Summary of Darwin y la evolución

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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

Darwin's theory of evolution is one of the most important scientific theories of all time. It was controversial when it was first published, and Darwin himself faced a lot of criticism. However, his work has stood the test of time and is still relevant today.

  • 00:00:00 Charles Darwin, an amateur naturalist, was aboard the HMS Beagle when it sailed to South America in 1831. His mission was to survey the coast of South America, but the most important part of his voyage was to explore the natural world around Cape Horn. He had great luck to be on the ship, as his father had refused to let him go. Darwin's observations on his voyage led to the theory of evolution, which challenged the idea of divine creation and placed nature at the center of the creation. Darwin's voyage changed the world and his ideas are still relevant today.
  • 00:05:00 During the five years of his voyage on land, Darwin spent a great deal of time exploring South America, collecting and classifying the diversity of the jungle he found there. He was fascinated by the fact that so many different species lived in such a habitat, and he continued collecting and classifying organisms until he died. He wanted to understand evolution, and he wrote these famous words in a letter to a friend: "There is no limit to the number of changes which can be made in the beauty and infinite complexity of the adaptations of organic beings to their conditions of life." He was a naturalist who was also a philosophical thinker. He was interested in the causes of things and was not just a collector or classifier. During his voyage, Darwin experienced a crisis of faith when he described his world of evolution, where an implacable nature that evolves endlessly replaces a supposed benevolent creator. He wrote a book about it. Two young men, with a lot in common, became good friends during this time.
  • 00:10:00 Darwin's discovery of the theory of evolution led to important advancements in understanding the natural world. One of his most important discoveries was that species can be related to each other through shared anatomical structures, which he called "archetypes." Today, archetypal research is still used to help scientists understand the relationships between different organisms. One of Darwin's most famous archetypes was the human hand. He was able to compare the anatomy of different species of animals and find that they shared many similar features, including the arrangement of bones in the hand. This insight helped him to develop his theory of evolution, which explains how species change over time.
  • 00:15:00 Darwin's idea that species are similar because they share similar organs or areas was initially based on natural selection, which he saw as a way to classify organisms based on their abilities. However, as he continued to collect data and compare different species, he began to see similarities between them that suggested a common ancestor. This idea eventually led him to the theory of evolution, which holds that all living organisms are descended from a single ancestor that has evolved over time. Today, scientists use genetic evidence to support some of Darwin's ideas, such as the fact that humans and chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA.
  • 00:20:00 In the early 1800s, Charles Darwin observed that the land on Earth was constantly moving, with some parts moving up and others moving down. He theorized that this movement had taken place over a long period of time, and that it must have taken millions of years for the land to be able to support so many different species of life. Two years ago, Darwin's HMS Beagle sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and doubled the dangerous Cape Horn Cape. After completing a historic voyage across much of South America, the Beagle made its way to the Galápagos Islands, an exotic archipelago famous for its unique looking wildlife. Darwin's friend, Captain FitzRoy, visited the islands and found them to be a "terrible scene," full of creatures that Darwin had never seen before. However, Darwin was utterly fascinated by the islands and spent the next three months surveying and collecting data on the archipelago's wildlife. Eventually, Darwin realized that the adaptations of the different species of Galápagos wildlife could only be explained if the islands had been isolated for a long period of time. He began to speculate about the process of natural selection, and how variation and selection are responsible for the evolutionary process. Dar
  • 00:25:00 Charles Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle began in 1831, and he would continue writing his theory of evolution for nearly three more years. It would still be decades before his work would be published. On January 12, 1836, the HMS Beagle landed on the island of Síndico, near the coast of Chile. The locals had told the crew about enormous mountains in the blue sky, a few days' journey away. Upon arrival, Darwin saw the immense valley between the trees and immediately wondered how it could have been created. His first impression was that the valley was the result of erosion, but he was then concerned that there hadn't been enough time for the valley to be eroded over such a large area. He speculated that the land might have been much older than he'd imagined. Suddenly, Darwin had a series of ideas that he felt were treasonous and maybe even blasphemous. He began to feel ashamed of himself, and perhaps even suicidal. As he began to think more treasonously and perhaps even atheistically, his health began to deteriorate. When he married, he knew that he might die at any moment and that the childbirth was inevitable. Despite these risks, Darwin bore a child within two months
  • 00:30:00 Darwin's body often left home to perform his experiments in his garden and greenhouse, often with his children by his side. A few years later, several of his children died. Each death affected Darwin deeply, to the point where he may never have recovered. In particular, the death of his 10-year-old daughter, an illness that took her in 10 days, was the most devastating. After her death, Darwin dedicated a letter to his daughter. It seems to be a letter of apology for creating God in her innocent, beautiful form, and for giving her so much pain. Darwin tried to overcome his pain by submerging himself in his work as a scientist. He consulted with biologists, geologists, and farmers from all over the world, gathering data for his theory. Eventually, Darwin had to publish his theory. He chose a young scientist, Alfred Russel Wallace, to review his work. Wallace found many of Darwin's theories to be similar to his own, and even sent him a manuscript to approve. Darwin hesitated, but Wallace convinced him to go ahead. In the end, Darwin's risk paid off, as Wallace's article nearly duplicated what Darwin had already written. Wall
  • 00:35:00 Lyeron en público en Londres ante la sociedad científica, primero la expuso darwin porque fue el primero en formular la y después Wallace leyó lo que le había enviado por correo, el origen de las especies por medio de la selección natural fue publicado en junio de 1859 y fue ampliamente estudiado y discutido en círculos científicos y privados, y lo que ocurrió es algo muy inusual para un libro científico se convirtió en sujeto de debate público por lo que omitía el origen de darwin, no hablaba de dios ni de humanos estas eran las dos cuestiones que todo el mundo quería saber querían saber quien proponía realmente estaba proponiendo una teoría atea sobre la naturaleza y, realmente estaba proponiendo que los humanos descendemos del mono
  • 00:40:00 Darwin's work on evolution was controversial at times, and he eventually committed suicide due to a mental illness. Despite this, he was a prolific writer and had a successful career. He never spoke publicly about his beliefs, and his work did not cause a revolution, but may have been the reason why the church later pardoned him. Darwin died on April 19, 1882, at the age of 73. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

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