Summary of 8-31-2022 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors is discussing the future of the county, including the potential for growth and the need for infrastructure. They also discuss the need for a change in government, citing the many problems with the current system. The board is working on a framework to guide local governments in reducing emissions, and they are working on an implementation playbook to guide implementation of the framework.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors is discussing the future of the county. They discuss the potential for growth, the need for infrastructure, and the need to keep residents safe.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights. The speaker suggests that the reason for the separation of the United States into two countries was due to the beliefs of certain people who did not respect the opinions of others.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker calls for a change in government, citing the many problems with the current system. They mention examples of how the current system is not working, including the fact that people are too distracted to critically think. The speaker urges Californians to vote in favor of Proposition 31, which would end the sale of candy-flavored smoking and vaping products.
  • 00:15:00 Public health educator Diane Grace is concerned about the high potency marijuana products being sold in San Diego County, which she says can have devastating effects on users' mental health. She urges the Board of Supervisors to consider regulating the percentage of phd concentrates that marijuana businesses can sell.
  • 00:20:00 The speaker discusses why they think the county's proposal to increase fees for Vacate and Mcclellan airports is inappropriate and goes on to say that the county should not own any airports.
  • 00:25:00 The presenter provides an update on the regional decarbonization framework, which includes plans for implementation with community outreach and engagement. The scale of this effort to tackle the climate emergency cannot be achieved in silos by individual governments or businesses, and it will require a collective action to be successful. Equity-centered approach would position the region competitively for public and private investments while ensuring that workers and underserved communities are not left behind.
  • 00:30:00 The San Diego County Board of Supervisors is working on a framework to guide local governments in reducing emissions. The framework is based on studies by UC San Diego and the University of San Diego, and includes work on creating high-quality green jobs, housing and transportation options, and agricultural practices. In addition, the board is working on a implementation playbook to guide implementation of the framework. So far, the board has presented the framework at four global conferences and local meetings.
  • 00:35:00 The 8-31-2022 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting will discuss the implementation of the integrated framework for climate action. The goal is to reach all stakeholders, including experts in specific topics, and to create an implementation playbook based on best practices from local governments. The first step will be to draw out actions that each individual business and local government can take on their own, followed by building upon those actions to explore what can be done at the county level and in community-wide actions. Finally, the presentation will highlight potential next steps for the framework.
  • 00:40:00 The San Diego County Board of Supervisors is considering adopting the three components of the integrated regional decarbonization framework. The technical report, workforce study, and implementation playbook will be the bridge between the studies and the implementation actions. The implementation playbook will include ideas for regional actions that the board could initiate, such as a regional analysis of emissions sources and measures to address them. This regional climate action plan would be a voluntary effort among participating local governments to collectively propose measures and timelines for reaching our mutually agreed upon goals to get to zero carbon emissions.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting, in which 22 requests to speak will be made. Nine e-comments were submitted, all of which were in favor of allowing the public to speak. The board will begin with in-person speakers, and those in favor of allowing the public to speak will be given the opportunity to speak first.
  • 00:50:00 The speaker, Joel San Juan, thanked the Board of Supervisors for their work on climate change and outlined some of the union's concerns with the proposed framework. Sean Elias, Christina Margdez, Jim Whalen, and Matt Adams spoke next. Sean Ellis, a political organizer for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union, said their members are in support of the framework but want more urgency in looking at hydrogen hubs and finding real solutions to climate change.
  • 00:55:00 The electricians' union is supporting clean energy initiatives, and specifically wants the county to consider incentivizing the deployment of electric vehicles. The union also appreciates the discussion, and is interested in participating in upcoming workshops.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses the various proposals related to climate change and sustainability that were presented at the San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting. The citizens who spoke at the meeting were mostly in favor of the proposals, citing the environmental and economic benefits of carbon farming and ranching.

  • 01:00:00 The speaker supports the climate action plan, but notes that electric vehicles, water conservation, and electricity usage are all important issues. He asks for community input on those topics, and finishes by mentioning that water is critical in all of these areas.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the importance of implementing the Regional Decarbonization Framework, and highlights the need for accountability and implementation plans. It also discusses the disparities that exist among different populations in regards to climate change, and calls for policies and programs that focus on equity.
  • 01:10:00 The caller urges the supervisors to set a goal of 2030 for transitioning to a decarbonized society, citing the global heat wave and drought as evidence that action needs to be taken now. They also recommend using clean renewable energy, like solar, wind, and battery microgrids, to power the county. Finally, they stress the importance of healthy soils and recommend a non-toxic integrated pest management program.
  • 01:15:00 The San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting on 8-31-2022 discussed concerns about the county's failure to create a growing ordinance to prevent hemp cultivation that is violating the 2018 farm bill requirement that hemp grows are limited to 0.3 percent of the eac border. Officials requested cannabis analyzers to detect an unofficial profile and distinguish marijuana from hemp, but without county provided public information the public can hardly be expected to recognize a permitted versus an unpredicted grow. The dilemma is two-fold: the process is complaint driven where only the sheriff's department has jurisdiction over unpermitted growth, and the county has failed to create a growing ordinance to specify which chemicals pesticides and herbicides are allowed and which would be prohibited in order to protect watersheds plants and animals.
  • 01:20:00 The speaker discusses the benefits of rooftop solar and the importance of campaigning to educate and raise the alarm about the potential of implementing the Rods of Demeter. They advise the audience to be vigilant about the dangers of chemtrails and 5g radiation and to stay in their lane, understand their power, and recognize that government will never be able to fix things on its own.
  • 01:25:00 The speaker from the California Apartment Association discusses the progress of the regional climate action plan and the importance of carbon farming to mitigating climate change. She discusses the challenges of transitioning to a carbon-neutral economy and the effects on the workforce. She finishes with a call for more inclusive economics in carbon farming.
  • 01:30:00 This video discusses the need for the County of San Diego to address degraded soil issues, which are a contributing factor to climate change and nutritional deficiencies. The author discusses how the County is attempting to address these issues by collaborating with other local jurisdictions, and focusing on infrastructure development. The video also discusses the need for the County to address issues of an environmental transition and the economic transition going hand in hand.
  • 01:35:00 The Supervisors discuss the importance of infrastructure and electricity in the upcoming year, and how they will be working together to address these issues. They also talk about the need to take into account agriculture and water in their sustainability initiatives.
  • 01:40:00 Today, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors discussed six items that will form the foundation of the county's climate action plan update. Measures and support for the implementation of the regional decarbonization framework were also discussed. Among these items were a plan, two reports, and three programs. If these items are not approved, then reports and programs related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions will be completed and implemented.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the County's Zero Carbon Portfolio Plan, which includes measures to increase renewables content and energy procurement, as well as energy efficiency and proactive energy monitoring. The plan also focuses on replacing natural gas with renewable energy at County facilities. Staff are working to secure funding for the plan through the County's budget process.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses various proposals related to climate change and sustainability, including a tree planting program, a carbon farming program, and a hydrogen fueling stations report. All of these proposals are supported by the public, with the exception of the hydrogen fueling stations report, which has received seven negative comments.
  • 01:55:00 This YouTube video provides a transcript of a San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, during which citizens are allowed to speak in favor or against a proposed pilot program to incentivize adoption of carbon farming and ranching practices as part of a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The citizens present support the program, citing a number of environmental and economic benefits.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

The 8-31-2022 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting will discuss various ways to reduce emissions and improve air quality, including the development of pilot programs to test different strategies and the creation of incentives for businesses to switch to electric vehicles.

  • 02:00:00 The speaker discusses the climate crisis, how carbon farming can help address climate change, and how agricultural producers have taken on the practice on their own. They ask for additional support from the county, including subsidized equipment and seed.
  • 02:05:00 SDG E, a public affairs organization, is speaking on behalf of its 4500 colleagues in support of the county's ambitions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. The organization supports the county's goals to address climate change, but has several concerns with the county's proposed climate change initiatives. Audra Ellis and Sean Ellis, representing the opposition, address the board. Ellis points out that the lithium battery industry is toxic and that the solar panels and lithium leech fields are not feasible or sustainable.
  • 02:10:00 This video discusses the importance of building electrification in order to reduce climate change, and cites examples of how this would improve San Diego County's economy and quality of life. Several speakers advocate for the passage of an electrification item on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors' agenda, and one describes her experience as a volunteer with a group working to secure this goal.
  • 02:15:00 This video is about the health of children and adults suffering from asthma and COPD, and the community being educated and engaged if the information is spread by word of mouth and online. County officials must take urgent steps to transition all buildings to all-electricity, in order to future proof new structures and prevent the expansion of dead-end fossil fuel infrastructure. There are nearly 60 jurisdictions in California already having an all-electric reach code for new construction, and the county must also develop a sustainability action options report and establish a target date for when all methane gas must be decommissioned in existing buildings. Continued collaboration and engagement with labor leaders is critical to ensure fossil fuel workers have access to high road jobs as the region pursues decarbonization. Environmental justice communities are prioritized, and county officials must demonstrate a commitment to climate action equity by taking these steps.
  • 02:20:00 This video discusses how 8-31-2022 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting aims to reduce emissions by transitioning county landscaping crews and contractors over to battery-powered lawn maintenance equipment, help secure funding for an equitable trade-in and buyback program to assist sole proprietors and small landscaping businesses make the transition to electric landscaping equipment, and enact a ban on gas powered leaf blowers once funds are available for number two above. The health hazards posed by gas powered lawn maintenance equipment are an environmental justice issue for workers, children, and our most vulnerable populations. We hope the county will join the 50-plus cities and jurisdictions across the state who have already passed electrification ordinances and have a plan to phase out natural gas systems from our buildings.
  • 02:25:00 Edawkin, a contributor to the crazy agenda, gives a talk on the circular economy. She wants us all to rent everything and own nothing, and also mentions converting all county electric accounts to renewable energy by 2030. She also has an equity driven tree planting program, a racist equity lens for planting trees, and a 100,000 dollar consultancy for more potemkin ev chargers and hydrogen fueling stations. She also has spiderwebs and tumbleweeds. The chair asks her questions, and she ends by saying that government has never worked for the good of humanity, and that people need to take back their power.
  • 02:30:00 The eight supervisors present at the meeting discussed various ways they plan to address heat-related issues in San Diego County, with several recommending the development of pilot programs to test different strategies. One suggestion was to create incentives for businesses to switch to electric vehicles, and another was to build more energy resilience into older buildings. Additionally, the supervisors discussed the need to expand the tree canopy in the county and to develop a regional plan for the tree program.
  • 02:35:00 The purpose of the video is to introduce the upcoming 2020 San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, during which supervisors will vote on various initiatives related to the future of the county's workforce. Included in the discussion are proposals to build internal capacity and hire consultants to support these initiatives, as well as the need for continued public engagement.
  • 02:40:00 The San Diego County Board of Supervisors is considering a proposal to create an environmental justice program, which would incentivize the conversion of existing natural gas appliances to electric ones. This proposal is part of an effort to prepare for the 2020 cap update, which will require the county to increase its efficiency.
  • 02:45:00 The organic materials ordinance update was presented to the Board of Supervisors and requests that they adopt a recommendation to amend the zoning ordinance and regulatory code. This supports the department of public works' strategic plan to reduce waste and the county's regional decarbonization framework. There have been changes to organic material management in the last year due to changes in state laws and the update is specifically about making it easier to set up composting practices in the unincorporated area.
  • 02:50:00 This slide illustrates how the zoning ordinance in San Diego County shapes organic material processing. Farms, businesses, and homeowners are allowed to process their own organic materials, while community gardens are limited to processing materials from garden members. The proposed project would build on the progress the county has already made in organic material processing and make it easier for those who want to set up composting practices.
  • 02:55:00 The 8-31-2022 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Meeting provides an overview of the local planning permits that are relevant to this project. The project will expand composting options by reducing the required local planning permits, while taking public health and safety into consideration. Finally, the project will increase capacity for organic materials processing within the unincorporated county while taking into account farmers' current costs and allowances for on-site composting.

03:00:00 - 03:25:00

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors is considering a new ordinance that would allow for the composting of food waste. Some members of the public are concerned that the ordinance is too voluntary and may lead to job losses, but others argue that it is a necessary step in transitioning the county to a more sustainable model of waste management.

  • 03:00:00 The proposed ordinance changes would allow community gardens to process organic materials from community members, as well as allow agricultural operators to process their own organic materials on site. Commercial composting would be allowed on any farm outside of villages and can be processed with lower level permits than the existing conditions.
  • 03:05:00 The speaker discusses the benefits of food waste being turned into compost, noting that this ordinance will allow local businesses to partner with farms to create a regional closed loop system. She also notes the importance of education in order to ensure that composting is done correctly.
  • 03:10:00 Local 230, a labor union representing waste management workers in San Diego County, is proud of its new ordinance aiming to transition the county's waste management system from a linear to a circular model. However, Audra Twist, one of the two members of the public speaking against the ordinance, argues that the proposed pilot programs are too voluntary and might lead to the destruction of thousands of jobs.
  • 03:15:00 The video discusses San Diego County's Board of Supervisors' decision to include bugs as part of their food system. The narrator, Nathan, expresses his concern that this proposal is not sustainable and will lead to a meat shortage. He also points out that the proposal is based on green gas and dubious claims about the benefits of renewable energy infrastructure. The video concludes by noting that the project will benefit residents, farmers, and gardeners, and that the use of organic material as part of regional decarbonization efforts is standard practice.
  • 03:20:00 This YouTube video is a transcript of a San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, in which public health educator Kelly McCormick asks the board to provide factual information about the health effects of marijuana. Unfortunately, due to industry pressure, the bill that would have required warning labels on marijuana products was gutted. This leaves it up to local jurisdictions to perform this basic public health duty, which people cannot make informed decisions if the only information they receive comes from the marijuana industry.
  • 03:25:00 This video features parents who have firsthand experience with marijuana use and how it has affected their children. They urge other parents to be aware of the dangers posed by high concentrations of marijuana products, and stress the importance of county investment in effective consumer education.

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