of his "1463" series, which will focus on his excommunication from the church.
  • 03:40:00 This YouTube video is a discussion between a radio-free Mormon and other non-believers about the transition from Mormon apologist to non-believer. The radio-free Mormon discusses how his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer prepared him for more in life, and how generous donors can help Radio Free Mormon continue his work.
  • 03:45:00 Radio Free Mormon discusses his transition from LDS apologist to non-believer. He talks about how hate and negativity towards him has helped him to focus on his work, and how he plans to retire when Radio Free Mormon becomes a full-time force. He thanks listeners for their support and invites them to donate to Radio Free Mormon's various causes.

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