Summary of Stay on the path of Christ

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the importance of staying on the path of Christ, with various sections highlighting different aspects of this theme. There are references to Advent and the birth of Jesus, as well as discussions on specific Scripture passages such as Ecclesiastes 3 and Joshua 1. The speaker emphasizes that staying on the path may involve trials and tribulations, but ultimately leads to blessings and growth in the nature of Christ. Additionally, the video warns against turning away from the path and following the ways of the world or taking on false beliefs. The overall message stresses the value in staying faithful to God's call and fulfilling the work given to each person.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker begins with a prayer and emphasizes the importance of walking in the path of righteousness that Jesus Christ has laid before us. The video then transitions to the third week of Advent where the third candle is lit, representing joy. The coming of the Messiah is discussed, with some fearing and opposing him, while others long for his coming and the new life he would bring. The wise men from the east are mentioned, as is the prophecy that "gentiles shall come to thy light and kings to the brightness of thy rising". The video ends with a verse from Numbers and Matthew describing the birth of Jesus and King Herod's troubled reaction to the news.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the transcript, the speaker retells the story of King Herod and the wise men who came to find the Christ child. Herod, who had gathered the chief priests and scribes, demanded to know where the Messiah would be born. When the wise men arrived in Bethlehem, they saw the star that had led them there and rejoiced with great joy. They found the young child with Mary, his mother, and presented gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. However, they were divinely warned not to return to Herod, so they departed for their own country another way. Joseph was also warned by an angel to flee to Egypt with the young child and his mother, as Herod sought to destroy the child. We are reminded of the joy of the Lord and the prophecy that the Messiah would be called out of Egypt.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video turns to a musical interlude featuring the song "Joy to the World" and "God Bless You Mary Gentlemen." The video highlights the importance of remembering the true meaning of Christmas as the holiday season can often become overwhelming with consumerism and forget the birth of Christ. The video asks viewers to "stay on the path of Christ" and find comfort and joy in his teachings rather than getting caught up in the commercialism of the holiday.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, a group of people are singing Christmas carols and discussing which song to choose. They settle on number 11 from the book, but realize they don't remember how it goes. Amidst the playful banter, someone bursts into a heartfelt rendition of "O Holy Night".
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the third Sunday of Advent and references Scripture passages in Isaiah and John. Isaiah 9:6-7 prophesizes the coming of Jesus, who is called the wonderful counselor, mighty god, everlasting father, and prince of peace. He will rule on the throne of David, and there shall be no end to his government and peace. In John 1:19-34, John the Baptist denies being the Christ and instead identifies himself as the voice of one crying in the wilderness, making straight the way of the Lord. The Pharisees ask John why he is baptizing since he is not the Christ, Elijah, or a prophet. John responds that he baptizes with water, but there is one among them whom they do not know, and he is not worthy to unloose this person's shoe ratchet.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the idea that everything happens according to God's plan and there is a time for everything. He quotes Ecclesiastes chapter three and explains that there was a set time for Jesus to come, and everything is happening according to God's plan. The speaker then goes on to read from Philippians chapter 2 verses 1-11 and explains that Jesus humbled himself and became a servant, even to the point of allowing himself to be crucified. The speaker emphasizes that every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is lord to the glory of God the Father.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker reflects on the joy of Jesus Christ being the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He mentions how everything in the world, including the demonic realm, will ultimately have to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, and that this is a cause for celebration. He then asks if anyone remembers the popular song based on the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 and talks about the importance of taking a break during the session.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the importance of staying on the path that God has laid out for believers to follow. He explains how everyone's walk with Christ is unique, but ultimately God wants each person to stay focused and not turn to the right or left. The speaker draws from Joshua 1, where God gave Joshua the same direction to stay on the path. The path includes many trials and tribulations, but these are designed by God to build character and help one grow in the nature of Christ. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying on the path despite the difficulties that may come along the way.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses staying on the path of Christ and the importance of walking in God's ways and commandments. He emphasizes the command to not turn to the right or left and to stay on course with the book of the law. The speaker mentions that there are blessings and strength in doing so, and that the church is in need of repentance but the remnant must remain on the path. He also shares a testimonial of a man with mental deficiencies who was given a ministry by God because another person refused it. The man's story illustrates the importance of walking in God's call and doing the work He has for us.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the importance of staying on the path that God has laid out for you, and how once you step out on that path, you can't step back. He references Luke 9:62, where Jesus says that no one who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. The speaker explains that when you plow with a horse, you have to keep your hand on the plow and stay focused on the path ahead, otherwise the plow will stray from the straight path. He also notes that sometimes people will try to direct you in a different path, but ultimately you must listen to what God is telling you and stay on his path, no matter what obstacles or persecution you may face.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how Jesus wants us to walk just as he walked and how Jesus never deterred from his old path even when faced with challenges and persecution. Jesus stayed on the path set for him by his father and in John 17:4, he states that he has finished the work he was given to do. The speaker notes that each person's path and calling is different and emphasizes that a mother's path to raise a family and care for them is just as valuable in God's sight as that of an evangelist. Additionally, the speaker highlights the role of intercessors who work with God secretly and receive their reward as well. The section emphasizes the value in staying on one's path and fulfilling the work given to them by God.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying on the path of Christ and not turning away, even in the face of difficulty and darkness. He references Joshua, who faced giants and bad people in the promised land but stayed faithful to God and ultimately drove them out with God's blessing. The speaker also notes the current state of the nation, which includes a government and neighbors set against the church, and emphasizes the need for repentance and faithfulness in the face of evil. He cites examples of Christians promoting evil, such as abortion and "Chrislam," and warns that God cannot wink at this and there will be a judgement. The speaker also discusses the current election and the legal challenges, but ultimately emphasizes that the focus should remain on Christ and staying on the path.

01:00:00 - 01:40:00

The speaker warns of dark days to come, with civil war and heavy persecution against the Church looming, and urges listeners to stay on the path of Christ. He emphasizes that staying on this path takes self-control and temperance, and that the three things that can pull us away from it are the love of the world, the flesh, and the pride of life. Despite the challenges and temptations of the flesh, the speaker urges listeners to seek the Spirit's path and remain faithful unto death to receive various crowns and rewards. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners to follow God's commandments and to gracefully accept the blessings that God has given to us through other people.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the transcript, the speaker warns that dark days are coming and that there will likely be civil war and heavy persecution against the church, no matter who wins the election. He notes that the military is preparing for this possibility by moving assets around the country and setting up frontline command centers. Amidst all this turmoil, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying on the path of Christ and running the race that is set before us. He warns that it would be easy to get off track in the face of all these challenges but encourages listeners to trust in God and seek His path each day.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses Paul's advice on running the race towards a prize. He mentions that in a race, you compete with others, but only one wins the prize. Paul urges everyone to run to win the prize, which is the crown of life. The speaker emphasizes that running this race takes self-control and temperance in all things, especially when facing persecution. He urges listeners to keep their body under control and bring it into subjection in order to receive the prize. The three things one needs to fight are the world, the flesh, and the devil. Ultimately, the prize is imperishable, and those who run with the purpose and stay the course will receive it.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, we learn that there are three things that can pull us away from the path of Christ: the love of the world, the flesh, and pride of life. Loving the world means making idols of activities such as fishing and sports, things that are not wrong to do, but can become obsessions. We also learn that the veil of the tabernacle represents satan and ourselves, as we choose not to go before the throne of God. To turn away from the lust of the flesh, we have to walk in the Spirit and seek the Spirit's path. Fighting against the flesh is difficult, and often, the flesh can be demonically inspired.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the battle between the flesh and the spirit that exists in every person. The body can get addicted to things, both good and bad, and there is a constant struggle between doing what is right and what is wrong. Additionally, believers must be cautious of the widespread use of the internet, where many individuals succumb to pornography addiction. Again, the spirit's guiding force can help believers overcome the temptations of the flesh. The speaker also reminds believers that they will ultimately be judged for their works according to scripture, and the works should be built on gold, silver, precious stones, true religion, and a true walk with God. False teachings and doctrines will ultimately fall when faced with tribulations.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of building a foundation in Christ and not on other things, as those who build on the wrong foundation will suffer loss. He also mentions the Bema seat of Christ, where everyone will receive rewards for their ministry work based on whether they did good or bad. The speaker also talks about the crown of life, which is the martyr's crown, and encourages listeners to be faithful to death and not fear persecution. However, those who stay on the path will go through trials, but they will come out the other end and receive their reward.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses various types of crowns that one can receive by staying on the path of Christ. These crowns include the victor's crown or the incorruptible crown that is awarded to those who strive for mastery, the crown of life or the martyr's crown that is given to people who are faithful unto death, the soul winner's crown or the crown of rejoicing that is awarded to those who win souls to Christ, the crown of righteousness that is given to those who love the Lord and seek Him and His righteousness, and the crown of glory that is given to people who feed and provide an example to the flock. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying on the path of Christ to receive these rewards.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of following the path of Christ, which is the living way described in the Bible. Psalm 119:35 explains that this path involves following God's commandments. Conversely, Proverbs 1 and 4 warn against following the wrong path, which involves joining with evil and wicked people who may lead us astray. The speaker notes that even Christians may fall prey to this temptation, citing statistics that show many white evangelical Christians voted for Barack Obama despite his policies that supported abortion. Ultimately, the speaker urges listeners to stay on the good path that God has set forth for us.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the importance of walking on the path of righteousness and following the judgments and equity of God are emphasized. The passage from Proverbs 4:26 encourages believers to think about where they are walking and the path they are on. Timothy's letters emphasize the importance of fleeing from the love of money and following attributes such as righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. Meekness is defined as being kind and solid with the presence of the spirit of God. It is important to understand the fine line between not accepting rewards for good deeds, and accepting blessings that God wants to bestow upon us.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of gracefully accepting blessings that God has given to us through other people. He then quotes from 2 Timothy 4:7, emphasizing the need to finish our course and keep our faith until the very end. The speaker encourages his listeners to stay on the path of righteousness, to fight the good fight, and to not turn away from God's word. He concludes with a prayer for his listeners to remain on the path of Christ and follows up by inviting viewers to contact him for further guidance.

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