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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

In this YouTube video, the speaker discusses the concept of morality and the differences between true and pseudo morality. True morality involves an innate rejection of actions that benefit oneself at the expense of others, while pseudo morality is learned and rote. The speaker also discusses the existence of two types of people based on their moral values and how they may be genetically predisposed to certain behavior. He describes the importance of distinguishing between true and superficial morality and the transformative power of morality in shaping individuals and society. The speaker also outlines two categories of people based on their moral codes and plans to use them as a reference in his future work.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the concept of two types of morality: true morality and pseudo morality. True morality refers to an innate rejection of actions that benefit oneself at the expense of others, while pseudo morality is learned and blindly copied from societal traditions and customs. The speaker suggests that individuals with true morality are a minority, as the majority lack the ability to continue learning in adulthood. The speaker also discusses the difficulty in differentiating between these two types of people due to the active process of interbreeding between them. Examples from literature and personal experiences are provided to support these claims.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the existence of two types of people based on their moral values. He shares his personal experience of meeting different individuals and noticing a stark difference in their perception of the world and intellect. He also mentions his observations from online dating experiences, where he found that most women he interacted with had a similar disdainful and utilitarian attitude towards men. This leads him to believe that there are two distinct biological types of humans emerging, with a growing inability to reproduce between them. He further highlights the mutual aversion and derogatory language used by individuals from these two groups to refer to each other. The speaker mentions the need for people with morals to behave differently, and how these differences are reflected in their language and interactions. He also teases the upcoming discussion of three stories that he intends to share.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker describes two stories of betrayal and how they affected him. In the first story, a friend returned from the army changed and became infatuated with another woman, betraying his wife. The speaker was shocked and distanced himself from the friend. In the second story, the speaker was betrayed by someone he considered a close friend and collaborator. This betrayal deeply affected him, causing him physical pain and making him empathize with how a woman can feel when a man betrays her. The speaker emphasizes the importance of trust and the lasting impact of betrayal.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses three different stories that all involve a shift in morality or betrayal. The first story involves a person who used to be a part of the men's movement but turned against it and began promoting patriarchy and the killing of men. The second story involves a police officer who saved lives by shooting a drunk driver in order to stop a potentially dangerous situation. However, the officer was later judged by society for his actions. The third story highlights instances where people have been betrayed or deceived by those who they thought were morally upright. The speaker emphasizes that these stories illustrate the common occurrence of betrayal and moral change in society.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the difference between true morality and conventional morality, highlighting how conventional morality has a tendency to change polarity. He gives three examples of individuals who portrayed conventional morality but abruptly switched to unethical behavior. One of these examples involved a man who committed a violent crime without any reason. The speaker points out that while most cases follow the standard narrative of good people turning bad, there are occasional instances of the opposite happening. These shifts in polarity can occur due to various reasons such as fear, external pressures, personal gain, mental illness, or simply a desire to deceive. The speaker also mentions a study conducted by an academic who successfully domesticated wild foxes and observed different behavior types amongst them. Overall, he emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between true morality and superficial morality.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a documentary film that explores the concept of morality and its impact on human behavior. The film presents a case study on foxes, where their genetic makeup changed over generations as they became more friendly towards humans. The speaker draws a parallel between this genetic loyalty and morality in humans, suggesting that morality can also influence a person's intellect and moral character. They outline the qualities of individuals with true morality, including a desire for personal growth, respect for diversity, and a compassionate attitude towards others. Conversely, individuals lacking true morality exhibit behaviors such as deception, violence, and a disregard for the environment. The speaker emphasizes the transformative power of morality and its ability to shape the quality of individuals and society as a whole.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses two types of people and their moral codes. He mentions that one type consists of individuals who disrespect and insult others, engage in constant competition for high social standing, and prioritize their own self-interests. These individuals lack objective criteria for determining good and evil and only prioritize their own well-being. The speaker suggests that these individuals adhere to a conventional morality that brings them personal benefit but disregards the well-being of others. He also mentions that he plans to use these two categories as a reference in his future work on the development of the men's movement.

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