Summary of The OSI Model and TCP/IP: Explained

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

The OSI model is a framework that helps to understand how traffic flows across a network. TCP/IP is built on top of the OSI model and it is important for the OSI model refresher exam. The OSI model has seven layers, with the first four layers dealing with the physical aspects of communication and the last three layers dealing with the data. The network layer is the most important layer as it defines IP addresses and transports data.

  • 00:00:00 The OSI model is a framework for understanding how traffic flows across a network. TCP/IP built on top of the OSI model, and it is important for the OSI model refresher exam. The OSI model has seven layers, with layer 1 being the lowest layer and layer 7 being the highest layer. The presentation layer validates the data that is being sent.
  • 00:05:00 The OSI model is a seven-layer model that describes how computers communicate with each other. The first four layers deal with the physical aspects of the communication, while the last three layers deal with the data. The network layer is the most important layer, as it defines IP addresses and transports data.
  • 00:10:00 The OSI model is a complicated system designed to help traffic move from one step in the process to the next. The model is made up of seven layers, with each layer encapsulating the data from the layer below it. When an email is sent, the data travels from the application layer to the presentation layer, then to the session layer, and finally to the layer 4 information layer. The destination port is chosen based on well-known SNMP ports, and the source IP address is set to the computer's own IP address plus the client's IP address. The data is then forwarded to the router, which updates the destination IP address to match the server's IP address.
  • 00:15:00 The OSI model is a model of how networks work, and the TCP/IP model is a simplified version of the OSI model. The TCP/IP model is based on the layers of the OSI model, with the network layer representing layer 2 and the transport layer representing layer 1 combined into one layer. The application layer is above the network and transport layers.

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