Summary of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Role-Play Demo

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video showcases a role-play demonstration of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in which a therapist helps an individual manage their anxiety and negative thoughts related to job interviews. The therapist introduces the concept of the ABC model of CBT, where A stands for Activating Event, B stands for Beliefs, and C stands for Consequences. The therapist guides the individual through identifying automatic thoughts and underlying beliefs driving negative thought patterns, and helps them reframe their beliefs using evidence from past successes and failures. The therapist also emphasizes the importance of behavior activation, encouraging the individual to seek out job training and support from friends.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Susan, the therapist, explains the confidentiality agreement and when she would have to break the trust that the patient has in her if she suspects any immediate risk of harm to the patient or anyone else outside of the room. They also discuss the intake form that the patient completed a few days ago and how it is used to get a general sense of the patient's personal and medical history. Susan introduces the concept of cognitive behavior therapy, which is a type of treatment they use, and explains how it aims to address feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and how they all connect with each other. They talk about what the patient hopes to achieve through therapy, which is to succeed in getting a desired job opportunity, and the excitement that comes with it but also the fear of losing it in case of failure.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, a therapist conducts a role-play demo with a patient who is struggling with anxiety and worry following a job interview. The patient is concerned about saying and doing the right things, and is constantly wondering if they performed well enough during the interview. The therapist helps the patient by prompting them to reflect on their thoughts and feelings during the interview, and acknowledges the mental energy required to both answer questions and wonder what the interviewer is thinking. The patient reports feeling exhausted and nervous, with anxiety affecting their eating and overall comfort levels since the interview.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the therapist talks to the individual who is worried about potentially saying the wrong thing post-interview and also worries about not receiving the job offer. The therapist acknowledges and understands that there are many things swirling in the individual's mind. They then introduce the ABC technique, which is a cognitive behavior therapy approach to thinking, feeling, and behavior. The technique aims to help individuals identify their automatic thoughts and how they affect their feelings and behaviors.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the therapist explains the ABC model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), where A stands for Activating Event, B stands for Beliefs, and C stands for Consequences. The therapist shows the model and applies it to the individual's problem of interview stress, with "interview stress" being the activating event. Consequences, in this case, can include emotions like feeling sad or nervous, as well as physical sensations like feeling tired. The goal is to figure out how to move the map and find a way out of the problem or make it less severe.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the therapist guides their client through identifying their thoughts and beliefs during a role-playing exercise. The therapist emphasizes the importance of identifying automatic thoughts as well as underlying beliefs that contribute to negative thinking patterns. The client shares various thoughts related to the job interview process, including fearful predictions and self-criticism. The therapist pushes the client to explore these thoughts further and identify the underlying beliefs driving them, such as feelings of failure or hopelessness.
  • 00:25:00 CBT therapist conducts a role-play session, they discuss identifying negative thoughts and how they can contribute to negative emotions, such as feeling sad, upset, or worried. The therapist encourages the patient to identify the worst negative thought from a list of options, which in this case is the belief that the patient will keep failing, leading to feelings of anger and frustration. The therapist uses a visualization technique to help the patient focus on this thought and work on reframing it to reduce its impact on their emotions.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the therapist explains the concept of a "hot thought," which is a thought that causes intense emotional reactions. The therapist introduces a technique called "shoeing the fertilizer," which involves playing devil's advocate with oneself and examining evidence for and against a thought. The client provides evidence for their hot thought, such as past failures and fear of future failure, and the therapist encourages them to consider both sides of the argument.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the role-play demonstration of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) continues with the discussion of evidence that supports the belief that the patient will keep failing, especially in job interviews. The therapist encourages the patient to provide evidence to support this belief, and the patient cites past lack of preparation, unsuccessful job interviews, and a general feeling that things won't go well. However, the therapist also notes that the patient's gut feeling may not necessarily be a strong piece of evidence. Then, the demonstration shifts to playing the prosecution, and the therapist asks for evidence that contradicts the belief, which prompts the patient to mention a job landed through an interview and some jobs that were just easier to get.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the therapist is conducting a role-play with the patient to use past experiences as a way of learning for the future to combat the patient's belief that they will keep failing. The therapist prompts the patient to identify past successes and uncertainties, and encourages them to use their past experience to better prepare for similar situations in the future. Through this process, the therapist is able to help the patient shift their negative belief into a more positive one, using their past experience as evidence that they can succeed in the future.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, the therapist and patient are discussing the patient's belief that they will always fail when it comes to studying certain topics. The therapist asks the patient to rate their commitment to this belief when they first came in, and the patient rates it at 100%. However, through the therapist's questions and guidance, the patient's commitment decreases to 70%. They discuss using past experiences, even negative ones, as a way to improve their chances in the future and guard against future failures. The therapist emphasizes that CBT is not just about thinking their way out of problems and suggests that they continue to work on this belief in future sessions.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, a therapist and patient use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to work on behavior activation to improve the patient's outlook on job interviews. The patient initially believed that a 70% job failure rate was inevitable, but the therapist encouraged the patient to think about specific ways to change their mindset and behavior, such as seeking out job training and talking to friends for support. The therapist also encouraged the patient to imagine what advice they would give to a friend in a similar situation, which helps to separate the patient's negative self-talk from objective reality.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker is discussing with the individual about the 70% number of outcomes and how their attitude can change it. They talk about how it's beneficial for individuals to get help with interview prep, training, and resume work. They also mention healthy optimism and doubt in regards to the future. The speaker then proposes that they come up with a new thought that is less extreme than the hot thought they started with, such as "Maybe I won't fail" or "I could be successful." The importance of preparation is emphasized as a key factor in achieving success.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

The video demonstrates a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) role-play between a therapist and a patient. The therapist helps the patient reframe their negative thoughts into more positive ones to improve their overall success without putting pressure on them to succeed every time. Together they identify the patient's emotions and thoughts during a scenario and assign homework to help the patient improve their thought patterns. The therapist also encourages the patient to practice the "My ABC" technique of externalizing their thoughts, which involves writing down an event that occurred, the feelings that arose, the behavior that occurred, and what they want to think instead. The therapist concludes the session by reassuring the patient and indicating a willingness to meet with them again.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the therapist and the patient discuss the patient's original thought that they need to do something in order for something else to happen. The therapist suggests reframing the thought to "If I prepare, I'll be more successful," which the patient agrees to. They discuss how this thought can improve their overall success without putting pressure on them to succeed every time. They also discuss how thoughts and actions are interconnected in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and how changing one can positively impact the other. The therapist then asks the patient to rate how much they believe in the new thought and discusses how it can impact the patient's emotions.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the therapist guides the patient in identifying their emotions and thoughts during a role-play scenario. The therapist notes the importance of changing how we think about something to affect how we feel about it, drawing on a long tradition of CBT. The goal is to change negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety or sadness and replace them with more positive ones. Additionally, the therapist assigns "life work" as homework assignments to help the patient improve their thought patterns and ultimately their life.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the therapist explains that the patient will be given a piece of paper called "My ABC" to take home and practice this technique of externalizing his thoughts. The patient is instructed to write down an event that occurred, the feelings that arose, the behavior that occurred, and what they want to think instead. It is emphasized that this skill is a practice and a skill that can be applied to different situations, and that it is important for the patient to try to do it at least once. The therapist also explains that the journaling is not for everyone, but this technique is a short, concise, and to-the-point method. The patient can choose what he wants to talk about each session, whether it is something that happened recently or something from the past.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the therapist concludes the session by telling the client that not receiving specific news should not be a cause for worry. The therapist also asks the client if she had any other questions before ending the session and thanks her for sharing everything. The therapist suggests that the session provided a beneficial starting point for the client and indicates a willingness to meet with her again.

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