Summary of Webinar MaaS Kenniscafé 'Welk beleid voor deelmobiliteit?' op 15 november 2022

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this webinar, the participants discuss the topic of policy for shared mobility, emphasizing the importance of shaping policies that promote car-sharing, bike-sharing, and other forms of shared mobility in cities. They also highlight the need for coordination, communication, and collaboration among stakeholders to effectively implement policy decisions. The speakers share their experiences and insights on the implementation of car-sharing initiatives, the challenges of integrating mobility solutions with public transportation, the importance of inclusivity and open dialogue, and the role of government and market in facilitating alternative transport options. They also discuss the decision-making process for implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) systems, the challenges faced in scaling up MaaS solutions, and the evaluation of MaaS pilots in the Netherlands. Overall, the webinar emphasizes the need for collective ambition, vision, and standardized regulations to achieve successful and sustainable shared mobility policies.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the group discusses the topic of policy for shared mobility. The participants are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions on the subject, which can be done through Pol or the chat. The first question in the quiz asks "Why are you attending today's webinar?" The question is directed towards those who are interested in shared mobility, and their answer will determine whether they are active in making policy for shared mobility or just interested in the topic. The first speaker of the day is Sascha van Kooijen from KNV, and the moderator explains why they are here and why they have chosen to discuss shared mobility as the topic for this month's knowledge café.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Sandero Me Toosi, a friend of Mila Dankjewel, discusses the importance of the Maaslab project, which aims to promote multimodal transportation and de
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the section discusses the current state of policy regarding shared mobility in the municipality. The presenter notes that the on-demand deployment of shared vehicles, such as scooters and carshares, is seeing growth in the area, with the number of scooters and automobiles having increased, while other shared vehicles, such as bicycles, have a smaller market presence. The presenter emphasizes that shared mobility can have a significant impact on society, positively and negatively. Then, it is discussed the importance of mixed-modal transportation, where choosing the appropriate mode of transportation is key, especially when considering the use of primary and secondary vehicles. The presentation continues with suggestions for shaping the policy of shared mobility that could include budget allocations, tax zones, parking management, and urban space design, as well as highlighting the aspects that are worth considering for municipal policymakers when implementing policies that promote car-sharing, bike-sharing, and other forms of shared mobility in their city.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the transcript excerpt, the panelists discuss the importance of policy in regards to mobile parking. They mention that coordination and communication between different parties are essential to effectively implement policy decisions. The panel also touches on the need to take into account the spatial and mobility systems impact of mobile parking solutions, instead of treating it as a niche. Additionally, they discuss the possibility of bringing up new topics such as the role of new technologies or regulations to achieve the desired results. The panelists agree that a focus on vision is necessary for the long-term success of mobile parking solutions and that it's important to design policy to be both effective and efficient. Finally, the panel highlights the importance of networking and collaboration, as well as the need for ongoing monitoring and adjustments to achieve desired outcomes.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses their experience with the implementation of car-sharing initiatives in the city of Rotterdam. They mention the success of the program, with a decrease in the number of cars on the road and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. They also touch on the importance of collaboration between different stakeholders to achieve this kind of success. Additionally, they mention the importance of monitoring and standardizing processes to ensure success.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the discussion focuses on the challenges of deelnelijk mobiliteit, specifically the lack of understanding of the concept among stakeholders. The conversation highlights the need for open dialogue and shared knowledge to ensure the effective implementation of policies aimed at increasing the appeal of mobility solutions to groups with lower income and improving inclusivity. While there are ongoing projects related to this topic in different locations across the Netherlands, there is a lack of clarity about how to effectively engage with these initiatives. The conversation touches on the challenges of integrating mobility solutions with public transportation and ensures that both parties can engage in productive dialogue. The discussion also raises questions about how to measure the success of these initiatives and how to ensure their long-term sustainability.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the concept of 'welk beleid voor deelmobiliteit?' (what policy for sharing mobility?) and argue that both harmonising and expediting are options, but that the actual implementation must depend on whether it is feasible in a particular city or region. They stress the importance of involving multiple stakeholders in the decision-making process and highlight the need for more collective ambition in order to achieve success. Additionally, the speakers touch upon the role of public and private transportation in improving de-mobilization, as well as the potential impact of different scenarios on the relationship between private and public transportation. The discussants also touch on the role of sustainable transportation, the impact of regional and provincial partnerships on de-mobilization, and the Finance Minister's approval of a new urban mobility plan in Limburg.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the discussion revolves around the topic of deelnemobiliteit or an alternative transport system. The panelists mention how they are representing multiple parties working towards this cause. The speaker explains that although deelnemobiliteit, including bikes, scooters and fietsen, has been in existence for a long time, the issue was previously overlooked. They mention conflicts within parties and their differing opinions, but state that, despite this, there is a growing agreement that this is a viable alternative to private cars. The speaker also talks about projects to increase the availability of fietsupstellen (fiets parking) and the importance of facilitating the transition from private car use to alternative modes of transport. They emphasize the importance of collecting data to understand the effectiveness of such initiatives and to identify any challenges that may arise. The speaker suggests that there is need to approach this issue in a coordinated manner by investing more in alternative transport options.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different ways of transportation and the need to facilitate both private cars and shared mobility options. They mention the importance of not completely eliminating private cars but rather providing parking facilities and exploring new parking policies that prioritize the use of shared mobility and bicycles. The speaker also highlights the need for municipalities to focus on the quality of shared mobility services, including availability, diversity, and affordability. They mention the challenges faced by municipalities in implementing these policies and express the desire for collaboration between the government and the market to achieve these goals. Further, they emphasize the urgency to make decisions now as there is a deadline to build new housing within the next 10 years. The speaker concludes by stating that municipalities are increasingly taking steps to have more control and influence over mobility options, and they provide an example of a municipality where they have advised and witnessed positive changes.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the decision-making process for implementing a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) system. The first step, they say, is to make a vision and create a storyline, and to consider what needs to be paid for and what the city is for. The speaker then mentions the role of the government as a regulator and the importance of collaboration between government and market. They argue that this collaboration is not just about regulating and instructing, but also about providing stimulus from the government to the market. Lastly, they emphasize that both the first step and the last step are crucial and that they must be considered together to ensure a successful implementation of the MaaS system.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the webinar, the speaker reflects on their experience with mobility as a service (MaaS) pilots and highlights the challenges faced in implementing and scaling up MaaS solutions. They emphasize the importance of policy measures to support the adoption of shared mobility, such as parking policies and fiscal incentives. The speaker also points out the need for standardized regulations and permits across different cities in order to facilitate the expansion of MaaS services. Additionally, they discuss the financial aspect of MaaS, stating that current revenue models are still in the start-up phase and that achieving economies of scale is crucial for long-term sustainability. Finally, the speaker addresses the pricing differences between public and private transportation modes, suggesting that integrating these modes requires aligning pricing strategies to create a seamless multimodal experience for users.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, a discussion is held about the evaluation of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) pilots in the Netherlands. It is noted that these pilots are intended to create the right conditions for the system to work effectively. The main focus is on achieving a balanced approach for passengers and providers, with a focus on rules and transparency. It is noted that evaluations have shown that there is still a way to go in driving the Bumba (de MaaS system) forward, but the conversation now likely involves questions about the role of government and regulated entities in the system. The discussion also touches on the potential for further evaluation of the MaaS system. The roundtable participants include representatives from the Ministry of IND.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

In this notes, the speaker discusses various aspects of financing and implementing sustainable transportation solutions. They begin by addressing the topic of co-financiering and the need for a unified vision of the mobility system. The speaker then emphasizes the importance of community participation and collaboration in achieving a more sustainable transportation future. The role of public-private partnerships in addressing the challenges facing the transportation system is also discussed. The speaker then moves on to discuss the importance of considering multiple mobility solutions when planning for the future. They highlight the fact that some cities have already begun to incorporate alternative modes of transportation, such as bike sharing and carpooling, into their urban planning efforts. The speaker emphasizes the need for a collective effort to ensure that these solutions are not only useful but also sustainable and effective in the long term. The idea of a "shared mobility" policy and its implementation in cities is then discussed. The speaker suggests that the government needs to take a more active role in facilitating car-sharing and promoting shared mobility in order to create a "smarter and more sustainable" urban environment. The potential for bike sharing and scooter rental to contribute to this strategy is also recognized. The regulatory and financial aspects of the shared mobility sector are then discussed. The question is raised whether a mobility concession or public-private partnership may create new challenges. Collaboration between municipalities and uniformity in approach is emphasized to avoid fragmented and inconsistent policies that may drive providers away. Finally, Marshall discusses the importance of considering the regulatory environment in implementing a two-share model for deaming mobility. He emphasizes the need for a holistic and collaborative approach in advancing sustainable transportation solutions. The role of the government in promoting the use of shared mobility is also discussed, highlighting the need for concrete steps to be taken in the implementation of shared mobility. Overall, the notes highlight the need for a multimodal and collaborative approach to urban planning and transportation finance.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the topic of co-financiering and its potential impact on de financing of public transportation services. The speaker is especially interested in discussing the use of technology and the need for a unified vision of the mobility system. They also touch upon the importance of community participation and collaboration in achieving a more sustainable transportation future. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the role of public-private partnerships in addressing the challenges facing the transportation system. Overall, the speaker highlights the need for a holistic approach to financing and implementing sustainable transportation solutions.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of considering multiple mobility solutions when planning for the future, rather than just relying on a single solution. They highlights the fact that some cities have already begun to incorporate alternative modes of transportation, such as bike sharing and carpooling, into their urban planning efforts. The speaker emphasizes the need for a collective effort to ensure that these solutions are not only useful but also sustainable and effective in the long term. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of addressing the interconnected nature of different mobility solutions, noting that the success of one solution can have a ripple effect on others. Overall, the speaker encourages a multimodal approach to urban planning that takes into account the unique needs and challenges of each city and its inhabitants.
  • 01:10:00 in this section, the speaker discusses the idea of a "shared mobility" policy and its implementation in cities. They suggest that the overhaul of existing regulations and the inclusion of new forms of transport will help to support this policy. The speaker emphasizes the need for the government to take a more active role in facilitating car-sharing and promoting shared mobility in order to create a "smarter and more sustainable" urban environment. Addressing concerns about the practicality of car-sharing, the speaker addresses the potential for bike sharing and scooter rental to also contribute to this strategy. The speaker also recognizes the importance of balancing innovation with regulation in order to ensure safety and social acceptance.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the discussion revolves around the role of government in regulating and financing the shared mobility sector. There is a recognition that the government needs to take the lead in establishing rules and regulations, but there is also a concern that overly strict regulations can hinder market development. The need for collaboration between municipalities and uniformity in approach is emphasized to avoid fragmented and inconsistent policies that may drive providers away. The idea of a mobility concession or public-private partnership is proposed as a potential solution for financing and stimulating shared mobility, but the question is raised whether this approach may create new challenges. Overall, there is a recognition that the current phase of shared mobility requires a different approach from a facilitating government to ensure the needs of the users are met effectively.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Marshall discusses the importance of considering the regulatory environment in implementing a two-share model for deaming mobility. He acknowledges that the current regulatory system is not always responsive to changes, but suggests that having a clear understanding of the political landscape is essential for success. Marshall also emphasizes the importance of considering the impact on car owners, the public, and the market when designing such a model. Additionally, he suggests that cooperation between stakeholders, including car manufacturers, governments, and citizens, is essential for successful implementation. Overall, Marshall's approach highlights the need for a holistic and collaborative approach in advancing sustainable transportation solutions.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the role of the government in promoting de use of shared mobility. According to the speaker, it is the responsibility of the government to make shared mobility more accessible to citizens, which can help to encourage more sustainable transportation choices. The government should work to ensure that the infrastructure and services that support shared mobility are organized and coordinated so that they are efficient and effective. The speaker suggests that the government could make a significant impact by establishing partnerships and sharing best practices with other cities that are already implementing successful shared mobility programs.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the participants discuss the need for concrete steps to be taken in the implementation of shared mobility. They mention the evaluation of the Personsvervoer 2000 and the importance of translating the lessons learned into meaningful regulations. They express the desire to make real changes based on what they have learned in the past years and emphasize the need for collaboration between different stakeholders. The goal is to achieve a balance between improving service for the traveler and increasing efficiency for the participating parties. They highlight the importance of public-private cooperation and encourage everyone, including provinces, municipalities, and the national government, to actively participate in the program for shared mobility.

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