Summary of 3 день

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this YouTube video titled "3 день," the speaker discusses how to create an irresistible offer to potential customers. The video outlines a systematic approach that includes identifying the dream customer, their problem, and their dream outcome, as well as understanding and resolving any conflicts they may have about making a purchase. The speaker suggests four different options for modifying the existing offer to resolve conflicts, and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing any concerns potential buyers may have. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of being willing to do things that nobody else is willing to do and finding ways to make the offer more compelling. Throughout the video, the speaker offers a variety of examples and strategies for creating an irresistible offer that will attract customers.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the previous day's exercise of putting oneself in the shoes of the buyer and understanding the conflict that arises when they become aware of a solution to their problem. The speaker reminds the audience that the conflict should be written from the perspective of the buyer and suggests using the pro con cloud method to understand the conflict better. The most powerful competitive advantages are those that give somebody a dream outcome without them having to make a trade-off or sacrifice. The speaker encourages the audience to think about modifications they can make to their offer to overcome clients' reservations, such as the paradox of freedom of choice. The speaker asks the audience to share their insights and reservations in the chat.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to address the generic types of mermaids, including the fear of giving up freedom of choice and the fear of giving up status as an expert or independent thinker. The speaker suggests that pointing out the success of famous sportspeople who all have coaches can help alleviate these fears. Additionally, the alligators, or current frustrations, that the dream customer is facing must be identified to make the offer more compelling. The speaker reminds the audience of the previous steps: identifying the dream customer and their problem, understanding their conflict between changing or not, and identifying their dream outcome and alligators.
  • 00:10:00 our offer to address those concerns? This is the approach outlined in the pro-con cloud method, which helps sellers avoid the two biggest mistakes they can make. The first mistake is exaggerating or overestimating the benefits of their product, which can turn buyers off. The second mistake is underestimating or ignoring the buyer's perspective on the full cost of the product. To overcome these mistakes, step three in the process is to explore four possible solutions to any conflict that may arise. These solutions involve adding to the product or offer to address issues that may be preventing the buyer from making a purchase, such as the need to give up something important or the fear of high effort or risk. By focusing on these solutions and avoiding the common mistakes, sellers can make more effective offers that address the buyer's needs and concerns.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses four options to resolve conflicts with potential buyers who might not be ready to make a purchase. Option 1 is to offer a "not buy" option that still gives them some of the benefits that come with purchasing the product, as a way of demonstrating objectivity and potentially converting them into customers in the future. Option 2 is to add something extra to reduce the "alligator" (i.e. perceived obstacles to making the purchase), which can include offering a downgraded version of the product, free resources like checklists, or offerings from competitors. Option 3 involves identifying under what conditions a customer is a perfect client and when they are not, and potentially offering an alternative solution. Option 4 suggests finding a completely different way to achieve what the customer wants and needs, such as outsourcing the process to experts.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the third step of their approach and encourages the audience to think outside of the box by offering something different than their current offer. They ask the audience to pick one of four options that will give them a new, compelling offer for their potential customers. They then explain how step four acts as a safety net to catch any missed fundamental factors by putting themselves in the buyer's shoes and role-playing any "yes, but" responses they receive to come up with "yes, and" responses to make their offer more robust. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing valid buyer reservations while not making excuses to stop trying to improve their offer. They also mention the psychology behind the step and how it aims to simplify the process while generating Mafia Offers systematically.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the insight that decision conflicts put people into a state of ambivalence, which is an uncomfortable state to be in because of mixed emotions or conflicting ideas about something or someone. Tolerance for ambivalence is a sign of intelligence, where one is able to tolerate opposing options in their mind and figure out which one to go for. When it comes to the sales process, there are always compelling reasons not to buy, which is easier for buyers to find. To resolve ambivalence, sellers should focus on the one or few compelling reasons to buy rather than giving many reasons, which may not be very compelling. Finally, the speaker talks about the difference between selling and serving, where honest selling is just serving, and sharing many reasons why customers should buy something is serving, rather than pushing.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of acknowledging reasons why potential buyers may not want to purchase a product or service. They suggest that by understanding and addressing these concerns, marketers can turn a resistable offer into an irresistible one. The speaker gives an example of a keto-based weight loss program and suggests asking potential buyers why they may be hesitant to invest. Some possible reasons include the effort required to adopt a new program and the expense compared to their current diet. The speaker encourages marketers to consider what they can add to their program to make it more appealing and address these concerns, ultimately creating a more compelling offer.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to address the objection of giving up bread and pasta in a keto weight loss program. One solution is to offer low-carb versions of these foods or recipes as part of the program. Another objection is the perceived cost and effort of following the program. One solution is to offer a delivery service that provides free meals meeting the program's requirements. Additionally, the speaker suggests adding a checklist of foods to avoid or a custom list based on a questionnaire to help prepare the body for the program. The goal is to provide an alternative offer that is viable for the customer and helps them achieve their weight loss goals without sacrificing their favorite foods.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker talks about different options to create a more irresistible offer. One option is to give customers a checklist to monitor their weight and emotional state, allowing them to address any obstacles that are preventing them from taking the offer. Another option is to identify a condition that would make the customer an ideal candidate for the program and share it with them during the sales process. The speaker gives an example of measuring insulin intolerance for a keto-based program. The third option is to partner with a local institute or clinic to offer an alternative to customers, such as liposuction, for those who are already morbidly obese. The goal is to turn an offer that may be resistible into something more compelling by addressing the main reasons why customers may not buy. The speaker also addresses a question about applying these options during a tender process, suggesting that it may be useful to gather information about the customer's requirements and distinguishing between must-have and nice-to-have requirements to offer multiple options.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to answer the questions in step three of creating an irresistible offer from the seller's perspective. They suggest that the four options generated in step three should be modifications to the existing offer that ensure it is a viable offer for the customer. They explain that an irresistible offer is being willing to provide something that nobody else is willing to do, like Zappos' legendary CEO's offer to pay for the shipping of shoes their customers order and return. This offer was successful despite shareholder opposition because it improved customer satisfaction, leading to more sales and high profit margins.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker talks about how it's important to be willing to do things that nobody else is willing to do in order to create an irresistible offer that will attract customers. By going to extremes, companies can figure out what it is that they need to offer in order to get people to buy. Once they have confirmed this, they can start making modifications to the offer to make it profitable. The speaker also gives an example of how they addressed concerns about their consulting services, including the concern that the services were counter-intuitive. They offered training and simulators to help people build up their intuition and overcome resistance to the ideas.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses two down sells that can be offered to address overproduction and local efficiency. He also explains the conditions under which a company should change their supply chain and offers four ways to turn an offer that's currently not viable into an irresistible one. During the Q&A, he recommends addressing price-sensitive markets by helping them understand and quantify the total cost of the product, and differentiating themselves. The speaker suggests focusing on the goal of the customer when communicating the offer in a sequence that works best for them.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

The "3 день" video discusses strategies for engaging with potential clients and improving the Pro Con method, as well as challenging assumptions and creating compelling offers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of digging into client issues and getting them to participate in a discussion. The Pro Con method encourages a focus on agreement on the problem, conflict resolution, solution agreement, and designing an experiment. Advanced analysis allows for challenging assumptions and generating additional insights. The speaker proposes a strategy of highlighting reasons not to buy and identifying missed opportunities, and assigns homework to brainstorm new offers. Tomorrow's session will focus on turning objections into better offers.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker suggests that when engaging with potential clients it's important to dig into the major issues they are experiencing and why it's important and urgent for them to solve the problem. He believes that if the client hasn't calculated how much the issue is costing them, you can help with those calculations. In order to make an effective pitch, it's important to ask questions and get the client to explain their reservations about possible solutions. The focus should be on creating a discussion and getting the client to participate in it. The speaker also explains the offer for the ProCon Cloud app, which encourages people to try it out for free and then upgrade if they find it valuable. Additionally, the speaker discusses using the layers of resistance from Goldratt's work to structure the sales story, which involves identifying any potential objections and offering solutions to address them.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the development of the Pro Con method through the Odyssey program. He explains how the program served as a research lab to constantly improve the simplicity of the thinking processes, which led to the creation of the Pro Con cloud method. The cloud method was tested extensively throughout the year, and James Holt determined that it produced faster results compared to the Odyssey program. The Pro Con cloud method follows the same levels of resistance: agreement on the problem, conflict resolution, directional and detailed solution agreement, and designing an experiment. The speaker details the advanced analysis of the Pro Con method, which offers a more direct way of challenging assumptions. Advanced analysis requires deep thinking and offers a list of conditions to help challenge assumptions.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the method of turning around assumptions to generate additional insights. For example, if the assumption is that smoking is the best way to relieve stress, the turnaround is that smoking is not the best way to relieve stress, which leads to exploring other ways such as meditating or doing more exercise. While this is an advanced method, experienced individuals can try it out. Another question asked was how to prevent copycats from taking up one's irresistible offer. The speaker suggests doing things that no one else is willing to do, making sure mistakes are held accountable and there is an incentive to design systems that won't make mistakes. By doing so, it creates a client-focused system that is irresistible to potential competitors.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, Andre discusses the strategy of pay-per-use and how it can be a compelling offer when potential buyers have reservations about purchasing equipment outright. Andre gives an example from the book publishing industry where carrying inventory can be a massive risk for the retailer, publisher, and wholesaler. However, if the printer can supply stock on consignment, it can dramatically reduce the risk for everyone in the supply chain. Andre also explains the two types of assumptions, type one being the assumptions on which we base our expectations, and type two being the assumptions that reverse our actions to realize these expectations. When facing an inconsistency between potential and action, the two assumptions that can be challenged are the assumption on which the expectation was based and the assumption that there are a lot of people that could benefit from and afford the product or service.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker challenges the assumption that people buy when given a lot of compelling reasons to buy, which is often not the case. Instead, people are searching for a single reason not to buy. The speaker proposes using a different strategy where they highlight all the reasons why someone shouldn't buy a product, except for one reason that is compelling enough to encourage the individual to buy. The session also covers how to handle options two and three, which are typically missed opportunities when people choose not to buy. The homework for the day is to go through all four options and identify changes to the offer to make it more appealing, and to brainstorm a completely new offer that is not directly related to the product. Tomorrow's session will focus on how to turn objections into an even better offer.

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