Summary of Historia del ANTIGUO EGIPTO - Resumen | Origen, Política, Sociedad, Economía, Aportes...

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The ancient Egyptian civilization was one of the most influential early cultures, developing writing, mathematics, and engineering. However, it eventually fell due to religious conflicts and invasions. Pharaoh Ramses II was able to restore the empire for a time, but it was eventually defeated by the Romans. The ancient Egyptian civilization left a lasting legacy, most notably in the development of the Gregorian calendar.

  • 00:00:00 The ancient Egyptian civilization is long and complex, with a history that has influenced many other cultures. The origins of this civilization are disputed, but it is believed to have started around 3100 BC. The Egyptian cities were built along the Nile River, and this river was very important for their development, as it periodically flooded the land making it fertile for agriculture. This led to Egypt's rich resources and quick growth. The Egyptians venerated the Nile River as a god. The Egyptian society was divided into two classes: the nobility, who were the highest rank in the society, and the common people. The nobility consisted of the officials in the government and the religious leaders. Below them were the merchants and the artisans. The majority of the population was peasants. Finally, there were the slaves. Slavery was a small part of the population, and most of them worked in servitude-related jobs. The main economic activity of the ancient Egyptians was agriculture. They grew wheat, barley, and peas. The Pharaoh was the owner of all the land in Egypt, but he gave portions of it to his subjects, the peasants, who could then work it.
  • 00:05:00 The ancient Egyptian civilization is described in this video, which covers the origins, politics, society, economy, and contributions of this great ancient culture. The main activity of the Egyptians was trade - they were very active merchants along the Nile River. There was also a very active international trade. The Pharaohs sent Merchants to places like Syria and Crete to buy wood and other goods. Artisanry also flourished in ancient Egypt, with Egyptians producing a great variety of goods such as stone dishes, pots made from clay, papyrus sheets and rope made from papyrus. The ancient Egyptian civilization was divided into three periods: the Old Empire, the Middle Empire, and the New Empire. These periods were characterized by a strong government, competent bureaucracy, and economic stability. However, there were also small periods of instability between these periods. After the Old Empire fell in 2000 BC, Egypt had to face a very complicated situation, characterized by divisions and political conflicts. This situation lasted until the year 2055 BC, when the Pharaohs under the second Hotep Dynasty finally defeated all their rivals and unified Egypt once again under one rule. This started the Middle Empire period, which was one of the most prosperous periods in Egyptian history. During this time, new roles were assigned to the non
  • 00:10:00 The ancient Egyptian civilization is noted for its contributions to the development of civilization, including the development of writing, mathematics, and engineering. However, its decline and eventual downfall was due in part to religious conflicts and problems with defense against external invasions. Only Pharaoh Ramses II was able to restore the power of the empire for a time, but he was eventually defeated by the Romans. The ancient Egyptian civilization left a lasting legacy, most notably in the development of the Gregorian calendar.

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