Summary of Notion Masterclass: Build a Task Manager from Scratch

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00:00:00 - 00:55:00

This video demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch in Notion, using tables, relations, views, and filters. The task manager is designed to be easily organized by parent/child relationship, and can be color-coded by task status.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, the creator explains how to build an advanced task manager from scratch in Notion. First, they create a full page in Notion called "All Tasks." Next, they add columns for name, done, and next do. They create a master task database called "Ultimate Tasks" and add a column for recur interval. They create a relation called "Recur Interval" and paste in the formula for recurring tasks. They also create a relation called "State" and paste in the formula for a task's current status.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Thomas Frank explains how to build a task manager from scratch. First, he defines some terms and concepts, such as tasks, due dates, and recur intervals. Next, he shows how to create a task state, a select property, and a kanban state. He then shows how to create a tag column and a priority column. Finally, he shows how to use filters to make new rows take on a specific property by default.
  • 00:10:00 This video demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch, using a relation to the all tasks database and subtasks and parent tests.
  • 00:15:00 In this Notion Masterclass, the presenter demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch. First, they create a gallery inline table called "projects" and delete all of the rows. Next, they create a relation between tasks and projects, and create a template for new projects. They also add a property called "archive" to the project database, which lets them archive old projects. Finally, they create a linked view to all tasks and create a custom view for the project database.
  • 00:20:00 The video demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch, including filters for getting tasks done. The task manager can be used to automatically set project properties, priority, and kanban stage.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, the creator of the Notion task manager template demonstrates how to duplicate a table view, rename it, and give it a new type to create a board view. They also show how to create a project view and how to clear the task from the template.
  • 00:30:00 The video demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch, using the "ultimate tasks from scratch" template and the "new" and "project" buttons. First, the video shows how to delete all tasks from the project. Next, the video shows how to create a new project, and then generates a task from the template using the "project" button. The video shows how to create a new view, called "daily tasks", and shows how to create a forcing function to automatically populate new rows with today's date.
  • 00:35:00 In this Notion Masterclass, creator John Papa walks viewers through the process of building a task manager from scratch. He starts by creating a linked database of all tasks, creates a view containing a linked database of filtered tasks by date, and creates various filters and sorts to make managing tasks easier.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Notion Masterclass creator Ryan Carson walks through the process of building a task manager from scratch. He begins by creating a forcing function to force tasks to the first listed item, sets a priority for the tasks, and creates filters to clear tasks out of the inbox and archive. He also creates a table view to organize tasks by stage and priority, and a list view to organize tasks by date and state. Finally, he shows how to duplicate and customize table and list views, and how to move properties around to make them easier to use on the go.
  • 00:45:00 This video demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch, using Views and Filters. The tutorial covers how to create a priority view, and how to use a forcing function to ensure tasks with the same priority are grouped together.
  • 00:50:00 In this Notion Masterclass, the presenter demonstrates how to create a task manager from scratch, using tables and filters. Task priority is determined by the parent task's priority, and subtasks are related to their parent tasks using a template.
  • 00:55:00 In this "Notion Masterclass" video, Thomas Frank shows how to create a task manager from scratch, using a template. The template allows for easy organization of tasks by parent/child relationship, and color-coding for different statuses.

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