Summary of 馃敶#EnVivo | FORO La participaci贸n de la Juventud como Impulso de la Reactivaci贸n Econ贸mica Capitalina

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses how the participation of the youth can help spur economic activity in the country. The importance of preparatory education as a key element for the economic revival in Mexico is discussed, along with how academia can help support this process.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the role of youth in the economic revival in Mexico City following the pandemic. The presentation features the president of the youth commission of the Mexican Congress, Licenciada Liliana Torres Galicia, and various other authorities in the government sector. The speaker also mentions the presence of Maestro Javier Ir谩n Cabrera Padilla, Iran Cabrera Padilla, and Professor Ignacio Nava D铆az from the Inegi, the Mexican statistical bureau. The speaker also mentions the presence of Dr. Ana Lilia B谩rcenas Cort茅s, Director of the Tecnol贸gico Tl谩huac Three, and Licenciado Germ谩n T茅llez from the Inegi, who will present their remarks later in the day. The youth are also present in the audience, represented by the diputada Adriana Espinoza de los Monteros.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the importance of youth participation in the economic revival in Mexico City. It highlights the growth of jobs created in businesses that are low impact, as well as the growth of commerce and construction in the City of Mexico, specifically in the sector of construction. In terms of investment, the City of Mexico is experiencing a historic record of foreign direct investment (FDI). This year, so far, 17,282 new jobs have been created through these low-impact businesses. Additionally, the sector of participation and exercise of works is one that is growing rapidly, with a 200 percent annual growth rate. This is important to point out, as construction is one of the economic sectors that has a significant multiplier effect on other economic sectors. Finally, the role of young women in all this is emphasized. There are a series of financial products for business owners, including a development fund managed by the Economic Development Secretariat, which offers financing for entrepreneurial ventures, especially for young women.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the participation of youth in the economic revival in Mexico City, and introduces the speaker, Claudia Sheinbaum, who is the Secretary for Economic Development for the City of Mexico. The speaker invites young people to participate in the economic revival by starting their own businesses, and discusses the importance of education in this process. She also introduces the speaker, Germ谩n T茅llez Leal, who is the Subdirector of State Distribution for Difusi贸n in the State of Mexico. T茅llez Leal discusses the importance of youth participation in the economic revival, and shares his experience working with youth in this area.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Inegi director of communication, Germ谩n T茅llez, shares the institute's perspective on the effect of the pandemic on the Mexican economy. According to Inegi, in 2020 and 2021, Mexico experienced an excess of mortality, with over 700,000 deaths expected in 2020 and over a million in 2021. This led to a 70% decrease in economic activity in the city, with businesses closing down and many people losing their jobs. T茅llez also mentions the increase in diseases due to the pandemic, including cancer, diabetes, and lungs. Finally, he talks about the impact the pandemic had on the city's economy, citing the example of a small business that lost most of its customers due to the pandemic.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the youth's involvement in the economic revival in Capitalista. It starts with a discussion of women, who, it is said, have contributed to the country's current economic situation. The video then looks at young people, who are, it claims, the backbone of the economic forum. It discusses the issue of employers, noting that, although the majority of workers are between the ages of 21 and 30, the wages of these employees are often low. The video goes on to state that, in order to increase the number of jobs, the government needs to focus on smaller businesses that employ the same people who generate economic output. It also suggests that the wages of these workers be increased.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the importance of youth involvement in the economy, and how this can be done through various means, such as through the legislature. It also discusses the importance of having a prepared academic background in order to meet the challenges of the current economy. The goal of the Commission on Reactivation Economic Capital (CRECC) is to create conditions for the population of the city to have access to all services and opportunities for economic stability and growth. This is important because it gives a sense of inclusivity to youth, which can help them lead the way to a better future. The media have a very important role to play in this, especially social media.
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses how the youth can play an important role in the economic revival in Mexico City, and presents a strategy for their inclusion. The strategy focuses on improving educational quality and reducing social and economic disparities among young people, as well as providing access to needed services. Finally, the video discusses ways to reduce barriers to employment for young people and promote human rights.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses how the participation of the youth is an important impetus for the economic revival in the Capital.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses how the participation of the youth is an important impetus for the economic revival in the Capital.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, the importance of youth participation in the economy is discussed. The video discusses how youth participation can help spur economic activity in the country.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how the participation of the youth is an important impetus for the economic revival in the Capital.
  • 00:55:00 The first panel of this YouTube video discusses preparatory education as a key element for the economic revival in Mexico after the pandemic. The panel includes a professor from the University of Mexico, a professor from the Tecnol贸gico de Tl谩huac, and a professor from the Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Tl谩huac. The panelists discuss how preparatory education can help improve plans for studies, and how the public can participate in the discussion. The next panel will be moderated by the professor Ignacio Nava D铆az, and will discuss the role of academia in the economic revival.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses the importance of youth participation in the economic revival in Mexico City, and how the universities can help by providing training in business and entrepreneurship. It also discusses the gap between the north and south of the country, and how the government should invest more in the south to help it catch up.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses the importance of education in the economic revival of Mexico City, and how preparatory academic training is essential to achieving success in fields such as technical work, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The speaker gives examples of how skills such as emotional intelligence are important in the workplace, and how resilience is essential for overcoming adversity. He stresses the importance of considering these skills when preparing for academic study, and encourages young people to consider pursuing them as part of their preparatory curriculum.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the importance of youth participation in stimulating the Mexican economy. The skills that are necessary to face today's challenges and adversity are discussed, followed by tips for young people to be successful in the workplace. Another important point is the importance of breaking paradigms and being open to change, which young people can achieve by studying in an open and diverse way and by being active in their field of study and in the economy as a whole. Finally, the importance of leadership is emphasized, as is the need to have different attitudes and behavior under different circumstances.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how youth can help contribute to the revitalization of the Mexican economy, and presents some of the projects that the Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Tl谩huac has undertaken in this regard. It also talks about the problems with neoliberalism and traditional capitalism, and how education needs to change its approach to focus more on social and cooperative enterprises.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses the need for economic revitalization in Mexico, and how the youth can play a role in this process. The two main points that the video makes are that there is a need for better-paying jobs, and that equality between men and women is a necessary part of this. It also mentions the low level of social mobility in Mexico, and the critical importance of having an optimistic outlook when it comes to poverty and inequality. The video then goes on to discuss how the youth can help to bring about these changes, by creating businesses that are socially and environmentally sustainable.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the Mexican economy and how social and solidarity economy businesses are struggling due to a lack of access to essential services, such as hospitals, and insecurity. However, when looking at hopeful indicators for the south of the country, it is actually lower than the north. This is due in part to the percentage of economically active population, which is lower in the south than the north (37.5% vs. 47.5%). In terms of education, the south has a similar percentage of analfabetism to the north, despite the north having more students enrolled in school. In terms of the economy as a whole, the Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad indicates that in order to improve this situation, we need to invest in infrastructure, prioritize education reform in rural areas, and develop technologies to bring quality healthcare to rural areas and improve access to quality education for all students. Finally, I would like to mention that the government has also made a commitment to create 254 social and solidarity economy nodes throughout the nation, which will work together to help businesses in struggling areas.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the importance of youth participation in the economic revival in Mexico, and the ways in which cooperatives can be a successful part of this. The video highlights the improvements made in the study of the market by the cooperatives, their increased marketing and electronic communications, and the government's support for the cooperatives. The video also introduces the students' enterprise project, Bisect, which is an example of successful youth-led entrepreneurship. The students discuss the importance of community and social involvement, and how cooperative work helps them gain these skills. They also reveal that they are currently working on a project to install photovoltaic cells in a rural agricultural area, and are in talks with a university to create a cooperative program in agricultural engineering.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the importance of youth participation in the Mexican economy, and how their education can help contribute to the country's economic revival. It also points out the importance of the Tecnol贸gico Nacional de M茅xico (TNM) in this regard, as it has helped to strengthen the country's education system overall. In terms of the future of Mexico's education system, this video highlights the importance of increasing the number of graduates who enter into professional careers.
  • 01:35:00 26 students from every 100 who start basic education in Mexico finish a college degree, but two main challenges remain: the educational debt crisis and the pandemic. One challenge is that the pandemic has caused social and health consequences, as well as economic ones. Another challenge is that, in light of the new context, students' education profiles need to be adapted to the needs of the globalized world. In addition, online courses should be included in degree programs to prepare students for working in distance mode. Another important topic that should be covered in degree programs is stress management. Employability skills should be developed in degree programs related to law, economics, engineering, and administration, as well as renewable energy and industrial sectors. Degree programs should also include topics related to stress management, such as how to cope with stress at work or in home. Working from home can be stressful, and degree programs should include topics on how to manage stress in the home.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses how the youth can help revive the economy by participating more in the workforce. It also mentions the importance of having transdisciplinary education, and discusses how universities should make efforts to connect their technology institutes with businesses or employers.
  • 01:45:00 This 1-paragraph summary is about a YouTube video titled "馃敶#EnVivo | FORO La participaci贸n de la Juventud como Impulso de la Reactivaci贸n Econ贸mica Capitalina." The video covers the importance of youth participation in the economic revival in Mexico City. It discusses how the youth can help by participating in cooperative businesses, and how the universities can help by providing training in business and entrepreneurship.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses the role of youth in the economic revival in Mexico City. It cites studies that show that students bring a spirit of entrepreneurship and that they are studying in universities, which demonstrates their desire to contribute to the economic development of their families in the city. Institutions of higher education, such as the universities, can capitalize on this spirit by strengthening the connection with the city government and institutions of education superior, such as technological institutes. The proposal is to allocate funds to establish business development centers with technological institutes, including social and cooperative ventures. Youth will then be able to formalize and develop projects within universities, but also within consumer cooperatives and tourism in the southeast sections of the city. This is a great opportunity that should be explored through academia, with producer cooperatives and tourism enterprises in southeast Mexico being explored in more detail. Many thanks to all the speakers for their excellent presentations. We will now have questions and answers. Do any of you have questions right now? Yes, we do. One question is about what type of markets should be explored to start a business. Another question is about the most complex and important markets for starting a business, and that is the social and cooperative economy. I would like to give this response to the maestro
  • 01:55:00 In this video, a discussion is held on the impact of the external environment on the economic development of Mexico City. Two main points are made: the gap between health and education is due to external factors, such as the country's access to foreign markets, and the south of the country is disadvantaged in this regard. Regarding the economy, external factors have had a more pronounced impact in the north of the country, while the south has more resources to develop. The main point of this video is that both the north and south of the country have significant potential, and the government should invest more in the south to help it catch up.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This video discusses the importance of youth participation in the economic revival of Mexico City. It discusses the challenges that the education system is facing in adapting to the changing economy, and how youth participation can be an important part of solving these challenges. The video also discusses how government support for education can be increased, and how student-teacher relationships can be strengthened.

  • 02:00:00 This video discusses the importance of youth participation in the economic revival in Mexico City. It discusses the challenges that the education system is facing in adapting to the changing economy, and how youth participation can be an important part of solving these challenges. Some of the challenges that the education system faces include lack of resources, inability to connect with industry, and lack of infrastructure. The video also discusses how government support for education can be increased, and how student-teacher relationships can be strengthened.
  • 02:05:00 The video discusses how the youth can play a key role in the economic revitalization of Mexico City, and provides a brief summary of the upcoming table discussion.
  • 02:10:00 In this video, the importance of youth participation in the economy is discussed. The video discusses how youth participation can help spur economic activity in the country.
  • 02:15:00 The video discusses how the participation of the youth is an important impetus for the economic revival in the Capital.
  • 02:20:00 This video discusses the potential benefits and challenges that youth face when trying to get involved in the Mexican economy, specifically in the aftermath of the pandemic. The speaker discusses the need for employers to be aware of the restrictions that workers may face due to lack of internet access, and the need for government to make sure that the workplace is accommodating for those with disabilities.
  • 02:25:00 The youth are a key factor in the economic revival in Mexico, and they are playing an important role in finding solutions to the problems that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. In this video, a licenciate in economics, Cecilia Aldana, discusses some of the issues that youth face in the market, such as low wages and lack of security. She also discusses the importance of education and certificates in the current economy. Finally, she discusses the importance of subcontracted work and the lack of specialization among youth.
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses the re-entry of the economy, and how young people are playing a role. It discusses the importance of data, and how young people are concentrating in the microbusinesses sector. The presenter proposes that the government help young people to finish their studies and pursue better-paying jobs, as this is what helped them during the pandemic.
  • 02:35:00 This student discusses their experience starting and running their own business, and the benefits that came with it, such as learning the ropes of business, monetization methods, and teamwork skills. While there are challenges to entrepreneurship, the student emphasizes the importance of working together as a team to overcome them.
  • 02:40:00 This video discusses how university students can help to promote the economic revival in Mexico City. The participants discuss their experiences in entrepreneurship and share advice for others who want to start their own business. The next speaker, a teacher at an institute, discusses how to engage students in learning and how to motivate them to achieve their goals.
  • 02:45:00 The video discusses how to support young people in order to help the Mexican economy as a whole. It discusses how to delegating a responsibility to university students, and how their wages are minimal, even with those incomes. It also discusses how to promote local consumption, and how to focus on conscious consumption. It also discusses how to support young entrepreneurs.
  • 02:50:00 The video presents a discussion of the importance of youth participation in the economic revival of capital cities, and offers recommendations on how to foster such involvement. The speakers discuss the challenges youth face in today's economy, and recommend that students gain skills in both technical and non-technical fields, as well as have a strong sense of social justice and empathy. They also mention the importance of creating local businesses that are both socially and environmentally sustainable, and advise young people to become more involved in their local communities, as well as learn about global issues. Finally, the speakers discuss the need for young people to have a positive attitude towards finance and entrepreneurship, and to learn about sustainable practices from an early age.
  • 02:55:00 In this video, the presenter discusses the reasons why so many young people in Mexico do not want to pursue higher education or work. One main reason is that they are not interested in working or studying because they are focused on taking care of their families. Another reason is that the country's economy has been in decline for a long time, and many young people are not able to find jobs.

03:00:00 - 03:35:00

The video features a discussion by a panel of experts on ways in which the youth can help revive the economy in Mexico. The panelists recommend various strategies, including consumer spending, involvement in the creative economy, and entrepreneurialism. They also discuss the importance of creating a more inclusive economy for the youth.

  • 03:00:00 In this video, a youth participant explains how the economy can be revitalized by engaging young people. She says that 60% of the population wants to participate in the economy, but that there are many obstacles to their participation. She says that one obstacle is that young people don't have the financial resources to invest in the economy. Another obstacle is that young people aren't engaged in their education or their hobbies. The participant offers five suggestions for engaging young people in the economy: training them in soft skills, creating markets for their products, partnering with large companies, creating consumption markets, and creating competition. She says that if small businesses and middle-sized businesses could produce more than they consume, the economy would be revitalized. However, she notes that large businesses are the ones that dominate the market, and they are not interested in competition.
  • 03:05:00 The panel discusses how to best engage young people in the economy, and how to support them in their efforts. They also touch on theimportance of creating a context for growth, having capital, and having a business plan. The panelists also discuss the importance of differentiation, and how to identify a young entrepreneur with a significant difference in either price or quality.
  • 03:10:00 The speaker welcomes the licenciada Carla Vanessa Arteaga Lara, who is a graduate of the Iberoamerican University and has participated in the youth leadership group led by Senator Ricardo Monreal in the Senate of the Mexican Republic. She has also been appointed as National Coordinator of Vulnerable Groups and an environmental activist. Next, the speaker relinquishes the floor to the licenciada Carla Vanessa Arteaga Lara. Carla Vanessa discusses her background in business international relations and her experience leading the Real youth group, which is led by Dr. Ricardo Monreal. She talks about how Generation Z differs from other generations in terms of how we approach consumption and how we are more adaptable to changing trends. The speaker then goes on to talk about how we became aware of the pandemic through social media, and how Generation Z has become especially passionate about social media because of it. She cites the example of Ast茅rix and Belinda, two popular French comics, which became popular among Generation Z due to the pandemic. She concludes by stating that this generation is changing the way the economy is operated, and that we should take advantage of the opportunities that social media provides us.
  • 03:15:00 In this video, a student, Mar铆a Fernanda Flores, describes her experience as a student and her work in the engineering field. She says that, although the current recession has impacted her generation more than previous ones, she is still hopeful for the future. She shares some statistics about the World Economic Forum's report, "Young People and the Labor Market: A 19-Country Study" which shows that, even before the recent health crisis, young people were having difficulty integrating into society and working. She also talks about her experience with a dual-purpose entrepreneurship workshop she took during her current semester. This workshop taught her how to run a business and delegate tasks to others. Flores concludes by talking about her plans for the upcoming holiday season, which involve selling tacos made from her family's recipe at a local restaurant.
  • 03:20:00 In this video, a student discusses the challenges faced by young people in the current economy, and offers ideas on how to overcome those challenges. She also mentions the pandemic and how it has affected many people, including those in the workforce. She concludes the video by discussing how many of her classmates have already graduated, but are still without jobs or stable incomes. She asks the audience what they think should be done to help young people in the future.
  • 03:25:00 The speaker discusses how Generation Y, which did not achieve full retirement, is responsible for saving for their own retirement. They share a story of how an influencer helped them with their decision to buy a product. Generation Y is prone to consumerism and is therefore responsible for the current state of the economy. They recommend focusing on social and solidarity economies instead of individualistic ones.
  • 03:30:00 The video discusses how the youth can be an impetus for the economic revival in Mexico. It features a panel of speakers discussing the importance of the youth in the economy, as well as their concerns about the current state of the economy. The panelists recommend various ways in which the youth can help revive the economy, including through their consumer spending, their involvement in the creative economy, and their entrepreneurialism. The panel ends with a discussion of how to create a more inclusive economy for the youth.
  • 03:35:00 The video discusses the youth's role in stimulating economic revival in the Capital.

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